Trump’s policies towards the Arab/Israeli conflict have demolished all illusions some Palestinian politicians might had about the US as an honest broker in peace negotiations that previous administrations had built. The fact is all successive American administrations since 1948 until the present have been completely pro-Zionist and anti-Palestinian.
Through money, sexual exploitation, bribery and intimidation the Zionist Jewish influence and control over American administrations and their domestic and foreign policies have been gradually increasing with time until they lately have total control over virtually all American aspects of life.
They brainwash the new American generations through their control over the educational system. They distort Christian faith through their influence over the church and through concentration on the pagan, racist, and violent Old Testament with the “god’s chosen people” mythology rather than Christ’s teachings of love, brotherhood/sisterhood, and compassion.
They shape adults’ views and behaviors through their control over media outlets and cinematography. They manipulate economy through their control over the Federal Reserve, the banking system and Wall Street. They control the White House and the Congress through bribery in the form of campaign contributions, sexual “favors”, and Israel-first-loyalty of dual citizenship politicians.
Facts show that 89% of American Senators and Congress hold dual citizenship with Israel, and each emphatically states that “The US will always stand with our friend and ally, Israel” right or wrong.

Israeli interests have become more important than American interests. The welfare of Zionist Israeli citizens has become more important than the welfare of the American citizen. The American soldiers have been waging Israel’s colonial proxy wars in the Middle East; killing and being killed, and gaining the enmity and hatred rather than the friendship and love of the Arab and Islamic worlds.
Our administrations have given Israel billions of our tax money; $3.8 bn a year for the next 10 years, besides all the free military aids and financial donations by the so-called church and private organizations. While our school system is facing budget cuts the Israeli students get free education from elementary to university studies subsidized by our tax money.
While we have millions of homeless in our streets, Israel is building modern colonies on usurped Palestinian land subsidized by our tax money. While millions of our citizens cannot afford to have medical insurance, every Israeli citizen gets free comprehensive medical coverage for life; subsidized by our tax money.
For the sake of Israel America, in violation of international laws, has become a terrorist supporting government. The US has created, trained, and armed terrorist groups to attack sovereign countries in the Middle East; in Iraq, in Iran and in Syria. In defense of Israeli terror and war crimes against its Arab neighbors generally and against Palestinians specifically, our administrations had turned into an instrument of terror against other countries and against international organizations and independent corporations.
Our administrations had opposed, vetoed and violated UNSC resolutions, bribed member countries to vote with us and threatened those who did not.
Our rude ambassador to the UN; Nimrata “Nikki” Haley’s intimidating threat of “we are taking names” of countries who vote against Israel has been blessed by Trump’s administration.
Our national security adviser; John Bolton, threatened International Criminal Court (ICC) and its judges if they investigate the US and Israel of war crimes. He also threatened all countries that would cooperate with the ICC in such investigations. His threats admit implicitly that US and Israel had committed war crimes.
What do we get in return from this friend and ally? No “thank you” but attacks on our navy ships; USS Liberty attack, theft of our nuclear material and technologies; the Apollo affairs , spying on our government, military, and private communication systems, and worst of all the 911 terror attacks and manipulation of and interference in our electoral system and policies through the dual citizen foreign body Zionist Jewish AIPAC.
Still to make matters worse and to make the US even more criminal than it is already now, those Judaic global power elite; the hidden global government, who controls both Israel and the USA, is pushing our administration to commit yet another global genocidal crime against the Palestinians as they had pushed our American “founding fathers” in the past to commit the genocide of more than 100 million native indigenous American Indians throughout the North American Continent; and the 6-150 million African slave holocaust.
The establishment of the USA is used by these Judaic elite as a pattern to follow in the establishment of Greater Israel Project. Ancient Europeans used superior military power to start their occupation of American territories. These settlers (occupiers) created division and enmity among the different native American tribes, sold arms to all parties encouraging them to fight and annihilate each other, and finally they banished the last tribe standing after becoming weak into deserted areas calling them “Indian Reservations”; Trail of Tears ending into communal concentration camps.
Similarly, Zionist terrorist gangs occupied Palestine. With the help of American administrations, they created divisions and conflicts among Arab countries. They created and armed terrorist groups to wreak havoc in the area. They sold weapons to different Arab regimes and encouraged them to fight each other. Eventually, after the anticipated future destruction of Arab countries, the survivors would be banished into “Arab Reservations” in the desert.
The deal of the century; also dubbed Trump’s deal, is just another phase in the Greater Israel Project. The previous phase; Oslo Accord, granted Israelis Palestinian recognition and approval of their existence on 78% of Palestine, gave Israel control over Palestinian tax collecting process, paved the way for Israel to form economic, political, security, and military cooperation with some Arab countries, did not restrict Israel from expanding its colonies on usurped Palestinian land, and postponed the main issues of Jerusalem status, refugees right of return, water allocations and border recognition until 1999.
In return the PLO gave up its military struggle to liberate Palestine, agreed to function as an Israeli proxy security forces to suppress any Palestinian dissent or uprising, and accepted a fake authority over 22% only of Palestine proper.
