Blockbuster: Hannity Faces Jail in HUD Foreclosure Scam But it Goes So Much “Deeper”

Michael Cohen case shines light on Sean Hannity's property empire

Sean Hannity appears at the Conservative Political Action Conference in Maryland in February 2016. Photograph: Carolyn Kaster/AP

Editor’s note: Sean Hannity is and has been the spokesman for the Deep State and its occult empire for decades, according to sources with access to the Cohen files.  Today, the UK Guardian has published an investigation into one aspect, his massive real estate empire hidden through shell companies, all financed with allegedly fraudulent US government funding, making Hannity one of the biggest players in the foreclosure crisis he blamed on others. Sean Hannity has turned out to be behind an endless series of shell companies that made millions on foreclosed properties. 

Hannity’s portfolio of nearly $100m in mansions, tract homes, apartments, hidden for years through offshore companies and alleged money laundering, all done with behind the scenes manipulation of government programs, using his power at Fox, has now been exposed.

You see, Michael Cohen, the “fixer” Trump has used to silence not only his openly reported stabled of porn stars but, according to sources, the parents of young children bought and sold in Trump’s personal “whore house” empire, now protected by the Secret Service…Yes, the Secret Service guard the door but room service, according to our sources near Trump and Pence, can be a little girl or boy, they are “dime a dozen” today, and parents, often a mixture of felons and addicts, who market their kids on the internet.

It isn’t just Trump, the same allegations are made against the vast holdings of the Adelson/Netanyahu (Adelson’s silent partner) string of brothels.

Both Trump and Adelson, through their properties around the world, are alleged, and we used that word carefully though sources are stacked one upon the other, have used their political power and ties to “certain dangerous circles,” perhaps mob/Mossad, as we again use careful terms, to provide key “services” to their “occultist” clients. Covering their fat behinds is a smear (schmear in Yiddish) campaign against “crooked Hillary” and joke scandals like Whitewater, Pizzagate, Jade Helm and an army of lackey’s across the internet, with names like Webb, Santilli, Heneghan, Jones.

The real story goes back to FBI Supervising Special Agent Ted Gunderson, who quit the FBI to wage a personal war on a Satanic cult and led to Gunderson being “taken out.”  The war against Gunderson was waged from Israel and Washington.  Gunderson thought it was all FBI but our sources find Gunderson’s real enemies to be funded from the Bronfman crime family, alleged funders of the “Urban Movers” of 9/11 fame.  Leaked FBI files claim the Bronfman funded “movers” planted nukes under the 3 towers on 9/11 with Saudi funding.

For Gunderson, it was a war to silence his war on a cult that began with the McMartin pedophile scandal and worked its way from the Presidio and the Church of Set within the US military academies and Pentagon to the Reagan and Bush White Houses and their ties to a child sex ring under the Franklin Scandal. Gunderson, increasingly embattled and alone, was targeted by a group of FBI informants now circling around the InfoWars brand and the “Truther” movement, longtime smear agents, fabricators and “podcasters” who now spend their lives at war with VT, aided by Facebook founder “the Zuck” and Israeli owned Google Corporation. It all began with Gunderson but leads to Netanyahu through Adelson and to Trump through Jeffrey Epstein.

A paid hit piece on Gunderson is below, from 2012, with every “debunked” charge against Gunderson now proven to be “not so debunked” after all.  

What is key to note today, the US, British and French attack on Damascus, now proven to be based on the worst faked intelligence in history is not just cleaned from Google, Facebook and YouTube, it is off every media site in the US. Trump can spend a billion on cruise missiles in a massive war crime and it all goes unreported and yet the governor of Texas can mobilize troops against the US Army over “Jade Helm” and Fox News carries detailed fake reports of “Pizzagate” but real scandals are “verboten.” 

The key behind it all is tracking the cash behind the smear campaigns.  Anyone not smeared is suspect.  This is the simple truth of it. Why do you think it was so easy for Harvey Weinstein to hire the Mossad, and we don’t mean “former Mossad” to silence accusers?  Note that we hear nothing about Weinstein anymore? How about the Trump lawsuit in New York where he is accused of raping a 13 year old? 

The suit was settled?  How do you settle a felony?  The suit also “alleged” that Trump admitted to personally murdering a 12 year old girl named “Mary.”  The documents are easy to find yet the entire story, the real truth, Trump and the real pedophile cult that services America’s rich and famous, the gambling empires that run Macao and Las Vegas, and that stand behind the Kosher Nostra…This is dedicated to the idiots who don’t pay attention.  Now on to the UK Guardian and just a tiny opening on Sean Hannity whose real crimes would make a rat cringe.  We begin:


Guardian/London: “I’ve said many times on my radio show: I hate the stock market, I prefer real estate. Michael knows real estate,” Hannity said on television, a few hours after the dramatic hearing in Manhattan, where Cohen is under criminal investigation.

Hannity’s chosen investment strategy is confirmed by thousands of pages of public records reviewed by the Guardian, which detail a real estate portfolio of remarkable scale that has not previously been reported.

The records link Hannity to a group of shell companies that spent at least $90m on more than 870 homes in seven states over the past decade. The properties range from luxurious mansions to rentals for low-income families. Hannity is the hidden owner behind some of the shell companies and his attorney did not dispute that he owns all of them.

Dozens of the properties were bought at a discount in 2013, after banks foreclosed on their previous owners for defaulting on mortgages. Before and after then, Hannity sharply criticised Barack Obama for the US foreclosure rate. In January 2016, Hannity said there were “millions more Americans suffering under this president” partly because of foreclosures.

Read more at the UK Guardian

Million dollar smear piece on Ted Gunderson, now shown to be proof Gunderson was right all along about the FBI and the satanic cult in Washington:

Ted Gunderson: Death of a Public Paranoid

by doug  —  July 31, 2012

Former Special Agent Ted Gunderson suspected he would be “taken out” eventually. As a whistleblower disclosing crimes of the highest order, Gunderson would attest to suffering endless harassment and attempts on his life, from operatives entering his home to sneak poisonous liquids into the wall heaters[1], to phone tapping, personal computer hacking, and years of surveillance by “groups and individuals” in ground vehicles, helicopters, and on foot.[2] Agents of his undoing were everywhere. Law enforcement were worse than helpless… they were complicit.

“I just don’t understand it”, Gunderson stated in an interview from “an undisclosed southwestern city” while on the run from his would-be assassins. “I thought they (the FBI) would help me. Instead… they’re trying to destroy me.”

The FBI, Gunderson asserted, was assisting in having him silenced for exposing the collusion between a satanic cult and the United States Army in a high profile triple homicide — ritual murder, by Gunderson’s account — involving a mother and her 2 daughters at Fort Bragg United States Army installation in North Carolina.

It all sounded unbelievable, but what separated him from countless other suspected delusives of the paranoid kind was that Gunderson, a private investigator, himself was a 27 year veteran of the Bureau who had headed three regional offices, serving three directors from J. Edgar Hoover to Judge William Webster.

He was, in fact, an impressively credentialed G-man whose retirement party in 1979 had drawn an elite crowd of over 600. His book, How to Locate Anyone Anywhere, included endorsement blurbs from Johnny Carson and even President Gerald R. Ford, who took the opportunity to publicly congratulate Gunderson on “his fine career.”

