Breaking/Exclusive: Iran Assassinates Mossad Chief in Downtown Tel Aviv (updated/videos/proof)


VT: Two days ago, VT published an exclusive story based on news we received from Tel Aviv. Short months ago, VT was the only media to report the nuclear bombing of Beirut until, of all things, VT’s story was confirmed by President Donald Trump.

Our sources say teams of Iranian intelligence officers entered Israel under false identities more than a week ago.  They had long established safe houses inside Israel.

Their task was to kill the the operational head of the Mossad, Fahmi Hinawi, who had planned the murder of Iranian scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh in Tehran.

Our reports confirmed that Hinawi was hit in a hail or bullets and that there may have been other attacks as well.  Confirmation have come in from Arab News, Sputnik News in Russia and the Iranian media.

The 15-bullet riddled car of senior Mossad officer Fahmi Hinavi, December 3, 2020 (screenshot via Twitter)

VT: Confirmed, Fahmi Hinavi, operational chief of Israel’s Mossad, was killed by an Iranian team inside Tel Aviv on Thursday night.

Hinavi is thought to be the force behind the assassination of an Iranian nuclear scientist a few short weeks ago.  This is the only killing we have been able to learn about but it is suspected that others have been killed inside Israel as well, totally censored in the Western press.

On the evening of Thursday, December 3, a 45-year-old Israeli by the name of Fahmi Hinavi was liquidated while he was traveling in his car, south-east of Tel Aviv: 15 bullets were reportedly fired by assailants who then evaporated most easily in nature, without leaving any trace  : for an entity whose secret services claim, in the wake of the terrorist attack of November 27 and the targeted assassination of the nuclear physicist in Iranian leader Fakhrizadeh, makes Iran “a playground”, and whose leader, Yossi Cohen goes so far as to suggest that it is far from the last “, it is rather borderline.

This is all the more limited as for 48 hours, no Israeli media dared to speak about it for fear that the Zionist settlers, panicked that they are already at the idea of ​​having to pay the price of the blood of the Iranian, begin to make links between this liquidation and two other similar liquidation cases produced in recent days at X and Y and to think that the “Resistance” is much closer to them than the blows suggest. bluff of Cohen et Cie …

But on Friday evening, things started to get out of hand and social networks to disseminate images of a shooting that would have everything to look like “a response”: the attackers would have approached the vehicle of Officer Hinavi while he had stopped at a red light before unloading their machine gun and then leaving. The media tried to pass the “guy” by a quidam, victim of a family quarrel but the presence of Mossad forces and security services even before the police arrived at the scene left no doubt: Cohen lost a big hat!

The big question: does the liquidation of Hinavi have any connection with the cowardly assassination of Fakhrizadeh, seven days rather while the latter was traveling in his car not far from the Iranian capital Tehran? Possible and the blow would be much cleaner: if the Mossad took 20 years to have Fakhrizadeh and this, not with the help of a commando composed of 12 assassins as suggested by the Golf press in their excess of enthusiasm, but by a “remote-controlled machine gun”, Hinavi was himself liquidated in the middle of the street, by “several attackers” who “did it most easily”. This being the case, there is something fishy about it!

Since the assassination of the senior Iranian scientist, there are reports of a real earthquake within the intelligence apparatus and the Israeli armed forces which accuse the Netanyahu-Cohen couple of having acted against Iran without them. warn:  it is even said that the Minister of War Gantz, whose Chief of Staff repeats to whoever wants to hear that Israel is ready for all Iranian war scenarios, refuses to assume “militarily” the consequences of “Netanyhau’s act”since Israel would be “ruined” at the “first Iranian missile fire” or its “proxies”! A sign of existing tensions, Friday, December 4, and even though so far he boasted of having designated Fakhrizadeh’s name as a target to be shot in 2018 and finally managed to get it, Netanyahu appeared on the screen of the American Hudson Institute to accuse Iran of accusing Israel of any event that occurs there. Visibly embarrassed to have been questioned about the murder of November 27, he launched: “the Iranians are accusing us of everything true or false.”

