by Jim W. Dean, VT Editor, …and PressTV, Tehran
[ Editor’s Note: The US is pushing targeted UN countries into forming defensive agreements because the countries know they can be picked off one by one. In strengthening ties with Syria, Iran is simply borrowing a page from America’s WWI slogan, “It’s better to fight them over there”, regardless of the lack of historical evidence that Germany had the US in its long term crosshairs.
FDR’s Works Progress Administration had failed at creating any permanent jobs, and since the magic elixir of stagnate economies has often been “Let’s get into a war”, that is what we did. My grandfather’s farm in Mississippi stabilized the family for a generation and then got a second boost during WWII. My mother, for example, had instant employment in defense plants.
Iran did the same with Iraq when the US, Israel, and the cutthroats in the Persian Gulf wanted to Balkanize Iran, particularly peeling off Anbar province and then pushing south along the Saudi Arabian border to end any land route from Iran to Syria and Lebanon… the old divide and conquer game. Tehran stood with the Syrians.
Iran immediately saw its front line as the Syrian border with Israel, and then the Iraqi border with Syria when the US backed ISIS terrorists took over Deir Ezzor. Hezbollah rotated all of its people through the Syrian war so they are all combat veterans, as are all of the Russian fighter pilots and ground combat commanders.
The US military would claim the same benefits from “exercising” the troops by always keeping a few wars going. The legacy of military strength in peace is usually deterioration. China is the exception because, as with Russia, US forward deployment and encirclement forced it to divert major funding to its military.
What did the US and NATO gain by encircling their adversary? They now face a Russia that has a capable defense, with China not far behind, so any conflict, which would be inspired by a unipolar hegemon, would be met with much greater losses.
Who always pays for that? And who never seems to learn? …Jim W. Dean ]
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– First published … July 16, 2020 –
Iran has vowed to continue its cooperation with Syria following a recent military deal with the Arab country.

Jim W. Dean is VT Editor Emeritus. He was an active editor on VT from 2010-2022. He was involved in operations, development, and writing, plus an active schedule of TV and radio interviews. He now writes and posts periodically for VT.
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Not so, Martin. Remember, Major General Smedley Butler wrote “War is a Racket” around the Federal Reserve Act. Before that, the US armed forces were largely a target of the banker gangsters, not a co-conspirator. President John Adams even said, “Great Britain has borrowed all the superfluous wealth of Europe… to murder us.”
And all thanks to whom? Thanks to zionist terrorists from Aipac, and with real American taxpayers’ money.
US has screwed itself right royally. Never has one nation has squandered so much.
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