…Yet, there he was, implicating the Bureau in anti-American — even anti-human — crimes, informing the Associated Press that he had been brutally reduced to “living from a suitcase and associating with criminals in a lifestyle that [was] a stark contrast to his decorated career […]”[3]

Naturally, suspicions were aroused (publicly expressed by associates of Ted’s on various online sites) when it was learned that Gunderson had been declared dead on July 31st, 2011, allegedly from complications related to cancer… and only just under 30 years from the time he revealed that the FBI was trying to have him silenced. Prematurely robbed of his dissenting voice at the age of 83.

…Admittedly, 30 years is long time to wait to have a man silenced. Long enough, in fact, that he should have been able to disclose everything proprietary in that time. And, conceded, 83 is a bit of an old age to claim premature death, especially when the 83 year-old in question did in fact have cancer.

But in order to understand the “suspicions” surrounding Gunderson’s death, it is important to understand the whole of the Ted Gunderson story, to appreciate the shadow of fear, the miasma of paranoid discontent that he so actively engendered throughout his life. In the world of Ted Gunderson, every seemingly arbitrary idiosyncrasy, every obscure sign constructed from the random held signification aimed inexorably toward one unifying narrative.

Indisputable though his credentials were, the believability of his accusations against the FBI were routinely diluted by the innumerable bombastic conspiracist claims he would make throughout the years. In his post-FBI career as a Private Investigator, Ted commented on numerous high-profile cases, often — if not always — taking a minority or deeply implausible view, always benefiting from his professional past, never disadvantaged by the sheer number of unlikely or outright impossible conspiracies he subscribed to, never left any the poorer for any instance in which he was grievously and demonstrably entirely wrong (such as in the case of his hysterical bandwagon apocalyptic “Y2K” fear-mongering)[4].

Though his name is virtually unknown outside the hardcore conspiracy fringe, Ted Gunderson will live on in the enduring suspicions he sowed — in each case he explored as a private investigator — of deeper, more sinister plots at play behind-the-scenes. Where hysteria spread, he went to legitimize irrational fears in the FBI’s name. Many of those infected with his paranoia remain, still today, invested in his dystopian vision.

Trying to cope in the wake of unfathomable crimes committed in their midst, vulnerable minds gravitated to the delusional narratives Gunderson supported which, while claiming to confront the stark horror of “reality”, offered a comfortably tidy narrative, linear and coherent, where demarcations between Good and Evil are unmistakably clear, and nothing occurs without purpose.

In Gunderson’s hands, an infamous murder became the work of Satanists sanctioned by demonic government forces — the confusion created by his investigation still causing for controversy and suspicion. With his late intervention, the debunked McMartin preschool Satanic Ritual Abuse panic is revived for true believers who hold firm to an appearance of tenability founded on Gunderson’s claim that, with the aid of an archaeologist, he had unearthed secret tunnels underneath the site of the school where barbarous, sadistic rituals had been enacted.

Gunderson’s investigation of fraud at a credit union in Nebraska predictably revealed a Satanic plot extending to the highest reaches of the government, creating another panic that also retains unshakable believers today.

Gunderson claimed to have personally verified that the U.S. Government knew in advance of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, yet allowed it to happen; he claimed insider knowledge of the truth behind the JFK assassination; 9/11, he was likewise certain, was an inside job… as was the 1993 World Trade Center bombing… as was the Oklahoma City Bombing; Children were being bused to the infamous extraterrestrial holding facility of Area 51 where they have been brain-washed and sold into sexual slavery; musician Sonny Bono was murdered by government hit-men for knowing too much; sitcom actor Gary Coleman, too, was murdered; actor David Carradine? Murdered by transsexual prostitutes… etc., and on and on. Every event, it seemed, was enacted at the behest of some sinister secret committee.

In theory, and at best (if one were to attempt to justify him), Gunderson practiced something of a criminological transcendental metaphysics, seeking the very source of crime itself in each individual crime he devoted his attention to, seeing them all tied to an all-pervasive network of evil. In practice, he was more of a ride-along observer to the shifting paranoid folklore panics of his times put forth by moral crusaders, modern witch-hunters, and outright con-men (and women) who benefited from attaching the prestige of a former G-man’s endorsement to whatever implausible conspiracy narrative they happened to be selling.

Everywhere he appeared, in every opinion he spoke, there was attached the “former FBI” stamp of credibility, the idea that Ted Gunderson was a highly trained and specialized crime fighter with an ability to connect seemingly disparate threads of evidence unseen by the common observer.

Sensationalist journalism quoting from him almost universally described Gunderson only as a former FBI man, even long after he had become an obvious caricature, a public paranoid for hire. Ted was still simply a respected former FBI man even after decades of attaching his expertise to the furthest-flung theories of world-wide Illuminati/Masonic/Satanic/Zionist conspiracies.

Throughout the moral panic of the 1980s – 1990s regarding Satanic cults thought to be subverting Christian-American lives, he would regularly appear on daytime talk shows warning of the insidious influence of Heavy Metal music and ubiquitous subliminal urgings being silently forced upon impressionable youthful minds.

Even as late as 2007, long after any cursory research into his background should have revealed him to be a delirious source of (at best) unreliable information, famed CNN correspondent Anderson Cooper invoked Gunderson’s expertise in defense of alleged “psychic” Sylvia Browne in the face of criticisms presented by professional debunker and skeptical author, James Randi:

Cooper: […] James, you’ve actually called Sylvia Browne a villain.

We spoke to Ted Gunderson, who’s a retired senior special agent in charge of the FBI in Los Angeles. He’s worked with Sylvia Browne, and he says — he says he’s worked with her quite a bit. And he said this about her. He says, quote, “I’ve worked with numerous psychics in the past and very few are really on target, but Sylvia Browne is probably one of the most accurate psychics in the country.”

Now, that’s from a former senior FBI official. Are you saying he’s wrong?[5]


Gunderson’s entry into the Federal Bureau of Investigations was inauspicious, his probationary appointment as a special agent in 1951 — at a per annum salary of $5,500 — the result of a seemingly whimsical letter dashed off to the Bureau at the age of 23. (“A friend of mine got a job with the FBI […],” Ted would explain, “I decided if he could do it I could too. Six weeks later, I was in training school.”[6]):


I am under the basic requirement of being twenty-five years of age but most people consider me to be twenty-six or twenty-seven.

If a person has the outward appearance of being twenty-five and can fulfill the many other requirements, why shouldn’t he be considered for a position?

If at all possible, I would like to be considered as an applicant.

Yours very truly,

Ted L. Gunderson

Gunderson’s personnel file reveals a pre-FBI academic record with no background in either Criminology or Law. A graduate with a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration[7] from the University of Nebraska, his advisor described Gunderson as “somewhat lazy” during the prerequisite Bureau background interviews, though an assistant professor assured the FBI that Ted was “by no means” lazy… He simply “did not excel”. Ted was an “average” student — “321st out of a class of 478” — working as a ham salesman for Hormel in Dearborn, Michigan, at the time in which he submitted his application letter to the Bureau.[8]

“Selling hams was alright,” Ted reminisced in a 1975 interview while acting as Special Agent in Charge for the Memphis, Tennessee Bureau office, “but I love this job.”

Indeed, the job was good to him, and he had nothing critical to say about the Bureau while in its active employ. Gunderson’s file is full of commendations for his meticulously neat appearance, as well as letters that he himself would routinely send to whomever was acting Director at the time, gushingly complimenting them for their stoic leadership and unwavering fortitude.

Gunderson steadily eased his way up the promotional chain of Bureau command before ultimately acting as Special Agent in Charge for the offices in Memphis, Dallas, and Los Angeles until his retirement in 1979.

Throughout his career, Gunderson was a vociferous defender of the not-always-popular Bureau, acting as their spokesman to media during the Watergate scandal and amid criticisms of unconstitutional counterintelligence activities that took place throughout the 1950s and 1960s.

