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Yearly Archives: 2017

NEO – Is Google’s search engine a marked deck?

Phil Butler is an angry man, particularly with Google, like many of us are for what we see going on behind the scenes with the American company that most of us were once proud of.

TRUTH JIHAD: Vladislav “George” Krasnov: Is the USA becoming monologic and totalitarian?

Dr. Krasnov, a former Soviet dissident, wonders whether Russia and the United States have switched places: Now it's the USA that surveils its citizens, doesn't tolerate dissenting voices, and insists on inflicting its mendacious official perspective on everyone, everywhere.

How Afghan Jihad triggered insurgency in Kashmir?

In Pakistan, there are three distinct categories of militants: the Afghanistan-focused Pashtun militants; the Kashmir-focused Punjabi militants; and foreign terrorists including the Arab militants...
Gold Backed Cash System

Our Gold Backed Cash System vs. cashless

Cashless is creeping in, and the reason we should be concerned is because then the billionaires/trillionaires and those who just make money out of...

Japan, US, South Korea to hold anti missile drills

If the US had not ducked peace talks with North Korea, would we have had the continued testing by NK, resulting in the need for a coalition?

Trusteeship for Palestine

In addition to saving Israel over $50 billion (the costs of administering the Occupation, the PLO, notwithstanding over 80,000 strong Palestinian Security Forces, failed to protect the lives, properties of one single Palestinian and failed to protect even a single olive tree. The PLO is unfit to protect Palestinians let alone protect Jerusalem.

Bulgaria makes $2.5 billion holding seized BitCoins

Jim W. Dean - I have always felt that BitCoin was an obvious financial hustle to create a medium of exchange for sucking up criminal money, as a guaranteed well to run the price up.

The Protocols of the Box, an Ancient Modern Day Parable

(3,445 views before 2019 VT website reset) Editor's note: Steve Robertson represents a move at VT, making a home for the major writers from mainstream...

Newsweek: Pentagon “Made Secret Deal with ISIS” to “Battle Assad in Syria”

...by Jonas E. Alexis   Yes, Virginia, there is a diabolical ideology at work in Iraq and Syria. This diabolical ideology has been supported by the...

Top 5 Veterans News Today: Dec. 11, 2017

We encourage you to browse our list so that you can take what you want and keep what you need.

Why Politics Hits Your Pocketbook, Just One More Scam

By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor Editor's note:  Within an hour of posting this, we were hit with a hack. In doing so, I learned that...

Are People Becoming Dumber? Reasons Behind Low Human IQ

A new documentary broadcast by Arte TV Channel has revealed that the average human IQ is gradually decreasing. The authors explain this trend by...

Erdogan slams Israel as ‘terrorist state’ that ‘kills children’

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan lashed out against Israel Sunday, calling it a ‘terrorist state’ that ‘kills children.’ Erdogan promised to fight to the...

Russian Su-35 chased away rogue US F-22 jet: MoD blasts US Air Force for...

FILE PHOTO: A Russian Sukhoi Su-35 bomber lands at the Russian Hmeimim military base in Latakia province, in the northwest of Syria © Vasily...

Should Jared Kushner be fired?

  ...by Jonas E. Alexis   The Jewish Daily Forward published an article about six days ago entitled, “Jared Kushner Was Right To 'Collude' With Russia —...

NNSA, Air Force complete two B61-12 Life Extension Program test flights at Tonopah Test...

The B61-12 will consolidate and replace the existing B61 bomb variants in the nation’s nuclear arsenal. The B61-12 Life Extension Program is under the oversight of the Nuclear Weapons Council, a joint DOE/NNSA and Air Force program.

Top 5 Veterans News Today: Dec. 10, 2017

We encourage you to browse our list so that you can take what you want and keep what you need.

US Caught Aiding ISIS: Fight in the Skies of Deir-Ezzor

US Air Forces Central Command, Russian/Syrian aircraft crossed a de-confliction line into coalition airspace east of the Euphrates River 6-8 times a day in...

