“It was real, very real. And it was very specific,” the Illinois Democrat said of the former president’s involvement.
…from Politico
[ Editor’s Note: The bipartisan vote needed to compel witness testimony looks like a major hurdle for the Senate Judiciary committee. I can’t see the Republicans laying their heads down on the chopping block by helping to expose what went on.
They tend to have powerful constituencies who will not be angry at them for refusing to do the right thing. We live in a political climate of “we must win, and any and all cost”, which puts us all in endanger.
The Republicans are actually killing off their own voters now, sacrificing them to the Anti-Covid God, a concept it have had a lot of difficutly getting on board with, and I cry less tears for the anti-vax fatalities. Classmates have front row seats watching this.
This morning we have the NY Times story about the long term damage to children even from a mild case. The NIH has one study estimating 11 to 15% will have long term damage, with initial problems emerging quickly, not only illness symptons, but mental also, as in memory loss.
In a normal world the political structure would joing hands to protect kids, but in our current situation they are a form of ritual sacrifice to the Trump God, when I assume he is an atheist. It is like living in a Fellini movie where you are hoping to wake up to learn it was all just a bad dream.
DeSantis is in full balls to the wall mode to not have masks in the schools as he sees that enhancing his 2014 Presidential run, and yet he cannot be immediately arrested for thinking like that.
Trump knew Covid was transferred via air droplets and not only did he not reveal that to the public, which was criminal negligence in my book, but initiated a campaign that Covid would just go away, even more criminal.
Bob Woodward also never uttered a word, wanting his book money and to not break a confidence with a ruthless president. The public should demand the Justice Department explain to us why this was not an actionable crime against the public.
Thus ends my cheery missive for today… Jim W. Dean ]
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First published … August 09, 2021
“It was real, very real. And it was very specific,” the Illinois Democrat said.
“This president’s not subtle when he wants something, the former president…And I think it’s a good thing for America that we had a person like Rosen in that position, who stood — withstood the pressure.”
…“It really is important that we ask these questions, because what was going on in the Department of Justice was frightening, from a constitutional point of view,” Durbin said. “To think that Bill Barr left, resigned after he had announced he didn’t see irregularities in the election, and then his replacement was under extraordinary pressure from the president [of] the United States, even to the point where they were talking about replacing him.”
…“It isn’t as if the president was removing the attorney general and making pronouncements, which would happen in a coup, I suppose, by classic definition,” Durbin added. “But it was leading up to that, that kind of process.”
…“It takes a bipartisan vote to subpoena. I don’t know that we’re going to be able to accomplish that,” Durbin said. “People think the mighty Senate Judiciary Committee can just send out the subpoenas and off we go. It’s much more constrained.”

Jim W. Dean is VT Editor Emeritus. He was an active editor on VT from 2010-2022. He was involved in operations, development, and writing, plus an active schedule of TV and radio interviews. He now writes and posts periodically for VT.
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In hyper capitalism, the individual wealth becomes the power over morality. This place where we are right now, has been predicted by many people over the decades.
And while it is absurd Trump has even been president, it is also the face of the real product of our “exceptionalism”.
Garland by now has plenty to charge,..so it’s not evidence,..the public will is there,.. so its not that,…that leaves protecting the immunity of the office as the only reason I can see.
The US currently is operating at about 20% of it’s true potential. Violence and lying consumes us.
Well said, David
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