The slick, wavy-haired, broad-shouldered, cigar-chomping Gunderson struck journalists as affable, if abrupt. According to Ted, America had been endlessly besieged by subversive enemies from within. The FBI, it seemed, was the only thing between Us and Them.

Defending the FBI’s use of Civil Liberty violating investigation techniques, such as wiretapping, mail opening, and surreptitious entries, he would claim, “When we had the counterintelligence effort called Cointelpro going in the ‘50s and ‘60s, [these methods] helped break the backs of people dropping bombs everywhere and wrecking millions of dollars worth of property. Extreme tactics were needed if we were to stop them.”

“If [the FBI] had not taken an aggressive approach in the early ‘60s when [revolutionaries] took over the college campuses […] the loss [of life and property] would have been greater than it was.”[9]

Amid the uproar following revelations of the FBI’s clandestine surveillance of Dr. Martin Luther King — including placing a bug in the civil rights leader’s hotel room in hopes of catching him committing potentially stigmatizing deeds — Gunderson explained that, here too, the FBI had acted appropriately: “One of [King’s] top advisors had been identified as a communist,” he stated.[10]

Responding to criticisms leveled against the Los Angeles FBI office while under his personal command for its alleged harassment and unconcealed surveillance of a visiting Chinese scholar at UCLA, he tersely informed reporters of their duty to assume any FBI activity to be sanctioned and just. “You just have to take our word for it,” he’s quoted, “If it’s our investigation, it’s a legitimate surveillance.”[11]

Hinting at a conspiracist mindset established prior to his ignoble post-FBI private investigations career, an interview from 1978 reports that “Gunderson said that the element that has wanted to overthrow the government has always been present but that the Vietnam war gave this element a cause. He added that the element still exists today.”[12] In 1977 (and in what would become a recurring theme), he alleged plots against his life, claiming to be the target of death threats from the Black Panthers, as well as a target of hit-men working on the behalf of Soviet spies in New York.[13]

In a letter to the Los Angeles Herald-Examiner published 17 January, 1979, Gunderson seems to have finally over-stepped his professional boundaries in suggesting that the then-current Attorney General Guidelines were hampering investigations, thereby presenting a threat to National Security. This provoked a phone call on behalf of director Webster in which Gunderson was educated upon Webster’s own views on adhering to, and supporting, domestic security guidelines. This in turn provoked a letter to Webster from an impassioned Gunderson, dated 7 February, insisting upon an expansion of investigative latitude: “Individual rights are of the utmost importance,” he grudgingly conceded, “but some of our citizens are going to have their individual rights blasted off the face of the earth if our intelligence community does not gird its loins ‘with the laudable purpose of prevention’ rather than collecting evidence afterwards.” Now, Gunderson was saying, is the time to bring the fight to the Enemy. “I urgently request that you lend an unbiased ear to a field commander who daily witnesses Agent frustration and overcautiousness. These men and women fear they might overstep the guidelines or find themselves powerless to protect their sources from disclosure. Hesitancy is not a historic earmark of a Special Agent of the FBI.”

Clearly unmoved, Webster replied 26 February stating, “I believe at this time we are able to work within [the Attorney General guidelines] and, therefore, no modifications are necessary.”

Just a week and a half later, 06 March 1979, Gunderson announced his retirement.[14]



By Ted’s own account, it wasn’t until his first major case as a private investigator following his retirement in 1979 that he learned “what was going on”.

“I had no idea about the Illuminati [before then]”, he would explain…. “I [didn’t] know anything about Satanism. I read about it in the Bible, of course, but that’s about it…” [15]

The break-through investigation that he refers to was the highly publicized, still controversial Dr. Jeffrey MacDonald case. It was the same ground-breaking investigation that he would later claim had first put him on the FBI’s hit-list.

The MacDonald case was already 10 years old by the time Gunderson became an investigator for the defense in 1980. And today, over 40 years after the crime, there is still bitter and divisive controversy over whether or not Dr. Jeffrey MacDonald himself is guilty of slaying his pregnant wife and 2 daughters in their bedrooms at their home on Fort Bragg, or if — as MacDonald claims — the savage slaughterings were committed by a Manson Family-like cult of narcotic crazed hippies. The facts of the case are generally available, having inspired a best-selling book and television movie, so the details will not be belabored here… Whatever the evidence may indicate of the actual sequence of events in the MacDonald household that fatal night in 1970, Gunderson certainly did little to clear the confusion with his own bizarre “investigation”, instigated at the behest of friends of the convicted MacDonald.

He would claim that he was adamant that he would not have worked for MacDonald if he had found credible evidence of MacDonald’s guilt. But at an hourly rate of $100, Gunderson reportedly decided within 24 hours of accepting the job that MacDonald had been “railroaded”.[16]

His “investigation”, such as it was, focused on a drug-addicted mentally disturbed daughter of a lieutenant colonel, Helena Stoeckley — located in nearby Fayetteville at the time of the murders — who had previously been pointed to as a possible suspect. Interviewed twice about the murders by the army’s Criminal Investigation Division, Stoeckley’s testimony had been deemed worthless prior to Gunderson’s involvement.

Stoeckley had since married and relocated to South Carolina. According to Vanity Fair magazine[17], Gunderson, “[a]cting on this intelligence […] secured MacDonald’s approval to dispatch a Canadian psychic, the notion being that her paranormal powers would put Stoeckley on an airliner. Stoeckley proved resistant, however, even after the psychic told her that she’d ‘fallen in love’ with MacDonald and that the psychic could ‘foresee a beautiful life’ for her—if she aided in clearing his name.”

Upon securing Stoeckley for questioning, according to another former FBI agent assisting Gunderson, there was an “element of duress” in the following interrogations wherein Gunderson resorted to “unethical means and tactics in a very important case”. In fact, his “interview” tactic oscillated between applied duress and promised rewards of lucrative book and movie deals for Stoeckley’s story.

“Assured that she’d be resettled in California with a new house, job, and identity—even a part in the forthcoming movie—Stoeckley signed a statement not only implicating herself in the murders but naming five other killers (later referred to as “Black Cult” members) as well.”[18] Predictably, under Gunderson’s influence, Stoeckley would go into hiding for fear of her life following the confession.[19]

Stoeckley’s story didn’t match with events as MacDonald described them, nor was it corroborated with the available evidence, despite Gunderson’s feeling that it must have been. According to CBS News: “When [Stoeckley] told her story, Gunderson says he believed her. ‘Because she said that she tried to ride the rocking horse in the small bedroom … and she tried to get on it and she couldn’t because the spring was broken.’”:

“Asked why that would be significant, Gunderson says, ‘Because the only people that knew that spring was broken on the rocking horse was the family, the MacDonald family.’

But 1970 crime scene photos, recently obtained by [CBS television documentary and news program] 48 Hours from the Department of Justice, seem to show that none of the springs on the toy horse were broken.”[20]

Worse, Stoeckley’s confession named five male co-perpetrators, all of whom denied involvement, none of whom could be connected to the scene of the crime, and one of whom had an unshakable alibi: he had been in jail on the night in question.[21]

Stoeckley herself would alternate between embellishing upon, and outright recanting, the confession, but this hardly seemed to matter to Gunderson. For the rest of his life he would point to the MacDonald case and the disregarded confession of Helena Stoeckley as evidence of the United States Army’s involvement in a world-wide Satanic cult crimes cover-up. Though Gunderson claimed it wasn’t until the MacDonald case that he was awoken to the presence of Satanic conspiracy, it seems he immediately grasped the magnitude of the situation. The Satanic threat was imperiling the lives, freedom, and very humanity of good citizens worldwide.

