[ Editor’s Note: Dear readers, if you scroll down to the bottom of this article you will see the longest list of broken links on a VT article to date, in my memory, more than a slight hint that the material is solid and someone does not want it circulating. ..Jim W. Dean ]
VT: Our take on Margie is that she is unstable, poorly educated and a ‘shill.’ We are absolutely certain that the entire “patriot movement” is financed, as it was during the 1990s, by foreign intelligence sources, namely Russia, Turkey, Israel, and Saudi Arabia.
The FBI has told us it is Russia alone and they say they can prove it 100%.
But what we can do, where Margie is right, is to back her up. Thus, details of Israel’s secret laser program are below. Were these lasers taken into space and used on California? We have no reason to believe that, I might add “whatsoever.”
But they exist, they have been used by Israel and we can prove that with extreme ease. This was a DOD program to build a fleet of Boeing 747s with massive lasers installed and fly around Iran, protecting “the world” (read “Israel”) from nuclear attack.
Margie also talks about 9/11, which she says happened in 2011, not 2001. Like a broken clock, Margie is right twice a day. Like a broken clock, Margie doesn’t seem to know what year this is…
(JTA) — Marjorie Taylor Greene, the Republican congresswoman who has advanced a range of dangerous conspiracy theories, including some that are explicitly anti-Semitic, is refusing to step down or even apologize, despite increasingly fierce criticism from Jewish groups and others.
Among Greene’s critics are right-wing and centrist Jewish groups that do not frequently criticize Republican lawmakers or elected officials at all.

“I will never back down,” Greene said in a defiant statement Friday afternoon, one day after revelations of one of her conspiracy theory-filled Facebook posts from 2018 thrust the term “Jewish space lasers” into public discourse.
In the post, the freshman congresswoman from Georgia theorized that the Rothschild family was involved in starting California wildfires using lasers from space. Invoking conspiratorial control by the Rothschild banking family over world events is a centuries-old anti-Semitic stereotype, and it is also a theme in the pro-Trump QAnon conspiracy theory that Greene has promoted.
On Friday, the Republican Jewish Coalition released a statement condemning Greene and saying that it is “working closely with the House Republican leadership regarding next steps” in demonstrating that Greene is “far outside the mainstream of the Republican Party.”
The forceful statement represented an advance over the group’s comments Friday morning, in which it emphasized that it had supported her Republican primary opponent and then not backed her. The group supported a successful primary challenge last year to Steve King, a Republican congressman from Iowa who had a string of associations with white supremacists.
“The RJC has never supported or endorsed Marjorie Taylor Greene,” the statement said. “We are offended and appalled by her comments and her actions. We opposed her as a candidate and we continue to oppose her now.”
Also on Friday afternoon, the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations released a statement condemning Greene. It is rare for the conference, which represents groups with a wide range of ideological orientations, to speak out directly against an elected official.
“We are outraged by the statements, past and present, of Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene. She routinely traffics in unfounded conspiracy theories that are often anti-Semitic in nature,” the group said in its statement. “There must be a swift and commensurate response from congressional leadership making clear that this conduct cannot and will not be allowed to debase our politics.”
Jewish groups are far from alone in pressing for action to be taken against Greene. Also this week, several of her colleagues in Congress announced that they do not feel safe working with her. Cori Bush, a freshman congresswoman from Missouri who is Black, said she would move her office away from Greene’s after multiple altercations.
The mounting criticism came after a video emerged of Greene confronting a survivor of the 2018 school shooting in Parkland, Fla., badgering him for several blocks and calling him a coward. In since-deleted social media comments, Greene endorsed the conspiracy theory that the shooting was a so-called “false flag” operation (implying the incident was either staged or planned by officials).
On Friday afternoon, Greene signaled — in a statement titled “A Message to the Mob” — that she felt emboldened by the criticism.
“Every attack, every lie, every smear strengthens my base of support at home and across the country because people know the truth and are fed up with the lies,” the statement said. “For me, it’s people over politicians. It’s people over Big Money PACs. It’s people over powerful elite corporations and the Silicon Valley cartel who are trying to cancel all of us.”
She added, “I will never back down. I will never give up. Because I am one of you. And I will always represent you.”
Some Democratic members of Congress say Greene should be expelled from Congress, a move that would require a two-thirds vote by her colleagues. That has happened only twice since the Civil War. Republican leaders this week appointed her to the House’s education committee.
