Was Meghan’s son Archie denied the title ‘prince’ because he’s mixed race?


VT: As a member of the royal family (really), I am so very glad our folks fled to the US in 1782 (and later to Canada which threw us out).  The last Duff princess, Beatrice, died in 1959.  Back during the 50s, my millionaire aunt, married to a casino owner, went to the UK on the Queen Mary to re-establish our family titles.  After that she began calling my father “Lord Lockhart.”  Dad was a lifelong communist, labor organizer and civil rights advocate.  He didn’t care much for any of this.

A few years ago, while representing the UAE’s version of royalty, I spent some social time with the queen’s closest associates, all very nice people, including General Sir Michael Rose.  Other than beyond not fitting in…not even close…the diseased nature of some aspects of the UK became very clear.

Like so many Americans with service backgrounds, I spend much time in the UK (and Germany/Italy).  I love the UK, have a “hometown” there (Fairford) and many good friends.  I would have admitted, long ago, that the UK, Ireland, Iceland and Canada should well have been part of a real United States.

Had this been done after World War II, much suffering would have been mitigated.  Britain suffered horribly.  Also, the American political system could have used mitigation, 16 senators from the UK, four from Ireland (collectively) and two from Iceland.

Add ten more from Canada and the US might well have ended up far more democratic than it has.  There is so much more and this should yield a decent discussion.  I spent much of my childhood in Canada, the border with Detroit was totally open, simply a bridge or tunnel toll.  That and my family established the city of Windsor (Alexander Duff) and, to an extent Toronto and Hamilton.

I am also suggesting that this should possibly go forward except that maybe we should all join Iceland which seems to be politically superior to all of us.  While in Scotland recently with Robbie (VT Scotland), I got a very different view of Skye in particular.  Robbie is a political activist (extremist).  Lots learned.  Normally I am up in Speyside with the Grants and Duffs.  Scotland is beautiful, it is also a rathole, like West Virginia with a different accent.

This may have been what Soros had in mind with ‘open borders.’

A case might well have been made, at some point, for Norway and Sweden as well.

The key is mitigating political extremism and returning government to its original purpose, to form a “more perfect union” for promoting the common good.

The admission, that the US is and will continue to be a failed state as it exists now…

Guardian: The Duchess of Sussex suggested her son Archie was denied his birthright of the title of prince by the palace and that the decision went against protocol.

She spoke of her shock at being told he would not get police protection because he did not have a title, and suggested that the decision was taken because of his mixed race.

She was clearly upset at the “idea of the first member of colour in this family not being titled in the same way that other grandchildren would be”.

“It’s not their right to take away,” she told Oprah Winfrey.

She was asked by Winfrey: “Do you think it’s because of his race?”

Meghan replied: “In those months when I was pregnant, all around this same time, so we [had] the conversation of he won’t be given security, he’s not going to be given a title.

“And, also, concerns and conversations about how dark his skin might be when he’s born.”

Meghan: there were ‘concerns and conversations about how dark Archie’s skin might be’ – video

Under protocols established by George V in letters patent more than 100 years ago in 1917, the children and grandchildren of a sovereign have the automatic right to the title HRH and prince or princess.  read more…



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  1. Meghan is a product of Hollywood, unfortunately, a bad actress.
    Meghan is light skinned, certainly not black as compared with Oprah. She has more of her fathers’ gen than her moms. Archie is white or light skinned. So, are we to believe in her unverifiable claims??

  2. I only stop short of bashing Oprah, because nobody reading this wakes up in the morning knowing what it is like to have Oprah money, and history.
    But, yea, she should have asked a couple more questions. One would invo0lve the length of stay in the US before Harry’s money is vulnerable to tax, and Meghan’s citizenship questions.
    Emotions have nothing to do with it. We do not tell the jury of our peers, we are not quite ready for the decision because we feel upset right now.

    • Pretty sure we just watched Trump steal the republican party, with almost entirely negative coverage, and I have been saying the royals are behind him from before the primaries.

  3. We do not abide Monarchs and their title seeking spawn here in the US. If people need to relearn that lesson, they are way dumber than I thought.
    The “royals” will never say what they feel or think to anyones face. The are sequestered and they are nasty to the last drop. There is no need for it, and I see this media event as pathetic for the US woman who chose to betray us, and downright Trumpish opportunism for everyone else involved. My position is Trump and Johnson were profiled and installed by the “royals” which include the ‘lords” which are a batch of thugs and devils. Send Harry and his dumb bride back there or tax them and force them to become US citizens only. That is the only acceptable outcome. for cryin out loud.

  4. Like a dog whistle, if someone wants to derail the United States and suck the oxygen out of the room, just mention that a slightly mulatto child can’t be given a royal title, and the gaze of 80 million people will be galvanized to this issue, away from Cuomo’s mishaps and misdemeanors, away from Texas tragedies and away from Beltway banditry. 

    The City of London bankers control the royal puppets, because without significant amounts of public and or private money, royal estates couldn’t be maintained. Harry even says that his father and brother are locked in and can’t get out, and that the firm informs the queen what her schedule is, drawing her away from such things as commiserating about her grandson’s concerns. 

    Several of the American hot buttons are pushed in the interview, i.e., Diana’s iconic name is invoked, Charles is shown to be a hypocrite and non empathetic; loneliness and suicide ideation are addressed (complete with 800 hotlines for the viewers to call in case they have similar ideas); and the big vat of racial angst is whipped into a whirlwind. Racism gets focused through the British magnifying lens to ignite more brush fires across America, even though our ancestors showed the royals the exit door centuries ago. 

    The interviewees are accomplished actors and actresses, all. Whatever true feeling is behind their story, you can be sure that it won’t be revealed here, except that their lives depend on their ability to convince the public of the narrative. _ Diana was the first or second most famous woman in the world in 1997, but as she tried to contradict the ruling narrative, she is no longer here.

    • Interesting, Emma. Indeed, what if “Blue-Blood-Born” Diana had been whisked off to some paradisiacal location in Arabia by her wealthy, swarthy beau? Might Princess D bear brown-skinned progeny? And, what if the young princes THEMSELVES were to visit their beloved mum and wish to remain there with her, eventually “breeding” with heathen mongrels? COMPLETELY UNACCEPTABLE !! Far simpler to obliterate a large Benz in a Parisian Tunnel.
      It’s rather humorous that Harry & Megan along with their un-entitled white bastard son land in “WOKE” LA whose Hollywood (a COL project) has provided an alternative to dynastic royals: Hollywood Heroes !
      A friend once said: “If there’s a God, he has a great sense of humor.”

    • It’s likely that the spat with Di was over Pakistan, less likely over skin color. She went off the rez.
      8% of MPs are minority ethnic, and the membership is increasingly multi-faith.

      People who say ‘woke’ are ____ .

  5. Lots of fond memories of Summers spent in southern Ontario. crossing at the Peace Bridge into Fort Erie, Canadian Customs would ask vehicle occupants “citizenship?”, then, “purpose of your visit?”, then, “how long will you be staying?”, and finally, “anything to declare?” That was it,…have a nice stay.

    I remember an episode of an old “Great Train Rides of the World” episode from either London to Skye, or Glasgow to Skye, not quite sure of the departure point. Anyway the last stop was actually Kyle of Lochalsh, just before Skye, because there were no trains on Skye itself.

    I absolutely believe Meghan Markle’s assertion on “skin color”. The commentary (mainly British) in tabloids, such as the Daily Mail, toward her has been absolutely excoriating. They love their monarchy.

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