The Corporatization of Science (video)


VT: The report, a good one, done by RT misses one key issue…RT itself, along with Sputnik News, leads in supporting science denialism with its anti-vaxx, anti-climate study positions.  Hedges makes his report on a media platform that is paid for by the Russian government and one whose editorial policies are in total denial of this report.

This is good work by Chris Hedges.


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  1. “Weaponized Keynesism,” the transfer of enough of our industrial consumer-based economy to China and other third world countries, while massively expanding the military industrial complex to the point of a redundantly bloated overkill capacity, thus forcing the economy’s practical survival to depend upon military conflict and never ending efforts to maintain military dominance.
    That’s what one could call maximum beneficial exploitation of the host to the benefit of the parasite, except for the fact that our orchestrated “enemies” have decided to respond with effective counter-measures.
    It is described in the Holy Bible as “live by the sword, die by the sword.”

  2. I would have found this to be far more accurate if he had gone back to the turn of the 20th century. That is when the food and drug industry was hijacked. From processed flour, which was banned by the Food Safety Administration, to the change from apothecaries and natural compounds to synthetic ‘medicine’ pushed by Rockefeller…the poisoning of the food and medicine was begun. This was the very beginning of corporate run science and systemic chronic managed disease. It went down hill from there. They now control accepted policy and so-called scientific method…both of which are optimized for profit.

    • Processed flour, processed sugar and hydrogenated oil have killed more Americans than alcohol and tobacco combined!!
      I don’t know about the oil, and the flour industries, but the sugar industry got massive government support.
      I remember as a child back in the sixties, watching an old black & white movie (maybe from 30’s to 40’s era?) on TV about a company discovering a secret ingredient that when added to any food product, not only made it taste better, but made the eater crave even more of it. They didn’t call it sugar, but they were putting it right in the faces. The cabal just couldn’t resist making fun of their naive audiences, who thought they were watching just another science fiction movie.

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