Intel Drop, Word from Syria of Poisonous Treason, given at risk


America isn’t the only nation capable of kidnapping and torture. The “goose and gander” analogy now combines with “chickens home to roost” and a “bill is due.”

You can go on forever doing this, to the story:

Introduction by the Gordon Duff, Senior Editor

What couldn’t be touched from inside Syria I add here. I will get straight to the point while I can. Americans are being held inside Syria. We have reason to believe, meaning “we know,” that Syria captured Americans in East Ghouta and elsewhere. What I am telling you now is confirmed.

Both the UK and Britain have been targeting Russian military inside Syria with SAS and other special operations units, using US drones and even car bombs. We have a list of dead Russian officers, currently at 12, killed by UK/US special operations.

These are assassinations.

In retaliation, they have taken a number of Americans, some of them had been in Syrian custody. Syrians end up with Americans and Israelis caught helping ISIS all the time and sell them back for millions. I took part in one such exchange. They are secret and the money is so much, nobody talks.

That is over. Russia is enraged at the murders — both the assassinations and the Russians killed in planned air attacks. Being honest, the Syrians say they still are holding French captives as well. These nations and our nation are fully complicit in terrorism.

Those of our military serving inside Syria, not all but certainly our special operations forces, are involved in chemical warfare against the Syrian people and are certainly not following policies on behalf of the US or its interests. Quite the opposite.

US and UK forces, the “elite” forces, are involved in treason. What they are doing is unspeakable and barbaric. 

Israel and Saudi Arabia, our “allies” that hate us and Russia so much, are the real rogue nuclear states. Saudi Arabia bought its first 10 nukes in 1982, according to confirmed sources at the International Atomic Energy Agency. Israel steals nuclear material from the US, France and UK using a huge network of traitors and sells it around the world, along with nuclear secrets from their massive spy operations in Washington and the UK.

We have endless high level and even FBI confirmations on this. This is the worst kept secret in the world.

Right now, we are fearful for Americans being held, though they deserve prison. “Taking orders” is no excuse for terrorism.

We still want them back in reasonable condition, and I personally suspect they are not coming back, except as hamburger. Washington knows nothing of the Russians, this is a pack of idiots there.

Pushing the Russians or humiliating them is insane. Ask Hitler, and we need to use such analogies, as we have a petty gutless little Hitler in the White House now. To Syria and their story:

A new random, radical, and hostile leadership in Washington, What can the World expect?

Illuminati: It is high time to take revenge on Putin 

by Nahed Al Husaini, VT Bureau Chief

The Brinkmanship strategy

VT Sources in Damascus say that the new satanic alliance between Donald Trump, Mike Pompeo and Jared Kushner will lead the world to the edge of the abyss. The US Deep State, which is run by the Illuminati, has laid out its political agenda for President Trump to implement before being impeached or tried with high treason.

The face-saving formula stipulates the following: demonize Russia, strike Iran, milk Saudi Arabia, devour Qatar and Kuwait, create havoc in Iraq and Lebanon, and amputate Syria. Trump, who was brought to power by the Illuminati, has to conform or he will be out of office like a Mulberry leaf.

Tranquil, deceitful, and smooth US policy

“We have to understand the US policy objectives clearly to be able to determine the shape of response, and then, determine the parameters of success and failure, because what happened in Syria has led to dealing with this policy, that is characterized by tranquility, deceitfulness, and smoothness,” the Syrian Member of Parliament DR Nabil Toumeh told VT.

“The political scene today in Syria shows that we have America, and its tool Turkey, positioned in the north, Israel and its surrogates in the west, Jordan and the Gulf influencers in the south, along with endless European support, and Syria is raising the voice in the international forums, backed by Russia,” Dr. Toumeh explained.

Saber-rattling or a preempted Strike 

“Lavrov’s posture today is like Gromyko’s in 1957 when Israel and America threatened to strike Syria, and President Putin’s recent ultimatum preempts any possible US strike that can be devastative.

Putin made it clear, throughout his address to the Nation, that any strike against our allies would be deterred.

