Egypt’s Gen. Sisi and UAE threaten Libyan intervention

Russian Mig-29 planes have been spotted in the rebel held air bases, while Turkey has moved in modern air defenses and combat drones, Erdogan going nose to nose with Putin


Egypt’s President warns of direct military intervention in Libya if Turkey continue to advance

…by Jim W. Dean, VT Editor …with PressTV, Tehran

[ Editor’s Note: Poor Libya is now the poster child for how easy it is to fragment a tribal country with natural resources by pitting tribes against each other who then require foreign sponsorship for military support.

The UN shows once again how useless it is, due to the one veto that can stop any joint sanctions against a trouble making outside country trying to exploit the situation, when it has the support of one of the Security Council veto holders to protect it.

The UN recognized GNA government is only holding the Tripoli area so it can defend itself within interior lines. With the help of Turkish militia forces flown in from the Syrian militias, the GNA had been able to create a wider defensive shield and begin pushing east to take some of the coastal towns, including a major oil port. Turkish drones have played a key role.

We now learn 2600 of them have gone back to Turkey, a result of the GNA current coastal offensive, and Russian Mig-29 planes have been spotted in the rebel held air bases, so even Moscow has a hand in this mess. This puts Putin directly in conflict with Erdogan, when they already are head to head in Syria.

Russian Mig-29s in Libya

It appears that those supporting General Hadi in Benghazi are not happy with Tripoli moving in on what these outside parties consider to be ‘their interests’.

Egypt has made the incredible claim that the world would support its intervention as an act of self defense. You just can’t make this stuff up. It will be interesting to see which countries go public with General Sisi in this outrageous claim.

Unfortunately, in Libya everyone wants to control the oil revenue to be able to have their tribe take the biggest piece, hence they have been set upon each other to the benefit of foreign interventionists. We have seen this game played in Iraq and SyriaJD ]

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– First published … June 21, 2020 –

Egypt’s President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi has warned of direct military intervention in Libya if Turkish-backed forces continue their advance.

Sisi said on Saturday the Libyan cities of Sirte and Jufra, which the Tripoli-based Government of National Accord (GNA) is pushing to capture, are a red line for Egypt, warning the internationally recognized GNA not to cross the current front line with renegade military commander Khalifa Haftar’s eastern-based self-styled Libyan National Army (LNA).


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  1. The same way as turkey has a right to intervene in syria & iraq under the pretext of security (fake security), egypt can do the same for libya, and many would support egypt I think.
    Because: 1- Egypt has a long land border with Libya, 2 – Militant’s brought to Libya by Turkey are religiously radicalized groups from syria who supports muslem brotherhood salafist ideology that is outlawed and declared as terrorist in egypt, 3 – Haftar seems to be more reasonable than sarraj muslem brotherhood ideology.

  2. I disagree a bit on analysis of Libyan situation now
    First of all watch any interview of James and JoAnn Moriarty about the true history of the Libyan “civil war” they are two Americans who were trapped in Libya during the invasion of 250,000 AlQueda headchopper mercenaries, sent in by Hillary Clinton, Obama, NATO, Qatar, France, Britain, Canada. .
    5000 civilians slaughtered on streets of Tripoli the first days of invasion, by Blackhawk helicopters as there was massive “we want no war” peace demonstration. This was spun by Western media as mobs of crazed Ghaddafi supporters massacring “freedom loving” rebels…and the Blackhawks saved the freedom fighter r bels….not even close to truth.
    Anyways it’s not tribes vs tribes it’s the “Victors” in the genocide of Libya being granted the new government of Libya, by the UN, and it was the UN who supported the genocide and destruction of entire country.
    So this the GNA. .this UN and NATO government from Algeria, not Libyan! These are the same people who shipped in 250,000 head chopping Al Queda mercenaries to do all the dirty work on ground raping torturing murdering any civilians they come upon, then the mass graves and heads on fenceposts blamed on Ghaddafi in world press accounts.
    The GNA are the bad guys hiding under UN and NATO approval. All the tribes are united to throw the GNA into sea, but for those historically criminal tribes in the port of Misrati who support the GNA
    So pretty much all the tribes are united behind Haftar, because his goal is to throw the whole llegal UN approved government of GNA into the sea, or they can go back to huge Algerian CIA base where they came from.
    So they using same tactics again, bringing in this time a mere 14,000 ISIS headchopper terrorist mercenaries but this time they do not have no fly zone, Russia has sent Wagner troops and warplanes, and Egypt ready to send in tanks ..
    So it’s good guys: The “tribes and the tribal councils” …their military wing but not really s good guy but doing his job is Haftar the warlord
    The very bad guys are the GNA supported by terrorist mercenaries and Turkey and their UN badge.
    Only tribes against tribes conflict really going on is the Criminal “Khazarian” bunch in port of Misrati…
    I am leaving out the 2nd government over in the east in Tobruk as they are pretty much out of picture in conflict going on now near Tripoli.
    Anyways just saying it’s not tribes vs tribes it’s those same people who did the mass genocide before, supported by hoardes of paid headchoppers, (GNA). vs the people of Libya (the tribes) who have been using Haftar as their warlord more or less to drive those who massacred theie brothers and destroyed Libya out of country.

    • You have a good grasp of the situation, the UN is most certainly just another arm of Western Imperialism. If it wasn’t for Russia. Iran, Hesbollah etc , Syria would be in the same mess. Basically Israel must be either neutered or destroyed. Through the establishment of that satanic apartheid entity, Britain, with US help, saw a way of controlling the ME and all the natural resources.

  3. How WE, the United States is, ‘Spreading American Values’? We murdered a ‘Benevolent Dictator’ and turned that Country into HELL on EARTH! Same in IRAQ! The Nation of Iraq, is very much the same story! The US has morphed into a, “Bloody Colonial Imperial Power”, we have replaced the ‘Bloody BRITS”, on the World Stage! SAD! Does anyone in OUR GOVERNMENT (MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX), knows, can recite OUR: “The Declaration of INDEPENDENCE.” We fought the Bloody Brits for that!! I forgot: “WAR IS A RACKET!”

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