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Russia Calls for International Conference to End Biden’s Renewed War on...

In a press conference held today in Moscow via video conferencing, Klimov said, that the Syrian people have the right to protect their interests and decide their own fate.

Syria – Seven Syrian soldiers killed in clashes with Turkish troops

Jim W. Dean - The future will not be determined by what Erdogan does, but what the Syrians and Kurds can, and will do. Will the Kurds deal straight up with Damascus, or play Assad off against the US?

Kurds now want Syria to save them from Turkey

Jim W. Dean - The Kurds are a nickel late and a day short if they think Damascus can help them now. As I am typing, Turkish planes are bombing the border bridges to Syria to cut off supplies coming in from the US there.

Israeli Fighter Jets Renew Aggression against Syrian Army positions near Damascus

__________ FARS Israeli Fighter Jets Renews Aggression Against Syrian Army Positions in Homs, Near Damascus Israeli warplanes conducted fresh attacks on the Damascus Army's military positions in...

Israel must stop ‘spontaneous’ Syria strikes: Russia

Jim W. Dean - Russia's credibility is on the line with its worn out protestations against continued Israeli strikes on Syria, but with it never doing anything about it.

Israeli Reconnaissance Drones Shot Down over Damascus

The Syrian Army's air defense systems are reportedly engaging multiple targets, possibly hostile warplanes or projectiles.

Busted! Roger Waters(Pink Floyd) Hits “White Helmets”as Terrorists

English singer Roger Waters, who was a member of the Pink Floyd rock band, slammed the White Helmets as “a fake organization.

Opinion: Skripals Poisoning and Syria Strikes

Despite scant evidence as to the use of chemical weapons or the party responsible for it, Donald Trump ordered another cruise missiles strike in Syria on Saturday.

US attack timing on Syria a diversion from Trump legal problems?

Press TV caught me on short notice to do their live coverage on the US attack on Syria, a pitiful abuse of America military power.

The Debate – Battle For Ghouta

Another victory is on the horizon for the Syrian people and its army. This, as another terrorist group has agreed to be evacuated from Eastern Ghouta.

Slaughterhouse Damascus

 by Gian Micalessin (Damascus) Ahmad beats his fist on his chest, shows me the sweatshirt covered with dark spots. "You see it? You see it?...

Russia Warns US About Attacking Syria as US Backed Terrorists Kill...

Moscow Warns Washington Against Conducting Strike Against Syria Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov commented on the situation in Eastern Ghouta and the poisoning of...

‘Syrian army hits Israeli jet, intercepts missiles near Damascus’

Syria’s army says its air defense systems have hit an Israeli aircraft and intercepted a number of rockets fired at targets on Syrian soil...

Damascus Demands ‘Immediate’ Withdrawal of Turkish Army From Syria

Few days after the Turkish troops began setting up observation posts in Syria's Idlib following the announcement of Ankara's second military operation in the...

Damascus secures main road into Deir Ezzor

Jim W. Dean - This is the game-changing day, with the main road open for civilian and military supplies to flow into Deir Ezzor. There is great news below that ISIS is not going to fight for every inch of Deir Ezzor.

Flagship Resort in Damascus Back to Peaceful Life

 By Sophia Mangal for VT According to the statements of local authorities, Zabadani resort town in Damascus province, which is located 25 kilometers from the...

Damascus: US, UK Supply Toxic Agents to Terrorist Groups in Syria

The Syrian Foreign Ministry on Wednesday accused the US and the UK of supplying CS, CN toxic agents to terrorist groups operating in the war-hit country.

Jordanian daily: Damascus to seize control of entire Syria soon

A leading Jordanian newspaper referred to the recent developments and the Syrian army's victories against the terrorists, and underlined that the Damascus government will regain control of entire Syria in the near future.

Turkey Ending Support for Syrian Rebels Goodwill Gesture Towards Damascus

 Turkey has stopped supporting the Syrian coalition of opposition forces. According to analyst and journalist Musa Özuğurlu, this decision is likely to contribute to normalization between Ankara and Damascus.

This is What US Made TOW Missile Fragments Found Near Damascus Could...

On Saturday, a diplomatic source told Sputnik that officers of the Center for Syrian Reconciliation have collected solid evidence to prove that Syrian militants use foreign-produced weapons and ammunition.

Beijing, Damascus Discuss Launching Direct Flights to Top Chinese Cities

The deputy chairman of China-Arab Exchange Association stated that he governments of China and Syria are discussing the start of direct flights between Damascus...