VT sources believe that the strike on Syria will be a distraction from the FBI investigation on Russia meddling with US presidential elections that ultimately has led to the ascendance of Trump to power. The US also knows that Damascus has a valuable catch from Al Ghouta, and it has not yet spilled the beans.

It is to be noted here that the Illuminati have ordered their pawns in Russia to meddle with the Russian presidential elections; and whispers reached VT ears that the seasoned politician Sergey Lavrov will be removed from his position.

Pentagon: Assad is not our target, it is the Islamic State

The hot debate of the catastrophic strike fallout reached Capitol Hill. On Tuesday, the commander of Central Command, General Joseph Votel (his powers include the Middle East and Central Asia) summarized the Pentagon’s position on the hot dossiers before the Senate Armed Services Committee.

General Joseph Votel

The Generals, who are aware of the earthquake that could happen in the event that any harm comes to President Bashar al-Assad will not take any risk to create havoc that would bring back the Islamic state to prominence. Votel said, “Our goal is not President Bashar Al Assad”, which, in his view, won the war.

Votel, one of the most prominent Pentagon generals, informed the President and members of the Senate committee of his support for the nuclear deal with Iran. What does all this mean?

Donald Trump has been under scrutiny since General John Hutton, commander of strategic forces (the nuclear arsenal and intercontinental missiles), announced that he would refrain from carrying out the president’s orders if he noticed that they were illegal.

The Pentagon sees in Kim Jong-un a card in Vladimir Putin’s hand. Moreover, the persistence of pushing relations between Washington and Moscow to the brink of the abyss means that betting on dismantling Korea’s nuclear arsenal would be in vain, if not an impossible bet.

The generals, who are aware of the Arab alliance fragility, believe that the revocation of the [JCPOA] agreement would lead to a situation where the “the Iranian Ghoul will be released from the bottleneck,” and possibly, the region will be set on fire, “pregnant with dramatic consequences” for US bases and fleets.

European underdog competes to open a channel with Damascus 

“Everyone wants to have a confidential dialogue with the political, security, and military officials in Syria to obtain information, but the Syrian leadership told its speakers “lift the sanctions, and declare your positions openly,” Dr. Toumeh stated. “Sometimes they agree, but then, they withdraw.” “Even our Gulf brothers who turned against us indicated that they were with us from under the table, how can they do it?” he remarked.

Nabil Toumeh

DR Toumeh underscored that the Syrian government blatantly informed its interlocutors that “we do not want new snooping around nests, but we want friendly and candid relations,” stressing that Syrian officials met their counterparts in European and Arab countries, and the last meeting was in Rome.

He cited that the delegates hoped that those gatherings would remain secret, and requested that senior Syrian Marine officers attend the Independent day celebrations of their countries. “It is pathetic, they are floundering, and manipulated by the Master of the Game.” Dr Toumeh commented.

MI6 gas nerve conspiracy is part of the Shadow Government intrigue

The freaky British Government headed by a haggard Prime Minister is accusing President Putin personally of poisoning a former Russian spy and his daughter by nerve gas. This move on the part of British Intelligence is intended to portray President Putin as a criminal before the Presidential elections and to make a hodgepodge of allegations to divide the pro-Russian allies inside the European Union and implant hatred for Putin within the British community.

The British scheme is in cahoots with what is designed for Russia by the Shadow Government. One source told VT “if the head goes in Moscow, the whole body will decay.” Is this true? They even went further by saying that the Deep State is discreetly plotting nuclear strikes against Russia and China simultaneously.

Illuminati: Make hay while the sun shines

The Illuminati are now in their hay harvesting days, and the chaos they talked about is pervading the world; and Trump is panting behind them; but their basic goal has not yet been achieved while Moscow is blocking their path.

They are pushing Washington toward a third world war; but things will not be so quick or simple, unless they are ignorant of the consequences of this war, which means the destruction of humanity, not 30% as they claimed.

It is a dangerous escalation of course, and there is no guarantee that an “idiot” somewhere will press the nuclear missile button. But definitely, the outbreak of a third world war would destroy the world, and Russia would lose a great deal.

