So, why does VT do it?
[ Editor’s Note: How sweet the irony that Trump gets to eat the bitter fruit in that he won an upset victory by taking some of the final states with narrow margins, and then got to watch the Biden campaign inflict a win against him by clinching majorities in Georgia and Nevada.
The White House campaign strategy went full bore Covid denial. It stopped its Covid meetings. I can’t remember a single announcement from the White House on what it was doing to dampen the current Covid surge. If effectively abandoned its responsibility.
Why? I was betting that there were more voters that preferred more dead and crippled Americans than a more dead and crippled economy, and we can see in hindsight that had some statistical merit.
In the last few days, the world was able to see the difference between the two men, with Trump acting and talking like someone on overmedication, while Biden was steady as a rock, no partisanship, and taking the role of the ‘Uniter in Chief’. This all went over Donald’s head.
Gordon has a classic victory lap piece below, one we have slaved for a year to enjoy. We will have a weekend to get some rest and then be back at it, as the news shifts to who Biden will have on his transition team, and the guessing begins as to his cabinet.
Lurking in the background will be Trump with his early Christmas present for his lawyers, as the call has gone out to big Republican donors for tens of millions to pay for the legal fees. It appears Donald is not chipping in, at this time …Jim W. Dean ]
The Senior Editor
VT did more than any other media outlet to remove Donald Trump. If needed, we will do more, much more. We did it because it was the right and honest thing to do, the best thing to do but not the perfect thing to do.
We did it because it was the best thing of those things available for the American people.
We also did it because we are gun owners and gun ownership advocates. This wasn’t the primary reason, but we recognize a closet gun hater when we see one, and this is who Donald Trump really is.
Donald Trump did absolutely say this:
“I like taking the guns early, take the firearms first then go to court.”
Here are the media pages for all to see:
and from Russia…
and Israel
Jerusalem Post, 11/07 at 7:17 PM ‘Jewish Time’
and from Donald Trump, tweeted from a golf course…
and these that Twitter erased
VT: Trump is an advocate of gun seizure without cause based on suspicions that gun owners might be unstable. But who decides that? Police?
Trump is perfectly comfortable with police taking guns based on their decision. For police in Toledo, I have gone through the seized guns for them, telling prosecutors what they are, what they do, evaluating condition and value as an expert.
If people are going to get guns seized, there should be a reason and due process. Trump has openly opposed “due process” in gun seizure and everything else. His acolytes are dumb shits, obviously.
A few weeks ago, an FBI team from Washington flew out to visit for a briefing of sorts which I can’t get into. One of them, a nice person, had moments when these items showed up at my desk (a Herman Miller work station/nice):

There was a Glock 30 on the keyboard as well. How many of you do the same? I live in the middle of friggin’ nowhere and home invasion is a reality for all of us. You can’t welcome bad guys without party favors.
You didn’t know Trump hated guns? Check the photo. I am a “gun person.” I own guns and have been a gunsmith for 45 years. I have a shop full of machines, gun parts, screws, old rifle stocks against the wall and thousands in AK/AR parts.
I am one of many. We own gun safes, we study guns, we shoot, we reload and most hunt. I don’t. I grew up without guns and bought my first pistol, a SW Model 10, in 1967. I have copies of the weapons I carried in Vietnam, an “era” M16 (semi) and an M-14 albeit not .243 National Match like the USMC sniper rifle I used. (oh, is this what they used, not what I see in books?)
A 22 pound beast with a gen 1.5 starlight.
Good piece of information here to retain, as many tend to lie based on information they got on TeeVee.
We’re talking about Trump, but hate going to the writing of others for anything. Those who are published and promoted are either all shills or talentless. Reading crap from failed bloggers, be it Breitbart or CLG or other bullshit platforms is pain. I like guns and I write.
I also own motorcycles and fast cars, no pickup truck, but am looking for a diesel F 350/250 as well. I own a pair of Landcruisers, a new one and one semi-classic, and drive one of the world’s oldest running BMW’s that now has no power steering.
Things I can’t do? I am shit with BBQ and depend on Mike Chester and Kadir, total experts for anything that needs fire. Lack of patience.
What’s the point? Normal Americans, increasingly both male and female, love guns, love shooting, we love our vehicles, such as they are, and take pride in what we have because we worked to buy our things, we fix our own things, and they, to a large extent, define who we are.
If you have one pistol and one truck and you love both, you know exactly what I am talking about.
For me, I have piles of AR/AK’s including the original version of the pistol length “can” 7 and 8 inch “brace” AR’s. As I do reviews, I get some things free, lots of optics, military stuff, gifts. I never use them.
Favorites? I love my .303 Enfields, I own several, these are real weapons and incredible long range shooters.
So, I am not the least bit uncomfortable with people carrying assault weapons. I get them pointed at me in the Middle East and Africa often enough, don’t like that, but get used to it.
Trump, not so much. He has been one of the biggest consumers of metal detectors, walk through, hand held and longer range Israeli ones, and he doesn’t allow weapons of any kind near him.
He is pathetic.
Want to see Mike Pence holding a gun? Google: “Mike Pence holding a gun.” Choose “images.” Be prepared to see NOTHING. Mike Pence is even worse. Trump will hold a gun, like a golf club. Pence is afraid of them, thinks they might bite him.
Biden? Scroll to 1:23
As you can see, Biden loves guns:

