Maryland’s GOP governor: “Trump bungled testing”

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The Hill: Republican Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan criticized the President Trump in a Washington Post op-ed Thursday, describing how the administration’s response to the coronavirus pandemic was inadequate and did not provide testing resources, prompting the state to outsource COVID-19 tests from South Korea.

“Eventually, it was clear that waiting around for the president to run the nation’s response was hopeless; if we delayed any longer, we’d be condemning more of our citizens to suffering and death. So every governor went their own way,” Hogan wrote in the op-ed published Thursday.

Hogan said that the president downplayed the potential impact of the virus early on. He said the country missed the opportunity to prepare while other countries were experiencing outbreaks.

“So many nationwide actions could have been taken in those early days but weren’t,” Hogan wrote. “While other countries were racing ahead with well-coordinated testing regimes, the Trump administration bungled the effort.”

Hogan said that while the threat was escalating, “instead of listening to his own public health experts, the president was talking and tweeting like a man more concerned about boosting the stock market or his reelection plans.”

Hogan, who is chairman of the National Governors Association, continues in the op-ed to say that the governors were briefed by public health officials such as Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, who told them the disease was dangerous and highly contagious.

“It was jarring, the huge contrast between the experts’ warnings and the president’s public dismissals,” Hogan said.


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  1. Given US Government has handled the “pandemic” completely against all known medical practices worldwide, and continues to deliberately ignore this, cooking the numbers of cases, and cause of death, and the collateral damage due to this treason, “bungled” just doesn’t describe…
    This is a blunder, a large blunder. Predictably US Government is acting in opposite the way it stated. Doesn’t take a rocket surgeon to figure out there’s something way wrong with this whole thing.

  2. “Instead of listening to his own public health experts, the president was talking and tweeting like a man more concerned about boosting the stock market or his reelection plans.” – Gov. Larry Hogan

    Trump knew back in the second week of November that the bio-weapon COVID-19 would be attacking Wuhan, China and then make its way to the USA in the spring. Of course he “was talking and tweeting like a man more concerned about boosting the stock market or his reelection plans. He also knew that the USA was totally unprepared for COVID-19, that it would proceed to sink the US economy, and that his Likudnik pals would make out like bandits looting the US treasury and putting it on our tab. It was all part of the plan Governor.

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