Israel Unleashes Death Ray on Gaza
August 11, 2014
Defunct Boeing Laser Project “Mysteriously Reappears”
America’s defunct COIL laser program finds a new home
By Gordon Duff and New Eastern Outlook, Moscow
(Editor’s note: Press TV censors blocked this report from Iran’s media, another “Banned by Press TV”)
Reports, including photographic evidence, reveal that Israel is using an energy weapon to attack targets in Gaza. The destructive beam, thought to be a high energy laser, is emitted from a plane identified as a Boeing KC707 “Re’em,” originally configured for Electronic Warfare.
(Hollywood, as is so often the case, gets it right”)
Those observing the attacks cite a beam from a 4 engine jet hitting a target which immediately turns “white-hot.” After these attacks, the target area is then hit with either bombs or artillery to destroy evidence of the use of an American designed and built energy weapon illegally given to Israel.
The weapon used is identified as part of the YAL 1 system, a COIL laser (chemical, oxygen/iodine laser), originally intended as an aircraft-mounted system to shoot down ICBMs. Boeing approached the Department of Defense in 2002 and by 2004 had mounted its first system on a 747/400 previously flown by Air India.
Boeing had convinced Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld that this system, mounted on as many as 7 aircraft, could fly 24 hours a day around Iran and defend “the free world” against nuclear-tipped ICBMs that Rumsfeld believed Iran was planning to use. Please note that it was Rumsfeld that told television audiences that Afghanistan was “peppered” with underground cities serviced by rail links that supported division-sized Al Qaeda units that, after ten years, no one was able to locate.
Boeing tested the system in 2007. The Department of Defense claimed the system could shoot down low earth orbit satellites and that in tests conducted in 2010, destroyed multiple test missiles. There is no reliable confirmation of this other than a press release from then-Secretary of Defense Robert Gates.
The Center for Strategic Studies, in an interview with then-Defense Secretary Gates, published the following:
“I don’t know anybody at the Department of Defense who thinks that this program should, or would, ever be operationally deployed. The reality is that you would need a laser something like 20 to 30 times more powerful than the chemical laser in the plane right now to be able to get any distance from the launch site to fire.”
So, right now the ABL would have to orbit inside the borders of Iran in order to be able to try and use its laser to shoot down that missile in the boost phase. And if you were to operationalize this you would be looking at 10 to 20 747s, at a billion and a half dollars apiece, and $100 million a year to operate. And there’s nobody in uniform that I know who believes that this is a workable concept.”
After $5 billion was spent, the functioning prototype only capable of being fired directly at nearby targets, a system very capable of acquisition and destruction of ground targets with no air defense protection only, was said to have been flown to a scrapyard.
The plane itself is still there, at Davis Monthan Air Force Base, with other failed dreams and nightmares.
However, the weapons system disappeared, only to reappear in Israel as a “missile defense” project, an adjunct to the “Iron Dome” system. Israel’s Rafael Defense had been trying to develop laser weapons on its own to intercept rockets being fired from Gaza. It was never able to neither deploy a laser powerful enough nor develop a radar system able to be effective.
“Friends of Israel,” within the US defense community were convinced by Israel that the system could be finished and deployed to protect Israel against a purported “missile onslaught” from Tehran.
In truth, there was no such intention. Instead, as in the film “Real Genius,” the laser system was always intended to be deployed against ground targets, for terrorism and assassinations. The “delivery system,” a Boeing airliner configured for AWAC, electronic warfare or refueling, could easily be modified to “clone” commercial air traffic and attack targets thousands of miles away or as close as Gaza, Lebanon, Syria or Iraq with total impunity.
Israel’s Raphael announces the acquisition of a high energy laser system and credits an unnamed relationship with Boeing from the video below taken from the Raphael press release:
“At the Singapore Airshow we are introducing our Iron Dome and MIC4AD air-defense integration system and a new system called ‘Iron Beam’, comprising a new C-RAM defense capability employing directed energy weapon.” Joseph Horowitz, Director of Marketing and Business Development at RAFAEL’s Air Superiority Systems Division told Defense-Update. “The directed-energy component known as ‘Iron Beam’ employs a solid-state laser interceptor designed to engage targets at very short range, below the levels where we currently employ the Iron Dome.” Horowitz explained, adding “As a weapon system, Iron Beam is designed to have minimal collateral damage, minimal environmental impact and no risk to friendly air traffic around the attacked target.”
McLeod and Rogers, in The Law of War, examine the history of the prohibition of incendiary weapons. Israel’s use of white phosphorous, intended as a “smoke market” as a corrosive anti-personnel weapon against civilian populations in Lebanon and Gaza skirts initial language, as cited below, in the St. Petersburg Declaration of 1868, but falls well short of evading later prohibition on the use of chemical agents.
