assassination of President LINCOLN:
____ Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio____
“There is a thread that binds all great crimes.
A single political project … ”
Rocco Chinnici
Judge – Head of Education of the Court of Palermo
During the “dala massacre” at Pipitone Palermo on July 29, 1983, 35 people were torn apart by a car bomb — the investigating judge, Rocco Chinnici, the founder of the Anti-Mafia Pool with Giovanni Falcone and Paolo Borsellino, and the men of his escort. In their memory, we wish to follow that thread on the great crimes of history – not only Italian – and try to unravel the tangle of that great political project that has an occult principal responsive to the freemasonry name.
It should certainly be given that not all Masons are accomplices of the killings, but by virtue of brotherhood or collusion with the principals to protect the reputation, they have been naively incredulous before the responsibilities of the loggia of friends. It must be stressed that the criminal operations of the Masons is expressed through secret lodges, blankets and elite.
For brevity, I will necessarily leave out many historical steps that I will take up in any subsequent articles, but sources in footnotes enable further details. Here I will mention the crimes and their connections with those prominent masters of Freemasonry that not only were accomplices of the mafia, but used it and even invented it! For now, we’ll just talk about the murders of Chinn, US President Abraham Lincoln and Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria, and the International Masonic conspiracies until the First World War.

Leonardo Sciascia, Sicilian poet and writer, wrote: “The most complete and essential definition that you can give the Mafia, we believe it is this: the Mafia is a criminal organization, with the purpose of illicit enrichment for its members, which imposes as parasitic brokerage, and sets by means of violence, including the property and work, between production and consumption, between the citizen and the State “(Salvatore Shoemaker, History of the Mafia, Small Basic library, and. Phoenix 2000) .
In a study published in 1972, and Illustrated History carefully reconstructs the origin of the term Mafia. He also picks up the theory on the introduction of the word in the island, brought back to the unification of the Kingdom of Italy, expressed by Charles Heckethorn (Charles W. Heckethorn, Secret Societies of All Ages and Countries, London, G. Redway, 1897), which focuses on Mazzini’s secret mission to Sicily which took place in 1860, the year before the unification of Italy; this theory, then picked up by the economist and sociologist Giuseppe Palomba, says the term “MAFIA” is merely an abbreviation of the words: “Mazzini Authorizes thefts Fires Poisonings.”
Of all the hypotheses on the etymology, this word seems the most appropriate to the context of that time as today. As I will highlight in other articles, just rereading the insurrectionary acts of Mazzini, which look like those of George Soros today in Orange Revolutions, you can understand how incancrenito [gangrenous] in the history of Italy is the Kingdom of Sardinia to the Republic, [as it is] the spirit conspirator and criminal nature of masonry. Suffice to say that this revolutionary, who won the 33 degree Masonic, the highest, right from the Supreme Palermo Council of the Scottish Rite – although sentenced by two Courts to death and then pardoned, as was Albert Pike (read previous article Freemasonry and Satanism) – was arrested four times, but could afford to live comfortably, thanks to close friendships with English Masons.
Suffice to say that he lived his last run, the same way as a Mafia boss, in Pisa in the home of Pellegrino Rosselli, his wife’s uncle Ernest Nathan, the Anglo-Italian Grand Master of the Grand Orient from 1896 to 1904 and from 1917 to 1919, who was also the elected Mayor of Rome in 1907. (On the role of international conspirator Mazzini and the revolutionary ideals of the elite Freemasonry aimed at world wars, also read the previous article Freemasonry and Satanism.)

The car was parked outside the house of Rocco Chinnici. He was killed so the judge. Together with Mario Trapassi Marshal of the Carabinieri, the pinned Salvatore Bartolotta and the caretaker of the building, Stephen Li Sacchi.
“Picking up the thread of our discourse – Before turning to the mafia of the period from the unification of the Kingdom of Italy in the First World War and the advent of fascism, we must briefly but necessarily precede it and as an association under that name before unification, he had never existed in Sicily, “so declared their Rocco Chinnici confirming the reconstruction made by the same Sciascia whose writings he was certainly aware of.

