… from Sputnik News, Moscow
[ Editor’s Note: It is sad to see the US navy trying to put a good face on a bad mission. But at the end of the day all big ticket defense instruments are not about to pass up an opportunity to justify their budgets. They feel they have an obligation to do so.
The question I would ask them is, “Is is patriotic?” Admiral Boyle uses carefully chosen words thought to be bullet proof, that his ship is there for deterrence, which he did not need to tell us as we figured that out.
But he goes further in saying that he would engage in offensive operations if ordered to do so. That blew his cover.
First we have to ask why his ship needs to be there to defend when it obviously does not. The US poured $50 billion in arms sales into the region last year, with plenty more in the pipeline. The US has plenty of bases in planes galore in the region, way more than Iran has.
And what are all of these arms for, to defend against the impending sea or parachute invasion by Iran? Hardly. They are there for offensive purposes, to be used when the time is right.
What the Abraham Lincoln is doing would be to defend against Iran responding to a first strike by the US, after the suitable false flag attack, with the number one choice being a US navy ship to have all the vet orgs screaming for a counter strike.
The US government has already flea trained almost everybody to accept its never providing proof of its Iran attack/threat claims as the new normal. We just saw this in the Persian Gulf tanker bombings, where even the UAE countered the US position that Iran was responsible.
It is a fake threat, pure and simple. Iran has not built an invade and hold captured countries capacity into its military structure. If they secretly have, someone please enlighten me.
On the other side we have now a consistent pattern of US claims of Iranian aggression, with no proof offered, time and again, as cover for its offensive deployment.
The Navy admirals are not stupid. They know the game being played in the Gulf to create a justification for our forces being there. The admirals know they are goosing the threat, lying to the America people, on the grounds that that is good for America. I, VT would challenge them to open debate on that, and they would not do to well.
Resources spent defending against fake threats are wasted resources, except for the pockets that are lined by the wasted expenditures. I don’t see this as enhancing US security, but rather just the opposite. So who is more patriotic? Let me know what you think in the comments… Jim W. Dean ]
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– First published … August 12, 2019 –
The United States deployed the USS Abraham Lincoln aircraft carrier strike group and a bomber task force to the Persian Gulf in May, in what National Security Adviser John Bolton described as a “clear and unmistakable” message to Iran that any attack on American interests or those of its allies would be met with “unrelenting force“.
US officers on the USS Abraham Lincoln aircraft carrier, deployed at an American naval base in Bahrain along with some smaller vessels, claimed in an interview with Sky News that their mission is to deter Iran from striking US targets, but added that they were also ready to launch offensive strikes if ordered.
“A large part of deterrence is the readiness that backs that deterrence up. We are ready to defend the US and the US interests if called upon… My job is to be here, to be ready, to deter and to defend if required”, Rear Admiral Michael Boyle, commander of Carrier Strike Group 12, said.
The USS Abraham Lincoln was sent to the Middle East in May due to what Washington claimed was a “number of troubling and escalatory indications and warnings” from Iran. Despite the highly publicised deployment, the aircraft carrier has not passed through the Strait of Hormuz, a strategic waterway linking Mideast crude producers to crucial world markets.
“For our mission here, which is deterrence, we are in the place we need to be. The people in the know in Iran know that we are more of a deterrent here than we are in the Arabian Gulf because from this position we can reach them and they can’t reach us. In a boxer’s analogy we have got overreach from the spot where we are right now”, Boyle added.
According to Sky News, aircraft on the carrier were supposed to strike several Iranian targets in June when Tehran brought down a US spy drone, which it claimed had violated its airspace and ignored multiple warnings to leave the area.
At the time, President Donald Trump called off the retaliatory strikes just 10 minutes before it was set to be launched, explaining that the death of an estimated 150 Iranians was disproportionate to the loss of an unmanned aerial vehicle.
The drone incident was one of the many episodes contributing to the spike in US-Iran tensions: Washington has as well accused Tehran of being behind “sabotage attacks” on oil tankers off the UAE coast in mid-May and in the Gulf of Oman in early June, while Iran denied the allegations and urged the US to cease “warmongering” and “false flag” ops.
As a result, the United States has proposed to form an international maritime coaliton and invited several European countries, including Germany, France, and the UK, along with other nations, such as Japan, South Korea, and Australia, to join. While some of them have expressed unwillingness to take part in the initiative, the UK has signed up for the mission.

Jim W. Dean is VT Editor Emeritus. He was an active editor on VT from 2010-2022. He was involved in operations, development, and writing, plus an active schedule of TV and radio interviews. He now writes and posts periodically for VT.
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The carrier is bait, simple. The navy has known those things were defenseless for years. The previous attempt to get the glow-in-the-dark USS Reagan to be destroyed didn’t pan out. They are still trying.