“The first treaty to deal with weapons was the St Petersburg Declaration of 1868. Here states were concerned about the development of explosive or incendiary bullets for use against the wagon trains of enemy forces. It was felt that these bullets might be used against enemy personnel15 and cause unnecessary injury.
The Contracting Parties agreed ‘mutually to renounce, in case of war among themselves, the employment by their military or naval troops of any projectile of a weight below 400 grams, which is either explosive or charged with fulminating or inflammable substances’.
The declaration does not seem to have affected the practice of states in using tracer for range finding, even mixed with normal ammunition, nor the use of small explosive projectiles for anti-aircraft and anti-material uses. It did not prevent states from using four-pound, thermite-based incendiary bombs during the Second World War. These, obviously, were more than 400 grams in weight. Furthermore, it could be argued that they were not ‘projectiles’, a term that certainly would not include illuminating flares or smoke canisters.”
The use of energy weapons for assassinations and terrorism had, prior to only a few short days ago, been the subject of speculative fiction only. No one had imagined that a failed American weapons system would be pirated for deployment in acts of terrorism by a rogue state.
A greater question arises if this “failed system” costing many billions has been shipped off “in the dark of night” without public knowledge or official authorization for use in a criminal manner, what other systems may have been similarly pirated?
There is conclusive evidence that W54/Davy Crocket nuclear weapons made their way to Israel after 1991 after an accident at Dimona is reputed to have made that facility useless for weapons development.
Similarly, when Ukraine retired its “fleet” of SS21 tactical nuclear missiles, Israel took possession of the warheads, servicing their deuterium booster gas all these years to keep them ready for deployment. Intercepted communications between the Kyiv junta and Israel now indicate that Israel is ready to “repatriate” some of these nuclear weapons to Ukraine for use against pro-Russian separatists. Ukrainian leaders have spoken of the intent to deploy and use these nuclear weapons publicly on several recent occasions. From USA Today:
“KIEV, Ukraine — Ukraine may have to arm itself with nuclear weapons if the United States and other world powers refuse to enforce a security pact that obligates them to reverse the Moscow-backed takeover of Crimea, a member of the Ukraine parliament told USA TODAY.
‘We gave up nuclear weapons because of this agreement,’ said Rizanenko, a member of the Udar Party headed by Vitali Klitschko, a candidate for president. ‘Now there’s a strong sentiment in Ukraine that we made a big mistake.’”
With today’s bombing of a UN refugee facility in Gaza, with the use of chemical and now energy weapons, with Israel’s planned sale of nuclear warheads to Ukraine, there is little more that could be done to establish Israel, not only as a rogue state but as a “clear and present danger” to not only regional but global security as well.
As Jim W. Dean of VT recently stated, “Their fingerprints are at every crime scene.”
The Airborne Laser – A Revolution in Military Affairs Gerald W Wirsig; Diane Fischer (Faculty Advisor) Air Command and Staff College 1997 – The method of employment and the portion of the theater missile defense mission to be performed by the ABL are yet to be determined. The Airborne Laser Program HomepageThe ABL program is managed by the Air Force Phillips Laboratory.
- Vol. 1, Number 3, July 1995 Airborne Laser Program Newsletter
- Vol. 2, Number 4, August 1996 Airborne Laser Program Newsletter
- Vol. 3, Number 1, February 1997 Airborne Laser Program Newsletter
- Vol. 3, Number 3, June 1997 Airborne Laser Program Newsletter
Airborne Laser Contract
An archive of documents relating to the ABL contract and source selection process. Most of these are excruciatingly boring contract legalese, but this represents the major source of primary program information.
Airborne Laser (ABL) for Theater Missile Defense
The Airborne Laser (ABL) program is developing design concepts to minimize engineering risks for an airborne, high-energy laser weapon demonstrator capable of acquiring, tracking, and killing theater ballistic missiles in the boost phase. The Airborne Laser Experiment (ABLEX) was a series of experiments propagating a laser beam between two aircraft. Two defense industry teams, Boeing and Rockwell International, developed design concepts for the ABL which include a nose-mounted turret, a chemical oxygen-iodine laser, and a 747 aircraft. At the end of the concept design phase, the Boeing contractor team was selected to build a demonstrator that will be flight tested.
Airborne Laser (ABL)The Airborne Laser (ABL) Demonstrator Program is an Air Force Advanced Technology Demonstration program to develop and then demonstrate the necessary technologies to acquire, track, and destroy theater ballistic missiles during the boost phase.