US starts providing weapons to Syrian Kurds

Jim W. Dean - We are in kind of an in-between situation with the Syrian war, where news outlets are wanting predictions on how various battles will turn out, but there are more balls in the air to juggle now.

Damascus Prepares for Ramadan Suicide Slaughter

By Gordon Duff with Nahed al Husaini, VT Damascus In the wake of the terror attack in Manchester, Damascus is waiting for the other shoe...

Trump to Lavrov: US will put ISIS in Damascus whatever the...

Gordon Duff - As the US has now changed sides and is clearly working with ISIS and al Qaeda, who are openly Saudi allies, it is the United States that needs a regime change and Trump that needs to go to Russia for political asylum.

PressTV: Large blast hits Damascus International Airport

A large explosion has hit the area of Damascus International Airport, with some reports pointing to a possible Israeli airstrike.

Israel Tries to Kill Assad in Damascus Air Raid (Updated)

On Tuesday evening, Israeli F 15 fighter/bombers attacked the air defenses surrounding the Palace of the Lion, residence of Syrian President Assad and his family. Israeli sources say the raid was authorized by President's Trump and Putin.

Duff on Press TV, Interviews on Hate Crimes and the Damascus...


VT Damascus Attacked, Round Up the Usual Suspects

Gordon Duff - Today, inside the city of Damascus, VT's news bureau was attacked and computers were stolen. Was it Israeli agents, typically Palestinians working for Israel as part of the dozens of terror cells inside Damascus itself.

Exclusive: Harris Interviews Nana and Barakat in Damascus

  Mike Harris: Nahed Al-Husaini and Dr. Bassam Barakat are the guest Nahed is VT Damascus Bureau Chief. She is a member of American Institute for Middle...

Report: Trump Orders US Troops to Operate with “Moderate Opposition” Against...

A foreign-backed Syrian opposition figure says members of his militant group are training with US troops in preparation for a joint operation to recapture Daesh-held Raqqah.

Astana talks draft communique: Russia, Turkey, Iran to fight against IS,...

Jim W. Dean - Mr. al-Ja'afari has confirmed what I have been posing in my interviews on the peace talks, that one of the main goals was to flush out which groups were in or out of the political negotiations.

Syrian Army warns Israel it will respond after military airport bombed...

Syrian state news agency SANA says Israeli jets have bombed the Mezzeh military airport west of Damascus, accusing Tel Aviv of supporting terrorism.

Israeli rockets strike Damascus military air base, Presidential Palace

A Syrian military source has said Israeli rockets hit an air base near Damascus. No casualties have been reported, however. Reuters reports the Israeli rockets...

Israel Targets Beirut Damascus Highway, Only Diplomatic Link to Syria

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – An Israeli raid targeted a Syrian military post and a Hezbollah position early Wednesday near Beirut-Damascus highway, a security source told...

Erdogan to Putin:”Screw Yourself,” Turkey to Take Damascus, Create Puppet State

Recep Tayyip Erdogan has said that the Turkish Army entered Syria to end the rule of President Bashar Assad, whom he accused of terrorism and causing the deaths of thousands.

Report: US Focuses on Raqqa after Damascus, Moscow Gain Upper Hand...

The US has shifted focus on Raqq after the Syrian army and its Russian allies' recent victories in Aleppo, and Jeish al-Fatah's heavy defeats in their 'Great Epic Operation' to lift army's siege on militants in Eastern part of Aleppo city.

Damascus offers Aleppo jihadis escape route to save civilians

Jim W. Dean - In this interview, Damascus was still trying to get the jihadis to accept leaving town, an attempt I suspect to take advantage of possible splits in their ranks. We have heard of no significant numbers accepting the offer.

Direct aggression by US against Damascus to cause ‘tectonic shift’ in...

If the US launches a military campaign to oust the Syrian government, it would further fracture the country and have tremendous negative long-term consequence for the entire region, Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova warned.

Spike in US Intel Ops Against Russia Signals Relations at ‘Point...

Jim W. Dean - With the Syrian-Russian-Iran anti-terrorism coalition having stopped the planned take down of Syria, the US coalition, which has both supported terrorists and fought them, can become even more dangerous.

Damascus claims IDF warplane & drone shot down in Syria after...

An Israeli warplane and a drone have been shot down by Syrian forces in the southern Quneitra countryside, Golan Heights, the Syrian Army said in a statement. It comes after the Israeli military targeted Syrian positions in the Golan Heights.