Trump Silent on George Floyd’s Killing, Biden Demands a Probe

While ignoring the killing, the president found time to tweet about his "Obamagate" conspiracy theory and Twitter's decision to fact-check his false attack on vote-by-mail.



Trump Silent on George Floyd’s Killing, Biden Demands a Probe

U.S. President Donald Trump has not said a single word about the killing on Monday of Black citizen George Floyd, who died after pleading that he couldn’t breathe while a white police officer held him down with a knee on his neck.

Though almost two days have passed since video footage emerged Tuesday showing Floyd imploring for his life as a policeman knelt on his neck, Trump has yet to make any comment.

Yet, while ignoring the killing, the president found time Wednesday to tweet about his “Obamagate” conspiracy theory and Twitter’s decision to fact-check his false attack on vote-by-mail.

For his part, presumptive 2020 Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden has joined with those demanding a “thorough” federal investigation into the incident that has sparked large protests and nationwide calls for justice.

“George Floyd deserved better and his family deserves justice. His life mattered,” Biden tweeted late Tuesday as demonstrators were tear-gassed by police in the streets of Minneapolis. “I’m grateful for the swift action in Minneapolis to fire the officers involved—they must be held responsible for their egregious actions. The FBI should conduct a thorough investigation.”

Biden’s demand for a federal investigation into Floyd’s killing followed similar calls from civil rights groups and members of Congress.

Executive director of the ACLU of Minnesota, John Gordon, said in a statement Tuesday that the “horrific video” of Floyd’s killing “underscores the immediate need for a thorough, fair, and transparent investigation” into his death.

“The community needs a comprehensive review and the reform of police practices and policies,” Gordon said. “The officers involved—not just the perpetrator, but also those who stood by and did nothing—must be held accountable.”


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  1. I’m certainly not a fan of the way cops mete out street justice, and every death by cop deserves a thorough and independent investigation. That said. there’s definitely a media pogrom to target the White male. It’s become so intense that quite a few white men, in certain professions, find it necessary to demean their own as a means of saving their jobs. In the press rarely is the race of a murder suspect mentioned unless that suspect is white. If Trump didn’t comment on the assault of the nursing home patient, the media would never have mentioned it. And, on that subject Trump didn’t mention race, only the cruelty of the crime. Earlier in the month the press figuratively convicted and lynched 3 white men after a known felon was shot and killed under questionable circumstances. The news was dominated by headlines such as “Black Jogger”. As if the young man was taking his usual morning jog, rather than reporting the true circumstances that led to his demise, which are in complete contradiction.
    This race war bullshit serves only one master, and it isn’t humanity. Blacks and Whites must recognize both races are under assault by the same bully, and what really scares the bully is the thought that one day we stop the in-fighting, join hands, and point our fingers at the puppet master. Responsible reporters, and bloggers should be writing about the contrivance of the current race war scenario, and what it takes to turn the tables on the contrivers. And, ancient politicians remarking ‘you ain’t black enough’ if you support Trump are definitely not helpful. Both candidates do not have the general populations welfare in mind, so ignore them. And, it ain’t about politics anyway. It’s about living a peaceful life. Both Dr. King and Malcom X were assassinated because, both had the ability and, were on the verge of bringing blacks and whites together. That’s how afraid the puppet masters are of the 2 sides joining together and putting them out of business.

  2. My most painful topic: lawlessness of the police in the United States. The only way to pay attention to this, to force the authorities to undertake drastic reforms , is to organize a protest in all cities and States of the United States. That’s when the authorities will understand that the case smells fried. How many such cases have there been? How many more!? Well, even if they arrest these cops, it will all be forgotten and repeated again. I have no doubt that there are good honest guys in the police force. But mostly we see moral freaks, pathological sadists and vile cowards! Yes, American society is more dangerous than mine: a lot of weapons on hand, gangs and a huge number of drug addicts. But to kill and maim people who do not resist is a shame, gentlemen! These pathetic cops have the heart of a hare. And only by mass peaceful demonstrations can the people of the United States make it clear that this global disgrace must stop at some point. This poor guy they killed, he can’t be brought back. The wife became a widow, and the children became orphans (if he had any). And these four cops – convict them and put in jail with African-Americans.
    P.S. Although I would have liked to hit the head of the main Strangler with a baseball bat. 4 times.
    Sorry, I hate injustice.

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