Empire of chickenhawks: Why America’s chaotic departure from Afghanistan was actually perfect (good read)


Lucian K. Truscott IV for Salon and Raw Story

The biggest fallacy about our exit from Afghanistan is that there was a “good” way for us to get out. There is no good way to lose a war. With defeat comes humiliation. We were humiliated in the way we pulled out of Kabul — and we should have been, because we believed the lies we had been told right up to the last moment.

The lies we heard at the end of our war in Afghanistan were the same ones we were told, and were only too happy to believe, for 20 long years: that everything was going swimmingly. Remember earlier in the summer when the headlines were about how the Taliban controlled a large percentage of the territory in Afghanistan, but the Afghan government and its supposed army still controlled the provincial capitals and Kabul, and that was where the power was.

What a total crock of shit. Everyone was shocked — shocked — when the headlines started to come. Aug. 9, from the AP: “Taliban press on, take two more provincial capitals.” That story was a doozie. “On Monday they [the Taliban] controlled five of the country’s 34 provincial capitals.” It didn’t really matter which two capitals the Taliban had taken. You had to read way down in the story to discover they were Aybak, capital of Samangan province, and Sar-e-Pul, capital of Sar-e-Pul province. Where the hell were they? Who had even heard of them?  Read more…



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  1. You said it, Lucian K. Truscott!
    And the insanity of it, are the millions of “professing” Christians who fail to recognize the jeopardy they’re putting. themselves in, AND also the entire USA!
    By locking arms with, and supporting the very bunch, who Jesus Christ, called the “synagogue of Satan,” they are endorsing that evil one’s agenda!
    Something about that awkward, and anti-christian union seems not just ill-concieved, but evilly-concieved.

    • I’m assuming that a certain Lician K. Truscott commented on this article and the comment was stricken from the board. Hmm… Maybe it had to do with the last sentence in the article, “Maybe now the geniuses who got us into those godforsaken disastrous wars and kept us there will think twice before they do it again. Except, wait. That was supposed to have been the great ‘lesson of Vietnam.’ Never mind.”

      We can’t blame everything on Zionism and the [Ashkenazim], Elvin. Sometimes our wars are just stupid from the onset and we never seem to learn our lesson from the last one. We are, indeed, the United States of Amnesia, just like Gore Vidal said.

    • Truscott was the author of the article, Tommy.

      As for not “blaming everything on the Zionists,” there is, of course as always, a turncoat element in America’s homegrown stables, ready to sell “their own” country down the river.
      But they have always sold us down the river to the very same bunch that they’re selling us to today.
      So, no matter what they’re calling themselves nowadays, be it Zionists, Ashkenazi, or just plain old high finance Talmudists; we can most certainly blame all the upside-down foreign policy and wrongheaded illogically self-destructive pillaging of our economy and culture totally on “them.” Because they’re the ones responsible for it.
      The sooner it becomes general knowledge and widely known, the sooner it comes to a head; one way or another.
      All indications are, it’s may be too late.
      But miracles do happen.

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