COVID-19 Was Third Leading Cause of Death in 2020.


Provisional Mortality Data — United States, 2020

Farida B. Ahmad, MPH1; Jodi A. Cisewski, MPH1; Arialdi Miniño, MPH1; Robert N. Anderson, PhD1 (View author affiliations)


What is already known about this topic?

The COVID-19 pandemic caused approximately 375,000 deaths in the United States during 2020.

What is added by this report?

The age-adjusted death rate increased by 15.9% in 2020. Overall death rates were highest among non-Hispanic Black persons and non-Hispanic American Indian or Alaska Native persons. COVID-19 was the third leading cause of death, and the COVID-19 death rate was highest among Hispanics.

What are the implications for public health practice?

Provisional death estimates provide an early indication of shifts in mortality trends. Timely and actionable data can guide public health policies and interventions for populations experiencing higher numbers of deaths that are directly or indirectly associated with the COVID-19 pandemic.

CDC’s National Vital Statistics System (NVSS) collects and reports annual mortality statistics using data from U.S. death certificates. Because of the time needed to investigate certain causes of death and to process and review data, final annual mortality data for a given year are typically released 11 months after the end of the calendar year. Daily totals reported by CDC COVID-19 case surveillance are timely but can underestimate numbers of deaths because of incomplete or delayed reporting.

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  1. What is criminally being called the “COVID-19 pandemic” by the Globalist/Communist ruling Oligarchs and their obsequious foot soldiers, which in actuality means death by any kind of respiratory illness, as well as many other illnesses, caused approximately 375,000 deaths in the United States during 2020.

    • Since it seems highly improbable to me that VT is unfamiliar with what is really going on regarding this truly diabolical and universally destructive hoax of all hoaxes, strategically analogous to the diversionary War Games planned and executed at the exact same time as the explosives set off on 911 while holograms and crisis actors were employed to pawn the official “planes going into buildings” narrative (“Beer cans don’t go through steel and concrete,” as one old-timer put it), and one disappearing into the ground at Shanksville, I can only come to the logical conclusion that VT has been given “from on high” the “Plata o Plumo” option, whether the “Plumo” be literal lead, that is to say, death, or more likely figuratively, i.e., attacks of various kinds such as financial loss, harassment, or some other unpleasantness making non-compliance too ominous and costly of an option. I also wonder what a Jonas Alexis article on this controversial immeasurably important subject would look like.

    • I neglected to mention Event 201 in Nov. 2019 immediately preceding the sudden “Covid Outbreak” as what was strategically analogous to the “Terrorist Attack Using Planes” War Games going on 911. Plandemic Series Part 2 does a good job of discrediting the “just a coincidence” theory of the former.

    • darrell, For cause of death to be listed as COVID-19, the dead person did indeed have COVID-19.COVID-19 is typically listed as a contributing cause of death. The primary causes are usually listed as something triggered by the infection, such as respiratory distress or pneumonia. Those fatalities are included in the overall pandemic death toll because covid-19 set off a sequence of health issues that killed the patients. The same principle applies to adding the numbers of influenza deaths If someone is ill with another disease process and develops COVID-19 which kills them, then COVID-19 is listed as the cause because that person was living with the disease before getting COVID-19. If someone has cancer and they are having their treatments, but then contracts COVID-19 and dies then COVID-19 is the cause of death.

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