VT Sources: Trump, Pompeo Have Had Murder Audio for 4 Days and Lied and Lied and Lied

    US Intelligence Contractors (NSA) monitoring the comm spectrum in Istanbul listened to the murder in "realtime"


    Editor’s note:  VT has known about these recordings all along as has President Trump and Secretary of State Pompeo.  While defending Saudi Arabia and, in Trump’s case, lying about how much business the US does with the Saudi’s, which isn’t all that much, Trump had long ago listened to Khashoggi being tortured and hacked to pieces.

    He listened to the tape over and over and lied about it anyway, lied about everything, all the while, Saudi Arabia has gone to Iran and asked them to join against the US if Trump even opens his mouth.

    The issue, of course, is that Saudi Arabia does business with Trump, he has licenses to run covert high level whore houses and gambling dens inside Saudi Arabia, an attempt on their part to prevent the huge river of cash normally flowing to the UAE where Saudi’s go to drink and party, filling the 5 star hotels.

    The enlightened new prince, with Trump and Kushner’s help, was going to keep the drugs and whores close to home, saving Saudi Arabia billions.

    You see, Saudi Arabia spends far more on whores than it does planes and tanks, but that’s another story, one Khashoggi was going to tell.

    From the Guardian:

    • Audio reportedly proves Khashoggi was tortured then killed
    • Trump points to Saudi role as important strategic partners

    Donald Trump says the US has asked Turkey for an audio recording of Jamal Khashoggi’s death which reportedly proves he was brutally tortured before his premeditated murder inside the Saudi consulate in Istanbul.

    Turkish officials said the audio recording had been handed over to the US and Saudi Arabia. But on Wednesday, Trump told reporters: “We’ve asked for it … if it exists” – before adding that it “probably does” exist.

    Trump had previously suggested he believes the denials of responsibility from the Saudi King Salman and Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, and warned against a rush to judgement.

    On Wednesday, Trump denied he was covering up for the Saudi royals but at the same time pointed to their importance as strategic and commercial partners.

    “I’m not giving cover at all. And with that being said, Saudi Arabia has been a very important ally of ours in the Middle East. We are stopping Iran,” he told reporters.

    But Trump’s defence of the Saudi royals has become increasingly difficult as Turkish government leaks and press reports have revealed more details about the grisly nature of Khashoggi’s fate and the involvement of Saudi operatives close to the Saudi crown prince.

    read more at UK Guardian


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    1. Why did the Saudis try to hide this unspeakable inhumane crime against another human being behind closed doors in secret? Why didn’t they do it in the street for all to see how backward and brutal these inhuman pieces of garbage, lower than any animals, are, for the whole world to observe them? In high school over 60 years ago we called people like this Chicken Shits or worse. If there are tapes or films of their gross misconduct and murder they must be seen by everyone in the world every day for a year. Then let the world deal with these international rapists of humanity and murderers. Perhaps it is the Saudis, or Israelis, if they had a part in this, who must be wiped off the face of the Earth like one wipes feces off one’s rear end. The only amazing thing is we have not heard the role of Israel in this scam yet have we? Surely they must be involved in such an evil act somewhere mustn’t they?

      • After all Israel did 9/11/01 but has not even been punished for over 17 years!
        • “Larry Silverstein – is a Jewish American businessman from New York. Silverstein obtained a 99 year lease on the entire world trade center complex on 24 July, 2001. [3] The towers were in fact close to worthless, being filled with asbestos, [4] yet Silverstein “felt a compelling urge to own them”. Silverstein had breakfast in “Windows on the World” restaurant (located in North Tower 107th Floor) every morning. [5] but broke this routine on the morning of 11 September 2001. Silverstein’s two children, who also worked in the WTC, were also absent from work that day. Larry Silverstein was paid a little over $4.5 Billion in insurance money as a result of the destruction of the WTC complex. [6] Silverstein was on personal friendship terms with Zionist media-magnate Rupert Murdoch, former Israeli president Ariel Sharon, as well as Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu. Silverstein was such good friends with Netanyahu that, according to the Israeli newspaper Haaretz he would speak with him on the phone every sunday. [7]
        • Video – Where was Larry Silverstein on 9/11?”

    2. It doesn’t surprise me in the least that Trump allegedly listened to the torture tape “over and over.” After all, birds of a feather flock together. Trump, Kavanaugh, and Gina Haspel are all pro-torture authoritarians of the worst kind. And contrary to popular opinion, Kavanaugh is NOT a strict constitutional constructionist; he has a soft spot when it comes to the police and military and their jurisdiction.

    3. LS…

      Body Language tells it all !
      But who gives a sh#t anymore !
      We are all doomed ! It is all negation Rabbi !

    4. Inhuman garbage from the dark ages run Saudi Arabia but the love of MONEY and Oil put the whores in America in bed with them. The U.S. is equally guilty for their crimes against humanity.
      This is all why censorship by government has now arrived here at home too. Is our own secret CIA any different than the thugs who dismembered Khashoggi? Everyone of these criminals must be rounded up by an international force and brought to justice. Israel lover Trump is a worthless piece of garbage himself from the dark ages in New York. Lying Lawyer Roy Cohn taught him all these tricks to terrorized folks to get his selfish way. It looks like “civilization of 2018” is returning to the dark ages today.

    5. That’s not the thrust of the article. It is you know about but you are not acting. I guess the Saudis have something on them all.

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