Convinced that the FBI had undermined his investigation into the MacDonald murders and was actively working to destroy his reputation, Gunderson wrote a letter to President Reagan in 1985 pleading executive intervention. The President’s counsel forwarded his letter to the Deputy Attorney General advising “no continuing interest in the matter.”[22] In July 1987, Gunderson sent a rather disjointed letter to Arizona Senator John McCain warning of subversive Satanic cult activities with enclosures of documentary proof: a booklet entitled Satanic Cults — Missing Children, and a New York Post article from earlier that same month about former CIA agent-turned-whistleblower, Philip Agee. The Satanists, Gunderson disclosed, were executing “kidnappings […], human and animal sacrifices, illicit drug and other criminal activity […].” The connection to Agee –who was “obviously a turncoat K.G.B agent who should [have been] in prison”, by Gunderson’s reckoning — was clear: “[…] the Soviets are involved to a degree in the Satanic Cult movement in this country.” McCain forwarded Gunderson’s materials to the Department of Justice for investigation. The DOJ’s letter of reply to Senator McCain assured him that, furnished with any evidence of “violations falling within [the DOJ’s] jurisdiction”, they would surely investigate all available leads. However, “the information Mr. Gunderson has provided […] regarding ‘Satanic Cults’ has been in generalities and nothing relating to specific incidents other than the Jeffrey MacDonald case.”[23]

Gunderson contributed heavily to a general moral panic regarding allegations of Satanic Ritual Abuse and he inspired localized uproars with allegations specific to certain communities. Such was the case when, in 1989, he boldly alleged on the Geraldo show that Mason County, Washington was the site of a mass burial ground for the bodies of victims of Satanic ritual murder. “They can’t possibly go out there and dig them all out”, Gunderson declared with grave certainty, “because there are too many of them.”

Predictably, these statements were met with particular shock in Mason County itself where a local paper reported that distressed county residents had been calling the sheriff’s department and stopping deputies in the streets “[…] asking if Gunderson knew what he was talking about”. As Gunderson hadn’t bothered to inform local law enforcement of his specific findings, they were keen to learn if in fact he did have any idea of what he was talking about. Asked by journalists, the FBI also stated that he hadn’t reported the allegations of Satanic crimes to them.[24] Contrary to Gunderson’s continuous assertions that Law Enforcement was ignoring the Satanic threat, the Mason County Sheriff’s department did everything they could to either validate or disconfirm his claims. Eager to interview him regarding the specifics of these alleged crimes, the Sheriff’s department asked the Seattle FBI office for help in locating the now unreachable Gunderson.

…But Gunderson was having none of it. “If I turn this over to the wrong law enforcement officials, I could blow the whole thing,” he told one reporter. “This element has infiltrated every level of society […] It’s big, and involves heavy-duty, intelligent people . . . doctors, lawyers, prosecutors, police, airline pilots . . . every walk of life has been infiltrated.”[25]

And there is little doubt that Gunderson must have been convinced that the Mason County Sheriff’s department were “the wrong law enforcement officials” with whom to confide such sensitive details. Only two months prior to his mass-grave revelation, he had been confronted by a Mason County Sheriff, Bob Holter, who advised that because Gunderson had been “associating with known drug-dealers in the Mason County area, and because of the fact that Gunderson has been quite public about his former SAC [Special Agent in Charge] status within the Bureau, he (Holter) felt that the Bureau should be made aware of the situation.”[26] Holter’s subsequent report to the FBI noted that Gunderson “appear[ed] somewhat dishevelled in expensive clothing.”

Perhaps insinuating that his appearance was merely a masterful disguise in service to a deep cover operation, he confided to Holter that he was “involved in some type of clandestine project.”

The fear, according to Gunderson, was that if he revealed his sources they would surely be “silenced” shortly thereafter. As with most intelligence that he cited in his post-FBI career, he learned of the Mason County mass grave through what he described as“various reliable sources”, confidential and unverifiable contacts who feared for their very lives.

Of course, Gunderson too was in mortal danger for his trifling into Satanic affairs. MacDonald murder confessor Helena Stoeckley had been found dead in her apartment in January of 1983 from pneumonia and cirrhosis of the liver — a not-so-mysterious death according to the coroner’s report — though Gunderson would be “convinced that she was silenced using one of the many covert, untraceable assassination techniques known to government intel agencies.”[27] One day, he would claim to find a death threat in the form of “13 red roses, 13 chrysanthemums and a three-line typed note on the lawn in front of his apartment.” In a perplexing display of subtlety — considering this “threat” presumably came from a global force of evil actively engaged in concealed mass murders — the note simply read, “Poacher in the grass. Once a cub the lion sees. Shades of death and life.”[28]

Gunderson’s subsequent withdraw into a transient lifestyle in hiding may, in reality, have been motivated by more pragmatic concerns than a paranoia of Satan-worshipping FBI agents on assignment to have him silenced. At the time of his fugitive wanderings, the FBI was in fact investigating him regarding his role in an investment firm, Dekla International Inc., which “defrauded clients by taking advance fees or ‘front money’ to provide loans that never materialized.” Acting as president of the firm, Gunderson worked with two business partners, each of whom had criminal records.[29]


I first called Ted Gunderson in 2004 to ask him about his role in researching a book about a cult claimed to have been responsible for motivating the famous Son of Sam murders of 1976 – 77.[30] I knew very little about Ted at that point and was still naively cowed by his credentials. The book in question was, at best, unconvincing as the author, on little to no evidence, attempted to fit what appeared sloppy and obviously rather unceremonious .44 calibre shootings — motivated by homicidal delusions and personal fetish — into a larger, well-schemed and highly secretive conspiracy. By the final page of this poorly-plotted crime fiction rubbish, I had an extreme deficit of respect for the “journalist” responsible, but I wondered how a former FBI man ended up in the book’s acknowledgments.

Ted recalled finding a vital piece of evidence that suggested cult involvement in the Son of Sam serial homicides. He and the author of the aforementioned tripe had traveled to a victim’s former dwelling, finding a bible had been opened to particular passage. What that passage was exactly, I cannot recall, but it contained a typical sanguinary quote, the likes of which are not too terribly uncommon in the “Good” Book.

Clearly, this was a message.

“But, Ted…” I protested, “this is the Holy Bible you’re talking about!”

“But that’s what they like to do, these Satanists,” Ted explained, “They like to leave little clues, hidden messages.”

It turned out that I had done something Ted’s “journalist” never attempted as far as I could tell; I had actually located and spoken to members of the defunct and maligned hippy-era cult that was said to have inspired these inelaborate alleged ritual killings. I asked Ted if he was aware that a number of the former inner-circle luminaries of this group were now running a rather successful, large no-kill animal shelter in keeping with the prior cult’s own impassioned anti-vivisection stance.

“Well,” Ted opined without missing a beat, “They manage an animal shelter so that they may have animals to use in their sacrifices.”

“How do you know this?” I asked.

“That’s what they do, these Satanists,” Ted again explained.

Gunderson’s “knowledge” was clearly not to be constrained by evidence.


It was following one of his lectures regarding the MacDonald case, according to Gunderson, that somebody from the audience approached him with a book that he would come to credit with opening his eyes to the hidden truth about the “Illuminati”. The book, Pawns In The Game by William Guy Carr (1958), became foundational to Gunderson’s world-view, and he would often cite it as a primary source of documentary evidence for the insidious omnipresent conspiracy at play throughout history, now just at the precipice of realizing its infernal end.