In short, for the past week Israel has been in a mess and the temptation is great in any way, including self-mutilation, to “ease the pressure”. Self-mutilation would be welcome. Moreover, an Iranian response would go well beyond the Hinavi cases. On Thursday, a general alert was raised at the Dimona nuclear reactor in the Negev, the Tel Aviv regime having warned its “old and new employees” against “the danger” which now awaits them at the turn of every street, every alley or even when they were at home… Thus, the response promised by Iran paradoxically comes to be grafted to that of Hezbollah for the murder of “Kamel Mohsen” to thus widen the “circle of anguish” of the Zionist soldiers to “researchers”, “academics “, to the” Think Tankists “, … of Israel, Nasrallah having already promised the bullet from his snipers to the Israeli military, Iran having sworn that his” response “will be” painful and precise “.

And Iran will strike Israel …
Cowardly Murdered Fakhri Zadeh: The Misstep of Too Much
Sign of the hell that the Zionist entity saw, Israel Hayom attacked Thursday against the cyberwar units of the army, target Saturday, a few hours after the assassination of Fakhrizadeh, of the super hackers of BlackShadow: “these are people who demand bitcoin from us by threatening to publish the data of thousands of clients of insurance companies, including officers, officials, military, academics … Israelis. A first ransom amount reaches a million dollars. .but one has the impression that it is only a decoy and that this intermittent reappearance of BlackSadow has something with Iran … ”

In August 2020, the Zionist army, on high alert on the Northern Front and waiting for Hezbollah to fire, engaged in a ridiculous maneuver by sending its units to hunt ghosts and claiming to have neutralized an Israeli commando operation. At the time, all intelligence sources laughed at an Israel which, well aware of its military and intelligence flaws, was carrying out shoddy “False Flags” since a “false flag” operation was intended in principle to be given to the strongest the pretext of attacking the weakest … But here again the Zionist regime intends to reverse the principles … clumsily. Fakhrizadeh is worth more than a thousand thousand Hinavi … he is worth all of Israel and more …



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  1. Is it my imagination or are the hasbara types trying to bait Gordon and Jim?
    Trying to get them to post something the hasbara might deem to be anti-Semitic?
    So hasbara can sell it to the holocaust ‘lady” that OWNS the southern poverty law center, Wikieverything and ALL those Museums !?

  2. About RT and Sputnik. Thanks, Gordon Duff. I have followed them closely for some years now and have often felt disturbed by some of the ways they have dealt with certain issues.

  3. Hi Gordon,

    “Short months go, VT was the only media to report the nuclear bombing of Tel Aviv…”

    I guess you meant to say/write : Short months ago, VT was the only media to report the nuclear bombing of Beirut…

    • Yes Eddie, that was Beirut. We had all the mining engieer science. No individuals, organizationg or government challenged our nuke reporting, nor did any of them contact us wanting to know more, despite the multiple entities that were investigating. Welcome to that world.

    • Sputnik has been a totally Israeli run Moscow publication, along with RT, since 2017. Remember the CIA plane crash in Afghanistan and the VT story ‘refuted’ by someone who hasn’t been seen since then? Remember Beirut?

  4. God’s “chosen ones” have no compunctions about attacking anyone, with no justification or reason involved whatsoever. And, the USA will go along with it no matter who is president. It reminds me of the parable of the frog and the scorpion… A scorpion, which cannot swim, asks a frog to carry it across a river on the frog’s back. The frog hesitates, afraid of being stung by the scorpion, but the scorpion argues that if it did that, they would both drown. The frog considers this argument sensible and agrees to transport the scorpion. Midway across the river, the scorpion stings the frog anyway, dooming them both. The dying frog asks the scorpion why it stung despite knowing the consequence, to which the scorpion replies: “I couldn’t help it. It’s in my nature.”