“The Mafia – the judge said in an interview – was always reaction, conservation, defense and so accumulation of wealth. First it was the feud to defend; they are now the largest public procurement, most opulent markets; smuggling [as they] travel the world and administer thousands of billions. The Mafia is therefore tragic, mad, [a] cruel vocation to wealth. The same Mafia is a way of doing politics through violence — [if it] is fatal, then you are looking for a complicity, a match, an alliance with pure politics, i.e. practically with power. If she wants me to ask how this complicity is concrete, with what men of power, with such forms of criminal alliance, I can not go into detail. It would like to report the intention or the direction of the investigation. ”
It would be a long list of political bosses, and [it] ended up in the crosshairs of the magistrate. We just remember that Michele Greek, said the Pope for his role inside the Cosa Nostra Dome, although condemned for generic crimes of association with the Mafia, was acquitted after daring than 7 processes (and an investigation into alleged corruption of judges, these judgments vanished into thin air) for the massacre of Pipitone, and [he] therefore could not be retried during the next and decisive legal proceedings, in which the Court of Appeal of Caltanissetta, June 25, 2002, stated that the judgment of the Court of Assizes (with minor variations):
confirmed the life sentences for Salvatore Riina, Bernardo Provenzano, Raffaele Ganci, Antonino Madonia, Salvatore Buscemi, Anthony Geraci, Giuseppe Calo, Francesco Madonia, Salvatore and Giuseppe Montalto, Stephen Hooks and Vincenzo Galatolo. Acquitted Motisi Matthew and Joseph Farinella, which at first instance had been imposed life imprisonment.
Reduced from 18 to 15 and 16 years in prison sentence, respectively, for the “collaborators” Anzelmo Francesco Paolo and Giovanni Brusca. Confirmed instead 18 years in prison each for Giovanbattista Ferrante and Calogero Ganci. A verdict confirmed by the Supreme Court a year later.


At trial, it hinged on the basic confessions of Giovanni Brusca, and others repented; Nino and Ignazio Salvo were not accused because both died in the meantime. According to Brusca, [the death of Judge Chinn was because he was] annoying cousins Salvo with inquiries about their activities in the field of tax collection; “accompanied Ignazio and Nino Salvo in Dammusi in a house, where my father Bernard and Toto Riina” confessed they were waiting for them. That day, [which was, according to] Brusca six months before the massacre, “Ignazio Salvo, in a euphoric way said, “[We] finally break the horns to that cuckold “, referred to Chinn. After the massacre, in fact, the Salvos said. “We made several attempts to approach him, but we never did.'” The prosecution of Assizes process,

A link already emerged years earlier when, on 12 November 1984, the judge Giovanni Falcone asked and obtained the arrest of the Salvo cousins on charges of mafia-type association.
Nino Salvo died in Switzerland in a clinic in Bellinzona, January 19, 1986 from cancer, surrounded by his relatives. He had not yet completed the maxi trial of Palermo, in which he was accused together with his cousin and hundreds of other people. But what were the political-economic sanctuaries referred to by the judges?
Sometime after his death, it was discovered that Nino Salvo had joined the loggia of the universal Scottish Rite Ancient and Accepted. And not in any lodge, but the “Supreme Council of Italy” in Via Roma in Palermo, the same [lodge] that a century earlier had given the 33 degree to Giuseppe Mazzini, [with] the same ritual obedience of Confederate General Albert Pike, founder of Ku Klux Klan.

A courier of the Illuminati named Johann Jakob Lanz, a former Catholic priest, was killed by a lightning Nerl 1785 while going through on horseback the city of Regensburg. By examining the contents of his saddle bag, the police discovered the existence of the Order of the Illuminati, and detailed plans for the upcoming French Revolution. The Bavarian authorities alerted the French Government on the impending disaster, but it disregarded this warning.
The Bavarian police arrest all members of the Order of the Illuminati they managed to find, but Weishaupt and other followers managed to hide and evade arrest. Who are the Illuminati?
In 1777, the banker jew Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1744-1812) brought together twelve of his most influential friends and convinced them of the fact that if they join their resources, they will dominate the world.
This meeting took place in Frankfurt, Germany. Rothschild also informs his friends that he had found the perfect candidate, an individual with an incredible intellect and great ingenuity, to guide the organization that he designed: this man is Adam Weishaupt (1748-1830). On May 1, 1776, the same Weishaupt (code named Spartacus) founded the secret society called the Order of the Illuminati. Weishaupt was a professor of Canon Law at the University of Ingolstadt in Bavaria.
The Illuminati seek to establish a New World Order. Their goals are:
– abolition of all legitimate governments;
– abolition of private property;
– abolition of the inheritance;
– Abolition of patriotism;
– Abolition of the family;
– abolition of religion;
– creation of a world government.

