‘That Crazy man will kill us all,’ Today’s unreported news, an Intel Drop

Behind the growth of the GOP/Trump "base," racism, misogyny and fake class warfare is occultism, Kabbalah, Frankism and worship of Moloch


VT: An introduction to what is an Intel Drop

I began working elections in 1956.  We had moved from Bryden Street in Detroit to Redford Township where I lived on a gravel road in a semi-rural area of small homes.  It was 1955, I was 6. 

By the time Adlai Stevenson ran against pitful mob tool Eisenhower (J. Edgar Hoover ran him), my dad had begun working with the local Democratic Party, part of his work with the UAW.  He worked at the Ford transmission plant in Plymouth, Michigan, afternoons.

My job was delivering the Redford Township Democrat to one square mile, 875 homes at that time.  Small paper but this would, by today’s standards, be considered the world’s largest paper route.  I got $1.  This money went into my fund for Christmas presents.

The route took 12 hours and I did it alone.  This is how things were then.  Today it would be a sign of character, perhaps ‘fake character.’  Then it was a dollar when dollars didn’t exist, not for kids anyway, not where I came from.

My mother, who grew up in a mining camp outside Hazard, Kentucky always said, “movies were only a nickel but nobody had a nickel.”

I keep folks from that time around VT.  Mike Chester was a childhood friend, Ralph Eckard was my squad leader in Vietnam, others as well.

There were major socioeconomic differences then as now but not like now.  I would like to say I don’t know how we got here, a nation with millions of moronic and rabidly insane assholes but they were always there.  Just read Steinbeck.

During the 20s, the Rothschilds, through their stepchildren on Wall Street, funded a resurgence of the Klan, funded a eugenics movement, funded Hitler, funded Stalin and set up gangs of racist thugs and union busters under the American Legion and Black Legion.

50 years before it was the Pinkertons killing union organizers and fighting pitched battles to defend child labor in the steel mills and mines, defend the 7 day work week and 12 hour day.

Not much has changed, the GOP is still the same GOP it was then.

Behind the growth of the GOP/Trump “base,” racism, misogyny and fake class warfare is occultism, Kabbalah, Frankism and worship of Moloch, who I am told is a real god who gives GOP insiders kids to screw and murder.

If only I were making this up.  My lessons on this were learned while on an official investigation on behalf of a US president.  I add this only because people love this stuff.

If you wondered why people are such destructive assholes and why the GOP has so many mindless idiots in position of power, screwing and killing kids is what it is all about.

No, I am not kidding.

VT folks like Kevin or Mike Harris, even to an extent Jim, grew up with money, parents who owned businesses, kids who grew up with nice homes, private schools.  I grew up not quite poor, I always worked and work was a gift.

At times, driving past factories with job signs out front (we have no workers here, they can’t afford to live here for minimum wage pay), I think about how much I would like to have a “real job.”

Last real job I had was 1968, wiring and testing prototype telephone switching systems.

What was important, though, was to hold on to the reality of growing up outside Detroit, watching our ditches overflow when it rained and walking to school.  What was also important was understanding politics, being taught, nearly at birth, to identify conmen and hustlers like Trump, Bush, Reagan, Nixon and so many others, each progressively worse than even Ike.

The them was always the same, unions are communism or organized crime, social security is socialism but behind it, the it was samo-samo…

Destroy public education, poison water, air and food, let drug companies kill us all, cigarettes are good for you, and play the Hilteresque game we see with Trump.

When RDS talks about how I should be patient with him, while he “works” Trump’s base of racist toads and morons, I could see the intelligence in it.  Of course QAnon is crap, a video game, but the fearful and ignorant are the single greatest power that defines the United States, or is it?  We have a very short wait to see.

This is my 4th election at VT.  We predicted 9/11, we predicted COVID 19, we warned and warned.  Before VT, we warned of Reagan, the founder of the “death of America,” and of the Kosher Nostra mechanism funded by Sheldon Adelson and laundered boatloads of Chinese cash.

In the process, knowing what was happening and predicting correctly disaster after disaster, some of us have thrived off the suffering of others that we worked so hard to prevent.

Is it funny that so many who drank the kool aid of neoconservative gangsterism now live hand to mouth and make the same mistakes?  So many that grew up with money now live without but never learn.

Atlantic: Trump’s Pathology Is Now Clear
As the coronavirus spreads uncontrolled across the U.S., the president has gone from downplaying the pandemic to COVID denial.

The human brain makes decisions in two basic modes. One is analytic, which involves carefully weighing costs and benefits and choosing the best option. The other mode is intuitive: doing what feels right. Both have their merits.

Intuitive thinking allows us to make split-second decisions. It helps guide our romantic lives and our lunchtime sandwich choices. But it is not the mode that should inform a strategic response to a pandemic.

