Maxwell indictment includes two areas where Trump can be prosecuted for Pedophilia (updating)


Berman fired as US Attorney SDNY to protect Trump.  Berman would have controlled Maxwell case, targeted Trump

[ Editor’s Note: The Daily Mail is adding more background on Ms. Ghislaine. She is looking at life in prison for the number of counts she will have, and thus a prime candidate for rolling over on others, and also becoming an alleged suicide statistic with Epstein.

But other ghosts are coming out of the closet now. We of course had known Pappa Maxwell had been an Israeli spy, his major work in nuclear espionage and proliferation, and also a long history spying for Russia going back to his younger days.

The document below references the role of Alan Dershowitz and the nature of the alleged Mossad blackmail ring run by Epstein and Maxwell.

Epstein, Dershowitz, Maxwell Court References to Blackmail by Gordon Duff on Scribd

The man was an arch criminal, which certainly British Intel should have been savvy enough to eventually pick up on, so they will have some ass covering to do here. There are a lot of people and organizations that might be praying that she has a fatal stroke or heart attack.

VT would like to ask the authorities what took them so long. There was no rocket science involved. So that led us to believe she was allowed to get away because she had been flipped by someone very powerful. Prince Andrew will now face more exposure.

We felt the same way with Trump’s buddy Felix Sater and a football sized team of Kosher Nostra business gangsters who have operated out of Trump Tower for a long time. Even if Trump loses and Biden gets in, that is no assurance that his administration will really clean house.

Such an effort would trigger the possibility of people getting murdered to demonstrate that the bad guys are not going to go down without inflicting some major pain. Expect to see a major showdown here between the hopefully good, and the provenly evil.

Thus ends my cheery missive for the day Jim W. Dean ]

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Team Trump, Kosher Nostra presidential advisors

– First published … July 03, 2020

In December 2016 when Donald Trump bragged that the child rape lawsuit brought against him (below) was dismissed, he was correct.  It was dismissed because Ghislaine Maxwell testified that the accusations made were false.

Now Maxwell faces prison for, among other things, lying in the 2015-2016 “Jane Doe” lawsuit against Trump and Epstein, which cleared Trump of potential criminal charges for child rape and allowed him to assume the presidency.

Now he is no longer cleared.

The documents below, starting with page 10 of the indictment, tie Donald Trump to Epstein and Maxwell’s crimes.  Mentioned, or rather not mentioned but referred to as “other,” there are clear references to those who are not charged.

The reason is clear as well.  The testimony that would have indicted Trump didn’t exist, not because Trump didn’t rape kids but because Maxwell, as outlined in the indictment, lied in civil cases including one cited in the indictment which included charges of child rape against both Trump and Epstein.

The indictment is purposefully hazy in outlining Maxwell’s false testimony in civil cases where she is now charged with lying.  It was Maxwell’s lies that got a 2015 case dismissed that accused Trump and Epstein of child rape. (see case filings below)

No information on the case was given in the indictment other than an untraceable docket number.  However, and this is included below in the comprehensive list of Maxwell cases in which she may have been questioned, there was only one case that fit the indictment which cited her 2016 testimony and that was the Jane Doe rape by Trump and Epstein.

This ties it up completely and all required is here.

Why has no one else bothered?

Censorship, control of the media?

U.S. v. Ghislaine Maxwell I… by catherine_fenlon on Scribd

Donald Trump & Jeffrey … by davidbix on Scribd

Civil cases and accusations

Virginia Roberts Giuffre v. Maxwell (2015)

Details of a civil lawsuit, made public in January 2015, contained a deposition from “Jane Doe 3″ that accused Maxwell of recruiting her in 1999, when she was a minor, and grooming her to provide sexual services for Epstein.[16] A 2018 exposé by Julie K. Brown in the Miami Herald revealed Jane Doe 3 to be Virginia Giuffre, who was previously known as Virginia Roberts. Giuffre met Maxwell at Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Club in Palm Beach, Florida, where Giuffre was working at the time.[16] She asserted that Maxwell had introduced her to Epstein, after which she was “groomed by the two [of them] for his pleasure, including lessons in Epstein’s preferences during oral sex”.[51][16]

