Pompous Pompeo – “Pyongyang must dismantle weapons program”


by Jim W. Dean, VT Editor  … with Press TV, Tehran

If a Nobel Prize is given for working out a deal, I nominate Kim Jong-un and Mr. Moon jointly, as they will be most deserving

[ Editor’s Note: Mr. Pompeo has started out with a weasel move in trying to establish an alternate historical narrative to take full credit for any North Korea solution, with his harping on the instant demands for North Korea’s denuclearization, showing Trump he will repeat to the public what Trump has already told us over and over, “You meet our demands first, then we will begin talks on what you get”.

What is going on here is a reframing of the breakthrough on the talks, which was clearly Kim Jong-un’s coming out of the blue to freeze research and testing on his nuclear program and missiles. The main part of the story there, which puts him in the running ahead of Trump, is that he did not “demand” anything from Trump or South Korea prior to his big surprise.

It was clearly a statesmanship level of operation that we have yet to see from our own president. Pompeo was groveling to Trump’s “art of the deal” theme, with his obviously prepared choice of wording that he was going to bring US “swagger” back to the State Department. It was a brain-dead terminology that no professional diplomat would have used, due to its “supremacist” overtone.

Did corporate media pick up on the poor ploy in Pompeo’s swearing in yesterday? I did not see it, if they did. I thank Press TV for the opportunity to have some input on an event like this by getting the lead news story. It’s a pleasant contrast to the media blackout we have in the US.

We were going to do some live coverage of the event, but neither Pompeo nor Trump had any new geopolitical things to say, so rolling coverage was canceled, and then we filled in with a Top Five lead story. After years of working with Press TV, we are able to do things like this quickly, literally in a matter of minutes sometime … Jim W. Dean ]

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Pompeo has his big day, pitching himself as Mr. Swagger

– First aired … May 02, 2018

US Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo says North Korea must immediately dismantle its weapons program.


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  1. NK must not trust the West, look what happened to Qaddafi, gave up his heavy weapons, Blair met him in the desert for a photo shoot.
    Qaddafi said every thing was going to be good, they are my friends now, what a big mistake.
    CIA brings in mercenaries to destabilize Libya, a shooting war starts, the MSM says Qaddafi is shooting his own people, so NATO puts a no fly zone in place ,then starts bombing.
    Half way thru the war, a Governor is appointed for the new central bank, DUH.
    Qaddafi is murdered, and the wicked witch Clinton cackles, all because Qaddafi was introducing the Gold Dinar, away from the US dollar. 148 ton of gold gone, resources stolen, what a mess.
    Arm yourself to the teeth, if you don’t want regime change.

  2. Yea, I’m not too keen on “swagger” being a favorable element of diplomacy. This dominionist mindset has it’s roots in Pompeo’s Pompous Piety. The evangelicals have been hot after N Korea forever, and it is pretty clear why.
    There is the thing, which can be termed, “that which need not be spoken”. Given the recent developments between the Vatican and China, it does not behoove America to walk into the negotiations speaking in tongues and demanding their “missionaries” be given a free pass. I believe this will be the behind the scenes source of problematic swaggering, being blamed on other things. It’s one thing to lower your weapons, and another to kneel before the cross.
    All that completely aside, the Korean language in written form is quite beautiful and artistic. I love to just look at it wondering what it means, but also to just view simplicity and form.

  3. Jim, I think we all know there will not be an end to the N. Korea is a threat narrative. Our foreign policy will not allow it. 70 years after WW2 we still occupy Germany, Japan and, the Philippines and, 2 years later Korea. If Kim were successful in getting the the USA to remove “anything” from S. Korea it will embolden the citizens of other occupied nations to seek similar withdrawals. The bottom line here and, the key word here is “occupation”. Once the world populations recognize that our military presence in other countries is always open ended thus an occupation. Once people start talking in those terms we may see some serious efforts to change the status quo. I think it’s not too early to add Afghanistan and, Iraq to the list.We’ll wait awhile on Syria.

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