Following the commands of their racist god not to make peace covenant with their enemies so that he will drive them away little by little (Exodus 23: 30-32) Israel did not honor Oslo Agreement, rather they continued murdering Palestinians, usurping their land and expanding and building new colonies in the West Bank area allotted for the future Palestinian state.
Israelis, with President Abbas as their puppet, had also disrupted the Palestinian political process and election, and directed Abbas to oppose and isolate the democratically elected Hamas government in Gaza. A person like Abbas, who gave up his right of return to his birth place; Safad, will betray his own people and give up Palestinian right of return.
After taking everything from Palestinians through Oslo Accord, Zionized American administration believes now is the right time to implement the Deal of the Century without any real obstacles taking advantage of the divisions and the conflict within the Arab World that the US had provoked. The ultimate goals of the Deal of the Century are to announce east and west Jerusalem city united as Israel’s capital, to legalize all colonies in the West Bank, to terminate the issue of Palestinian refugees, and to shrink the PA even further.
Trump started in December 2017 with the recognition of the whole Jerusalem city as the capital of Israel and the decision to move the American embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem in violation of all international agreements. The Palestinians were offered the small town of Abu Dis as their capital. Trump assigned this task to his ardent Zionist Jewish son-in-law; Jared Kushner, and later added his advisor on Israel; Jewish Jason Greenblatt to the team.
Both met with Arab leaders; Saudis, Emiratis, Egyptians and Jordanians, discussing the specifics of the deal. They did not meet with Palestinian officials, who rejected Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as Israeli capital and the embassy move, announced US as an Israeli partner rather than honest peace broker, and refused to meet with the American team.
The Arab leaders recommended not to disclose the details of the Deal but to force its implementation in gradual steps to avoid large popular anger and demonstrations similar to what is happening in Gaza Strip and the West Bank. For the last 25 weeks, since March 30th Palestinians in Gaza have been marching towards the barrier fence separating them from their occupied land, in demonstration rejecting Trump’s Deal and demanding to implement UNSC Resolution 194 granting the refugees the right to return to their own lands and homes.
Trump’s next step was to end the refugee issue. In January 2018 he decreased American aid to the humanitarian United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian refugees (UNRWA) from $365 million to $65 million, and in August 2018 he cut all aids to this international organization. He diverted the money towards “more urgent projects” in Israel such as housing projects (settlements/colonies).
These colonies grew from 144 before Oslo Accord to 515 after Oslo and are still growing. UNRWA is the life line for 5.3 million Palestinian refugees living in 58 refugee camps in neighboring Arab countries. The plan is to give economic aid to these Arab countries to grant Palestinian refugees legal citizenship, thus ending the refugee problem. At least that is what Trump is planning for.
To twist the PA’s hand back to the negotiating table to sign on the Deal, Trump stopped all financial aid to all PA’s branches except the security forces. The Deal of the Century needs Palestinian signature to give it a semblance of approval and legality. Yet, no Palestinian leader, whether Abbas or whoever might replace him, dares to sign such an agreement. Such a signature means grave betrayal that would lead to assassination.
To increase the pressure on Abbas Trump’s administration cut last week, September 9th, $25 million in aid to Palestinian hospitals in east Jerusalem, and on September 10th the State Department announced the forceful closure of the PLO office in Washington citing PLO’s refusal to return to US-led negotiations with Israel, when the real cause is PA’s threat to file claim with the International Criminal Court (ICC) against late Israeli crimes in Gaza Strip, where Israeli snipers shot dead 183 unarmed peaceful Palestinian protesters that include women, children, reporters and medics. Finally, on September 16th, the US revoked the visas of Palestinian ambassador; Husam Zomlot and his family, closed their bank accounts and ordered them out of the country.
After beating the Palestinians hard with the stick without getting any results, Trump offered Abbas a carrot of $5 billion in economic aid to entice him to come back to the negotiating table. Those billions would be paid of course by Saudi and Emirati money. The question is what would the Palestinian negotiate about after Trump had removed the important issues of Jerusalem, the refugees, settlements/colonies, and water and border from the negotiating table.
Trump and his son-in-law Kushner are not politicians; they lack political experience. They do not have enough historical knowledge of the Middle East, and have no understanding nor appreciation of the Palestinians’ mentality and sentimentality. Thinking as businessmen, they believe that money can buy everything. As a businessman Trump had filed for bankruptcy several times, and his attempts to buy Palestinian approval will bankrupt too.
He does not understand patriotism such as that of Palestinians, who have been fighting for their freedom and their homeland for generations and are sacrificing precious lives to obtain it. His attempt to starve or to bribe Palestinians to succumb to his policies will backfire violently.
Palestinians become more determined to resist and demand their rights as we see in Gaza. They would starve to death anyway, mind as well die honorably while resisting rather than die silently. Trump’s genocidal policies are planting the seeds of violence, and will reap more violence.

Dr. Elias Akleh is an Arab-American from Palestinian descent. His family was evicted from Haifa, Palestine after the 1948 Nakba when Zionists stole his family’s property. Then the family was evicted again from the West Bank during the 1967 Naksah, after Zionists again, occupied the rest of Palestine.
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