Do we blame Trump for the Killing Spree?


    By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor

    If you haven’t imagined that shooters, in this case “parallel” AK owners with body armor, ear protection and shooting glasses, are “fake people,” then you aren’t paying attention.

    The term “crisis actors” is used, and that has to stop.  It is coming from “internet people,” who are, themselves, “crisis actors” and “fake people.”

    Yes, these shooters are fake, their guns are real but their backgrounds are always fake, they seem to me to be unleashed from a great vat of human filth to play out empty news cycles on behalf of political game players.

    I expect we are all thinking it and now I am telling you that if you are one of those who suspects this, you are right.  None of this is real.

    Who is doing it?

    The media is sending out the shooters.  Who is the media?  OK, imagine this, the Skripal incident has been gutted as fake but no reporting here, total censorship.

    The Syria gas attacks totally debunked, not played here at all.

    9/11 exposed as nuclear demolition, proven, files released, FBI testimony, total censorship.

    Romney and key families in big finance, all tied to the drug cartels, FBI recordings released, after 20 million views of the video interview, nothing in the news and now Vimeo has erased the video.  I can just keep bringing it back.

    We are watching G. Maxwell being ignored and Epstein’s story covered up by the media.

    We are watching a huge story of Satanism in the military covered up for decades, meaning the entire Pentagram is devil worshiping child eating scum and, no, we aren’t burying this one as well.

    Past this, we are not just tripping over but drowning in a story involving New York and Trump’s decades of hanging out not just with Epstein but the ADL, another name for the Kosher Nostra.

    There are layers to this, not just trafficking Catholic school girls, Puerto Ricans mostly, passing them around but their long partnership with the Gambino crime family, and as the 90s went on, with the Russian mob as well, which was 100% Kosher.

    Behind this, the majority of this gang, as with the Neocons, turned out to be gay, not just Cohn, but almost everyone around Trump and, in turn, Rudy as well.

    This crap about porn queens and models, and I have interviewed one or two, they talk about seeing cash handed out by that gang, Bronfman, Trump, Cohn and ADL leadership, but nobody talks about actually having sex with any of them.

    I hear about them being kept, like right out of Rising Sun (the film) and hauled around, watched, gilded cage, but no sex parties with girls, only children.

    We then went into the hiring mechanism and find that, as outlined by Steele, we have a two edged thing, arranged marriages, Jewish boys for goyim girls from select families…like former Presidents….and selected purchased fake wives for others, paid to look nice and keep their mouths shut about the Satan worship, little boys, or lifelong gay relationships like one Bush president maintained according to our sources and so many others.

    The “New York scene” around Trump and his ADL buddies was always gay.



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    1. We have a carny who uses the MSM as his foil to distract the masses who have the attention span of gnats.

    2. This most likely is the case, but imagine El Paso was all true. There is not really much of MSM pressure on Trump to wear Poncho and Sombrero while visiting the crime scene, but there surely was pressure on NZ Prime Minister to wear Moslem Gears while visiting Christendom alleged crime scene, where 50 Moslems died. So what makes a Moslem a million times more valuable while living in the West than living as native in Iran. West is weeping crocodile tears on Christendom and at the same time preparing nuke war on Iran, resulting tens of million casualties, just because “homophobe” Ahmanjinedad hurt Bibis feelings. I used to say, that customers always right same as the voters, but I don’t know anymore in between the MSM commercials, maybe this ship has to be sunk in purpose, just to get the rats out.

    3. Blame Trump? It would simplify the matter but he’s not the cause. These shootings are not radom acts carried out by a crazed lone gunman. This is a long game designed to force us to give up our 2nd amendment rights. And to believe there isn’t a conspiracy behind these acts is plain ignorance. The 21 year old arrested in El Paso left a manifesto to be read. I read some of it, and thought it very well written, so much so I doubted it was his. This should be easy to prove. Can we see samples of his writing from the schools he’s attended. Bottom line is at every mass casualty event witnesses come forward to say they saw 3 or 4 shooters all dressed in black with body armor. These reports are suppressed by the authorities, and the media. Trump can stop these crimes very quickly by removing the FBI as lead investigating agency, and transferring their powers to structured groups of qualified independent civilian volunteers from the retirement community. Guaranteeing an open transparent investigation from start to finish. All of these attacks will cease once a proper investigation is had and the real bad actors jailed.

    4. I suspect that the reason these evil controlling men tend toward boys is because boys are easier to handle. And more useful when they are possessed. Boys are less complicated less emotionally intelligent, (medically speaking cheaper and less complicated I haven’t met a man having a period or an abortion) and have they have the capacity for greater physical strength. Once they are “turned” they are more easily manipulated. I doubt that gayness has much to do with it. I am not gay so I cannot speak with deep experience, but the gay men and women I know are some of the greatest people with admirable character. If Mushroom dick can even get it up, he probably is less humiliated around boys and we know he is cheap.

    5. The late Wayne Barrett documented Trump’s corrupt activities for years:
      “Similarly, in his deposition in the federal discrimination case, Trump refused to acknowledge responsibility for accepting or rejecting individual tenants. Those statements were a material part of his testimony since they went to the heart of the case — Trump’s ability to control the discriminatory practices of his companies.
      Shortly after he’d given his deposition, he was interviewed by a field investigator for the secretary of state. The interview had nothing to do with the federal case; the investigator was trying to determine if Trump met the experience requirement for a real-estate broker’s license. The report states: “Mr. Trump further stated that he supervises and controls the renting of all apartments owned by the Trump organization…During my interview with applicant he showed me hundreds of files…Each contained numerous leases both for commercial and residential tenants…and rental records, all of which contained applicant’s signature and handwriting.” Trump’s lawyer, Mathew Tosti, also claimed in a letter to the secretary of state that Trump had “negotiated numerous leases for apartments.”
      Yet he’d testified in federal court:
      Government: “Do you ever have anything to do with rental decisions in individual cases?
      Trump: “No, I really don’t.”

      • Yet he’d testified in federal court:
        Government: “Do you ever have anything to do with rental decisions in individual cases?
        Trump: “No, I really don’t.”
        Donald Trump is a user of other users. The politician and his moneychanger feed on each other. The moneychanger trades private dollars for access to public ones. Trump, Sunshine, Lindenbaum, and their counterparts Carey and Beame are classic expressions of this relationship. The transactions that result are contained in the father’s story of Trump Village and in next week’s account of Trump’s Manhattan conquests.”

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