Stanford Medical School Doctors/Researchers Call Out Scott Atlas for Lying About Science


Stanford Medical School Researchers and Doctors Call Out Scott Atlas 

Health Editor’s Note: Stanford medical faculty have called to task Dr. Scott Atlas who was appointed coronavirus advisor by Trump.  Many of Atlas’s opinions and statements run opposite to established science. Atlas had no background in infectious diseases and has pushed for reopening schools, questioned the efficacy of masks, and hopes to achieve ‘herd immunity’ by allowing young people to contract coronavirus.  His actions and words have undermined the health of the public.  Politics over health for Americans…we see this time and time again in Trump appointees….Carol



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    Speaking in a web Q&A for members of the business body FSB Scotland, he was asked about the different kinds of coronavirus tests available, and if businesses might be able to rapidly test workers to check if they’ve got Covid.

    He replied: “Yes, I think that will come. The science is not ready for that yet. I think a number of things will happen.

    “Remember, the first, the most important test we’re doing just now is the antigen test – looking for virus.

    “Now, the test just now is bit rubbish.

    “It is positive if it finds live virus or remnants of dead virus. It can’t tell the difference.

    “So you could still be shedding virus six weeks after you’ve had the infection and still get a positive test, and you’re not infectious.

    “So the test we have just now is a bit rubbish, and the science is trying to improve that test all the time.”

    Mr Leitch’s comments come amid debate in the scientific community about the “false positive” and “false negative” rates for the antigen or PCR testing.

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