VT: Here in Shoreline West Michigan, where we are 94% vaccinated…hospitals are empty, business as usual. Is it the vaccine? Hmmm.
[ Editor’s Note: I had not wanted to say this earlier out of concern of being labeled an alarmist, but I had been wondering that with the deluge of the non-vaxed descending upon the hospitals, why they are not at the end of the line for care, ahead of those that are vaxed than other life threatening issues.
As Donald Duck might have said, “What’s up wid dat?”
The Trumpers and their pitiful Republican exploiters are making a laughing stock out of the US via their passionate attempt to turn the country into a banana republic, the kind with a more efficient process, where one party always wins regardless of the vote count.
The early 20th century steamship lines had ‘steerage’ berths in the bowels of the ships for lowest cost passage. I think it is way past time that the unvaxed not go to the head of the line for care, as our responsible citizens go to the end of the line.
We already have a different version of this that has been operating for a long time. People go to hospice to die when they are at the end of the line. I don’t ever remember any protest over the ‘cruelty’ of it, as it was the patient’s choice.
If there is anyone that has chosen to go to the end of the line for medical care, it is those who have railed against public health with all their might, showing no concern for the rest of us. It is way past time for ‘Covid Hospice’.
If the Trumpers protest, I am waiting to hear their justification… Jim W. Dean ]
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2046 Anti-vaxxers died of COVID yesterday, most begging for vaccines with their last words while others died claiming COVID is a “Deep State hoax”
National Guard troops are being deployed to hospitals across Wyoming and Montana, supposedly to “assist staff.” The truth, being withheld by anti-vaxx/anti-mask governors is that hospitals are under siege by thousands of unvaccinated COVID infected wanting to jump queue to get treatment.
Currently COVID wards are set up in corridors and hundreds of COVID patients are now on stretchers, condition not seen since the Vietnam War when VA hospitals had to turn away sick and dying veterans.
Raw Story: The hospital in Montana’s largest city is in crisis as unvaccinated patients overwhelm the state’s healthcare system.
“The state announced 1,209 new cases on Friday, and Yellowstone County, home to Billings Clinic, is seeing the worst of it. Last week, the county had 2,329 active cases, more than the next two counties combined,” Nick Ehli reported for KHN on Tuesday.
“What’s different from the early scenes of the pandemic is the public’s response. Not so long ago, the cheers of community support could be heard from the hospital parking lot. Now, tensions are so strained that Billings Clinic is printing signs for its hallways, asking that the staff members not be mistreated,” he explained.
Christy Baxter, the hospital’s director of critical care, said the ICU was operating at 160% of capacity.
“Threats have on occasion required a police response. Screaming, profanity-laden insults are a daily occurrence. One patient threw his own feces at a doctor. Some, even in the face of an intubation tube, question the need to be vaccinated or the effectiveness of the medicine being prescribed,” he reported.
Also on Tuesday, Republican Gov. Greg Gianforte announced that he was doubling the number of National Guard troops deployed to the hospital. He also announced deployments to hospitals in Bozeman, Butte, Helena and St. Vincent, the other hospital in Billings. He also deployed troops to Missoula county.
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I think there is a great divide of opinion in this country. Those who are cautious about getting vaccinated, do not feel the current vaccine is safe. They are skeptical of the new technology and feel that a few versions later, it might be okay. Kind of like MS DOS 1.o or Windows 1.0.
Those that are pro-fax, cannot understand why the others are “endangering” the public”.
There are excellent solutions out there other than the vaccine. There are monoclonal antibodies and there are nose sprays (butadine) or Xlear that are purported to kill the virus. And these are safe. They do not cause myocarditis.
Let us work together to bridge this opinion gap and look and understand what each side is saying. They are both right from their own vantage point, But we can shift the vantage point so it is more comprehensive.
Once the Fed and crazy US Christian Zionists (ReTrumplican Party) decide to nuke the US economy by triggering a default on $28tn of debt, The success of the COVID-19 bioweapon will be assured. The fiends who first deployed it in China, then Iran and Europe, and finally in the USA will be congratulating each other on a job well done.
Soros (BOO!😱) should “give ’em something to cry about” and…
“Replace them”.
Bezos could pay 1.2 million CommieFornians – double Wyoming’s population – $100K each to move there (if only part-year).
You think they’re DramaQueens now? Imagine them as minorities in their own overprivileged (over-represented) States.
Oh the irony of their Mammon worship.
Part of what makes our society vulnerable is lack of food security. When FDR boosted the small farms, this is what he had in mind, localized production and sustainable sources for every community.
Thus, if there was an outbreak, and I do think FDR had this in mind as well living through Spanish Flu and having Polio,…he knew sometimes you have to shut the door. Allowing unrestricted travel and necessity for delivery in light of food security issues, is certainly adding to the spread. Shutting down the highway, is a practical decision if there is an outbreak. We have a pollinator situation that nobody can stop. Town to town , over and over constantly.
OpenBorders MadeAmericaGreat. (MAGA!)
And they stayed open during WWI + “Spanish Flu”*
In this same time, failure to MaskUp could get you jailed & shot.
* Of course, numbers were down. But still 3X the current border “crisis” hitting the news cycle. (And obviously a far larger % of population back then.)
How many vaccinated people died yesterday?
Died of what? We have had earlier numbers where people dying of old age ailments, heart attacks, strokes, etc…having been added into the Covid vax death pile, when numbers and reports were flying all over social media with its wonderful short attention span audience where no on had time to verify where and how the numbers were put together. It’s just the age old PR battle where the rules are “there are no rules”. That said, the CDC has been tracking reactions the vaccines, which are lightly read, especially in the anti-vax community. Maybe 1 in a 100 could quote you the numbers. As for theirs, they just send 3rd party links, 3rd party information, or even 10th party.
And no “truth.”
Protect ?
U really push it here… !! i am a member of a MASH Unit/Guard
this program has been around since the 1950’s – rarely called on by Govs.. its part of community prep and inclusive of master diaster palns here in the west..
the guard members are not cops – hey live in the communities they serve..
thats a terrible slam, to suggest sik citizens hav to B chained to a telephone pole by a Nat Guard EMT – to prevent entry…
medical services in MT and Wyo hav always been centralized w Air Lift from the rural communities..
I was called bak by the state in the first round to cover – they canot continue to re-up the retired..
Kudos to the Western’ guard people walk into that mess…
Wow Seapatch, that was a real gut-punch to “somebody.”
End times, anti-vaxx, evangelicals and anti-government activists are now public enemy number one!
It is much more nuanced. More power to those that don’t want to be vaccinated. That is their right. But we also have laws protecting everyone else from the spread of infectious diseases that can cripple and kill fellow citizens. Penn State is bumping ‘non Covid compliers’ out the door so they can go find a school that loves having a highly infectious environment for their students, possibly with a discounted tuition. To those who would say “Fuck you to all you public health nuts”, I was say., “Ok, then fuck you on having access to any public health care. As for faclities and institutions, they have to protect themselves from negligence lawsuits over ‘not complying’ with public health requirements…and causing preventable deaths. We are way past time for “Covid death houses”. We have to have licenses to drive a car…a public safety measure. This is not rocket science.
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