“Diplomacy is the art of telling people to go to hell in such a way that they ask for directions.” ― Winston S. Churchill
by Jim W. Dean, VT Editor … with New Eastern Outlook, Moscow

[ Editor’s Note: When I wrote this, the US had already deployed major air power reinforcements to Jordan – way more than needed for current flight operations. So the US fake war on terror is exposed to all.
They created the problem to help topple Assad, when the plan then was to move it with a full ground and air force to “save Syria”, where the coalition would have chopped up Syria as Germany was after WWII. There is still no peace treaty with Germany signed to this day.
Russia has also had to move in additional forces but cannot win an attrition war for sure. So the question we are waiting to see is if the Trump Administration still thinks it can go to the well one more time with a false-flag gassing of more Syrian civilians and do a quick-trigger missile strike like he did last time when he was playing cowboy war leader.
That one did not work out too well, with the Russians able to test out their electronic warfare counter measures. It was an embarrassing showing for the Tomahawks, but the US used up some of the older ones. Syria, of course, was in no position to retaliate, which made the US attack a cowardly one.
Russia will respond if attacked, and despite all the Israeli friendly media in the world, with the Russophobic Brits pretending to still be a world power, the attack will be seen for what it is – the US coalition refusing to be denied its Balkanization prize.

But if the US took significant losses over what has turned out to be a staged gas attack like the others, covering that up will be the biggest lipstick-on-a-pig challenge of all time. But the catch is who could challenge the government when all would close ranks to save their own hides?
Would the Israelis be attacking Hezbollah at the same time, with Bibi trying to use a shooting war to save himself from the Israeli prosecutor, which Trump might be planning to do? The American and British peoples are watching an embarrassing display of what our countries have become, the governments I mean, those who really run them.
We shall hope once again that we can walk the tightrope through this cliffhanger without falling off. Maybe, somehow, the right people will go over the cliff, and we will be rid of them. Yes, I know they can just be replaced by one more of their ilk, but it would be a joy see. That will be my Sunday prayer. Please join me if you dare … JD ]
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– First published … March 15, 2018 –
I will not say I predicted the emergence for a post-Daesh NATO-like coalition among those who had been targeted for destruction by the real War of Terror crowd.
But I certainly felt that after the huge losses incurred by Syria and Iraq there would be a populist call for “Never Again”, and moves to form strong regional long term anti-terror coalitions to nip any future such assaults in the bud.
It was obvious to all of us who watched this Rocky Horror picture show that the US coalition was not spreading freedom and democracy, but death and destruction. And they used an established multinational military formation, NATO, not for the defensive purposes for which they were formed but for offense, to take control of targeted countries using proxy terrorists.
Those who so far have survived did so because they had outside help, and not from altruistic, disinterested countries. It came from those who knew they were on the subjugation list themselves.
They borrowed a phrase from America during WWI, which was “Better to fight them over there than over here”. Both Syria and Iraq survived because Iran and Russia knew those countries were the front lines of defense for their own countries.
Should “Balkanizers” be listed as terrorist countries?

Hezbollah knew the Israelis were in up to their eyeballs providing military and logistics support to the terrorists on Syria’s southern front.
It realized that if Syria were closed down as a supply line to keep Hezbollah strong enough to dissuade Israel from attacking Lebanon, then it would be just a matter of time before the Zionists would attack them again after a suitable provocation had been arranged.
Iran saw a dangerous threat to its homeland if Iraq was Balkanized, the Western Sunni areas becoming a Saudi colony brimming with offensive military power. And the Kurds would invite the Israelis in, and with US help would build a massive forward air base with which to threaten Iran; and I am talking not only air power but advanced missiles.
Iran saw clearly that its front line was not its border with Iraq, but the Lebanon border with Israel, the Syrian border with Jordan, and the Iraqi border with Saudi Arabia and Kurdish Iraq.
Corporate media never covered one of the most important aspects of the War of Terror against Syria that was actually a World War against this one country.
Syria was not an extremist country, but one which had a diverse citizenship that had a history of tolerance despite its history of tribal competition not uncommon in the Arab world. Syria was fighting two World Wars actually.
Jihadis have free movement across foreign borders
The first one evolved despite all the massive post-911 travel surveillance. Everyone getting on a plane was supposed to have their backgrounds checked while in flight to determine whether they will continue on with their trip when they landed, or be questioned or arrested based on what came up.
Nevertheless, these controls seemed to have been waived for state-sponsored terrorists. Any yes, many of these airports use Israeli “security firms” to do some of this work, a perfect intelligence operation say if you wanted to make sure you could always pass a terrorist operation through an airport. This is a huge scandal.
When I was in Syria during the 2014 election as a monitor, the Speaker of the Parliament, Mohammad Jihad al-Laham, told my US-Canadian group that they were holding jihadi PoWs from 65 countries, and I am sure more now. We were astounded.

