…by Gordon Duff with Benjamin Fulford
[ Editor’s Note: If someone had a reason to want to knock somebody off who was unvaccinated, co-morbidities and surrounded by people on a road show, having them intersect with Covid and let it do the rest would not even require a sophisticated operation.
In retrospect the modern ‘road show’ is the daily podcasting that so many people are doing where they can reach a national audience and don’t have to raise $2 million for a roadshow during a pandemic. Do we know who else died of Covid from the tour, and would anyone care? And who would be counting?
It put him in semi-competition with Trump’s road show, and God only knows how Trump hates competition. And he has friends with all kinds of talents.
An unknown general once coined a phrase that has lasted through the ages to describe this. When asked by his superior how the battle was going, he replied, “The issue is still in doubt”…JD ]
First published … September 06, 2021
One Mossad source says that RDS was murdered. That isn’t enough for a confirmation. Nor did anyone say who did it or why. When RDS attached himself to the grifters behind QAnon, we have managed to tie several to intelligence agencies in Turkey, Serbia and Ukraine.
Do remember that Trump’s campaign was managed from this area of the world, both in 2016 and 2020. Trump’s first impeachment was for his criminal dealings with Ukrainian mobsters with strong ties to multiple intelligence agencies, Russia, Israel, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Ukraine and Turkey.
We just described the “home base” of the Kosher Nostra. The evidence of this was presented to the Clinton campaign in March 2016, warning them that voting machines were rigged and that a media frenzy was being coordinated with a fake FBI announcement of a new “EmailGate” investigation.
This was all to be cover for a fully rigged election by making a losing candidate, Trump, appear to “surge” due to a Google and Facebook orchestrated destabilization operation.
In extensive discussions with FBI counter-intelligence, one issue was a bone of contention. Who is really behind this destabilization effort against the US. They claim, and provide extensive documentation, it is Russia pulling the strings.
My point to them is that centralized power in Russia may not exist and that, though Putin has crushed several major oligarchs who have threatened him, the Mogeleivich cabal tied to Trump through Bayrock/Sater are another beast entirely.
The power of the “New Russia” is their embracing fascism and supremacism and turning their backs on not just democracy or even socialism but building their own “hillbilly oligarchy” in Europe which they have successfully established across the US using Steve Bannon, Cambridge Analytica and Sheldon Adelson’s cash.
Other names? Flynn? Carlson?
Behind them, an army of operatives, some simply grifters and thieves, many of them clustered around RDS. Others? One is a killer, according to Ben Fulford’s sources.
Ben and I discussed our good friend, RDS, for hours yesterday. These are done openly on our Skype connections. Both of us are under active monitoring by both the FBI and NSA with all chats and conferences monitored in real time in case we leak in actionable intelligence, or so sources at Microsoft tell us.
Now we can see if they will really do something.
The issue Ben brought up is one that has to be taken seriously. Ben says RDS was murdered by injection and that it was probably perpetrated by one of the pieces of human flotsam RDS had allowed to cling to him.
We know RDS found $300,000 missing from the funds he had “raised” to pay for his bus tour. From early on, I went over financial issues with RDS tied to funding his own presidential run.
First of all, let’s point out that great care has to be taken, from an investigative standpoint, when something like this happens. We have a public figure of sorts, and RDS is guilty of seeking the public eye more than most, who was playing a “double game,” one learned during his years at the CIA.
Ben and I were very unsure of whether RDS actually came around at all to really backing any of the assertions he was making. I think it was a total act…as that is what RDS had told me.
Beyond this is a discussion about RDS’ personal life, one more “challenging” than reported and one we won’t get into. It left him vulnerable to partnering with unvetted and unreliable types.
RDS took huge and perhaps irresponsible risks when he chose to associate with QAnon and militia types that were clearly on the payroll of organized crime.
Our questions…
- Did RDS’ “double game” get him killed?
- More likely…was he seen as a threat to Trump? RDS can handle a crowd better and proved himself to be far more capable of playing Trump’s game than Donald himself who has been deteriorating severely for years. This is why attacks on Biden’s capabilities are so important to the GOP as Trump has scrambled eggs where his reptilian brain used to be.
- RDS was looking into a stolen $300k. Did this get him killed? Who has the money? Who would know how to murder someone and be certain COVID was blamed?
- From there…we look at some of those around him, name brought up by Ben Fulford, younger people who appeared out of nowhere, likely created by a foreign intelligence agency.
If Israel didn’t have Steele killed, and they had the most motive, then who did it?

Gordon Duff posted articles on VT from 2008 to 2022. He is a Marine combat veteran of the Vietnam War. A disabled veteran, he worked on veterans and POW issues for decades.
Gordon is an accredited diplomat and is generally accepted as one of the top global intelligence specialists. He manages the world’s largest private intelligence organization and regularly consults with governments challenged by security issues.