[ Editor’s Note: Trump has always presented himself as ‘Mr. Intuitive’, the genius that ‘just knows’ what to do. And anyone who disagrees, he deals with them like a mob boss would…JD ]

Even casual observers of President Donald Trump’s mode of thinking long ago abandoned hope that he might embrace analytic reasoning (sometimes referred to simply as “science”). But if there were ever a possibility that he might at least come to terms with the power of the coronavirus, it would have been when it sent him to the hospital.

Barely a month ago, recall, we had cause to speculate that the president might soon be dead. Although details of Trump’s illness remain concealed—including abnormalities in his chest CT scan and the date that he first tested positive for the virus—the known facts of his case indicate that it was not mild.

He received supplemental oxygen to keep his red blood cells saturated, and he was prescribed dexamethasone, which is recommended only in serious cases.

Many patients emerge from illness having had a come-to-Jesus moment that reorients their thinking. Former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, for one, issued a mea culpa last week after he was discharged from a COVID-19 hospitalization that included a week in the intensive-care unit.

“When you get this disease, it hits you how easy it is to prevent,” he wrote under the headline “I Should Have Worn a Mask” in The Wall Street Journal. “We are asked to wear cloth over our mouth and nose, wash our hands and avoid crowds. Seldom has so little been asked for so much benefit.”

Trump had no such revelation. Instead, in the weeks since his illness, he has escalated from downplaying or neglecting the virus to outright denialism. After returning to the White House and sanctimoniously removing his mask, he has centered his reelection campaign around the notion that the pandemic is over.

“With the fake news, everything is COVID, COVID, COVID,” he said at an Omaha, Nebraska, rally this week. “I had it. Here I am, right?” He cited the illness of his son Barron—who contracted the virus shortly after his father tested positive—as being extremely mild.

He did not mention the first lady, Melania, who described having COVID-19 as “a rollercoaster of symptoms,” the experience of which “gives you a lot of time to reflect” and reminded her of the need for “compassion and humility.”  Read more…



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  1. This is what puzzles me. I can see mistakes the DNC made in 2015/2016 and thought they would surely not risk alienating their base with rigging another primary. And it ended up being worse. It fits a narrative that the DC Swamp or even outside foreign money dictated who would be the Democrat nominee. The people giving the orders do not have any connection to the Democrat voters.

    I never liked the two party system. But this mono party system is even worse. I am the “So many that grew up with money now live without but never learn.” GOP that Duff describes and I hate that Trump chose only never Trumpers and Neocons for every policy making jobs. The Tea-party and Populists that rallied to Trump got Bolton and a 9/11 kitchen cabinet of Chris Christie and Rudolph Giuliani. No arrests, no news on real policy issues, no self government.

  2. “nobody had a nickel”. Ain’t that the truth. In the winter of 1956-57, my dad (grain farmer) had a job in the gold mines; mom was basically a single parent. When we all got sick with whooping cough, she had to send him a letter to come home, but had no stamp. Stamps cost a nickel, but she had no change at home. My brother Lee came to the rescue with a nickel that she taped to the letter, and my uncle brought the letter to the post office in town. My dad came home. We still have his mining helmet.

    • My father worked two jobs; if I woke up early we saw each other as he had a coffee and a cigarette. Mom was a full time nurse. We had a Grandmother to watch us until I turned seven. She died. After that it was a scramble and we looked after each others, five kids. We never had leftovers; the meal ended when the food was gone. But, l remember only good times.

    • Working two jobs is good since you can put in 75 hours a week without having to be paid overtime or benefits (I worked 3,800+ hours a year 1994-1996 and made a gross income ranging from $21,000 to $23,000). But unlike childhood, I had the luxuries of proper heat, no vermin, and a partially full refrigerator.

  3. Trump is unlikely to go to Israel. He hates Jews. I am fairly comfortable there but less so than in Syria. Lots of fine people in Israel. Lots of assholes too.

    • Judaism used as a shield to deflect criticism from Moloch worshiping insane criminals. Not to be confused with regular Jews and the tweeners.

    • Yes, Harry, it certainly is. Criticizing satan worship is now a version of anti-Semitism. Roy Cohn may have been Moloch and Trump his real son.

  4. Intuition is almost useless without knowledge. Interpretation of the intuition is mostly wrong if a person is not aware of, and can process to capacity, the variety of options and interpretations. So, Trumpers intuitively know, something is wrong, and intuitively find themselves acting by necessity, but due to lack of knowledge are easily apprehended by interlopers interrupting the stream.
    The primal instinct to protect and defend, felt in most law enforcement and military, includes protecting and defending the vulnerable from Fraudsters and Con men. This cannot be done without knowledge.

  5. The closer we get to an election that Trump might lose, the more unhinged he seems to get. And, the more dangerous he becomes. He is willing to do or say anything to avoid prison for his many crimes.

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