NEO: America’s Military, Murdered or Murderers?

    There is no question whatsoever that the US, along with Turkey and Israel, not only supplies terrorists in the Middle East and Africa, they fly combat missions to aid them in every way.


    by Gordon Duff, with New Eastern Outlook, Moscow

    [ Editor’s Note: You will not read anything like this anywhere else besides VT. West Point will never call to set up a debate, or challenge any of it in writing as it knows it would only get the material more visibility, which it never wants.

    Hence we get treated by many like we don’t exist. But the problem for them is that as long we do live the more time we have to show we have been right, and that they have failed to hold up their end of the oath, “to defend against all enemies, foreign and domestic.”

    There is no monument for the one million unreported ‘killed in after action’ from the Vietnam war on the West Point campus, Pentagon lawn, or a Veterans’ cemetery any where. No one accepts any responsibility, which is why we will always rub that in their faces so that it does not happen againJim W. Dean]

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    Gordon – a tall but skinny target

    – First published … October 16, 2020

    American military are stealing oil in Syria, trucking it into Turkey while the Syrian people do without fuel. American military burned wheat fields in Syria, this is not conjecture.

    American military attacked Syria with missiles, albeit with a humorous lack of success, in response to poison gas attacks that the US and its coalition partners were complicit in staging, this is not conjecture either.

    Where the US military won’t commit crimes, and we aren’t sure where that line is drawn, contractors are used, like Blackwater and so many others, to smuggle weapons to terrorists, assassinate local leaders including doctors and teachers and stage atrocities blamed on others.

    Does the US military really do this? Yes, of course they do, this is what special operations troops are trained for, this is how “famous” heroes of the oil wars can rack up huge kill counts.

    All you must do is shoot everyone you see and call them “terrorist suspects” or “enemy combatants.” We have all seen the video from Wikileaks, a helicopter gunship mowing down civilians trying to rescue other civilians just killed by the same helicopter.

    2000 drone videos or more would be worse, hellfire missiles hitting weddings, funerals, schools or endless cases of “mistaken identity.”

    Similarly, the US filled Guantanamo with randomly chosen “terrorists,” simply picked at random, some bought much the way plantation owners used to buy slaves.

    Who would do this?

    There is no question whatsoever that the US, along with Turkey and Israel, not only supplies terrorists in the Middle East and Africa, they fly combat missions to aid them in every way.

    Every atrocity in Yemen has a component of US involvement from planning bombing missions on civilians to supplying prohibited chemical weapons.

    Yet no one speaks up, except in private, when one Navy SEAL commander sat down with me at a conference outside Phoenix and described how US military were used to export tons of processed heroin a year from Afghanistan.

    Led by the Worst of the Best

    Making this possible is an officer corps led by service academy graduates picked for their mediocrity and moral ambiguity. Four years of fake education and indoctrination then unleashed the same on a world, willing to do whatever they are told.

    Vietnam should have been a lesson that lived on to reform America’s military. Instead, it was fictionalized and pushed “under the carpet.”

    This allowed what we have today, a military that fits in perfectly with nations run by drug lords, a military that operates seamlessly with ISIS terrorists at its side, a military that is comfortable, rank and file, in squashing freedom wherever it is found.

    Vietnam Follies

    The military the US sent to Vietnam wasn’t up to that, not a military filled with enlisted college graduates who had been drafted, a military made up of a real cross section of America, except for the conspicuous absence of the “fortunate sons,” such as Donald Trump.

    Traditionally, based on the 17th century model, military is made of officers from the privileged classes, who buy their commands and run them as a private business and the enlisted, pressed into service, taken from prisons or recruited from the dregs of population.

    There are exceptions but this was the rule and, in its own way, the rule again, particularly for the United States.

    The reputation of the US military, those aspects of that reputation that are still positive, was earned at Guadalcanal and Omaha Beach or at Belleau Wood in the Great War, famous now for being the battle field cemetery shunned by Donald Trump.

