Blockbuster: Race Based? Texas Closing Off ICU’s for Unvaccinated Patients


Raw Story and Dallas Morning News: Hospitals in North Texas have “quietly developed” a plan to allow doctors to take vaccination status into account when deciding how to triage intensive-care beds if the coronavirus pandemic overwhelms ICUs, The Dallas Morning News reports.

“A copy of an internal memo written by Dr. Robert Fine, co-chair of the North Texas Mass Critical Care Guideline Task Force, was sent to members of the task force,” the newspaper reported, noting a copy had been leaked to “The Watchdog” columnist Dave Lieber explained. “Although their recommendations are not enforceable, the guidelines are generally followed.”

The change will only occur during a Level 3 alert, which could happen within two weeks.

Dr. Harald Schmidt, a professor of medical ethics and health policy at the University of Pennsylvania, worried about the change in policy.

“This policy pretends that it is just focusing on objective medical knowledge, but it ignores societal injustices,” Schmidt said. “In such cruel clarity, COVID-19 has exposed the consequences of the structural inequities that we’ve had so long. That’s why it’s critical that we don’t add to that, and in this case, we risk that.”


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  1. Every news outlet in the country and the CDC has been telling people that if they are vaccinated they can still get covid but it will be a much milder flu or cold like symptoms and wouldn’t require hospitalizations and ICU or lead to death like it would for the unvaccinated.

    So why do you need to reserve your ICU beds for vaccinated covid patients for if vaccination prevents severe infections, hospitalizations, and ICU in the first place?


    The Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA) is a federal law that requires anyone coming to an emergency department to be stabilized and treated, regardless of their insurance status or ability to pay, but since its enactment in 1986 has remained an unfunded mandate.

    Fake News… a no brainer medical malpratice…

    the feds when they send 2 passenger vans up from texas to investigate (CMS Uniformed) – come thru the door w a 3M$ fine in their hand..

    its not pretty… they immediately loose all CMS re-imbursments on friday.. on monday Ur insurance re-imbursments are gone by lunch..

    thats a fake news story…. EMTALA is Federal.. ain’t no such thing as kinda sorta !

    its simple blakNwhite and they doo inforcce… this is notFDA or a local health dept..

    fake news

  3. Well the good news is: The hospital’s are empty. I visit my local VA once every month, and since this nonsense started the place has been empty. The triage tents … empty, the large hospital tents that took over a entire parking lot … empty … never used. Months ago I asked my doctor why, and he answered: “we’re waiting for the 2nd wave”. That was a year ago.

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