Maxwell has repeatedly denied any involvement in Epstein’s crimes.[41] In a 2015 statement, Maxwell rejected allegations that she has acted as a procurer for Epstein and denied that she had “facilitated Prince Andrew’s acts of sexual abuse”. Her spokesperson said “the allegations made against Ghislaine Maxwell are untrue” and she “strongly denies allegations of an unsavory nature, which have appeared in the British press and elsewhere, and reserves her right to seek redress at the repetition of such old defamatory claims”.[47][52]

Giuffre asserted that Maxwell and Epstein had trafficked her and other underage girls, often at sex parties hosted by Epstein at his homes in New York, New Mexico, Palm Beach, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Maxwell called her a liar. Giuffre sued Maxwell for defamation in federal court in the Southern District of New York in 2015. While details of the settlement have not been made public, in May 2017 the case was settled in Giuffre’s favour,[53] with Maxwell paying Giuffre “millions”.[54]

Sarah Ransome v. Epstein and Maxwell (2017)

In 2017, Sarah Ransome filed a suit, in the United States District Court Southern District of New York, against Epstein and Maxwell, alleging that Maxwell hired her to give massages to Epstein and later threatened to physically harm her or destroy her career prospects if she did not comply with their sexual demands at his mansion in New York and on his private Caribbean island, Little Saint James. The suit was settled in 2018 under undisclosed terms.[55][3][39][56]

Affidavit filed by Maria Farmer (2019)

On 16 April 2019, Maria Farmer went public and filed a sworn affidavit in federal court in New York, alleging that she and her 15-year-old sister, Annie, had been sexually assaulted by Epstein and Maxwell in separate locations in 1996. Farmer’s affidavit was filed in support of a defamation suit between Virginia Giuffre against Alan Dershowitz.[57] According to the affidavit, Farmer had met Maxwell and Epstein at a New York art gallery reception in 1995. The affidavit says that in the summer of the following year, they hired her to work on an art project in billionaire businessman Leslie Wexner’s Ohio mansion, where she was then sexually assaulted by both Maxwell and Epstein.[58][59] Farmer reported the incident to the New York Police Department and the FBI.[42] Her affidavit also stated that during the same summer, Epstein flew her then 15-year-old sister, Annie, to his New Mexico property where he and Maxwell molested her on a massage table.[60][61]

Farmer was interviewed for CBS This Morning in November 2019 where she detailed the 1996 assault and alleged that Maxwell had repeatedly threatened both her career and her life after the assault.[62]

Jennifer Araoz v. Epstein’s estate, Maxwell, and Jane Does 1–3 (2019)

On 14 August 2019, Jennifer Araoz filed a lawsuit in New York County Supreme Court against Epstein’s estate, Maxwell, and three unnamed members of his staff; the lawsuit was made possible under New York state’s new Child Victims Act, which took effect on the same date.[63] Araoz later amended her complaint on October 8, 2019 with the names of the previously unidentified women enablers to include Lesley Groff, Cimberly Espinosa, and the late Rosalyn Fontanilla.[64]

Priscilla Doe v. Epstein’s estate (2019)

Ghislaine Maxwell was named in one of three lawsuits filed in New York on 20 August 2019 against the estate of Jeffrey Epstein.[65] The woman filing the suit, identified as “Priscilla Doe”, claimed that she was recruited in 2006 and trained by Maxwell with step-by-step instructions on how to provide sexual services for Epstein.[66][67]

Annie Farmer v. Maxwell and Epstein’s



Annie Farmer, represented by David Boies, sued Maxwell and Epstein’s estate in Federal District Court in Manhattan in November 2019, accusing them of rape, battery and false imprisonment and seeking unspecified damages.[68][5]

Jane Doe v. Maxwell and Epstein’s Estate (2020)

In January 2020, a lawsuit was filed against Maxwell and Epstein alleging that they recruited a 13-year-old music student at the Interlochen Center for the Arts in 1994 and subjected her to sexual abuse.[5] The suit states that Jane Doe was repeatedly sexually assaulted by Epstein over a four year period and that Maxwell played a key role both in her recruitment and by participating in the assaults.[5]

Maxwell v. Epstein’s Estate, Darren K. Indyke, Richard D. Kahn, and NES LLC (2020)

Maxwell filed a lawsuit on 12 March 2020 against Epstein’s estate, which claimed she had been a longtime employee of Epstein (from 1998 to 2006)[69] who had served to manage his property holdings in the U.S. Virgin Islands, New York, New Mexico, Florida and Paris[70] while continuing to deny any knowledge or involvement in his criminal activities.[6][7] According to the lawsuit, filed in Superior Court in the U.S. Virgin Islands, Maxwell was seeking damages for legal fees (associated with defending herself against her accusers) that she claims Epstein had promised to cover for her.[6][7]