    He called American military “losers and suckers.” This is not conjecture. Though this is an insult it is also, to a significant extent, true. I can say this where he cannot in that I served in that military and was made to feel exactly as Trump described, as a loser and sucker.

    The people making me feel this were the commissioned and non-commissioned officers I served under. I even became one.

    Stepping back, these battles, the ones during the world wars, were different.

    These were battles fought by citizen soldiers, officers that were bank clerks and teachers and armed men taken from every position in society with, of course, exceptions, the influential families that have always looked to others to carry their burdens.

    The tradition of the citizen soldier is far older, Greece in the classical period or the Roman Republic, fictionally from Heinlein’s Starship Troopers.

    By law, universal military service is a tenet of American citizenship, or was until America needed a military that no citizen soldier could comfortably serve in, unless extremely gullible.

    Vietnam was the last war fought by citizen soldiers. Despite the dark history of alleged war crimes the US is accused of in Vietnam, in truth, the Pentagon wanted an end to the “citizen soldier” for one reason above others, citizens of a democracy don’t make good terrorists.

    The Pentagon saw itself with a need to use new tactics to oppose communism around the world and the lessons the US learned in El Salvador, Guatemala (covert) and Nicaragua/Honduras (covert) made a military like the one that served in Vietnam superfluous.

    During the Vietnam War, the Pentagon continually passed down orders to commanders “in the field,” (in Vietnam few ‘commanders’ ever really served in the field) to stage atrocities.

    Snipers were rewarded for running up high numbers. I served as a Marine sniper in Vietnam, for awhile at least, until my reluctance to randomly shoot civilians became a hinderance and I was returned to the mundane duties of a “rifleman.”

    Soldiers and Marines were continually ordered to burn villages or to kill more people, whenever possible with knives, to simulate hand to hand combat. Officers would then edit themselves into these combat reports, even though they were miles away at the time, awarding themselves medals for heroism.

    Eventually, they would begin believing they were actually there.

    So many fake medals were given out to officers serving in Vietnam that mimeograph sheets were used which included standard fake heroic events, with dates, places and names changed using correction fluid.

    The templates, labeled “bronze star” and “silver star” would hang on nails above a typewriter for continual reuse.

    Similarly, graduates of the service academies, Annapolis and West Point, would be kept from combat, the military during Vietnam at least, thinking the war was too hopeless to lose “valuable” personnel.

    Those whose service was largely fake did, however, always come back with combat awards. Were one to think about it, the idea of a giant bayonet charge, generals only, seems quite humorous. A review of Pentagon records, however, makes such an absurd picture one we are all asked to accept.

    By 1968, the Pentagon had given up. Combat units serving in Vietnam were forgotten, food and supplies became unavailable, starvation and malnutrition, particularly among Marines, was commonplace, conditions faced only on the rarest occasions during World War II.

    Unrest among those abandoned was also commonplace, hundreds, not simply dozens, of mutinies took place, likely hundreds, not dozens, of officers and senior NCOs were killed in fragging incidents.

    “Lifers” as they were called would wall themselves off from enlisted troops, building private barbed wire compounds within US bases.

    They would withdraw there and cower through the night, afraid of both the Viet Cong and the troops they commanded. I am witness to this, and this was not an isolated phenomenon but is no longer reported or even spoken of.

    The Big Army

    The American military is a complex organization of well over 2 million financed by upwards of one trillion US dollars a year, truth be told.

    Were the US a democracy as claimed and were the US to be following its roots and traditions, a professional standing army led by the Perfumed Princes of the Pentagon (coined by Col. David Hackworth) would be impossible.

    The 19th century was to be the end of professional military, typically hired criminals settling squabbles for pumped up elites. The Great War, which sucked manpower from every corner of earth, was to signal an end to this kind of war and, with that, an end to wars for “sport.”

    Today, America’s military is driven by new tenets:

    • War itself is something to be cherished, without a war, no matter how corrupt and immoral, there is no opportunity, no rank, no outlet for bestiality, no glory
    • Justification, though never publicly admitted, is based on a separate set of rules for treatment dark skinned races and those not worshipping according to the guidelines of “military friendly” sects within the extremist cults on the fringe of Christianity.


