Israel Linked to Myanmar Coup, Genocide, Child Sex Slavery


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Trump supporters think their hero was unseated by a coup. Trump detractors think the Orange Original and his Capitol Crazies were the ones who tried to stage the coup. Seems like the whole USA is going coup-coup. The MSM blames free speech—otherwise known as “epistemological terrorism“—and is calling for a Reality Czar to crush everyone who disagrees with mainstream interpretations of history and current events.

If anybody just tried to stage a coup in America, they were either totally incompetent, or incredibly subtle. What we saw was a disputed election, complete with media bias, propaganda shenanigans, and chaotic protests. But the military stayed in their barracks.

If you want to see what a coup looks like, go to Myanmar. This week’s FFWN co-host Cat McGuire breaks it down in the article below—and exposes the Israeli angle, which our Zionist-dominated media won’t touch with a proverbial ten foot pole.

-Kevin Barrett, VT Editor

Israel Linked to Myanmar Coup, Genocide, Child Sex Slavery

By Cat McGuire, FFWN co-host

Myanmar’s February 1 military coup d’etat resulted in Aung San Suu Kyi, the 1991 Nobel Peace Prize-winner, being put back under house arrest. Prior to her party gaining civilian rule in 2011, Suu Kyi had been in detention for nearly 15 years from 1989 to 2010.

Suu Kyi’s party, the National Democratic League for Democracy, claimed to have won the country’s November 2020 election in a landslide. Her party was due to be sworn in by the Myanmar Parliament on February 2. Instead, the military declared the election fraudulent and in addition to Suu Kyi, they detained various ministers and members of Parliament.

The Myanmar military apparently knows how to run a real coup. They didn’t wait until March 4 to end up behind an ever-growing eight-ball. The day before the Myanmar inauguration, the junta got on TV in the early morning hours and, like a proper third-world takeover, announced they were in charge.

Like most Americans, I always believed Suu Kyi was a straight-up, progressive leader of the people. I had read that during her years of house arrest she daily practiced a rigorous form of meditation known as Vipassana. In my previous one-dimensional world when I was a classic lefty, my calculus was military bad, democracy candidate good. While I am in no way a fan of military solutions, I’m also no longer so naïve as to believe that Suu Kyi is the beacon-of-democracy darling that the West funds and promotes.

Curiously, the coup was bloodless. Nobody rose up. There was no rioting in the streets. The regime blocked Facebook so that the opposition couldn’t organize—ironically, a move likewise experienced by many dissident American Facebook users. Perhaps the widespread approval for Suu Kyi is not as sweeping as we are led to believe.

Suu Kyi’s administration has been severely criticized for its attacks on the historically repressed Muslim Rohingya minority.  In 2017, more than 700,000 Rohingya were forced to flee Myanmar in what United Nations officials called “a textbook example of ethnic cleansing.”  Akin to living under apartheid, some journalists have described the Rohingya as the most persecuted minority in the world.

Always on the lookout for a variety of opinions, I found some little-known coverage of Myanmar by an alt-right site called FTN which tipped me off to Israeli connections. Apparently, Israel’s first friend in Asia was not China, but Burma as the country was formerly called.  Both Burma and Israel gained independence from Britain in 1948, and early on by 1953 had established diplomatic relations.

Burma was one of the first countries to recognize Israel’s independence. In 1955, U Nu became the first foreign prime minister in the world to visit Israel on a state trip. In 1958, Moshe Dayan and Shimon Peres visited the country, followed by Ben-Gurion in 1961, and a year later Golda Meir in 1962—the same year the Burmese military took control of the government through a coup d’etat.  Make of all that timing what you will.

Per FTN, Burma gave Israel proximity to China and India, countries with whom Israel at the time had limited relations. In a classic case of working both sides, Israelis apparently maintained their longstanding relationship with the military regime even as they offered substantial support to Suu Kyi.

Israel is the #1 weapons dealer to Myanmar. Companies like TAR Ideal Concepts, Gilat Satellite Networks, or IAI (Israel Aerospace Industries) didn’t stop providing the military with weaponry, money, and training by Mossad just because a new democratic leadership entered the picture.  In 2017, Israel gifted the Myanmar military with two attack frigates. This was the same year during Suu Kiy’s tenure that the military engaged in genocidal attacks on the Muslim Rohingyas.

A petition was brought before the Supreme Court of Israel against Israeli arms sales to Myanmar, a notorious violator of human rights for their repression of the Rohingyas.  No one knows the results of that petition because the Supreme Court put it under a gag order.   Israel claimed it stopped selling advanced weaponry to Myanmar’s military since 2017.

However, a Myanmar envoy to Israel revealed that Israel was still selling weapons to Myanmar, and Myanmar officials were spotted in June 2019 at a Tel Aviv weapons expo.  To sanitize their name, the Israeli government publicly claims they no longer sell weaponry to Myanmar. Instead, as FTN describes the M.O., private companies owned, staffed, or operated by current or former IDF officials ensure plenty of back and forth between the Israeli private and public sectors. In other words, a nominally private company underwritten by the government takes over the arms sales.

In addition to standing down as the military viciously set upon the Muslim minority, SuuKiy’s party also engaged in cultural repression such as denial of the use of the term “Rohingya,” a name the group has used since pre-colonial times. Myanmar rulers, including Suu Kyi, have instead long referred to the community as “Bengali illegal immigrants.”

Israel never condemned Myanmar for its persecution of the Muslims, and went along with not calling the Rohingya by their name. In FTN’s opinion, wherever in the world you see violence against Muslim communities, you’ll find the hand of Israel.

It is well known that Myanmar has one of the world’s worst records on human rights for raw, brute trafficking in sex and slave labor, including of children. These crimes were carried out under the Suu Kyi government with little to no consequences.

Suu Kyi’s husband, Dr. Michael Aris, was a Jewish scholar in Tibetan culture and literature.  He died of prostate cancer at 53 in 1999.  In 1982, Isabel Maxwell, sister of Ghislaine, produced a PBS documentary on Bhutan in which Aris was an advisor and writer. One wonders if Michael Aris’ wife remains in the Maxwell family Rolodex.

Sweetheart weapons deals, human rights violations, a Muslim genocide, trafficking in child sex slavery. How deeply embedded are the Israelis with the dark side of Aung San Suu Kyi’s administration? Shame on the West for hypocritically condemning the Myanmar military regime when their proclaimed paragon of democracy seems to be swirling in sleaze with some of the world’s premier sleaze miesters.


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  1. It’s all rather clear. The “Chosen 1s” are good at what they do in statecraft, minus their goals. In Detroit where I lived with my grandparents from age 5 to 8 I was on “the Street” quite alot with my boyhood buddies. I remember the times well in many ways. I remember V J day because it was a spectical. Everyone out of their houses on the sidewalk celebrating. We Won the war

    • NewtRallyt if you don’t know of the “British Mandate for Palestine” you “don’t know nawt” about the illegal formation of Israel & YOU & 99% of the general public have a lot to learn —- “good luck”.

      BTW – Both of the first two British administrators, Generals Money and Watson, were removed by London for not favoring the Zionists over the Arabs then the British appointed Sir Herbert Samuel a well connected Jewish politician & Zionist supporter to govern Palestine. Samuel had proposed forming a Jewish state in Palestine — before he was appointed !
      British Prime Minister Theresa May marked the Balfour declaration with pride !

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