Israeli Fighter Jets Renew Aggression against Syrian Army positions near Damascus


Israeli Fighter Jets Renews Aggression Against Syrian Army Positions in Homs, Near Damascus

Israeli warplanes conducted fresh attacks on the Damascus Army’s military positions in Eastern and Southern Syria by using Lebanon’s airspace, and were confronted by the Syrian Army’s air defense batteries, the Arabic-language media outlets reported on Monday.

The SANA news agency quoted a military source as saying the Israeli fighter jets pounded several military positions of the Syrian Army in Homs Province and near Damascus on Sunday night.

He noted that several rockets fired by Israel’s fighter jets were destroyed by the Syrian Army’s air defense system, and said that four civilians, including a child, were killed and 21 others were injured in the town of Sahnaya in Damascus countryside.

The Arabic-language website of the Russian Sputnik news agency, meantime, quoted a high-ranking military source as saying that six Israeli fighter jets pounded the Syrian Army’s military positions in Southwestern Damascus and Southern Homs through Lebanon’s airspace.

Sputnik’s war correspondent also reported that Syria’s Scientific Research Center in Jamraya region in Western Damascus came under Israel’s missile attacks.

The Arabic-language Russia Today reported that six Israeli missiles were destroyed by the Syrian Army’s air defense system in Southern Damascus, adding that an explosion has been heard in al-Sharaei Airport in Southern Damascus.

Israel had last launched airstrikes on the Syrian Army positions near Damascus and Quneitra in Southern Syria earlier in June.

The Syrian Army’s air defense system shot down several Israeli missiles.

Israeli invaders launched two waves of missile attacks from the side of the Occupied Golan, hitting several military positions of the Syrian Army to the Southwest of Damascus and East of Quneitra.

The SANA news agency reported that the Syrian Army’s air defense systems were activated right after these attacks and shot down a number of Israeli missiles.

Meantime, the Arabic-language website of the Russian Sputnik News Agency quoted a military source as saying that Israeli warplanes fired six rockets at the Syrian Army’s military positions near Damascus, but most of them were destroyed by the Syrian air defense systems.

The Syrian Army’s air defense shield also destroyed most of the missiles fired at Tal al-Sha’ar region in the surrounding area of Quneitra. Three Syrian Army soldiers were killed and seven others were wounded in the Israeli aggression.

Meantime, the Israeli Army in a statement claimed that the Israeli helicopters and fighter jets had pounded the Syrian Army’s military positions in response to two missiles fired from Syria.

The Israeli Army’s new aggression against Syrian Army’s military positions in Quneitra province came as the US and Turkish sides are trying to bring to a halt the Syrian Army battle against Tahrir al-Sham al-Hay’at in Idlib province.


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  1. There can never be peace with the criminal state. These attacks are to demonstrate they can, with impunity, then boast of it.

    BDS 2019!

  2. I was reading Indian Punchline (“Israeli attack on Syria is a message for Russia”), where the remark is made “In fact, today’s missile attack is an act of ‘coercive diplomacy’ by Israel. The Israelis are showing that they have neutralised the Russian S-300 missile system which is supposedly guarding Syrian air space. This is Israel’s angry riposte to Russia’s refusal to break up with Iran in Syria.”

    So have the Israelis then managed to deactivate the Syrian S-300 systems? Difficult to believe, and yet, the damage seems to be much larger than initially reported. It ought to be possible to find a more accurate assessment somewhere. Or maybe not?

    Those are terrible deeds.

    • Israel fires missiles paid for by the US taxpayer at Syria, some of which are shot down by Russian anti-missiles paid for by the Syrian taxpayer. Anyone see who are the winners here [rhetorical question]?

      And of course Putin does not let the Syrians shoot at the aircraft launching the missiles nor at the bases the aircraft come from (which surely is part of a secret agreement he has made with Netanyahu). So much for Putin being a hero and Russia saving the day.

  3. This is an outrageous act of aggression. Can you imagine the outrage from politicians and media if roles were reversed? US Congress cretins would be fighting for the microphone.

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