One Million American COVID Dead: Underreporting by Red States as Real Deaths of Deniers Hits 5000 a Day


VT: Did death take a holiday in Florida? If so, we recommend lots of hand washing, masks and social distancing for the grim reaper. Not only has Florida been lying about COVID deaths since January 2020, they are now claiming other deaths are down by up to 45%.

A general statistic now accepted is that the US is now over 1,000,000 COVID dead.  Reported figures, as of today, will cross the 700,000 barrier with the 300,000 withheld coming mostly from a mix of Red State lying and withheld death figures by the US military, the Department of Veterans Affairs, the US Bureau of Prisons and about 30,000 nursing homes.  This from Pennsylvania:



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  1. This is such misinformation and pure propaganda; and it is evil to characterize educated Americans as “deniers.” The entire pandemic and forced vaccination mandates, passports and propaganda is pure Nazism on steroids. Educated Americans know the US government (DOD/CIA/CDC/FDA) have a long history testing pathogens on unsuspecting populations using spray planes, mosquitoes, ticks, fleas, etc., along with unethical testing of pathogen, including vaccines in hospitals and clinics. (In the deposition of Dr. Stanley Plotkin, he revealed prior unethical testing the US). We KNOW billions of dollars go to biolaboratories in over 25 countries involved in research, engineering, “testing” and use of bioweapons such as Bechtelle, CH2M Hill, Microbiota anthrax, hemorrhagic fever, ebola, and other pathogens. We KNOW the US government has used anthrax in Afghanistan, has suppressed/censored/banned studies, relating to known toxic effects of the anthrax vaccine and mefloquine vaccine (plus others) given to troops which DOD refuses to acknowledge. We KNOW they were aware the polio vax w/ SV40 was given to 98 million individuals and caused the cancer epidemic, information hidden for over a decade, like autism studies.

  2. Once Krampus Santis decided to take the path he is on, it was inevitable he would either have to admit culpability or hide the figures.
    he has chosen poorly.

    • I watched the video above,
      and based on it and the paragraph above it; —-“Florida been lying about COVID deaths since January 2020, they are now claiming others deaths are down as well, down by up to 45%.”
      Plus, the twitter text following the video,—-“How are we supposed to believe that the State of Florida has over 10,000 new covid cases every day and yet only 3 deaths.”
      Add those two “statistics” to the heading; “One Million American COVID Dead: Underreporting by Red States as Real Deaths of Deniers Hits 5000 a Day.”
      Anyone who can draw a satisfying conclusion from that mix, is a better code reading than I.

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