    The US has chosen a direction of behavior, one steeped in global dominance, that is dependent on a military that is both occupation force and pro-insurgency, with no lines drawn between “freedom fighters” and terrorists.

    Military policies, aiding terrorists, destroying infrastructure, stealing oil, cutting off water supplies and operating naval blockades that intercept food and medical supplies, are conducive for a mercenary force, not a nation state’s army.

    Gordon Duff is a Marine combat veteran of the Vietnam War that has worked on veterans and POW issues for decades and consulted with governments challenged by security issues. He’s a senior editor and chairman of the board of  VT, especially for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook.”


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    1. Those affected do they forget or are ground down, or gone. Had uncle after Vietnam not the same, brother in law also drafted, died from lung cancer at 56, probably agent orange. Not big on personal photos though have one in hindsight more defining then thought at the time, was onto myriad things long before but photo from decade ago, occupy protest, myself and guy was talking to, arm over each other’s shoulder, sign in my hand ‘no war’ on one side, and other message on reverse though dif subject so leaving aside. Doubt now the type protest changes much, unless focused by those behind total agendas, though that said have been other ways to make change. Again more defining than thought when took it, one of many unfortunate core points in time, decades, centuries, vast time, unaccounted but by few.

    2. Current, and former (pre 2003 Cheney, Rumsfeld) U.S. Soldier’s Creed. See the difference.

      U.S. Soldier’s Creed

      I am an American Soldier.
      I am a Warrior and a member of a team.
      I serve the people of the United States, and live the Army Values.
      I will always place the mission first.
      I will never accept defeat.
      I will never quit.
      I will never leave a fallen comrade.
      I am disciplined, physically and mentally tough, trained and proficient in my warrior tasks and drills.
      I always maintain my arms, my equipment and myself.
      I am an expert and I am a professional.
      I stand ready to deploy, engage, and destroy the enemies of the United States of America, in close combat.
      I am a guardian of freedom and the American way of life.
      I am an American Soldier.
      Pre-2003 Version of U.S. Soldier’s Creed

      I am an American Soldier.
      I am a member of the United States Army – a protector of the greatest nation on earth. Because I am proud of the uniform I wear, I will always act in ways creditable to the military service and the nation it is sworn to guard.
      I am proud of my own organization. I will do all I can to make it the finest unit in the Army. I will be loyal to those under whom I serve. I will do my full part to carry out orders and instructions given to me or my unit.
      As a soldier, I realize that I am a member of a time-honored profession—that I am doing

      • (cont’d)… my share to keep alive the principles of freedom for which my country stands. No matter what the situation I am in, I will never do anything, for pleasure, profit, or personal safety, which will disgrace my uniform, my unit, or my country. I will use every means I have, even beyond the line of duty, to restrain my Army comrades from actions disgraceful to themselves and to the uniform.

        I am proud of my country and its flag.

        I will try to make the people of this nation proud of the service I represent, for I am an American Soldier.

      • But doesn’t it strike you that gone is the codification, even if you consider it pretentious, of not doing anything, nor allowing comrades to do anything, that would disgrace the uniform?
        The amended post-2003 version is straight in-your-face autocratic, dare I say fascist, which seems entirely appropriate for the entire “You’re either with us, or you’re with the terrorists” Bush/Cheney nightmare.

      • Well, it can be condensed…
        To defend and protect the people of the US.

        And their “overseas interests”.

      • The concept of military service protecting our freedom is a bit of a stretch in light of why and where we are fighting. “Your flag decal won’t get you into heaven anymore.” John Prine

    3. Gordon is right on target with this piece. It’s why I cringe whenever someone thanks me for my service or offers a military discount. People are brainwashed into thinking the military is something it is not.

    4. Gordon, this is so not September 10, 2001. All the uproar about the “October surprise” is about how we in the USA will not, and I repeat, WILL NOT be dragged into another f-ing war for Israel because of another false-flag attack on the USA.