Duff has traveled extensively, is published around the world, and is a regular guest on TV and radio in more than “several” countries. He is also a trained chef, wine enthusiast, avid motorcyclist, and gunsmith specializing in historical weapons and restoration. Business experience and interests are in energy and defense technology.
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In my book, Robert David Steele WAS *AWALED* ! meaning… his stances and actions were considered a threat to… them.
And about a video between Gordon and Benjamin Fullford ? What for ? they are monitored and can’t disclose any REAL intel to us…
… a threat to… *Them* ? You might argue that I’m easily slanted toward conspiracy theories and that the 300K stealer alone would be a sufficient “alibi” to explain the deed… but the m.o. alone of RDS’s “retirement” points to a more capable perpetrator that just a lone stealer.
Or the theft was remotely steered by Them to procure a plausible denial for Them as an alibi for the… “retirement”.
Most discussions begin with talks about how much monitoring….how many threats…
The honorable Robert David Steele was holding two items on fire: Pedos and Short Naked Selling. With the years he was introduced in the new age scene with a lot of new stuff to him. I think he was a rational person
in first place due to his background. Exactly what happened in the Florida Hospital, we do not know, but he seemed not to be in a very good shape lately. Overweight and lack of physic training, as he was a workaholic.
We do miss him!
His involvement in QAnon and Mike Flynn seriously hurt his credibility. But then he knew that siding with the criminally stupid and corrupt was the right thing to do in today’s incredibly stupid and corrupt America. Did this make him part of the problem?
RDS got no real push back from on his entire tour until he got to Maine. At that point, local media and social media pounced on him for the first time. Immediately after the Maine event, he lost all his tour buses and the participants in his tour dispersed. Then he had to go on in just a single vehicle and things were really minimal from then on. He was very motivated to complete the tour. The money that was stolen – he was letting that go as it was not worth it to pursue. That’s what he said. He said he was not going to battle the people that he had parted with early on his tour.
RDS’s last video answering questions was on about August 14, 2021. It’s on bitchute. He was a hotel room and he seemed very sick and should not have even been doing the video. He said he’d been sick for 8 days. Blamed his failure to take vitamins and not eating right. He said he had bronchitis. You if you look at his tour’s site, that would have put him in Brooklyn or Long Island NY around the time when he contracted his condition. Again, this is speculation. I can’t prove it that he got it there, just that he likely did not contract covid in Florida.
He had unvaxxinated people with him…a horrible mistake.
Dr. Cynthia McKinney was supposed to have joined RDS on the bus tour as she did before. But she bowed out, and it wasn’t just because she was working on the UNRIG elections movie. She was also getting threats. I have to wonder if those people making the threats were also involved with bumping off RDS.
It’s interesting that he was stopped cold in Sanford, FL. The very next confirmed tour stop for him was going to be Jupiter, FL, which is very close to Jupiter Island, which is a den of snakes.
“We know RDS found $300,000 missing from the funds he had “raised” to pay for his bus tour.” The bus tour money was kept separate from the movie money. If it was bus tour money stolen, that narrows down the list of suspects a bit.
How about making a podcast or video interview between Gordon Duff and Benjamin Fulford?
We talk on Zoom for hours.
[“Dear Gordon, many strange things happen and are related and connected with each other in this so called “TRADE-WAR” which is the smartWAR 1.4…. It wonders the writer, that this case does not find a home on the “VETERANSTODAY” Channel, which mission is, to be the voice of the betrayed Veterans old times, the new one are still excluded from the public with their wounds. So what’s about the Vietnam War veteran’s dead Pete Lopez, 74, after a Texas hospital refused, in flagrant defiance of a court order, to give him ivermectin for a Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) infection.( no isolated evidences up today not existing) This Veteran was put on a ventilator by medical staff at Memorial Hermann Sugar Land Hospital near Houston after testing positive for Chinese Germs. This opens the highway of questions, like, since when did a privat commercial government Corp. bureaucrats gain total control over what types of medicines are allowed to be administered to sick and dying patients? How can an VETmed WIELER becomes a GOD-PLACE. this PERSON now practicing HUMAN-medicine from the bench without a proper license? And why a GODLIAR FAUCI is still jumping on his Goldnuggest, confessing already the FRAUD-SHOW and HIGH COURTS are closing cases, because of non-providable court proven evidences and the mass is still totally obedience and misinformed, for BUSINESS REASONS? “]
I would love to hear more from Mr. Duff and Mr. Fulford. I’m sure many agree.
I never read any of his stuff past an early point of departure. Although I supported Trump over Hillary, I was always leery of his motives & methods. No honest person goes bankrupt as often or numerously as he has. So I found in RDS few if any redeeming qualities. He seemed wrong on issues and actions, so I wrote his writings off. The clincher, was, of course coved. Being wrong on what to do & not do in plague times can be fatal, and he is now a poster, not so boy, of that failing!!!!