Soon echoing Carr’s own conspiracist world history, he would explain in his lectures how, in 1776, one Adam Weishaupt was commissioned by the House of Rothschild[31] to assemble the Illuminati, whose function was to corrupt society by way of “liberalism”, cultural engineering, economic control, and drug trafficking (among other unholy schemes). The demonology of the Illuminati is fundamental to modern conspiracy lore and exists in a variety of similar narrative forms, Carr’s interpretation being among some of the furthest right-wing and anti-semitic of the lot.

In fact, there was an 18th century society known as the Bavarian Illuminati founded by one Weishaupt, a Jesuit, but the Rothschilds in no way — by any credible history — played any part in it. Nonetheless, the idea of a Jewish connection to the Illuminati is central to the counterfactual Pawns which forwards the notion that the blueprints for the Illuminati’s over 230 year-old plan-in-progress are explicated in the notorious Protocols of the Elders of Zion, a 24-point plan for world domination which includes recipes for planned disorder, absolute control of the press and, ultimately, total domination… all by the scheming, and for the benefit, of anti-Christ Jews… or “Illuminati”.[32]

Protocols, as many know, is a vicious historical forgery, false evidence for a Jewish world conspiracy, the etiology of which can, in fact, be traced absolutely to anti-semitic and fictitious tales of non-Jewish origin. Historian Norman Cohn argues that Protocols, a compulsory text of study in schools of the Third Reich, was nothing short of Hitler’s “warrant for genocide”, his justification for attempted elimination of the “Jewish threat”.[33]

According to Pawns, the “Synagogue of Satan” is steadily working ever nearer to a global Luciferian totalitarian nightmare, propelled forward by the propagation of Atheistic materialism into the mass (“Goyim”) consciousness.

Disturbing as the Pawns author’s interchangeable usage of words like “Illuminati” and “Luciferian” with various words for “Jew” (“international bankers”, “political Zionists”) is, certain passages of the book heavily suggest unbalance beyond the xenophobic variety, into the territory of paranoid schizophrenia. Indicating tin-foil hat notions of a mind oppressed by the jumbled chaos of its own thoughts, author William Guy Carr describes his fear that the Devil himself may be broadcasting pure Evil into the “mysterious receiving set” of each human brain:

Undoubtedly many people will ask ‘But how could the Devil inoculate the minds of men with Atheistic and other evil ideas ?’ That question can be answered in this way, If HUMAN Beings can establish radio, and television stations, from which one individual can influence millions of others by broadcasting his opinions on any given subject over the invisible air-waves then why shouldn’t it be possible for CELESTIAL Beings to broadcast their messages to us? No brain specialist has dared to deny that in the brain of each individual there is some kind of mysterious receiving set. Every hour of every day Human Beings are saying ‘I was inspired to do this’, or ‘I was tempted to do that’. Thoughts, be they good or evil, must originate somewhere, from some ‘cause’, and be transmitted to the human brain. The body is only the instrument which puts the dominating thought for ‘Good’ or for ‘Evil’ into effect.”[34]

Aside from using the discredited Protocols, Carr’s book — Gunderson’s conspiracist bible — contains very little in the way of any attempt to cite documentation that would support his so-called research, yet Gunderson would claim that its unconvincing premise is “very well documented”.

At best, Gunderson’s advocating for the veracity of Carr’s unhinged supernatural horror fantasy establishes him as having been a worthless judge upon the validity of historical documentary research, but does it establish an underlying anti-Semitism in his own conspiricist conception of the world? Is it possible that Ted, unlike Carr, saw the Illuminati as a distinct entity — they being the true originators and executors of the plot outlined in Protocols — separated from any notion of Jewish plots? After all, like many conspiracy theorists, Gunderson was quick to draw parallels to the events of his day and those of 1930s Germany, implying that he was at least somewhat at odds with Hitler’s National Socialist antics.

Rhetorical invocations of Nazi evil aside, Gunderson could be found at a 2006 historical revisionist/Holocaust denier conference for the American Free Press/Barnes Review. A post-conference report describes the wine & cheese social where their “old friend” Ted was in attendance, as well as a “Mr. Theo Junker […] former member of the Wiking division of the S.S. who,” the author of the report gushes, “courageously opened a Museum in Wisconsin dedicated to the memory of Adolf Hitler. It was indeed one of the highlights of the conference meeting this courageous patriot who continues to fight the good fight well into his 80’s. God bless you, Herr Junker!”[35]

Ted was deeply respected by the survivalist extreme right — a “true patriot” and one-time presidential candidate for the Independent American Party of Nevada (a Constitution Party[36] affilate) — appearing in their newsletters and on their radio shows with inflated reports regarding important world events, claiming a unique knowledge of each. Government plots against the good people of the nation abound. Enslavement ever imminent… The U.S. Government intentionally poisoning the air with toxic chemical contrails emitted from airliners; the Obama government has “prepared 1,000 camps for its own citizens”, and, “has stored 30,000 guillotines to murder its critics, and has stashed 500,000 caskets in Georgia and Montana for the remains.”

Guillotines, you say?

“Beheading”, Ted explained, “is the most efficient means of harvesting body parts.”[37]

He would continue his conspiracist evangelizing after the MacDonald case (and for the rest of his life) explaining as late as mid-2011 in an interview that the Satanists are “active — extremely active. They sacrifice like 50 to 60 thousand people a year in this country[38], the cult does. They have secret auctions for the children. The list goes on and on…” Explaining this harrowing state of affairs with proper gravity, Ted then rather tactlessly directed his attention to the interviewer, “This is all on my CD that’s available for 35 dollars… want me to give you the address where they can send the 35 dollars…?”[39]

Note: This is the first of a 2-part piece. The second will primarily explore Gunderson’s role in constructing the McMartin preschool Satanic abuse mythology.

A note on footnotes: catalog numbers followed by section number reference FBI files obtained via Freedom Of Information.







[1] From the Current Affair television program, date unknown, quoted in John Earl’s The Dark Truth About the “Dark Tunnels of McMartin” IPT Journal vol. 7, 1995

[2] From but one of Gunderson’s countless affidavits. The content of this one is available at:

[3] Associate Press. “Agent linked to MacDonald now on the run.” Dallas Morning News 3 Jan. 1983

[4] Serrano, Richard A. “Law enforcement officers prepare for the worst as 2000 dawns, authorities stand ready.” Dallas Morning News 17 Dec. 1999

[5] Islam Divided; Psychic Reality Check; Battle Under the Border. Anderson Cooper 360 Degrees.

Aired January 30, 2007 – 22:00   ET

[6] Lollar, Michael. “G-Man Parts From Stereotype and City.” unknown newspaper clipping contained in FBI file 1172959-000 — 67E-HQ-493471 — Section 4 (pp. 155)

[7] Gunderson would typically claim that Economics was his graduating major, but this doesn’t jibe with the official record: 1172959-000 — 67E-HQ-493471 — Section 1 (pp. 29)

[8] 1172959-000 — 67E-HQ-493471 — Section 1 (pp. 37)

[9] Purtee, Alex. “Federal Bureau Of Investigation Defended.” The Desert Sun 14 March 1978

[10] 1172959-000 — 67E-HQ-493471 — Section 5 (pp. 99)

[11] McManus, Doyle. “FBI Chief in LA Attacks Times’ Story on Scholar.” The Los Angeles Times 18 July 1978

[12] Purtee, op cit.