The second World War derived from the US coalition, with a good number of NATO partners, including the usual ex-colonialists, always dreaming of reestablishing control over former colonies, all ganging up on Syria. We saw how France’s Macron jumped on the Syrian gassing false flag hoax to join the chorus threatening to bomb Syria.
These countries facilitated moving hordes of cannon-fodder foreign terrorists into Iraq and Syria as part of the war of attrition against the Assad regime which they felt was only a matter of time before they would win, and they almost did.
So we sit here having watching a so-called anti-terrorism coalition having turned into the biggest, most organized and funded terror campaign in world history with not even one of the perpetrators charged.
Enter the real counter-terrorism effort

After moving Russian rescue forces into Syria, Putin stated that with thousands of former Soviet-state jihadis fighting in Syria, he did not wanting them returning to Russia where they could share their new combat experience by training local recruits – it was better to kill them in Syria. The last report I remember him claiming the tally was over 5000, and a lot of Russian lives saved.
As the US Coalition and ISIS’ imminent failure became obvious, the US coalition – the major sponsor of the proxy terrorism – made a pitiful attempt to punish Iran for its helping both Iraq and Syria.
The coalition used Israel as the junkyard dog to claim that Iran was the major supporter of terrorism in the region and had to be stopped. Western media gave this headliner exposure, but never mentioned a word about the growing evidence showing $100 billion plus terror campaign to break up those countries.
Everyone saw through the scam, that the coalition was creating a false excuse for keeping its forces in place “to defend the Mideast”, when none of its members were inside Syria legally.
Lessons from Iraq’s Fight against ISIS

In Iraq’s case, its army took huge material and personnel losses at the beginning of the ISIS onslaught. Sunni defectors from the army joined the old Ba’ath Party officer corps that led ISIS with Saudi arms and money.
They helped ISIS capture the ammo and equipment depots of Mosul so they could arm the Syrian ISIS forces to be able to fight in traditional military-sized formations. Over 65 Iraqi Sunnis were hanged for their Mosul crimes.
Iraq at one stage was suffering a “death by 1000 cuts” campaign with small isolated units being picked off one by one as happened in Syria. It needed more manpower, which came when the call went out among the Iraqi Shias to form what we would call in the US the national guard units.
These were military formations trained to regular military standards; and Iran played a key role, not only in helping arm and train these units, but providing combat technical support for them, such as coordinating Intelligence and running the drone operations.
These units came to be called the Popular Militia Units. Many of these were incorporated into local areas where they were familiar with the people and landscape and talents. They had their own engineers, medical people, and trained administrators for handling refugees – all the needed talents for the asymmetric war they were in. Iran helped fund these militias for the financially strapped Baghdad government.
Their total numbers were reported to be in the 80 to 100,000 range, eight to ten divisions. This additional combat-effective manpower allowed the regular military to take on the larger concentrations of ISIS in their city bastions, like Mosul and the medium-sized towns, while the militias fought the smaller unit insurgent war.
Anti-propaganda began quickly in the West that these militias were “Iranian units”, a lie of course, as no one called Europe’s NATO members “American units” because the US bore most of the cost for NATO. Almost no one in the US knew that the popular militias were under the direct command of Prime Minister Abadi.
This anti-propaganda carried over after ISIS was defeated in Iraq, with calls from Israel and Saudi Arabia for Iraq’s “Iranian units” to be disbanded. This was of course the last thing that needed to be done, which the threat of the Kurdish secession war quickly showed.
Iraq flexes it post ISIS independence muscles