Money can be the motive. The $300k that was stolen from his tour. Also the rival tour – Millions of dollars being made by Clay Clark’s ReAwaken America Tour, sponsored by Charisma News, vs. RDS’ ARISE USA which was donations only. Btw, I think that RDS’ Aug 17 social media post was done by the enemy, as it was so fake… But I think the real reason was NOT money. I think the Pedos freaked when they understood that RDS’ 2 main documentaries would be out shortly. Sean Stone (Oliver Stone’s son) put out the trailer on Aug 27 for his 6-part docuseries on satanic pedophilia, Best Kept Secret, which RDS commissioned and produced. I saw the short trailer on the 27th – hot stuff! If I were a pedo, I would have freaked. 2 days later, on the 29th, RDS was pronounced dead. The 6-part series is called Best Kept Secret, and Ch 1 is called The Beast. Sean Stone himself remarked in his Aug 31 interview that he put out the trailer, and then RDS died, a shock to him. He didn’t say that he thought there was a connection, but he didn’t have to.
RDS must of known about Trump’s payouts in millions to keep all the kids he orgy-raped and sexually abused quiet.
And if you are parent of a victim; should you refuse the payoff and get family killed by Trump’s mafia hit men?
Perhaps RDS didn’t believe it.
But perhaps he did…
and was hoping to infiltrate and fully expose the pedo networks of Trump/Epstein/Mossad in ex CIA “double agent” method and style.
The satanic witch-force of US army (Aquino) can put a wicked spell on anyone; make them think and talk bat-crazy to discredit first, then kill via “suicide” later.
But more convenient nowadays as no one will ever get pinned for it – kill through similar mix of “covid-19” Trump and Israel hit Iran government with in February 2020 – which is something else RDS must of been fully aware of too
Overall makes no sense his tactics but then again it’s not supposed to make sense as that exposes his true motive, and his true motive could get him killed.
He didn’t care. We discussed this at length. He was willing to assume Trump’s endless denials were to be believed.
RDS was along with his ‘Flunky’, Sacha Stone, spreading disinfo. about E.T.s/”Aliens” – watch this YouTube video from about 42:43 mark: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PBNDBQZn8Aw
Other sources critical of RDS & Sacha Stone: https://veteranstoday.com/2020/05/22/sacha-stone-failed-musician-tuned-esoteric-fraudster/
Sacha Stone, the Rhodesian New Age shyster, was part of RDS tour very early on. But he was VERY quickly turfed out. He is no relation to Sean Stone, the guy who directed RDS’ 2 main documentaries, about satanic pedophilia and Wall St. crooks.
[” Since the first message the simple question: EVIDENCES–WHERE ARE THE PROVE CRIMINAL RECORDS, that he passed away and how, or that he was murdered-by whom, signed by the High Supreme Court that ? Autopsies? Forensic? Pathology ??? Nothing!! Just an other ENTERTAINMENT SHOW—-no more no less….and YES ADOLF HITLER shot himself… so the given brainwash-story…so, many high criminal (CLONES??) ACTORS are disappearing so suddenly in the right moment, when the hidden life comes to the light and the artificial CoVID-TRAIN is picking up all ACTORS, who shall be still in the Glamour-hell of fame to keep the BUSINESS FEAR and Sorry running…..This train is the quick way, not to be brought on the Court-Ship of the High Sea to be charged private and unlimited for all crimes against Humanity, Liberty, Sovereignty and existing Constitutions, be rape by ToTs of the bankrupt United States Corporation of America, this ACTOR was very active as a PERSON and EMPLOYEE of the DeepState and he knew all about what was on the Agendas all his career and… So..where are the proven evidences…that..and how???? Everything else is simple business-speculation and business-distraction and . UNusual story.”]
During the initial surge, I’m sure it occurred to more than one or two people, that if anyone dies and they test positive for covid, they are listed as a covid death, and this by itself could take out an entire line of “information on the loose”. The bar for risk and opportunity was lowered. No person in their right mind thinks Khashoggi and Soleimani were the only ones.
We are probably looking at dozens of recognizable names. Kobe Bryant comes to mind.
Very muddy water during covid and power struggles, and open market for “favors”. Trump lives in a pile of Trumps. They sell inclusions, and are very watchful. Loyalty is pledged loudly, but never really given.
Fulford. Benjamin. Surprised. Half a year ago he was saying bad words about VT in his article. But it was about Trump-Biden elections.
Ben and I talk every night just before bedtime
“RDS took huge and perhaps irresponsible risks when he chose to associate with QAnon and militia types that were clearly on the payroll of organized crime.”
QAnon … militia types … Organized crime … AKA … the FBI/CIA/MOSSAD/MI6 and let’s add the ATF to the organization.
I coveted his optimism. Something that I am lacking in.
Time to clean up the dog poop, water the garden and the chickens.
The trouble with RDS’s optimism was that he increasingly attached it to unworthy vehicles, such as Michael Bloomberg, Donald Trump, and Q Anon.
If the zionists did not killed him themselves is just because outsourced a cheap workforce…..
I have a list of names.
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