Contrary to what they [preferred] to believe, [scholars on Masonry] for centuries [observed that] the unification of Italy was not the consequence of a movement of Italian identity, which there has never been, due to linguistic and ethnic differences of the various regions, but was concocted by [a] strategy within the Masonic [connections] between Mazzini, a member of the Scottish Rite, and Henry John Temple, Viscount Palmerston III, UK Secretary of State and member of the Grand Lodge of England.
According to historians, [the] Bourbon government of the Mason Palmerston financed the expedition of the Thousand, [which] Freemason Giuseppe Garibaldi started in 1944 prior to the irregular lodge, Aislo Vertud de Montevideo, and [later], the regular Les Amis de la Patrie of the Grand Lodge of France. [Despite] three million French francs, without the help of the British government, even Garibaldi said at a public meeting in London that they [the Thousand] could never pass the Strait of Messina.
The landing of the Thousand in Naples was protected by the Kingdom of Sardinia and [by] ships from a British fleet in the Gulf ready to intervene. The newspapers – especially the archives in London, Vienna, Rome, Turin and Milan and, of course, Napoli – provided documentation needed to [reconstruct] the true scene of an international conspiracy that swept the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, certainly not at the hands of a thousand warriors [motivated] by a unitary ideal, but by a well-planned act of imperialist expansionism imposed by the British who, as Masons and Protestants, saw as major obstacles to their policies the Bourbons Catholics and the Papal States: the breach of Porta Pia occurred precisely on September 20, [which is] the Masonic [new] year.
It should not be forgotten that the same Lord Palmerston was the promoter of the Opium War in China. [Whoever] happens to own Sicily [was in the center of] the crossroads of the drug trade between Europe and the United States of America: the great pià crib international mafia. It was then that Garibaldi [was] coopted by the Grand Orient of Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite, [by] a rival [in] the Grand Lodge of England and France, who in Turin awarded him in one fell swoop all grades from 4 to 33 (the highest) in the aforementioned Supreme Council of Palermo.

As noted in the previous article, the “Pope of American Freemasonry”, Albert Pike in 1860 – the same year in which Mazzini fomented revolution against the Bourbons in Sicily – overseas unleashed the Civil War, which became one of the most heinous for Southerners. From the ideas of Young Italy and Young Europe, in 1845, 15 years before he [launched] the “Young America” movement, diplomat Edwin De Leon made a [public] speech to the students of the college of South Carolina. At the invitation of a committee of the Southern congressmen, De Leon founded in Washington the Southern Press, which had a large spread in the early eighteen-fifties.
For his services during the campaign of Freemason Franklin Pierce, the [new] US president, appointed De Leon consul general in Egypt, a position he occupied for two terms with considerable success. It was during his incumbency that he heard about the secession of his native state [from the] Union. He made his resignation and returned to New Orleans. From there he went up to Richmond to enlist as a soldier in the army led by Confederate Jefferson Davis.
But Davis sent him instead in a confidential mission to Europe to ensure the recognition of the Southern Confederacy by foreign powers. De Leon arrived in England in July 1862. As a diplomatic agent, he was received in the highest circles, both in England and in France, and personally pleaded the cause of Confederation with Lord Palmerston and the Emperor Napoleon III.

Many agree that the assassination of Abraham Lincoln was decided in those areas of high finance that have always been included in Freemasonry, because of the [creation] of the greenback that took away the bankers’ “enlightened” control of money. “These US banknotes legal tender, or greenbacks, were receipts for labor and goods produced in the United States.
[The greenbacks were used to] pay soldiers and suppliers, and were exchanged for equivalent goods and services provided to the community”, says Ellen Brown, American lawyer expert in finance. “Greenbacks helped the Union not only to win the war, but also to put the basis for a period of unprecedented economic expansion.”
Lincoln was assassinated a few days after the victory of the Northerners, in a crime that represented the revenge of the bankers as Southerners.
“The assassination of Abraham Lincoln was perpetrated by the extremist jew John Wilkes Booth (Botha), a Freemason of the 33rd degree, April 14, 1865 in Washington DC, only five days after the end of the American Civil War – he recalls in his book Freemasonry on the estonian scholar Juri Lina – Izola Forrester, Booth’s grandson, in his book “This One Mad Act” (1937), wrote that Booth belonged to the Lodge of the “Knights of the Golden Circle” as well as the revolutionary movement filomazziniano Young America. Izola Forrester revealed, in detail, that the Freemasons were involved [in the assassination of] President. The subsequent assassination of Wilkes Booth was organized by Judah P. Benjamin, a high degree Freemason. He was the Chief of Intelligence of the Southern Confederacy. After the murder, he fled to England.”