      Even Trump acknowledges that all the wars we’ve fought in this century were for Israel. 9/11 was blamed on the Arabs. The Likudniks and Zionists that surround Trump are determined to blame the next false-flag attack on Iran. That’s how they plan to invoke special powers vested to the president under the USA Patriot Act that would enable him to stay in power no matter what the results of the November election are. This will not happen, Gordon! There are too many Americans who are onto them in 2020. I repeat, we will NOT be dragged into another f-ing war for Israel!

      • Tommy, people’s sentiments aside since US has literally become a banana republic, the Islamic Republic of Iran, which much to the expat royalists’s and regime changers’s chagrins, is comprised of the same people who have lasted since Cyrus the great, will not tolerate the smallest US/Israeli attack/intrusion on their soil.

        The price for such stupidity will be very high and will change their interests in the region.
        Iran is not your average banana republic and since the 80s they have become a major power in the region to the point that they actually force stability into countries which runs counter to what US/Israel are doing.
        And they’ve lost the last bit of tolerance they had for the US troops after Soleimani’s murder by Trump.

        The Millennium Challenge 2002 was almost 20 years ago. Think of how much the equation has changed since then.

        I said people’s sentiments aside because I believe that the fastest way to unite the US is to give the Congress a war with Iran and the media both right and left will be obliged to sell it to their public who is in need of quick shot of exceptionalism. The new recruits will be the undocumented in exchange for a green card !

        Plus Wolf in sheep’s clothing Blitzer hasn’t had a real war room/situation room in a while.

        But the US military is not stupid.

      • No, no, Kewt, American exceptionalism has always been connected with Zionist “chosenness.” From way back we mirrored how the ancient Israelites took over the biblical Holy Land. Europeans engaged in the same genocide on Turtle Island as Israel is now doing to Palestine. Enough of that, please.

    5. Post 1 (out of 3 or 4):
      If this is true, and I have absolutely zero reasons to doubt Gordon’s genuine testimony/explanation.
      So if this is true, there are only a few obvious ways out of this that I can think of.

      AMERICA needs elements within special ops and intelligence to start building detailed files on the criminals, then either
      1: US special operators arrest, or tap the criminals in a single coordinated strike/raid.
      2: If no Gen. or even Col.’s SF outfit is willing/able to protect the USA from enemies (this time domestic), then the case files can be given to (non 5-eyes) foreign services and the ICC. This way we make it impossible for them to travel to other countries as they will be arrested if they do so.
      What this world needs right now is for these crimes to be put out in broad daylight (ALL OF IT! including murder/sacrifice vids) and human nature will do the rest. But there is not much time left; this must happen before China is fully awakened and EU is fully disconnected from the USA.

      • Post 2 (out of 2 apparently):

        If they (the REAL heroes I’m describing, if they even exist in US sf and intel) wanna arrest these demons then it should happen before the USA is plunged into the next Civil War. So before the transfer or power to China and before USA is too alienated from Europe.

        Time it wrong and it will fail because the rats are abandoning ship, leaving the USA for China, India, Europe, NZ and a few other places. It will become too complex to coordinate a single raid to catch them all in the same night.

        You can only do that to an Empire when there are elements inside the wealthy elite or inside intel who are willing and able to fight for their people by exposing the criminal/Luciferian elements.

    6. When the honor is gone out of a protective service, it becomes hollow and numb.
      An insult to ourselves and our story, which already had enough.
      To America, the US military is a bloody bloody husband. We have to fix it.

    7. Due to the ‘Great Satan’ Hitler, WW11 is glorified beyond all modern wars. The war has been so glorified that we must all bow down before its greatness. If truth is kept silent it will join the other great battles of mythology and the fables live on. Have no shame ye of ‘lesser’ wars, Sacrifice is Sacrifice. And very few know it as the warriors, and more women than I can stand to acknowledge.

    8. Traditional military tactics of 60 years ago no longer effective to capture the political goals of US government.
      So they have begun a covert military tactic of bioweapon attacks.

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