Vladimir Putin: I will survive the New World Order in 2018

...by Jonas E. Alexis   When US Deputy Secretary of Defense Bob Work realized that Russia was developing enhanced human operations, he and his associates almost...

Police Shooting: Coward or Insane Drugged Out Cop?

Officer Brailsford was found not guilty of murder because this footage was kept from a jury.
Syria Orthodox Christmas

Finally, Syria on the Path to Winning the War on terror

VT helped prevent the large deployment of US military to Syria that helped to create this victory. We had no need for war and...

Jerusalem Rising: Antichrist Cometh

Hold on to your seats you won’t find these truths on the Remnant, OnePeterfive, or Church Militant! What is the significance behind the recent...

Support the Mueller Investigation

At this point so much work has been done to out the election thieves and robert mercer just came to mind. Wonder what that...

Riyadh advancing Israeli interests, Palestinian officials worry

Jim W. Dean - What we are seeing here is an Israeli intelligence coup being rolled out. As Gordon Duff does so love to say, welcome to how the world really works.

VT Paris: Three Great Exhibitions

Three great exhibitions featuring bio products took place in Paris.

Mr. Trump, Jerusalem is NOT the capital of biblical Israel

Modern-day Jerusalem was never the capital city of David's kingdom

MILLION A WEEK CLUB – The Bad Stuff No 3

The R word measured.

Righteous Jewish scholars condemn Trump Jerusalem ploy

Jim W. Dean - The uni-polar world is already in the wastebasket, thrown in there by the foolish acts of "The Man who would be King", an actor who got in over his head, and gave us a reality TV show instead

Top 5 Veterans News Today: Dec. 09, 2017

We encourage you to browse our list so that you can take what you want and keep what you need.

Did Ron Paul kiss Benjamin Netanyahu’s hind end?

  …by Jonas E. Alexis and Mark Dankof   Mark Dankof is the former 36th District Chairman of the Republican Party in King County/Seattle. He was an elected...
Hands off the United States of America

Serious Humor: Notice Netanyahu’s hands on Texas

Will anyone address this situation, "Seriously"? "Seriously" connects directly to Obama. I suspect "they" are all there tonight. One raid could accomplish it over night. Few casualties and...

FFWN: Two-State Solution is Dead: Israel and Its Occupied American Territories Now Officially...

Trump just handed the USA over to Israel...and the world over to Palestine.

Zionism, is White Nationalism is Bolshevism, the real “Right”

Gordon Duff - With Trump now officially a Zionist puppet, here to push America into another phony war, it is time to reflect on the scum that backed him. 

Zionists Form Group to Promote Kurdish Statehood

Jim W. Dean - This is a fabulous article by Richard. If you only have time to read one background article to bring up to speed to follow the current Kurdish news, this is it.

China Puts Survival of Belt and Road Ahead of Canada-Sino “Special Relationship”

It was always hard to see how Xi’s vision which is illiberal to the extreme, squared with Trudeau’s Ultra-liberal agenda. That they were irreconcilable should have been apparent before Monday

New York Times: Israel and Saudi Arabia are pushing America into war with Iran

...by Jonas E. Alexis   The New York Times, one of the Zionist outlets which actually perpetuated the Iraq war through the writings of people like...

Why did Donald Trump recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel?

The decision of US President Donald Trump to recognise Jerusalem as the capital of Israel dooms the Middle East to a new era of...

US development of ground-based cruise missile sparks Moscow’s concern over INF Treaty

Russian Diplomat stressed that Russia is committed to the INF Treaty and is determined to implement it in full © Dmitry Serebryakov/TASS MOSCOW, December 8....

Iran sees no obstacles for new supplies of Russian weapons — senior lawmaker

Russia and Iran have been maintaining military cooperation for many years, Alaeddin Boroujerdi said S-300 missile systems MOSCOW, December 6. /TASS/. Iran sees no political obstacles...

Russian Su-30 Jet Pulls Up to Il-76 Transport in Midair, Peaks Inside Open Hatch

A remarkable video has surfaced on the Russian section of YouTube, depicting a Russian Aerospace Forces Su-30SM fighter jet as it approaches and nearly...