Reader Obit: Andre Vltchek’s death a major loss to China, the US and the globe


…by Michael Dargaville for VT

It was Andre Vltchek, legendary Russian-American war correspondent/journalist found dead in Turkey today, leading the CHARGE in New Eastern Outlook Magazine which became easily the best global journal on the planet.

Andre and Gordon Duff were easily the stars and getting good support from a host of other journalists…..ANDRE was that sacred bridge between the USA and CHINA that will be extremely difficult to replicate.

Because of his love of the down and out and dispossessed in America, he had a totally unique understanding of that relationship between the USA and China, because he was loved and genuinely respected in Beijing. Yet, he was also King “of the alternative West” which has deep roots in progressive movements…..

ANDRE was perhaps one of the most vital cogs for future CHINA/USA friendship and developing new ties from the current INSANITY between these two countries. He was the perfect USA envoy into China, utterly unflinching in his criticism of western fascism yet deeply sympathetic to what he described as those tens of millions of Americans literally rotting in hell.

Creating the sacred bridge with mindfulness (Mindfulness, Photo courtesy JJcanvas, Deviantart)

Andre truly loved China with all his heart and was the most famous non-Chinese journalist on the planet defending Chinese communism from western smear campaigns and attacks, especially in Hong Kong.

Andre’s work in Africa was extraordinary and his major journalism in exposing the full genocide in the Democratic Republic of Congo between 1996 and 2003, where more than 10 million people were slaughtered, was perhaps the most important journalism of the past 100 years.

He was fearless, he loved doing his job and lived off a shoestring budget constantly travelling the globe covering wars that the USA and NATO started. His work in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan was utterly groundbreaking.

His novels were beautiful portrayals of non western countries under attack from western imperialism. His books of philosophy are as important as any philosopher in recent history.
Andre was a trailblazing maverick of the highest order defending the poor and the oppressed. He saw China, Vietnam and increasingly Russia and Iran as great symbols of resistance to western imperialism.

He was a friend of mine and I loved him. His compassion for the American underbelly was amazing. He published widely around the world and was a major regular contributor to the China Daily in Beijing. He loved Beijing and would often write about it being the arts capital if the world.

Just recently he told me after being put into a heavy Covid lockdown in Chile, where he was stuck for five months in a tiny flat, his health was destroyed. He escaped out of there with the aid of a walking stick.

He proudly covered the rise of socialism in Latin America like no other journalist. He gave me great support in my alien/ET/New Age journalism that I promoted and we often discussed poetry and literature. He was utterly intrigued I had had alien/ET contact and wanted to interview them. He was a committed communist with a huge heart and great soul.

CHINA and the USA both needed Andre Vltchek alive. This point in history is critical now for world peace. Andre was that torch for renewed China-USA peace. His understanding of China was totally extraordinary, better than any journalist I have known. He is a great loss to BOTH countries.

Kind regards
Michael Dargaville



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  1. I can’t stop crying every time I run into the report of his passing. A giant man with a tender soul, a beautiful human always looks up to the dark side and is always there lending a hand. I loved this man when first read his report.   I am so upset he is gone without another great man wore his shoes. I just have to cry again.

  2. A great front row fighter on the ramparts in defense of truthful journalism has passed away. His life may be summed up by Máo’s “Wèi rénmín fú’wù”: Serve the people.
    One shur sign that someone were great journalists is this: The semi-leftist faux liberal socialist press of some North Atlantisist state starts publishing their reports due to obvious high quality investigations and being well written — and then they get dropped when it becomes clear that they are battling the Beast itself within its own true belly of lies. Such a one was André Vlcheck’s fate whilst disturbing thair fata morganas.
    “Some men die whith their lives weighing less than their body feathers, while others weigh down more than the great mountain Tàishān” spoke Máo while quoting the great historian Sīmǎ Qiān. Surely, Vlcheck’s demise and his contributions are à par to two Tàishān peaks.

  3. A light has gone out in this world, and it has become that much darker.

    Gordon, I don’t know what kind of insurance you have have that keeps you alive, but for fuck’s sake make sure it doesn’t expire.

    • Avoiding medical care is working for me so far. I worked with Andre on his diabetes and other health issues. We have mixed reports from some that were closer to him than I was.

  4. Just find out here that Andre is gone from the Earth plane. I do not have to meet people in person to know that i love them and I have conveyed on this site in the past my respect for this courageous soul. I am in constant awe of the courage and spirit of Men like him and the staff at VT for being on the coalface of fighting directly unmitigated evil. None of you will ever be forgotten.

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