What a small world. One of my best mentors was Jeff Davis, who had an incredible career which included for a while selling movie syndication rights to local TV stations. He told me that when working in the New York office they had a coffee boy and messenger runner by the name of Paddy Chayevsky, who often had to be found hiding, sleeping in the film preview theater due to his Greenwich Village life of parting all night. Jeff was the first person I was every close to that had been around famous people all of this life, beginning surprisingly with Junior Achievement alumni, called the crew, ex-state, national and international leaders, many of you went on to be the who’s who of America. His networking stories were endless and I learned a lot.
The Iranians might just allow a USA infiltration to satisfy all the Persians living in the USA. Just to let the USA save face.
Fill me in a little more on this please.
“For our mission here, which is deterrence, we are in the place we need to be. The people in the know in Iran know that we are more of a deterrent here than we are in the Arabian Gulf because from this position we can reach them and they can’t reach us. In a boxer’s analogy we have got overreach from the spot where we are right now”, Boyle added.
Note that Boyle is using the fake “Arabian Gulf” instead of the proper “Persian Gulf” – is this now Pentagram, er Pentagon policy?
i think it is by design as obese pompous uses that term arabian gulf deliberately often to get under skin of Iranians however; i dont think the policy of hit and run going to go well for Admiral since the grand Ayatolla khameni emphasized on that no notion in particular that scenario wont be tolerated and Admiral will get his ass served on Persian silver plate
You guys do know what the Russian weapon ” Shkvaal ” is ???? well its a modern torpedo that travels under the water at supersonic speed towards the target ship so there is a very very short warning to the ship before it gets hit ………. A ” Shkvaal ” is a jet engine torpedo that bleeds a little air to the tip of thios modern torpedo , and the air bled to the front tip of it forms a thin film of air baloon along the periphery of the weapon and this air layer removes any contact with water and hence reduce the Drag force on the shkvaal and this modren torpedo does supersonic speeds …….. Shkvaal means Devine Wind ……. Many a US operatruive been arrested in moscow trying to Find the shkvaal details and designs ……. been 3 years since i ever heard of shkvaal in the news and maybe in the last three years the USA may have designed an American equavalent by now …… But I giot news for you all ,,,,,, Russia invented the Shkvaal concept that is a very high speed Torpedo ,,,,,,, and Russia has Shkvaal ….. after Russia about 5 years ago the Iranian unveiled their equavalent of the Russian Shkvaal stated to be Indigenously produced ……..
These huge Iron Tubs Glow like anything on any radar and then these are slow slow slow to move out of the way of any incoming ……. dead ducks , First I don’t want to be a Mercinary but even IF I did I wouldn’t ever get on a huge iron tub that’s way too slow ,,,,,, especially with Shkvaal like fast weapons …….
There is a lot of simony among those US generals, colonels, sargeants and privates. They are made to believe they are in the Gulf for protecting the Holy land, whilst the Holy land they try to defend is filled with genocide, racism and segregation. Some of those US army members stormtrooping the muslim countries are even certified priests back home, as if we never left the Crusaders age. They also still buy crap about godless commies threats coming from Russia and takfir infidels attemtping to run over Potomac. But Iranians should attempt more shrewdness in these so called international relations, Israeli interests can be played over with cards as well, not just with denial. Iranians should make attempt at the two-state solution at least to approach more to the EU stance (and relief themselves of US trade dictates). Two state is a better starting point for making further middle east security effort than present Israeli run concentration camp. All or nothing stance will lead to nothing for all the sides. If Israel begins war with Iran there will be unacceptable losses for Israel, US and as well for Iran, and actually no progress will be made whatsoever, we would witness couple of new countries emergence from such war and hardly with Israel or the US Gulf bases left. Probably countries like Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Jordan, the Gulf dwarfs, or Israel would cease to exist in its present day borders, much to the delight of wet dreams of millenial UK border drawing criminal departments.
USA collateral damage sunken tug boat obvious retaliatory strikes be nukes no doubt they burn iran to stone age then rebuild with western face
would usa do this i think yes got away with iraq twin towers pentagon ect so why not
It is well known that the U.S. has intelligence 24/7 on EVERY possible mode of attack period end of sentence. So how come it failed on 9/11/01? Answer: Israel did 9/11/01 with full cooperation and knowledge of Bush, Cheney and the four star generals. All are traitors and should be charged and tried for treason against our country. https://ehpg.files.wordpress.com/2010/03/israel_did_911.pdf
Apart from justifying their bloated budgets it’s very clear that the generals have become mercenaries of the United States of Israel. This is treason.
I say bring it on! The Israeli Colony of America will take on all comers. Let’s see if the Chinese DH-17, or the Russian Zircon hypersonic missiles really are “carrier killers”. If the whole thing goes nuclear, would one, or both sides, at least target one or more high yield thermonuclear weapons on Tel Aviv, before turning out the lights? Have a nice day!
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