[13] Stump, Al. “FBI Man’s Job Tough, But Not Hopeless Cause.” Los Angeles Herald-Examiner 11 December 1977

[14] 1172959-000 — 67E-HQ-493471 — Section 5 (pp. 161 – 171)

[15] “Ted Gunderson — The Great Conspiracy Exposed 1/7 PL.” available at

[16] Anson, Robert Sam. “The Devil and Jeffrey Macdonald.” Vanity Fair July 1998

[17] ibid.

[18] ibid.

[19] Associated Press. “Witness: Army Said To Keep Quiet.” The Palm Beach Post 28 Dec. 1980

[20] Josh Gelman. “Jeffrey MacDonald: A Time For Truth.” CBS News 17 March, 2007;contentBody

[21] Associated Press. “Alleged Participant in Jail.” The Victoria Advocate 24 Feb, 1983

[22] 1172959-000 — 67E-HQ-493471 — Section 6 (pp. 298)

[23] 1172959-000 — 67E-HQ-493471 — Section 6 (pp. 300 — 305)

[24] Associated Press. “Officials doubt report of satanic burial sites”. Spokane Chronicle 3 May, 1989

[25] Wallace, James. “Satanic Cults: Ex-FBI agent fears for sources.” Seattle PI 4 May, 1989

[26] FBI File: 1172959-000—67E-HQ-493471—Section 6, p. 271

[27] Adachi, Ken. “Fatal Justice, The Continuing Persecution of Dr. Jeffrey R. MacDonald.” 5 Nov., 2005 (http://educate– retrieved 2 Jan, 2012

[28] Associated Press. “Former Agent Claims Threats.” The Press Courier 3 Jan, 1983

[29] ibid.

[30] The cult: The Process Church of the Final Judgment. The book: The Ultimate Evil by alleged journalist Maury Terry.

[31] The actual text from Carr’s manuscript told it thus, “Adam Weishaupt, a jesuit trained professor of canon law, defected from christianity, and embraced the Luciferian ideology while teaching in Ingoldstadt University. In 1770 the money lenders (who had recently organized the House of Rothschild), retained him to revise and modernize the age-old ‘protocols’ designed to give the Synagogue of Satan ultimate world domination so they can impose the Luciferian ideology upon what remains of the Human Race, after the final social cataclysm, by use of satanic despotism. Weishaupt completed his task May 1st, 1776.”

[32] Connecting the Illuminati and the “Jewish Threat” is by no means original to Carr. A good history of the evolution of this aspect of the Illuminati folklore is given in Michael Barkun’s “A Culture of Conspiracy: Apocalyptic Visions in Contemporary America.” University of California Press, 2006 (see chapter 3: “New World Order Conspiracies I: The New World Order and the Illuminati.”)

[33] Cohn, Norman. “Warrant for Genocide: The myth of the Jewish world conspiracy and the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.” Serif, 2005

[34] Carr, William Guy. “Pawns in the Game.” N.p.  pp. 7

[35] AFP/Barnes Review 06 ( retrieved 31 Dec. 2011

[36] From The Constitution Party’s website: “The Constitution Party gratefully acknowledges the blessing of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ as Creator, Preserver and Ruler of the Universe and of these United States. We hereby appeal to Him for mercy, aid, comfort, guidance and the protection of His Providence as we work to restore and preserve these United States.” … “The U.S. Constitution established a Republic rooted in Biblical law”…

Gunderson ran for office against Republican John Ensign in Nevada’s 1st Congressional District in 1996. Terrifyingly, Gunderson received a full 3% of the votes.

[37] Thomma, Steven. “Secret camps and guillotines? Groups make birthers look sane.” McClatchy Newspapers 28 Aug., 2009

[38] To help give perspective on how remarkable this statement is, consider the Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s preliminary data for 2009 which has the estimated total number of homicides in the United States at 16,591. The low end of Gunderson’s estimate puts us at 137 American satanic human sacrifices per day. (National Vital Statistics Reports Volume 59, No. 4 16 March, 2011)

[39] “Ted Gunderson Interview 5-14-2011” available at

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8 Comments so far

  1. justicialist September 28, 2012 6:15 am

    Hi Doug – thanks for this compelling overview on Gunderson …. I can’t stop reading your blog! You’re doing great work here.

    So you know, my interest in satanic panic and conspiracies is nothing more than a horror geek’s fascination with local lore and urban legend. I’m firmly on the side of humanism, science and reason. I was a teenager in 1980s suburban/rural Ct where the satanic panic was all around and it made everything kind of hyper real and falsely thrilling. Silly.

    I first came across your name in reading your responses to an NPR station with local Utah satanic panic cheerleader Judy Byington. I’ve since commented on her youtube videos (she removed my comments). I couldn’t agree more with you that she’s probably causing that poor ill woman great harm. When you say this:

    “I think a better question to be asked of you would be, why is it that you seem to be obsessed with fictional pornographic tales of child murder and rape? It’s a disgusting hobby, it’s a terrible insult to victims of real abuse when you try to co-opt them into your religious conspiracy theory, and it’s a horrible thing to impose on a mentally vulnerable mental health consumer.”

    You couldn’t be more right. I humbly ask your permission to post that on her Barnes and Noble book site for her stupid cheap book.

    Did you know that now Byington is claiming that her patient saw a girl who went missing in Pennsylvania in 1965 murdered in a satanic ritual?

    “Hill states that on June 21, 1965, she was taken to a “Black Temple” rite in
    Garden Grove, California, where the six year-old was strapped to an altar,
    tortured, and forced to watch the murder of another six year-old identified
    as Kathleen Shea. Shea’s cold case has remained open in Tyrone,
    Pennsylvania, since she disappeared on March 18, 1965 while walking
    four blocks to school.”

    I think it’s pretty disgusting for her to use an actual missing persons case like that, no matter how old. I’d love to see you debunking this.

    I’d also love to know what you know about that granddaddy magnum opus of satanic panic “non-fiction” written by a “journalist” with a last name that rhymes with Berry!

    Thanks again, keep up the good work.

  2. doug September 28, 2012 10:25 am

    justicialist —

    thank you so much for the kind words.

    i have been particularly frustrated by the publicity mrs. byington has gotten for her absurd book, 22 faces. the book is so obscene, delusional, self-contradicting, and outright incorrect, that one would hope debunking it would be entirely unnecessary. however, as you have seen, NPR affiliates, and now — i am made to understand — even dr. phil have proved willing to humor byington’s book as a mere biographical account of a rare and “misunderstood” psychiatric condition. i have written a review of 22 faces that has been posted online both here:

    and here:

    i believe i will have a piece about 22 faces in the next issue of skeptical inquirer magazine to hit the stands in the next 2 or 3 weeks as well. i say “i believe” because, though i turned the piece in and included supporting fact-checking documentation, i haven’t yet received a proof, and i’m not certain the editor got to it on time to make it to the printing. in any case, as you’ll see, i object very specifically, primarily, to the supernatural nature of the book. the question of the legitimacy or lack-thereof of theories of traumatic repression and multiple personalities isn’t even worth considering — and gives the book too much credit — when the book is rife with so many other implausible claims. i bullet-pointed some of the supernatural claims thus:

    Prophecy: The protagonist’s birth is foretold by her uncle in exacting detail.
    Extra Sensory Perception (ESP): apparently believing that child abuse can prove beneficial to the victim, author Judy Byington describes that the protagonist, Jenny Hill, was able to break through certain subliminal barriers, not in spite of, but because of, early humiliations
    Divine guidance: desperate and in prayer, Jenny Hill hears “a soft, yet thundering voice”, which urges her to “continue to write down your life experiences, for one day a book will be written.”
    Divine intervention: In the midst of a Satanic ceremony in which she is bound to an altar, Jenny Hill is spared from sacrifice by a bare-footed “white-robed male personage, surrounded in a glorious White Light”. (Had this “personage” taken a little effort to arrive just a moment earlier, he could have spared the unlucky girl next to Hill, who is said to have been decapitated… but I’m sure His schedule is as busy as His Ways mysterious.)
    Spirit Possession: Making clear that possession isn’t merely a more primitive cultural interpretation of DID, Byington describes that Hill suffered BOTH DID and spirit possession, the latter being cured by the prayers of LDS church officials

    infuriatingly, byington has failed to confront any of my criticisms while still accusing me of “spreading falsehoods”. i have asked her repeatedly to specify what exactly these “falsehoods” are, as i am happy to correct anything i’ve written that is demonstrably wrong. failing this, she simple-mindedly repeats that i am somehow “defending rapists and murders” with my demonic rationalism, and indeed she has decided that i am a satanist myself.

    anyway — i have so much more to say on the topic, and the sister of the protagonist of byington’s book has had some very interesting things to say as well, but i would be grateful if we could move the dialogue to the comments sections of one of the above links about byington’s book for the benefit of any readers specifically searching out that topic.

    regarding maury terry and his laughable piece-of-shit book about the process (yes, the very “the process” from which the domain is derived). he’s another case where merely reading his book with a sensible mind is enough to see it for what it is — the flimsy speculations of a low-quality hack. if you can suffer his page-after-page bloated attempt at building a suspenseful crime drama, you find an interesting subtext that describes a talentless journalist struggling to find a unique perspective on an over-exposed and sensational story, the berkowitz .44 calibre slayings.

    i provided some research for a recent book about the process called ‘love sex fear death’ written by former process inner-circle luminary, timothy wyllie. to be sure, the process was a cult, and timothy is very candid about the cultic lives the processeans led. following publication of the book, wyllie and feral house publisher, adam parfrey, toured with some publicity events. i remember parfrey said that he had reached out to terry a few times during the course of this, but to no avail. wyllie was quite ready to debate terry, as i would be any time, but terry seems to make himself unavailable to such things, and i hardly think he’s up to the task. one doesn’t hear much of terry anymore, but i did see that he posted some type of brief eulogy for ted gunderson in the comments of a website not long after gunderson’s death. i believe his relationship to gunderson alone is enough to certainly cast doubt upon his powers of critical reasoning…

  3. justicialist September 28, 2012 11:50 am

    Thanks Doug – I will reply regarding Byington on the dysgenics site.

    As for Maury Terry, he did in fact resurface recently when the Great Plains Examiner revisited the Arlis Perry case:

    ” “When Berkowitz identified the man in the photograph, it confirmed (Terry’s) suspicions that that may have been the visitor at the law firm the day before Perry was killed,” Martinson said. “And it’s entirely possible that Berkowitz met that person while he was in North Dakota.””

  4. Da Cat January 12, 2013 2:00 am

    Without taking sides on this, as I haven’t read all the available material, I don’t think your arguments refute various cases Gunderson got involved in, such as the Finders/CIA incident documented by major press, the US Customs agency and local police, which tied in the Finders cult doing SRA type rituals along with apparently using children for sexual slavery. The Franklin Conspiracy case he worked with resulted in a federal lawsuit winning against the perpetrator, somewhat vindicating the allegations by the child victims who never the less suffered from a coverup and obvious conspiracy to silence them. There’s a lot of reading here but I suppose this would be his rebuttal:

    There is a Church of Satan and Temple of Set both recognized by the DOD as official churches, and Michael Aquino who was associated with both has a huge amount published about him and things like the Presidio day care molestation case in which he was hardly vindicated despite an apparent cover up.

    I’ve seen European interviews with minors used in SRA type abuse and they are heartbreaking and you obviously don’t do your research if you can ignore the volumes of credible accounts. I suppose the simple answer is well those established “churches” are above board and don’t subscribe to any of this SRA rubbish–which is ludicrous at face value.

    There are all kinds of kinky cults in this world of every persuasion, from Druids to Wicca to hedonists and everything in between. To pretend adults that don’t believe in moral values and abuse children don’t exist turns a blind eye to sex trafficking, prostitution, human slavery as if these crimes don’t exist. Ever heard of sex tourism in Asia? Whether or not some avowed Satanists are involved there are volumes of adults perpetrating these real crimes. If by chance some of the participants, who already are involved in various perversions, just happen to have sympathy for Satanism or similar cults it isn’t a stretch to believe these two worlds cross over at times.

    There are Satanic churches, try Wikipedia for a start. There is child abuse and sexploitation of children, try Google. Sometimes these two sets of characters overlap, try some in-depth research.

  5. prts March 17, 2013 10:44 am

    You satanic fucking Jew.

    [This comment courtesy of]

  6. doug May 25, 2013 9:43 pm

    Da Cat — If my article doesn’t “refute various cases Gunderson got involved in”, you don’t present anything compelling to support them. It is, of course, the duty of those making outrageous claims to support them with evidence. The burden of proof is not on the person who is pointing out that there is not sufficient evidence for a claim to present evidence against those claims. There are people who profess to be Satanists, and there are even — as you point out — churches that refer to themselves as Satanic. However, using the name does not nearly lend credibility to the idea that there is an international satanic cult mind-control conspiracy, the likes of which Gunderson alleged a hidden, on-going mass-murder spree could be attributed to. Are you seriously willing to indulge the idea that a silly do-nothing club with a website and a membership card, the Church of Satan, is to be implicated in such crimes?

    And you make this bizarre statement: “The Franklin Conspiracy case he worked with resulted in a federal lawsuit winning against the perpetrator, somewhat vindicating the allegations by the child victims […]” In fact, Gunderson’s claims in the Franklin Conspiracy resulted in a Grand Jury statement that the allegations of Satanic Abuse were a “carefully crafted hoax”. The charges of embezzlement that “the perpetrator” was convicted of had nothing to do with any investigation of the short-sighted, monotone, and absurdly credulous Gunderson.

    You give yourself away as being somebody well removed from reason when you write about Aquino, “who was associated with both has a huge amount published about him and things like the Presidio day care molestation case in which he was hardly vindicated despite an apparent cover up.” There we have the no-evidence-is-evidence-of-a-cover-up mentally that is the trademark of the paranoiac. Again, when a Satanic Cult conspiracy is spoken of, do you truly believe that either the Church of Satan or the Temple of Set, both of which hardly even exist any longer, can be implicated?

    And then you throw out a bunch of disparate facts that have nothing to do with this dialogue at all. Various religions and religious cults exist. Child Abuse exists. Human trafficking exists.

    Of course they do. One need not accept the absurd to preserve these facts. Nor does promoting idiotic false notions of supernatural crimes or international megalomaniacal super-cults do anything to aid the battle against child abuse or sex trafficking. And then you conclude by saying that churches and sex abuse sometimes overlap. Yes, but if that’s all you think Gunderson was saying, I have an article you might like to read (see full text above comments).

  7. leonie blah September 28, 2013 10:31 pm

    Hi Doug or William

    An ex-FBI agent came to Australia about nine years ago apparently and I suspect it may be Ted Gunderson based on your description of him. He was here as a guest speaker for a conference on ritual abuse. Only professionals were invited to the conference/workshop which ran for a few days I believe. Do you know if Ted visited Australia in around 2004?