The Iraqi Parliament had already called for a date to be set for US troops to be out of the country. With Iraq having so many combat veterans now, the idea that it needs the US to train its army is a bad joke.
The big news is the Popular Militias are being merged into the formal military command, with equal pay, benefits, and access to the command colleges, and pensions. I don’t think Iraq would be doing this for “Iranian units”, a construct so silly it could be compared to Catholics in the US military being call the “Vatican units”.
The Popular militias are now a formal National guard force – ten divisions of combat veterans who are keeping their uniforms, guns and equipment. And they will play a role in weeding out the ISIS sleeper units hiding all over the country.
Iran and Iraq are already in a defensive coalition, with Iran offering to help rebuild the devastated areas of Iraq. The Kurdish-Israeli caper crashed and burned, and Iraq and Turkey have announced plans for a joint offensive to clear eastern Turkey of Kurdish insurgents and to end that instability.
The hands of both will then be free to deal with the US’s new proxy army in Syria, the northern Kurds. Iraq upset the US with its surprise announcement that it wanted to buy Russian S-400s to defend against its aggressive neighbors like Saudi Arabia, which played the key role in spreading Islamic terrorism throughout the Arab world with the US’ blessing.
The US can no longer hide what it has become, or maybe, as some are saying, has always been, a threat to any and all that will not submit. The EU is getting a good taste of that recently with a US trade war looming in its doorstep.
The EU had joined the US anti-Russian sanctions when it had a $110-billion trade surplus with Russia. Now it finds itself in the US sanctions crosshairs. What wonderful poetic justice that is. We will have to wait and see if the EU learns anything from it.
Jim W. Dean, managing editor for VT, producer/host of Heritage TV Atlanta, specially for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”.

Jim W. Dean is VT Editor Emeritus. He was an active editor on VT from 2010-2022. He was involved in operations, development, and writing, plus an active schedule of TV and radio interviews. He now writes and posts periodically for VT.
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another great article. exposing the real axes of evil, U S , Saudi Arabia, IsraHell.
Some impressive comparisons there, most of the people in the West are delusional with religions, languages or citizenships being a war or military categories where in fact there is no brotherhood among any of such claims. Sheeps need to wake up, especially those sheeps in the army, wars are made of drugs, money, murder and racket, not of flags, religions or nationalities.
“These countries facilitated moving hordes of cannon-fodder foreign terrorists into Iraq and Syria as part of the war of attrition against the Assad regime”
Assad Regime? I’m sure that was accidental, at least I hope so, Mr Dean.
profiteers and underlings wing it while they can
“with the Russophobic Brits pretending to still be a world power,” The body will not easily detach it’s own leg, and the legs are Britain and Israel. Thus they are secure in their position, but increasingly must rely on their own profits while still providing for the body. The squeeze always travels the veins and leads to the muscle.
The power of the book, is not in Israel or Britain, and the power of the finance is underwhelming at the moment. Any basic military training knows the hearts and kinds are central to domination, so the domination of the last centuries is waning, and the legs are starved for oxygen. The brits have been exposed and Israel has been exposed, so the eye turns to …. Rome. The place where theft turned sacredness to profit and deceit.
We are in a time of abundance. Money has it’s peak power when the top is heavy and the poor are vexed. Belief rules during that. The time of inquisition is when abundance filters down to the poor and they actually have time and means to question anything. Then the stare turns ever decidedly toward the crimes of the past.
ouch ,.. wait for it… 18 – 22 What effect does abundance have on a species with opposing thumbs.
Let the Grandmothers speak.
Nice read, there is alot of territory between Russia and Iran Iraq and Syria.
Thank you Jim. A powerful history lesson revealing just how far down the cesspool the United States of Israel has descended. One of your best.
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