The attack in Sarajevo was the murderous act committed by the young Bosnian Serb Gavrilo Princip against Archduke Francis Ferdinand Charles Louis Joseph of Austria-Este, heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary, and his wife Sofia during an official visit in the Bosnian town 28 June 1914, and it caused the beginning of the First World War.
“Since the end of the war of the nineties, Princip felt Sarajevo had lost its “aura Heroic”, and he became a Serbian nationalist who was acting on behalf of Belgrade and the military secret society” Black Hand – reads ‘East Journal’. Nevertheless, according to the deposition process to members of the organization “Mlada Bosna” (Young Bosnia), both Princip and 23 other defendants (out of 25 in all) declared themselves “Yugoslavs”, claiming the unification of all the subjugated peoples’ empire.
In fact, the political [motivation], as well as the symbols and the oath of the organization were a direct emulation of the Italian Risorgimento, and more generally European. The Young Italy of Giuseppe Mazzini was able to exercise enormous influence on the minds of members of Young Bosnia, and their principles are modeled after those of Union and Independence that led to the unification of Italy in 1861.”
How not to suspect that Young Bosnia and [the] Black Hand secret society have arisen with the hidden direction of the [same expert conspirator,] Mazzini”.

As it is clear from numerous writings of Mazzini, he was strongly hostile to the Habsburg Empire as an expression of an autonomous monarchy and especially Catholic. When the Austro-Hungarian Empire was at war with Bosnia, Italy would have to support him, or at worst, be neutral.
The Kingdom of Italy had in fact signed the Triple Alliance with the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the Germanic. It was dense correspondence between the Empire Arsburgico, the former President of the Council Sidney Sonnino, anglo-italico, Mason and anticlerical, as was Mazzini, when he became Minsitro Foreign and had to decide what to do. The prominent topic was very noble (sic): the spoils of war, in terms of territory that the Austro-Hungarians would have reserved to Italy in case of alliance in the war in the former Yugoslavia.

Initially, together with Prime Minister Antonio Salandra, [he] had evaluated the possibility of entering into war on the side of Austria and Germany or remaining neutral, but later the prevailing political line [was] already carried out [by] another Mason, Sicilian Antonino Paternò Castello Marquis of San Giuliano, [who was] the first to open an understanding with Britain and France, the two countries of birth and proliferation of the Grand Lodge of England and of the Supreme Council of Scottish Rite.
The Austrian proposals were not considered appropriate, but only 9 days from the response of the Austrian Foreign Ministry, on April 25, Italy entered into the agreement with England and France, which the next day was ratified in London [with the] signing also [by] Russia and the declaration of war.

“The total number of lives lost in this war from Italy, came to the huge figure of 680,071, of which 406,000 for acts of war,” carefully noted Ferruccio Ferrajoli in a file of the military health service in the war 1915/1918. He counted 317,000 Army deaths from injuries on the field of battle, out of a total of deaths from injuries – including, that is, deaths from injuries at hospitals or at home (69,000) or imprisonment (16,000) – well 402,000. The wounded were 950,000, not including in the calculation of the injured remained in captivity, calculated at approximately 40,000, and cared for the wounded bodies: this figure, 950,000, representing 16.57% of total mobilized. The disabled, as a result of injury or disease, were on the whole, 462 812.
In the next article, we will talk about the great crimes of the masonry of the massacre of Portella della Ginestra, the murder of Aldo Moro, Carlo Alberto Dalla Chiesa, Giovanni Falcone and Paolo Borsellino, starting from FIG Frank Gigliotti, Freemason Italian-American and ring the junction of the Great Italian Lodges, the CIA and Lucky Luciano, a Sicilian mobster Salvatore Lucania (Lercara Friddi, November 24, 1897 – Naples, January 26, 1962), a prominent boss of Cosa Nostra in the United States, who returned to Italy after the allied landing in Sicily and who liberated Italy from Nazi-fascism, but delivered even more into Mafia and Freemasonry hands.
Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio
Further information about Freemasonry here
interview Text Filed on June 8, 2013 Internet Archive on the site of the foundation Chinn
http://www.antimafiaduemila.com/rubriche/giorgio-bongiovanni/68697 -i-principals-outside-the-killing-chinnici.html
http://www.lastampa.it/2016/03/16 /cronaca/scoperte-lettere-inedite-di-garibaldi-e-mazzini-cos-la-sicilia-si-batt-per-lunit-ditalia-bEIWgKMakopKnWFlBB64vJ/pagina.html
Juri Lina – the architects of deception: the hidden history Freemasonry
original title: Architects of Deception: the Concealed History of Freemasonry,
Referent Publishing, Stockholm 2004.
William Guy Carr – Pawns in the Game – original title Pawns In The Game, CPA Pubblisher
Epiphanius – “Masonry and Seven Dungeon: the hidden side of the story” Publishing Ichthys
Church Viva – From MAFIA Giuseppe Mazzini to General Albert Pike
Arturo Navone – A World Failed – translation from michaeljournal
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Looked like a reallu good piece but unfortunately seems to have been translated from Italian using a bad Translator engine. What a pity
I would second that comment. This article is terribly badly written, many passages and all the photos are duplicated and many of the “sentences” make no sort of sense. It is probably interesting but it is, unfortunately, unreadable.
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