What’s a bisexual? Is it dating people like Epstein or Roy Cohn and then having sex with children as the New York courts imply?
Do you hire models to accompany you around New York when you and Cohn or Epstein hit clubs or, as the photo below depicts, leave the girls behind when you don’t need them?
VT interviewed a top New York model (now a Trump appointee to a key position in government) that accompanied Trump and Epstein until Melania came along. It was $10k, not to sleep with Trump but to sign a non-disclosure and provide cover.
Along with models, there was a publicist that peddled stories about Trump ‘grabbing pussies’ and about being a ‘man’s man,’ but we now know what that really means.
The Epstein/Trump lawsuit says Trump made children wear rubber gloves when giving him a “HJ” but then why would Trump supposedly have unprotected sex with a porn star while married to Melania who thought it was all a joke?
VT has more on Wexner as well, part of the same group and a VT staffer took the call when Epstein called Wexner, crying that Wexner had married a woman.
Wexner gave huge amounts, may be billions, to Epstein. All were part of the same club, Trump, Epstein, Wexner and the MAGA, not “MEGA” types, whose only common bond was love of Israel and a double or even triple lifestyle.
Roger Stone believes and has stated that Roy Cohn wasn’t really a homosexual, though few or none agree with Stone on this or much else. Stone claimed he simply liked having sex with young men like Donald Trump. You see, as a young man, from the photo above, onward, until his death from AIDS, Roy Cohn was the constant companion of Donald Trump.

Our sources say Trump hired publicists to spread rumors of his sexual conquests, women in this case, and that he often, in public, would sexually assault women, often in crowded New York clubs.
I have direct access to an insider here who had spent many an hour with Trump and Epstein, the accused pedophile who we believe was murdered to protect Donald Trump. We have evidence that Epstein was in a 20 year plus homosexual relationship with a fashion billionaire who gave Epstein a private plane, a home worth over 70 million dollars, another home as well, and the money that made Epstein seem wealthy.
Behind this, it is alleged, was a CIA/Mossad homosexual blackmail ring; and those stories are now all coming out. What is less known is that Roy Cohn was accused of starting it all while he and “the Donald” were the “gay blades” of the New York club scene.
…from Vanity Fair
Sometimes, finding a title is the hardest thing about making a film. For Matt Tyrnauer, on this occasion, it was the easiest. “Never before has a sitting president delivered a film title for me,” he told me.
During the first month of Robert Mueller’s investigation into Donald Trump’s alleged corruption, in a moment of frustration with the legal and public-relations walls that seemed to be closing in on him, the president blurted something out to his White House advisers: “Where’s my Roy Cohn?!”
Watching Tyrnauer’s new documentary about Cohn, which premieres in competition at Sundance today, it’s easy to pinpoint what a young Donald Trump was yearning for back in January 2018: a ruthlessness that somehow came off as charming, a toughness punctuated with a wink at supporters and a jab at detractors, a commitment to getting one’s way no matter what.
And what did Roy Cohn, the notoriously malicious lawyer most infamous for helping Senator Joseph McCarthy carry out the Red Scare, see in Trump?
“I think he saw an up-and-comer, a tall, blond, handsome rich kid, to whom he was always attracted as a short and unattractive, albeit brilliant, frustrated person,” explained Tyrnauer. “And he had a long track record of befriending the handsome scions of certain privileged families in the world that he inhabited.”
For Tyrnauer, a Vanity Fair contributing editor whose previous documentaries include Valentino: The Last Emperor, Studio 54, and Scotty and the Secret History of Hollywood, Where’s My Roy Cohn? was born in two parts.
Read more at Vanity Fair
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James Earl Carter could of been the last POTUS without a Mossad blackmail file relating to sex.
This is a photo of Donald Trump from Vanity Fair. Why would you deny it?
Firstly I think it is more accurate to say Trump may be Bi Sexual rather than exclusively homosexual. Another thing I notice is in some cases the most outspoken a person or is about a particular issue may actually be engaging in that exact thing he/she is so outspoken about. Example catholic church priests speaking about homosexuality is a sin yet engage in homosexual act with underage boys. And from Jonas’s article about Kate Winslett regretting working with Polanski and Allen yet engages in sexual acts on screen and full frontal nudity. So on the outside Trump may appear anti homosexual but in secret he engages in homosexual acts. After reading Jonas and this article it does not surprise me one bit that this kind of thing is going on. Just for the record I like Kate Winslett in her roles and enjoy most of her movies, but I don’t claim to be morally superior and have I done my fair share of what some would call immoral acts. Can anyone here or out there claim to be sin free? “Let him who is without sin cast the first stone”.
Cindy, the article does say “bisexual”. and you are SO right about psychological “projection”: when a person projects their insecurities onto others. i notice that a LOT. your examples are great. i’d also like to add: remember all the rabid, anti-gay politicians from the early 2000s? they all turned out to be gay men! ie. Larry Craig comes to mind. FYI: i always keep in the back of my mind: “judging someone says more about you”.
haha. i don’t know how true this is & i don’t care. it’s funny as hell. FYI: you’re right about the MAGA cult. ie. Alex Jonestein was busted w/trans porn on his iphone. he’s also a Netanyahu bitch. strange coincidences.
When dealing with a serial liar, it is important to elucidate basic truths we might otherwise prefer to not know. If the public and people around him, have a consternating and confusing feeling, that causes them to be perpetually unsure about Trump, then the entire profile is necessary. Certain people, like Trump, have an intangible quality that enables them to lie and be believed over and over, and the recipients can be drawn in over and over , after discovering lie after lie, like a yoyo , and in the US business model, this quality alone can make you rich. It is also dangerous, such in the case of Manson or Falwell, Jody Arias, and Casey Anthony.
And the intangible source and deeper understanding , of why people were hypnotically accepting of the 9/11 story. Our freedom does not come until a large percentage learns discernment.
About 80% of the time, homophobia blips my gaydar. For that matter, anytime I hear some guy going on and on about who and what he is, I look in the other/opposite direction.
Trumps outfit conjured the following skit from “The Life of Brian” from the near recesses of my narrow minded attitude to any unnatural sexual deviation. Take Trump how you want – Incontinentia Buttocks, or whoever, but if a picture could tell a thousand words some imaginations are inclined – of course they are, to seek a laugh at the buffoon’s expense. He gives us little else.
Queer or straight, he’s a tool of the Yids, like all sock puppets who occupy the Oval Orifice.
I agree with Gall that having sex over and over with another man for years doesn’t make someone homosexual.
As both Trump and Bush 43 are openly “gay haters,” I think any moron, and we aren’t talking about our commentor here, might well find offense. One who is not a moron might also note who the Vice President is…..other than a piece of human garbage…but America’s foremost gay basher.
What I wonder is how and why a VT reader might not have figured these things out unless we have a shill on our hands. Hey, thanks for coming. In the interim, check your local listings under “schools.” Find one.
When Roy Cohn says, I’m not a homosexual, I just like having sex with men. Reminds me of the comedian that retorted; “I don’t like Cocaine, I just like the way it smells.”
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