by Jim W. Dean, VT Editor, …with PressTV, Tehran
[ Editor’s Note: The Trump regime is placing as many bets down on the table that “China unleashed the virus” as a last stand defense of Trump’s incompetent handling of the Covid threat, which in 20/20 retrospect we can see he was totally absorbed with its effect on his reelection prospects.
Why? If he hadn’t already known, he was certainly briefed on the track record that incumbent presidents with a good economy and low unemployment carry a lot of sway with voters wanting those circumstances to continue.
His financial handlers milked him like a cow, getting the huge tax bill through, where with their cut, rather than investing it back into the country, proceeded to start doing stock buybacks to run their shares up. Those corporate moguls who loaded themselves up with stock options earlier made out really well.
Trump was looking forward to getting his cut of their increased wealth by having tons of money for his campaign. That is changed now. If we had a strong Democrat candidate, Trump would be toast, but with goofy Joe Biden telling us recently about the millions of Americans that have died from Covid…well…what can be said about that?
You would have thought that by now his handlers would have been feeding him lines via his hearing aide, but he appears to still be winging it. America is tired of that from Trump, and comedian Sara Cooper is just killing him with her impersonation satires with 16 million views.
That Trump would blame everyone but himself for the lack of preparation on the pandemic response was predictable. He has been his own worst enemy with his big and uncontrolled mouth.
His handlers are working on a lot of diversions to frame him as the genius business leader who can juggle a dozen crises at a time with no problem. The Iran bogeyman will be front and center.
I am concerned that, if the polls begin to show he is tanking in September, he would start a war with Iran as his last defense from being exposed to all the litigation awaiting him as a private citizen, with a Democratic president and maybe even Senate… JD ]
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– First published … May 15, 2020 –
China say US has no right to extend an arms embargo on Iran, let alone trigger snapback. Maintaining JCPOA is the only right way moving forward.

Jim W. Dean is VT Editor Emeritus. He was an active editor on VT from 2010-2022. He was involved in operations, development, and writing, plus an active schedule of TV and radio interviews. He now writes and posts periodically for VT.
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But the US doesn’t care about rights, truth and such.
Thank God it is falling.
From the comment above: “How does one competently handle a planned epidemic.”
President Xi Jingping seemed to figure it out – why not Trump?
And . . . “I see nothing but frightened people wearing masks while vigorously scrubbing everything in sight with alcohol.”
Some would call it keeping themselves, their families and community alive and safe. The only responsible, moral thing to do?
Remember, almost all information on mainstream alternative media is false. No just in a binary way, but a multi-dimensional – fractal way. Always look at the intended target audience – that audience is always meant to be deceived, entrained and to continue living in their own mental prison — to be harvested on the financial and anti-spiritual plantation in which they inhabit.
South Korea brought their med tech companies together a week after their first case was discovered, and told them it wanted a test ready ASAP. They worked non-stop and produced one in an week. They immediately tested, traced and isolated. That was the trick. Japan seems to have done the same thing. Taiwan is OK, as is Hong Kong really. California got the same strain and got hammered. “Downplaying” the potential effect due to the economic consequences was the main concern politically in most of the US. Then we got into the second tier issues of weak planning, no equipment, etc.
“…as a last stand defense of Trump’s incompetent handling of the Covid threat …”. How does one competently handle a planned epidemic. One created by the world’s globalist trillionaires. The right thing for Trump to do would have been to order the arrest of the planners of October’s NYC Event 2020. Trump’s mistake has been to go along, with this nonsense, to get along. He should have grabbed Fauci by the neck and tossed him so hard enough off the stage that he bounced to Guantanamo. I’m sorry, but as an average citizen with eyes to see and common sense, on the streets of LA, and in the Long Beach VA hospital, I see nothing but frightened people wearing masks while vigorously scrubbing everything in sight with alcohol. At the VA the wards are empty, there’s vacant tents erected for the never coming surge. Those who want to continue this charade are either delusional or profiting from it, or both. To think for yourself, to reason and act morally used to count for something. Now we have elevated homosexuality, and transgenders to positions with power over us. A group whose life expectancy is more than 20 less than average, a group that abhors heterosexuals, and can’t reproduce. Yet we’re expected to raise our children to look up to them for leadership? In this upside down world how does one keep one’s balance? The answer is you can’t.
“At the VA the wards are empty…” – joetv
Easy enough to do by telling (er, lying to) veterans with potential COVID-19 to come back in a few months since there is a backlog – is this what really is happening?
Our first report was, here in Michigan area, that the staff was not coming in due to their not being any protective equipment, 80%. Have not had an update since. The word on prescriptions was a 90 backlog. I will see if we can get an update on this now.
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