…via PressTV, Tehran
[ Editor’s Note: Critical media from a key US ally like Britain is not something that Trump can brush off as meaningless. Trump was doomed from the beginning because he would fall back on his old game.
He over promised with his dog and pony show with all the private companies he was going to “partner” with to ramp up testing. It was a stupid move, as with no pandemic planning that is needed to be ready to do anything quickly, little is happening and the companies are admitting it.
They are giving a good reason. The Trump fake leadership team did not include them in early discussions to find out how much control they needed to have over their own respective supply chains to be able to reliably predict what they could do.
If Trump had been truthful in stating that the process would take time to get into gear, then he would have been less vulnerable. There is just a small number of drive-in testing facilities at some of the chain stores, when Trump had promised a national rollout, “soon”.
And what was the problem? For starters, the amateurs and fakers in the White House forgot to coordinate where the protective equipment for the workers at these drive up testing centers would come from. Imagine that.
But in Trump World, such key details always seem to be someone else’s responsibility, and yes, someone else to blame for the failure. This has been Trump’s “M 0” all his life… Jim W. Dean ]
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– First published … April, 2020 –
US President Donald Trump’s response to the coronavirus pandemic, which has been sharply condemned by US experts as severely inadequate, is ruining America’s reputation as a competent country, according to British media.
Trump’s incompetence and dishonesty in managing the COVID-19 pandemic has left foreign observers as well as Americans in disbelief and may permanently tarnish US standing around the world, The Guardian newspaper reported on Sunday.
“Erratic behavior, tolerated in the past, is now seen as downright dangerous. It’s long been plain, at least to many in Europe, that Trump could not be trusted. Now he is seen as a threat. It is not just about failed leadership. It’s about openly hostile, reckless actions,” the newspaper said.
International action has also been hampered at the UN Security Council by US objections over terminology. Trump has ignored impassioned calls to create a coronavirus global taskforce or coalition.
The new coronavirus, which causes a respiratory disease known as COVID-19, is believed to have emerged in the Chinese city of Wuhan late last year.
Last month, the Group of Seven (G7) countries failed to agree on a joint statement on tackling the COVID-19 pandemic because US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo insisted on calling it the “Wuhan virus”.
“The Trump administration’s self-centered, haphazard, and tone-deaf response [to COVID-19] will end up costing Americans trillions of dollars and thousands of otherwise preventable deaths,” wrote Stephen Walt, a professor of international relations at Harvard University.
“But that’s not the only damage the United States will suffer. Far from ‘making America great again’, this epic policy failure will further tarnish [its] reputation as a country that knows how to do things effectively,” he said.
This adverse shift could be permanent, Walt warned.
The United States, with the world’s third-largest population, has recorded more fatalities and infections from the coronavirus than any other country, leaving over 22,000 dead and over 555,000 infected as of Monday, according to a Reuters tally.
About 2,000 deaths were reported for each of the last four days in a row. Experts say official statistics have understated the actual number of people who have succumbed to the respiratory disease, having excluded coronavirus-related deaths at home.

Jim W. Dean is VT Editor Emeritus. He was an active editor on VT from 2010-2022. He was involved in operations, development, and writing, plus an active schedule of TV and radio interviews. He now writes and posts periodically for VT.
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I hope that’s a Ben-Gurion reference.
The Russians put Trump in power, not because of collusion with Trump, they did it to destroy America and they have succeeded.
Sadly two decades of wars have already meant the US government has debt higher than the country’s GDP. Reading a history book or two would have shown that invading Afghanistan was a bad idea. Invading Iraq was always going to give Iran control over the country and invading Syria was never going to be successful because of Russia.
China will outspend the US in technology research and development over the next decade, they already have the world leading G5 technology, selling it at a price the US cannot compete with even if it builds a product that is on par.
China is sending supplies to the world, meanwhile Trump’s son-in-law does not even realise that the Federal Governments supplies are for the states to use.
Hats off to Governor Cuomo, so heartwarming to hear this wonderful New Yorker, if only someone of his stature was running the country.
The Russians didn’t put Trump in power, it was done by Americans who had direct physical access to the electronic voting machines. Those Americans were working for the Neocon-Zionist-Israeli crime cabal and Russia was not involved.
The US empire was already in decline, Trump has trashed the country and its leadership of the world to the point of no return.
Our world is facing one of the worst events in our lifetime, Trump’s could not have done a worse job.
I have never prayed for the leader of any country to be shot until now.
…breaking news….Qanon….sure i know i told you Trump is playing 4D chess, guess i forgot to tell you China and Russia are playing 5D chess…oh well…maybe next time…
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