  5. after israHELL the second and third to receive the right punishment will de usa and uk, this list can’t be changed for the massive evidences of their hundreds of crimes to human rights, sovereignity, global assassinations all over the world. the coups, the false flags, the influences all over the world in many nations to decide their politic agendas and/or the type of governments they not wanted doing a lot of very criminal behavior
    they deserves the right punishments, collectively and personally of many government figures in these axis of terror states

  6. is possible netanyahoo killed the mossad boss to not receive the right retaliation for assassinations and crimes in all Middle East in name of a self defense very risible and laughable.
    Is the time of the right punishment for their hundreds of crimes all over the Middle East and Syria.
    Now finally is time of the re instatement of international law in all the globe. And IsraHELL will be the must goal for many nations which suffered from their crimes

  7. VT published an exclusive story based on news we received from Tel Aviv.
    I think you meant to write, Beirut, not Tel Aviv.

  8. Aryans, ravenise (?) et al-
    Please do not cause problems on this site and for the VT Editors, whom, I admire a lot.
    Hate Speech is forbidden on this site read the fricking policy and quit accusing an NCO of censoring your speech.
    Jesus spoke in Parables for for a reason.
    Veterans served ALL American Citizens, it wasn’t: everybody, except these guys !

  9. Nowhere can a report on this incident be found in the MSM or the jews media odd, One aspect of this happening could be that the jews killed one of their own for whatever their agenda is.

    • Both Sputnik & RT had it reported yesterday and both outlets fit the the description you gave, if that’s what you meant.

    • A lot of footprints on alt media as well as in Farsi and Turkish. Multiple theories are offered on Young Journalists Club an Iranian outlet in Farsi as to what exactly happened which means that a zio butthurt coverup exists when no one claims responsibility. YouTube clip shows that it was big.

  10. Assassins season – Mysterious CIA director in Germany Mrs Gina Haspel , is Killed in an Assassination and infighting of Different CIA Fractions ! Jews wanted assassination to be part of human life and they will get it first – Iranian assassination by a secret Commando , the Moss ad run dog Fahmi Hinavi Assassination. Be hold there is More to come, as Iran Shia Believing system will be more harsh , than any one known before ! Jews wanted this and Jews will get it ! It is no more a secure planet , we can not offer our children a Paradise , but we hope we can prevent the world to be shifted into hell by Jews and behold again , if Davidian Fight spirit will not vanishes, I wish than a Jew Free Planet – a Cleansing Hitler could dream of !

  11. Places like Hudson Institute are a cesspool by definition – drainage or sewage, a filthy, disgusting, or morally corrupt place.

  12. The beauty of this retaliation is as Iranians described it will be “painful & precise”. By taking this to the heart of Tel Aviv the wet job hit the perpetrators where it really belonged, I was hopping that Iran will refrain from taking this out on any American assets which it would‘ve forfeited any prospect of future renegotiation with P.E Biden. The within-7-day timing of their response was implacable as a show of tremendous force both in terms of intelligence & logistics but restrained to case by case basis. Kudos, job well done.

    • If it was erased today, we don’t know who did it. Its 8pm and comments are getting their first look.

  13. 1- Police was waiting just on the corner, the Moderator tolled them now!! and they drives to the scene !
    2- On the same path, the attackers were Vaporized in the air , so no trace ! ???
    3- ISISrael False Flag Industry is as good as the Films From HOLLYWOOD ! Jews are not that much intelligent, they are just satanic back stabber !

  14. Payback should be inevitable. This is precisely the meaning of the inevitability of punishment.
    Good job.

  15. Hopefully, pertinent Zionists get the message that they’re not untouchable. If this was done by Iran, it was an appropriate and measured response, and should not affect renewed relations with a Biden administration.

  16. I hope this story is true and not just another attempt to play games. If true I congratulate Iran and hope they can kill some more of these snakes.

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