But the United States would be the biggest loser because of Moscow’s possession of a “very dangerous” weapon that has rarely been addressed. It is the Dead Hand System that resembles AN/DRC-8 in the United States.


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  1. John Bolton’s Return: The Neocons Have Taken Over the Asylum

    ‘Hardline Nationalist’ John Bolton an ‘Extremely Dangerous’ Pick for US NSA
    “People, let this be very clear: The appointment of Bolton is essentially a declaration of war with Iran. With Pompeo and Bolton, Trump is assembling a WAR CABINET. If we want peace, Pompeo MUST be blocked in the Senate. A vote for him is a vote for war,” Trita Parsi, the head of the National Iranian American Council, wrote in a tweet Thursday.
    Even conservative commentator Ann Coulter raked Trump over the coals for nominating Bolton as the next national security adviser. “Trump when he was winning: ‘Obviously the war in Iraq was a big, fat mistake…” Coulter tweeted Thursday. She linked to an article in Reason that pointed out how Bolton was a cheerleader of the US war in Iraq and lied in 2002 when he said “we are confident that Saddam Hussein has hidden weapons of mass destruction and production facilities in Iraq.” :

    • “@’s it”
      no “gender dysphoria” ‘except under limited circumstances’ Published time: 24 Mar, 2018 01:38

      It must be more of his sillycone double speak about GMO androids unless he’s referring to Annapolis and West Point. They do have GMO androids enrolled so maybe “@’s it”.

      Like the man said … “getum in your movie”. :

  2. The olde reverse head game ploy, where something honorable is debased where then the person will automatically respond with affirming the truth and rebel against pathetic distortions. Now the subject has gained intelligence.

  3. The students don’t protest wars; I did, but I’m 61 years old. They are, however, easily offended by stupid stuff that they are told by MSM. Maybe it’s because social engineering actually works.

  4. Why not put the US, French, and Israeli captives on trial in Syria as common criminals, since they are not lawful combatants?

    It seems Duff is allowed to tell us that Saudi has purchased nuclear weapons, but not who the seller was.

  5. American Troops Should be Prepared to Die—for ISRAEL

    “The United States and Israel enjoy a strong and enduring military-to-military partnership built on a trust that has been developed over decades of cooperation,” said USAF Third Air Force commander Lt.-Gen. Richard Clark, who also serves as the commander for the deploying Joint Task Force – Israel.
    “The Juniper Cobra exercises continue to strengthen this relationship, providing us with the opportunity to bolster interoperability and develop seamless integration with our Israeli partners.”
    According to Clark, the US and Israeli troops will work side-by-side under each other’s relevant chain of command.
    But this is where Clark pushes far across the normative “military-to-military partnership” characteristic of joint drills with other allied nations. He says that US troops should be prepared to die for the Jewish State:

    full article:

  6. He wants a military parade, we should give him one of veterans and 9/11 truthers, advocates for the homeless veterans, anti-war veterans, Iraq veterans against war, anti-nuclear veterans, and any veterans of government service who stand against insanity. Active duty cannot do it.
    Send a message to the world. Much good could come of it.

  7. FaceBook Comments
    VT is plugged to the above source. Use them to “make the POWs” in this post, names, faces and ID numbers. It will be to their advantage if and when they return home because whether they like it or not it will be an indicator that their own do care and are accepting and in most cases are standing-by. They will need all the help that they can get to make the adjustments required to keep them out of the influence of CIA, CSIS and MOSSAD … of special interest will be the ID of Canucks.

  8. The U.S. is vulnerable in the economic area. They owe at least $21 trillion and rising, likely much higher than reported. All the old manufacturing industry is gone with a few exceptions. The population has degenerated to a new low morally. All countries of the world should unite and boycott the U.S. Do not do any business with them. The stock market is grossly inflated. It wouldn’t take much for a financial crash. The bigger they are the harder they fall. Do the same to Israel. Boycott both of these international criminals. Bring them to their knees. Boycott is the most powerful non violent weapon on the planet. The world could show the two big mouths Trump and Netanyahu who is really the boss of the world today if they would only unite.

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