by Jim W. Dean, VT Editor … with Press TV Top Five, Tehran

[ Editor’s Note: The latest lone-gunman terror attack could have resulted in many more dead but for a police officer who will be remembered forever.
Lt. Col. Arnaud Beltrame made the decision to swap himself for several hostages so he could place his live phone down for the SWAT team outside to hear what was going on inside.
All we know at this point is that when the shooting started inside, the team went in, shot the perp through the head, but not before he had shot Beltrame twice. He died of his wounds today.
But the ISIS-inspired shooter, in revenge for “Syria” did not get to use his two IED’s to kill more. The dead and wounded inside were shooting victims, it seems.
Radouane Lakdim, 26, a Moroccan-born French national who thought he would go out with a bang, will go out as a loser, a petty thief and drug dealer, all forbidden under the Koran, so he was a fake Muslim, as all the extremists are.
Press TV gave me four minutes to share my views. I long for the day to not have to do shows like these about losers killing total strangers for a fake or lost cause, when it is those behind the terror that really need some cold justice … Jim W. Dean ]
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– First aired … March 23, 2018 –

Jim W. Dean is VT Editor Emeritus. He was an active editor on VT from 2010-2022. He was involved in operations, development, and writing, plus an active schedule of TV and radio interviews. He now writes and posts periodically for VT.
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How to create a terrorist ? See the movie Nikita https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nikita_(film)
19. March: A member of the French consulate in Israel is captured, because of weapon smuggling to Palestinensians.
20. March: Israeli agent Sarkosy is taken into custody in France.
23. March: Terror attack in France with deaths.
satanic high “holyday” 322 with sacrify to BAAL
While looking at the obvious, who these guys attack, one must look also at who they don’t attack. Professional intelligence always involves a dual track of what you have in front of you that you can see, and then, which is often more important, what you don’t see that you should be. And that is these Sunni inspired and funded (Can you say Prince Bandar?) terrorists attacking their arch enemy Shias in Europe, when there are so many targets.
Someone with an agenda is telling these people who are “a petty thief and drug dealer, all forbidden under the Koran, so he was a fake Muslim, as all the extremists are” that is the way to atone for their sins and seek salvation. They too are wrong. Not only are they wrong; they are the enemies from within for Muslims.
Depending on the degree of granularity of search & the degrees of separation, will show such people, or a member of their extended family, connected to the people benefitting most from the evil-Muslim narrative.
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