Epstein’s Lawyers say Autopsy Faked, VT Says “Why yes, we think so too”

Epstein's daily companion, year after year after year. Would a person who looks like this have a friend murdered?
[ Editor’s note:  We all know most of it, first suicide now ‘outed’ as murder attempt, screams from cell, the other facts but do remember this one.  Before the results were edited, it was multiple bones broken in the neck. 
Then it became the hyoid bone, something that would not be mentioned under any circumstances as either a cause of death or significant.  We recognize it as backpeddling into a plausible lie to cover an assassination and a piss poor one at that Gordon Duff ]

“Disgraced” (the use of “disgraced” by Sputnik, a cheap smear tactic intended to provide cover for Donald Trump and others complicit, is just as sickening as the rest of the facts in a story that could have been told by trained adults who can actually write in English) US financier Jeffrey Epstein reportedly committed suicide in his prison cell where he was awaiting trial over accusations of trafficking under-age girls for sex.

His death has sparked conspiracy theories suggesting that some powerful people wished him dead, as Epstein’s trial could have exposed their complicity in his alleged sex ring.

Single frame from a film. What is being “modeled” here?

Jeffrey Epstein’s lawyers have announced that they are planning to carry out an independent investigation into the death of the multi-millionaire, accused of sex-trafficking, and demand video footage from the prison.

According to his legal team, they are “not satisfied with the conclusions of the medical examiner” that he killed himself in his cell in New York’s Metropolitan Correctional Centre.

more modeling, FLOTUS on the left with the strange butt crack

“It is indisputable that the authorities violated their own protocols”, the lawyers said, also criticising the “harsh, even medieval conditions” in Epstein’s prison.

The New York Medical Examiner’s Office released its official autopsy report on his death on 16 August, six days after he was found unresponsive. It found that he had committed suicide by hanging.

The late financier is said to have used bedsheets to create a makeshift noose and hang himself from his prison bunk bed. The report concluded that bones in Epstein’s neck were broken due to kneeling toward the floor with sufficient force to break them.

How Trump thinks Epstein looked when found?????

However, Epstein’s death remains the subject of four federal investigations, including the conduct of the guards assigned to watch him on the night of his death.

Although initial reports that Epstein’s death was a suicide came immediately after he was found dead, his demise prompted conspiracy theories that he had been murdered by his highly-connected friends, who were fearful that the disgraced financier might expose their connections to the alleged paedophilic trafficking. The theories were triggered by reports that the 66-year-old had been taken off suicide watch just weeks after he had reportedly attempted to kill himself.

The New York Times recently reported that Epstein had paid money to the inmates’ prison commissary accounts, trying to curry favour with other prisoners. He is also said to have slept on the floor instead of a bunk bed and gone unwashed during his last days alive.

Meanwhile, a report in Forbes magazine cites a lawyer visiting the prison who allegedly said that Epstein had spent several hours locked up alone with an unknown young woman in a private room reserved for inmates and their attorneys a day after the financier was taken off suicide watch.

[ Editor’s Note 2: It is a long established loophole that law firms of rich clients in jail can hire documented paralegal hookers to visit them for some recreational time. The guards like to watch, so it is a win win for everybody there…JD ]

The attorney suggested that the woman, who was alone with Epstein for at least two hours when he was there, was possibly a lawyer. However, she appeared to have no paperwork or files with her, and was dressed casually, as if out for “Sunday brunch”.


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  1. When VT principals get wind of where Epstein sailed — not carried out on gurney with “head with different ears”, etc., — do let us plebeians, serfs, and otherwise debt slaves know. So far about our pay grade we have to eat the crumbs from your table….Wooof! Wooof! Now that Gislaine M. has become a ghost — first with a billionaire CEO on the East Coast, then sipping Starbucks (of course!) on the Left Coast — clean up of the fabled island can continue, none the wiser. And none shall be wiser, if all plans go according to scheme. Despite VT.

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