Phillips Laboratory Scoping Meeting For Airborne Laser 28 March 1995 – A meeting to discuss environmental concerns associated with the Phillips Laboratory’s Airborne Laser Program was held April 4, 1995 to solicit public input on any environmental concerns.
November 12, 1996 — The U. S. Air Force awarded a team of Boeing, TRW and Lockheed Martin a $1.1 billion contract to develop and flight test a laser weapon system to defend against theater ballistic missiles.
Airborne Laser @ BoeingAs part of a US Air Force effort to address the feasibility of an airborne laser system for defense against those types of missiles, a team comprised of Boeing, TRW and Lockheed Martin has been exploring the concept of an accurate, airborne, high-energy laser.
Airborne Laser – Rockwell Team There were initially two teams competing for the program: the Rockwell / Hughes / Raytheon E-Systems / SVS R&D / Lockheed Martin / Parsons / SAIC team, and the Boeing / Lockheed / TRW team. The Airborne Laser contract was awarded on November 12, 1996.
Laser Beam Propagation and Control SPIE Proceedings Vol. 2120. Meeting Date: 01/23 – 01/29/94 – Abstracts for the papers in this volume are located in this file immediately following the contents list below. All papers are published by SPIE — The International Society for Optical Engineering. Includes abstracts of reports on the Airborne laser experiment (ABLEX) series of experiments.
Airborne Laser Experiment to study performance limits of turbulence compensation systems from OE Reports December 1995 issue An interview Russell Butts, Air Force Phillips Laboratory – ABLEX is an acronym for Airborne Laser Experiment, which was an experiment which propagated a laser beam from one aircraft to another aircraft. At the receiver aircraft, an 80-cm telescope and optical system imaged the intensity pattern incident across the aperture onto a focal plane where the intensity patterns were recorded.
FTC NEGOTIATES SETTLEMENT WITH HUGHES OVER ITEK ACQUISITION; FEBRUARY 9, 1996 – The sale of assets between one of the partners in each of the two teams competing for a $700 million Air Force contract could raise prices or reduce investments in technology and quality for a critical component of an Air Force anti-missile program, the Federal Trade Commission has alleged. Today, the FTC announced it has reached a settlement of these allegations with General Motors and its subsidiaries, Hughes Electronics and Hughes Danbury Optical Systems. The FTC said the settlement will ensure continued competition for “deformable mirrors,” part of the adaptive optics system that allows an anti-missile system to correct for distortions in the atmosphere. The affected system is the Air Force’s Airborne Laser (ABL) program.
- MIT, USAF, And Team ABL Demonstrate Improved Airborne Laser Active Tracking Approach
- Team ABL Proposes Airborne Laser Weapon System – July 9, 1996
- TRW Approved to Begin Manufacturing First Laser Hardware for Airborne Laser System March 10, 1997
- Team ABL Successfully Completes A Major Program Milestone, March 26, 1997
- Set Lasers on Stun
New Solid-State Laser Developed for Airborne Laser Program, Lockheed Martin Press Release, 30 March 2001 — Lockheed Martin Space Systems Company today announced that its subcontractor, Raytheon Electronic Systems, has achieved a crucial milestone in the development of the Beam Control/Fire Control system for the U.S. Air Force’s Airborne Laser (ABL) program. The Beam Control/Fire Control system will aim and fire a high-energy laser at a target missile in its boost phase.
We See The World From All Sides and Want YOU To Be Fully InformedIn fact, intentional disinformation is a disgraceful scourge in media today. So to assuage any possible errant incorrect information posted herein, we strongly encourage you to seek corroboration from other non-VT sources before forming an educated opinion.
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Framing a story and weaving a defense is how Trump took over the US with pure bullshit.
The trick is to get a person to tell themselves common sense is a lie. It isn’t difficult to do.
To Adrian: Fake versions of false flag events are, in fact, part of the event, as ‘deception and cover’…without them, factual versions could prevail. You are totally wrong. Folks like Fetzer, Jones, Bollyn and the new Jeff Rense…are the problem, perhaps more than ‘just’
I find it difficult factual versions could prevail when you have against you almost all msm and their “fact-checkers”…while you’re right the folks you mentioned earlier spread a lot of shit, also from time in time searching deep in their shit you can find tiny jewels as pieces of information puzzle, and also they helped seed doubts and suspicion in main public opinion about what kind of shit the government and msm’s are selling.
I don’t live in an MSM driven world. If I want to find something out in washington, i am lied to directly.
I always appreciate that VT, especially Gordon and Jim, will sift through the detritus and produce a cleaned up version resembling accurate events of what the f-ck happened. Given time.
I think it’s highly probable that they did, the fire, but I don’t get to see yet what the benefit is in starting California wildfires…. sell fire hoses and trucks ??