This must be real, I got it off Facebook. One comment only:
“Fake picture and no way is that woman 63.”
For anyone who has been to a Trump rally and brought weapons, and if you need one, go to VT Custom Weapons and get one or more, you will be surprised. You will not only leave it in the car, but your car is likely to be out of rifle range, bomb range, of anywhere Trump goes.
Many Americans who are fearful, rightly so, and who are legally allowed, will carry a “range bag” in their cars or trucks, normally a .223/5.56 weapon, a “shorty” and a couple of magazines. Millions of Americans carry pistols, legally.
The concern with widespread concealed carry is the idea of the Kile Rittenhouse Syndrome, an empowered pissant coward who plays bully. Even the Lansing, Michigan idiots are real gun owners, hell they even planned to kidnap and murder the governor.
What I expect is that whatever politics, you are either a gun person or not; or a motorcycle person or not. With so many urban cowboys buying HD bikes they can’t ride, real motorcycles people, my favorite people, know the difference. Bikes trump politics, and those who ride know this.
I dread the time I will have to turn from superbikes to a Harley. After 4 or more hours of riding, I feel like I used to after playing football, which is why I quit playing football.
So, why are guns so important?
My own experience with crime has involved trying to keep my mother on her farm as long as possible. Her neighbors in rural Kentucky had broken into her outbuildings, stolen tools, compressor and even looted a freezer.
Driving into Jackson or Beattyville had become risky and the problem is 100% white and 100% GOP related. No real police, yes we had a constable a few miles away, amateur cop. The local sheriff ended up in prison and was useless, part of the usual corrupt GOP local “courthouse gang” that works with the meth dealers. FBI got him.
This is a problem across all of rural America, local sheriffs and the “courthouse gang” working with meth dealers, but also rigging the civil and criminal courts on behalf of lifelong crime families that exist in every American locale.
This is the reality of rural America, and everyone reading this will know it. It is also the real reason rural America is armed to the teeth, meth dealers and crooked police.
What about Trump? He won’t recognize any of this. He has a small army of defrocked former corrupt NYC cops and Cohen type lawyers or worse, like Giuliani, who supposedly protect him and his “spawn.”
They aren’t like us. They don’t work, never have, they are grifters. They never owned anything they bought with money they earned doing real work. This is Trump’s house:
For those of us who do our own work, paint, plaster, roofing, drywall etc, we recognize fake urethane architectural details and Rustoleum metallic paint when we see it. This is a set from the film Scarface or something where John Goodman wins the lottery.
Imagine entering one of these rooms and not laughing. Do realize that you trusted gun ownership rights to a person who shits in a fake gold toilet.
So, is Joe Biden “normal?” The answer, “probably.”
So, what do we want or need? Trump is a totally fake tough guy, arms of a little girl, even a 320. He has never held a job of any kind. Biden?
We have a 40 year history of Biden. He seems defined by tragedies. He, as with Trump, ended up spoiling one child, Trump did it with all of them (not sure about the autistic/probably one.)
Biden’s wife is a thousand times beyond Melania, and his ex died in an accident NOT caused by Biden, rather than someone being paid off to say he doesn’t have a deformed penis that only works with same sex partners of very very “tender age”.

You don’t hire porn stars at $130k a pop when they typically work for $300 a day taking it from any and everything. Nobody believes that. How many of us (who aren’t married or encumbered in some other way) “date?” In Trump’s crowd, “dating” means calling up an agency to send over a girl. Agencies collect $10k for the service including modeling agencies that have employed two VT folks and one first lady.
We have a nice list of clients, MEGA/MAGA, mobsters, cosmetic barons, almost all Italian or Jewish for some reason.
And Trump…
Trump, you’re fired! pic.twitter.com/r3uHDOQBRs
— Carole Tahan (@ctahan) November 7, 2020

Gordon Duff posted articles on VT from 2008 to 2022. He is a Marine combat veteran of the Vietnam War. A disabled veteran, he worked on veterans and POW issues for decades.
Gordon is an accredited diplomat and is generally accepted as one of the top global intelligence specialists. He manages the world’s largest private intelligence organization and regularly consults with governments challenged by security issues.
Duff has traveled extensively, is published around the world, and is a regular guest on TV and radio in more than “several” countries. He is also a trained chef, wine enthusiast, avid motorcyclist, and gunsmith specializing in historical weapons and restoration. Business experience and interests are in energy and defense technology.
We See The World From All Sides and Want YOU To Be Fully InformedIn fact, intentional disinformation is a disgraceful scourge in media today. So to assuage any possible errant incorrect information posted herein, we strongly encourage you to seek corroboration from other non-VT sources before forming an educated opinion.
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“I dread the time I will have to turn from superbikes to a Harley.” – GD
I can think of lots of motorcycles that have reasonably low seat heights, an upright riding position, do not weigh 1/3 to 1/2-ton, and do not beat up the spine due to ridiculously small amounts of rear suspension travel. None are made by Harley-Davidson.
Besides, there is much overlap between the Harley-Davidson rider and the group that believes in Trump. Reason enough to choose something else.
Oh for Christ’s sakes get a weber and some charcoal and learn to bbq. Light it with a b tank or propane, do not use lighter fluid. Throw something worth eating on the grill and let it cook. Anyone can learn. You can check on it once in a long while if you reduce the air intake. Voila, instant eats! Rubs sauces etc al. per taste. Even cave men can do it. My ex couldn’t cook at all and even she learned to smoke a chicken!
The most dangerous weapons that are aimed at the USA right now are in the hands of the Israelis. They attacked us on 9/11 and don’t think they wouldn’t do it again. Trump is still their man in the White House.
nor here. tossing that much metal downrange even in a lightly populated area is prettymuch verboten
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