Harvey Weinstein exits quarantine after surviving COVID-19 despite poor health
…from Sputnik News, Moscow
[ Editor’s Note: Oh my, a strange twist of fate, where legions of nice elderly people got gathered up by the Grim Reaper, and yet Mr. Hollywood lecher in horrible health comes through it all.
My partial apologies to the forgiving religious folks, but I think he should have have been handed over to the devil at the gates of hell. VT does love to see people get what they deserve.
Odd ball me, I have always felt the devil showed some community spirit via the important work that he does, pruning the flock of the bad apples. But, times have changed it seems.
That said, maybe the good Lord decided that having him do the time would be worse. Depending on the prison conditions, it could be. Gordon could tell you all about that, having been the criminal investigation director of the Michigan prison system for a few years, where he investigated over 60 homicides where none was a murder.
Forgive me for asking but has anybody noticed the zero media on the lawsuit cases of his victims? What’s up wid dat? I would have bet a dollar that our click baiting media would have been following every blow on that, but have seen nothing… Jim W. Dean ]
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– First published … April 10, 2020 –
It was reported in mid-March that discarded Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein, who is now serving a 23-year sentence at the Wende Correctional Facility after being charged with sexual assault and rape, has contracted coronavirus and had been placed in self-isolation.
Harvey Weinstein, a former Hollywood producer and a convicted rapist, has survived COVID-19 and was released from two weeks of quarantine, the Daily Mail reported, citing a source familiar with the matter.
“We lost contact with him and were unable to get in touch with him after he tested positive because he was placed in isolation and under quarantine,” the anonymous source said. “He had a fever and cough.”
“The man is in poor health, normally speaking, and has multiple pre-existing conditions. Honestly, I was very concerned. I can’t believe he made it through this. I was definitely thinking this would be the end of him,” the source continued.
The news about Weinstein’s recovery has been confirmed by his spokesman Juda Engelmayer, who said that the former producer has no symptoms now; he was released from medical isolation and “deemed alright”, Fox News reported.
On 11 March, Weinstein was convicted of third-degree rape and first-degree sexual assault and is now serving a 23-sentence at Wende Correctional Facility, where he was placed temporary until further evaluation about which prison facility would meet his health needs.
The 68-year-old has long been suffering from severe health conditions, including high blood pressure, diabetes, heart issues and problems with his spine. He was moved to the Regional Medical Unit at the facility following reports that he has tested positive for coronavirus, which he could have earlier contracted in Rikers Island, New York City’s jail complex.

Jim W. Dean is VT Editor Emeritus. He was an active editor on VT from 2010-2022. He was involved in operations, development, and writing, plus an active schedule of TV and radio interviews. He now writes and posts periodically for VT.
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Maybe he took a leave of absence and went on a bit of state sponsored ‘R n R’ using coronavirus as a cover hahaha. If Epstein was still alive I would have added maybe Weiner went to Epstein’s Island for a little bit of a party. I also noticed Boris Johnson survived too goddammit! How come lard arse Trump didnt get it? He gorges on Mcdonalds and he is overweight, I’m guessing highly stressed too (comes with the job). Totally fits the criteria of a coronavirus victim.
If it turns out that there is a god, l don’t think he is evil. But the worst that you can say about him is that basically he is an underachiever. Woody Allen
There IS GOD! GOD is ‘Symbiotic’ with Man! GOD=good and DEVIL=evil, resides in ALL of US! We have, ‘Free Will’, so we are responsible for everything that we do, or fail to do, toward our fellow Men, Women and Children and our environment! Like our Thomas PAINE stated, some 240 years ago; ‘GOD/CREATOR gave Us Reason not Religion!’ By the way, Paine was the, ‘inspiration’ for our ,’The Declaration of Independence.’ … that ALL Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable RIGHTS, that among these are, LIFE, LIBERTY and the Pursuit of HAPPINESS –‘ God/Creator what I call, “The UNIVERSAL SINGULARITY’ didn’t separate, ‘chose anyone special’, that is just. B.S. a Fairy Tale, by Control Freaks and Charlatans, to ‘Divide & Conquer’ Humanity! As we can observe around us, they have succeeded beyond their Wildest Dreams! They created HELL on Earth, for US! PEACE! SALAM! SHALOM!
You speak sense Imre, cheers.
Yes God gave us reason, but you have very small children with not yet developed sense of reason and no way of telling it, rely exclusively upon faith/trust to their parents/caretakers, yet no religion but only science was able to prove they end up using more brain than the rest of us. Faith/trust is very important/crucial for survival.
As for folks like Weinstein it is reasonable to understand that death is not repaying enough for most sins, for some people longtime or lifetime sentences are worse than death.
Well you know Mr Dean, they do say the devil looks after his own…
Yes indeed, and he has been in business for a long time.
On the other hand, given his age, his obesity, the probability that he’s a type-2 diabetic, or at least highly insulin resistant, and receiving treatment at a state prison facility; in which state are seen the most COVID-19 fatalities, it could be a spark of hope for those afflicted with similar comorbidities, and in the same age range.
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