Guess I don’t understand why Israel would use an airborne laser to start the Camp fire when one of their Sayanim and a can of gasoline would work just a well.
showing off
I’m agree Tommy, they can use one of their sayanims with a can of gasoline or even more cheap as give 1000 bucks some junkie and a gasoline can alongside a matchbox and send him.
9/11: Written about extensively here.
Shady Hook: Written about extensively here.
Evil Satanic/Luciferian/PAGAN pedophiles: Written about extensively here.
Are you guys “Q”?
Rep Greene? Hire her.
her versions are more ‘diversions’ than ‘versions’
Chenpeng Village Primary School stabbing
Dec 14 2012
mirror event
Gordon her versions are at least a good start….
Russia (it’s government, it’s expelled mafias overseas, it’s population) has no need or want to “finance the patriot movement” it’s only something to watch and laugh about seeing the sacred american “freedoms” manifest while sitting in Russia slurping on hot bowl of borsch.
What’s it cost anyways? To arm a million bumfucks with AR15 and body armour?
They already have the guns the armour….so where else can Russia throw money? Facebook ads? (Joke) Bribing politicians? The.politicians don’t need to be bribed they are already deep inside the basket of horseshit propaganda.
So how is it “Russia” is financing patriot movement in USA ?
They are not. Simple.
This is disinformation “top secret/ classified/for your eyes only given out to news organizations (VT too) by the typical manipulators; CIA Mossad US state dept propaganda arms etc…”by deception we will rule” so says Mossad …blame Russia this week, China the next, Venezuela the next, antifa and socialists the next week. It’s fucked up the patriot movement, but blame US culture of guns and killing, history of slavery, racism, and especially mass extermination of Indian tribes and the theft of land and resources the “american way,” and it’s ok isn’t it? Or not? So blame the Russians!
Whichever Russians are engaged in bait ‘n switch in America it most certainly isn’t Vlad & his Government. Vlad has spent 20 years trying to rid Russia of its plundering psychopathic Oilygarchs almost all of whom – oh so surprisingly, share a quasi-religious connection with Palestine where the head of the Russian Mob has hung out for years with BiBi as his puppet. Neither Vlad nor his Foreign Minister nor his Defence Minister are so stupid as to engage (either) directly or indirectly in American Elections and they most certainly are NOT responsible for the blaring #sTrumpet. He, #sTrumpet is a creature of the crooked Oligarchs and their ZioMafia Mob hanging in TelAviv following their being run out of Ukraine between 2012 and 2014, at which point, they cried ‘help’ to the ZioNazi Mob in Washington who came riding to the rescue but too late to save the ZioMafiaMob’s bolthole from Russia.
There is a user on you tube named Mike Morales. You should look at his video, titled something like ‘Campfire DEW’, that shows a clip from a GOES 16 satellite the day of the conflagration’s inception.
Then see ‘Drone Basics 101. It’s not about drones, it’s military footage of DEWs.
Tell me the first one is bullshit…
Then compare damage photos to what’s seen on ‘Drone Basics’.
Tell me it’s bullshit…
I checked out Mike Morales. Bullshit. ( 800 mile shock wave ???? really ?)
Just because lasers actually exist, does not mean they are used every time beginners are confused about what electricity, wind and kindling do in the dry summer.
The PG&E PR team did not love it though when a million people jumped on that, but very strangely not a peep in court. The fire was traced to the exact Pole.
perhaps something else to consider, why would any military use a space laser, when one person in the field with one bic lighter could do the job ? Dumb.
– Dave, though would agree there are more basic means, as you say -to the exact pole, those in monopolistic position are practiced putting out solid-sounding dictates, which myself tend to put claims from a monopoly in same column as the many ‘experts’ who claimed a few magic muslims brought down the towers and bldg seven came down in seconds because ‘fire’. As to quiet courts it’s easy for lawyers and courts to put away what they don’t like, and otherwise media to not report, or spin when they do. In any case think article note on jet lasers more possible than satellite lasers from mars. Who knows.
What’s certain is I need to find my lighter to light a cigarette before I wear out my toaster using it that way.
Facthype,…Comparing every theory to 9/11 is a major thing that muddies the water.
It has been a trend and desire of the fabricators to lump 9/11 truth into every crazy conspiracy theory out there. Discernment needs to prevail, because 9/11 does not belong in the same category with Sandy Hook (yes the children died) and space lasers starting fires.
If people need someone to blame for the fires, start with the developers and utilities. How many videos of wires throwing sparks and arcing all over the place do people need to see?
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