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  1. This smells like a diversion. Oh, they might make a lot of noise…and that will be all. Trump will not be immersed in this investigation, only vague innuendo at the most. Pedophilia will be mentioned possibly… but Trump connected to it? Unlikely on both counts. One can bet that the name of the country that runs this operation will never be mentioned as well. All in all, a silly little trip down BS lane. The question is: how are they going to frame this? Sexual exploitation? What else is available? Surely political favors will be swept under the run as well. Those compromised that are listed in Epsteins little black book will never be outed, but those running this will jerk their chains to get them in unison to quash any notion of revelations. A case that could open a big fat can of worms that will go nowhere near any real crimes of treason.

  2. Just one more avoidance manoeuvre, by the Enemies, Foreign and DOMESTI who have pulled off/DOWN, the “9/11”, ‘False Flag’ attack against the People of the United States! That ‘INSIDE JOB’, of ‘9/11’, is what our Government and our Nation should be INVESTIGATING, bur one after another, ‘Phone Calls to the Ukraine! Impeachment HOAX! COVID-19 Lockdown! Noe this! Unending avoidance, of the CRIME of the CENTURY, the, ‘CONTROLLED DEMOLITION of the WTC. Towers #1,#2, #7, that resulted in the DEATHS of some 3 thousand Innocent “COLATERAL VICTIMS!” All, these, ‘Incidents’ keep popping Up! Those who have done and/or ALLOWED the Undertaking of the ‘9/11/2001’ Demonic Attack against US are in positions within (our)? Government to bring up, postpone, ignore , delay for ever a REAL INVESTIGATION into ‘9/11’! We have a Government that is ‘ROTTEN to the CORE’, and one that Isn’t serving the American People, but an ALIEN, FOREIGM DEMONIC ENTITY!! WHO/WHAT, is that Entity?? Check out another ‘False Flag’ Attack, that Zionist Israel, pulled off, against US, that failed: WE are ENSLAVED!!

  3. One perspective is her life may have been even more compromised overseas. The US may very well have been the safest place, especially if the feds were involved in her protection up till now. She’s not an amateur.
    She is the female Krampus, chains and all. Only a gifted interrogator, has any chance. Even then, timing is the key. Wednesday, is the best shot. After that the 28th.

  4. Unless a way is found to make everything transparent, which I guess means televised hearings, and a law to exempt all evidence from being buried under the blanket of national security, nothing will come of this. That Ms. Maxwell is even alive and in custody suggests cover up. Someone high up knows that she can not harm them. My wild guess is she’s a sacrifice. Over my years on this planet I have watched as many high class pimps and madams have been arrested with their record of clients seized and never once was the information publicized. About 3 years ago this June there was an headline in the LA Times that I wish I would have kept. But from memory it was: “243 arrested across Los Angeles, from Hollywood to Long Beach for Pedophilia”. It was a 1 day thing, never to be seen again. The Time’s archive was washed. It’s like it never happened.

  5. Ghislaine Maxwell might have been held on a MkUltra farm during all of this time (or was being cloned if you want to go David Icke bat crazy) and nothing of use will come out of her, whatever you do, even send her for waterboarding in Guantanamo.

  6. Trump guilty of course.
    Berman after him.
    Trump fired but Berman’s no2 takes over and arrests Maxwell.
    Trump is fucked

    • Not so sure about that. The original complaint, about which Maxwell allegedly lied, was a civil case, not a criminal one.

  7. Distraction, and right on time.
    Very curious, that out of nowhere FBI bags Maxwell, and what appears to be a pretty damn questionable allegation with just exactly what the “do-gooders” want to hear. Complete with untraceable document numbers. This already reeks.
    Right on cue, all the “right” people have already jumped on the bandwagon, and the horses aren’t even hitched up yet. The US Government is a wholly owned subsidiary of The City of London, Zionist Khazar criminal Banking Cabal puppets. Bolsheviks actually.
    The term “controlled opposition” comes to mind.
    There’s no way Maxwell is not untouchable, and every single one of the left wingnut extremists, and the right wingnut extremists are in this perversion to their eyeballs. Risky business wagging the finger in DC.

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