Israel and Company begin moving rapidly in the Middle East


DISCLOSURE: Sourced from Russian government funded media

SF: An escalation is taking place in Syria with the sole aim of impeding the Syrian Arab Army’s (SAA) activities.

In the late hours of October 13th, a series of Israeli airstrikes hit the outskirts of the ancient Syrian city of Palmyra in the eastern countryside of Homs. A Syrian soldier and three pro-Iranian fighters were reportedly killed.

According to reports, the raid was launched from the southeastern area of al-Tanf, which is occupied by the US-led coalition and its proxies.

This is the second Israeli airstrike in Syria within a week. Previously, on October 9th Syrian air defenses intercepted an Israeli missile attack above the Homs countryside. As a result, six Syrian soldiers were wounded and some material damage was caused.

The Allies of Syria Operations Room, which commands Iranian-backed forces in Syria, has vowed to respond “very harshly”. It revealed that the Israeli airstrikes had destroyed several barracks and a service center of Iranian-backed forces.

Not too far from where these strikes hit, an unknown warplane, or potentially a drone struck an area controlled by the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF).

The airstrikes may have been carried out by the US-led coalition, whose warplanes have hit ISIS hideouts in northeastern Syria in the past, or by Turkey who increased its threats to the SDF.

Israel has suddenly been moving much more actively than before, carrying out two airstrikes within one week, one of them originating from a US-occupied area in Syria.

Separately, it is not a far-fetched speculation that Tel Aviv’s “hand” is likely behind the sniper attack in nearby Lebanon’s capital of Beirut that took place on October 14th.

Violent clashes broke out in the city after snipers opened fire at a group of Hezbollah and Amal Movement’s supporters who were protesting in the area of Tayouneh against the ongoing investigation into the 2020 Beirut port explosion.

A total of six people, all supporters of Hezbollah and Amal, were killed in the clashes. One of the victims was a civilian woman, a mother of five.

Hezbollah and Amal officially accused the far-right Lebanese Forces party of orchestrating the deadly attack on the protesters. Samir Geagea, Lebanese Forces leader, denied the accusations.

Still, security sources told the Hezbollah-affiliated al-Manar TV that an entire armed cell of the Lebanese Forces that took part in the initial attack was apprehended by the Lebanese Army.

Both the events in Syria and Lebanon are beneficial to Israel, as they become more assertive in targeting Iran’s interests and influence in the Middle East.

Israel, however, is only one part of a new axis that is being formed between itself, Azerbaijan, Turkey, and the United States (and Great Britain to some extent). Each participant brings something to the table and has their own reasons to exert effort toward curbing Iran’s influence.

Tehran is Tel Aviv’s arch-nemesis. Turkey and Azerbaijan dream of a “Turkic World”, which is directly impeded by Iran.

As a result, the events in Syria, and Lebanon, and the mobilization of pro-Turkish forces in Idlib are simply a step in a grander strategy.

Israel’s aim is to inflict as much damage on the “Iranian regime” as it can before, ultimately, destroying it.

It’s short to medium-term goals are to secure the Golan Heights and ensure that it has complete control over the Palestinian territories and the consolidation of its grip.


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  1. The truth is coming out US/UK/IS/TKY/AZB have formed the new axis of evil. The Zionist NWO attempting for the last time to carryout its Satanic mission in ME, while the rest of the world has been put under lockdown using the Plan-demic. Iran, the only country standing in the way with Russia and China watching very carefully. The yellow bellies living in the so called West have by now tasted what’s coming – a new Dark order intended to destroy their countries, families and Freedom. A life of slavery under Satanic rules. The whole world should now name and shame this new Evil Axis and understand that Iran’s noble mission is to ultimately destroy this dark order and restore a free and just ME, the effects of which will reverberate throughout the world.

  2. “Our race is the Master Race. We J*ews are divine Gods on this planet. We are as different from the inferior races as they are from insects. In fact, compared to our race, other races are beasts and animals, cattle at best. Other races are considered as human excrement. Our destiny is to rule over the inferior races. Our earthly kingdom will be ruled by our leader with a rod of iron. The masses will lick our feet and serve us as our slaves.” – Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin in a speech to the Knesset quoted in “Begin and the Beasts,” New Statesman, June 25, 1982 by Amnon Kapeliouk.

    Hopefully all the peace loving people in the world
    will print this out and put it somewhere that they can look at it everday ! Israel doesn’t want “Peace” they want to rule over the World. De Facto!
    Menachem Begin could not have been more clear!
    Why is America throwing Billions of US Taxpayers dollars at Israel every year?

    • And further proof that we are a Colony of Israel and we are forced to pay them tribute is this:
      When I comment on this quote I am forced to type J*ews
      Instead of: Jews or Jewish, because it automatically gets moderated !
      I mean WTF!?!
      Does American get moderated? No
      Does African get moderated? No
      Does Irish get moderated? No
      Does Baptist get moderated? NO
      Hopefully I have proved my point:
      The United States is Colony of Israel !

    • You should take this up with US Christian Zionists. They throw millions of dollars each year at the ongoing subjugation of indigenous people in Palestine. 80% of them voted for Trump in the last election. He and Pompeo almost gave them the war with Iran that in their minds will kick off their crazy end-times scenario. But, you can no more talk them out of this belief than you could talk them out of believing that the Earth was created exactly 6025 years ago and that the Sun is its planet.

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