    The reason I ask is because my counsellor at the time attended the conference and was one of only twelve participants. She told me later about how he approached her individually stating that she was the only person he was interested in working with and plans were made to exchange notes. I didn’t hear how things turned out after that.

    However since my own personal history involved ritual abuse (I personally refer to it as sadistic abuse) I felt uncomfortable about his special interest in my counsellor. It was not long after this time that I discovered two other instances of people attempting to gain access to my medical files and other information.

    He hadn’t even talked to my (very unattractive) counsellor about her work before singling her out which sounded as if he had prior knowledge of the type of work she was doing. This counsellor has since retired.

    Does Ted have a history of attempting to obtain private information inappropriately?

    Also since Ted’s death, is there someone who has replaced him as the criminal ‘expert’ among the conspiracy theorists?

    This information would be very helpful to me.



  8. doug September 30, 2013 7:12 am

    Hello Leonie — Thank you for your comment. I do not immediately know if Gunderson spoke at any conferences in 2004, but it so happens I’ve recently taken up researching his activities once more in anticipation of finally writing the second part to this piece, so I’ll let you know if I come across anything related to Australia. I have a few more Freedom Of Information Act requests pending, and I imagine they will be rather enlightening. I would certainly be interested in learning more of your past counselor’s exchanges with him, or with whoever it was who may have been promoting himself under the authority of the FBI if it turns out the speaker was not Gunderson. Are you still in contact with this person? Likely it was Gunderson, as you are hard pressed to find anybody else from, or in, the FBI who actually does credit the notion of a world-wide criminal Satanic cult.

    “Does Ted have a history of attempting to obtain private information inappropriately?”

    Ted’s entire history with the FBI seems to be one of attempting to obtain private information inappropriately. I think his own behavior, in part, fueled his paranoia about the FBI after he left its active duty. It is also quite clear that Gunderson also went to great lengths to try an secure testimony to corroborate his lunacy, whether by coercion, promised rewards, or bullying. This was attested to in regards to the McDonald case, it was clear in the McMartin case (where he admitted, with no apparent realization of wrong-doing, to haranguing an archaeologist into saying there were tunnels underneath the site, when in fact there were none). I believe when all the files are in I’ll find evidence of Gunderson’s coercion in the Franklin trial perjuries as well. (If some of these references are obscure to you, I apologize — I will elaborate directly on all of this in my next piece).

    “Also since Ted’s death, is there someone who has replaced him as the criminal ‘expert’ among the conspiracy theorists?”

    Nobody with Ted’s credentials has come along to take his place, and most every professional openly recognizes the Satanic Panic for what it was. However, the same old fools that followed Gunderson are still at it, and there are plenty of under-educated therapists and social workers who still purvey the conspiracy delusions that he worked so hard to spread. In the UK there is Valerie Sinason, a discredited therapist who still manages to get media attention by making claims of Satanic Cult crimes. In the US, there is a delusional little man named Randy Noblitt who is actually a professor at Alliant University in California, where he actually teaches Satanic delusion as a matter of academic inquiry. We also have Neil Brick, a guy who claims that he himself was a victim of Satanic/Illuminati/CIA mind-control (they turned him into some kind of super assassin during the Cold War. Very action-hero stuff) — he runs annual conferences and even works as a licensed counselor in Massachusetts. Not long ago, a con woman by the name of Judy Byington self-published a book, 22 Faces, about an alleged case of Satanic Ritual Abuse — however, the book was not even logically consistent within, it made bizarre supernatural claims, and some colleagues and I ultimately debunked her claims (as flat lies) to being a consultant for the Utah Attorney General’s Office (they have nothing to do with her). In fact, there are no shortage of panic-purveyors who continue to spread delusion to the mentally vulnerable.

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  1. The Guardian … Amy Goodman’s best friend is that reporter, Glen …something, You know the one. The swisher living in Brazil.

  2. Ah Stew Webb. Remember when he alleged Ted Gunderson was a schizophrenic? It was then I knew Stew was dirty, a suspicion which I held for awhile before you gave him the boot. My daughter is schizophrenic. Ten years ago she was a Long Beach cop, She made it through the academy and, just short of the 12 month probation period. Quite an accomplishment. I was really proud. Then it happened and, things have never been the same. If she were head of the LA FBI office she would arrest the entire population and, the then turn her attention outward. Ted was one of the good guys. Schizophrenics are too busy for politics or, high office.

  3. PizzaGate was as fake as Jade Helm. The point in Gordon’s note ignored is that there will always be a myriad of people and groups running these scams, one of the reasons being the deep pockets profiling scammers can see what kinds of idiots and even smart folks get sucked. This is all artificial intelligence gold as the more data it has on you the better it can refine predicting your behavior. This is not dancing with the stars. It’s an industrial scale effort that obviously whoever is paying for it expects to make a lot of money.

  4. This was also covered on FoxNews. Here is his quoted reply:
    “It is ironic that I am being attacked for investing my personal money in communities that badly need such investment and in which, I am sure, those attacking me have not invested their money,” Hannity said in a statement provided to Business Insider. “The fact is, these are investments that I do not individually select, control, or know the details about; except that obviously I believe in putting my money to work in communities that otherwise struggle to receive such support.”

    • I would not call getting into guaranteed government loans a Mother Theresa line of work. Picking off the best properties is an insider’s game, made for rewarding insiders, which Hannity certainly is. Notice the no mention of how Cohen got to be an RE expert with so few clients, and Hannity saying he did not pay him. That shows he did not want records showing that. And why use the shell companies to hide the ownership for a “help the poor” Mr. Hannity.

  5. no such thing as just a gambling empire. one must deal in all the periphery businesses, too. trump and his chump buddy adelson are utterly disgusting pieces of shit. good front men for the scumbag america. eventually, pax judaica will balkanize the north american continent. to their benefit. we’re just another middle east to the slimeball money/ power brokers.

  6. Back to VT archives, because VT was right again. March of 2017 ,, “”This story will play out as the staffers of the US Attorney’s office for the Southern District of New York begin leaking the cases that were ready to be filed.
    There were two directions by our estimation – one against Trump for gross violations of the Constitution – and the other against Fox News, taking down Roger Ailes and Sean Hannity and, we believe, tying them to wiretapping and maybe worse.”” my comment at the time,..”Classic NY con with Hannity finally getting to play. Boy he was thrilled. Wait till it’s his turn.” and if Cohen is the setup man, and Trump is the dealer, hannity is an expendable but useful mark

  7. Well, Absolutely a wonderful intelligent article. One thing they are letting me type this so POTUS can’t be all corrupt. Been a long road but hey camping in Malibu, I bet after the years of lectures Ted did here he appreciate the nature and peace here too. Keeping this short, you may all email or contact me as you need. I stand for Ted, I was the one trusted to be told Ted left stacks of papers behind to keep everyone safe. I got illegally questioned why my honored Vet friend died so I speak, those protected in this I saw could not and some one had to till all are safe. Continuing on, I will say had I met Ted in Malibu when I was asked he still be alive. I pray everyday I could change or bend that time. But we are here. Each time a witness goes public from one of Teds cases he researched or cared about my life turns to wtf. Truth, I exposed voice to skull by age five in new London ct, gifted IQ classes. However one learns you need a lot of backup and safety to go public safely with that. With Teds papers and all the truth, I have that safety now. New London cut, its time to expose voice to skull and the rest of the nonsense, even Ted say pray to God and Absolutely. God Bless whoever wrote this, it isn’t easy. And God bless any who care, I gave it all to bring humanity truth and it showed.

  8. Pizzagate is a total fabrication intended to deflect attention from the real child abuse rings in Washington.

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