DISCLOSURE: Sourced from Russian government funded media
Lethal Ping-Pong War Continues
…from SouthFront
[ Editor’s Note: The UN report of 377,000 Yemen victims in the Saudi war with the US as an ally is now reaching US WWII KIA figures. It reminds me of the ‘Reap what you have sown’ biblical warning, which seems to have gone out of style in America.
So we have to ask ourselves what the real dynamics of this war are. We don’t expect to see any US Vietnam era type protest marches in SA.
Few Saudis are actually fighting, some pilots for sure, but the ground troops are disposable and very affordable third worlders, hired to die in a foreign land so Saudi Royalty can play the Prince and Kingdom game where they never have to fight anything personally.
Syria continues to be a victim of another American ‘forever war’, where the Saudis have been a partner.
Americans hear little of Yemen now, even from the Biden administration, which has bigger issues to deal with. Lurking in the shadows is an American civil war, if not contained, could give us a dose of some unpleasant experiences that no one is even thinking of, like a political terror war here, which some view in its early stages now. Thus ends my cheery missive for today… Jim W. Dean ]
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First published December 08, 2012
The Saudi-led coalition has recently tried to push back after the Houthis, as Ansar Allah is known, had gained significant territories in Yemen’s strategic Marib province.
However, such Saudi attempts, as expected, provoked a harsh response. Riyadh’s intense air raids on Houthi military targets, as well as civilian facilities, at the end of November, could not go unpunished.
On the night of December 7, Saudi citizens did not sleep well, as the country suffered an intense air attack of unprecedented scale from neighboring Yemen.
At least 25 kamikaze drones and a large number of ballistic missiles were fired on the kingdom’s strategic infrastructure facilities in Riyadh, Jeddah, Taif, Jizan, Najran and Asir regions.
According to the speaker of the Yemeni Armed Forces, six Sammad-3 drones and a number of Zulfikar ballistic missiles hit the Ministry of Defense, King Khalid Airport and other military targets in Riyadh.
Six Sammad-2 and Sammad-3 drones targeted the King Fahd Air Base in Taif and Aramco in Jeddah, while five Sammad-1 and Sammad-2 drones targeted military sites in Abha, Jizan and Asir. Eight Qasef-2K drones and a large number of ballistic missiles targeted sensitive sites in Abha, Jizan and Najran.
The Saudi air defense systems managed to intercept most of them, while some fell without reaching their targets.
The Yemeni Armed Forces politely called to all Saudi citizens to stay away from military areas and sites. Thus, new air attacks should be expected in the near future.
In its turn, the Saudi-led coalition does not bother to warn Yemeni civilians about upcoming airstrikes. No matter, as they are carried out on a daily basis, violating the UN-backed agreement. The Liaison and Coordination Officers’ Operations Room that is loyal to Ansar Allah, reported 134 ceasefire violations in al-Hudaydah on December 7 alone.
Meanwhile, military and spy drones of the coalition were launched over Hays, Al-Jarrahi and Al-Jabalah. But not all of them came back. A US-made Scan Eagle spy drone was shot down by the Yemeni air defenses over the Juba region, south of Ma’rib province.
According to the United Nations the number of victims in the Yemen’s war may reach 377 thousand by the end of the year, making the conflict the bloodiest one in the XXI century. Such a big number of casualties are not due to the regular air attacks and drone wars, but to fierce clashes on the ground and deadly war consequences like famine.
While the drones and missiles are pounding facilities in both countries, bloody clashes between the houthis and Saudi-led forces continue in the Hays district and in the north of Jubah district with no significant advance by any side in the recent days.

Jim W. Dean is VT Editor Emeritus. He was an active editor on VT from 2010-2022. He was involved in operations, development, and writing, plus an active schedule of TV and radio interviews. He now writes and posts periodically for VT.
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You have to wonder who or what controls US foreign policy at this point, Jim? What we do know for sure is that Americans have this nasty habit of forgetting who our friends are and who are our enemies. We get talked into wars that are clearly not in our best interests and then turn around and slavishly support the very nations that attacked us in the first place. Every American president since 9/11, including both Trump and Biden, have had to dance around the ugly truth that Israel nuked us on that day and got away with it. We are truly the United States of Amnesia, as Gore Vidal put it, because we learn nothing and remember nothing.
The Saudi’s have found their ground-based air defense systems are lacking and have been for some time. Yemen’s drones were fairly successful at first, but now KSA uses their AF mercenaries to shoot them down…quite successfully it seems. Maybe Yemen/Iran should mount some A/A missiles on a ‘bait’ drone and start shooting KSA planes down. Their missiles can still get through, but drones are easy prey for a plane. But planes and experienced pilots are expensive and more difficult to obtain. Their loss would raise the cost of war for the Saudi’s most dramatically…not to mention leave them far more open for drone attack. Besides, Iran needs to develop a good plane/drone mounted A/A missile and a place to test it. KSA needs to ‘feel the burn’.
“Saudi citizens did not sleep well, as the country suffered an intense air attack of unprecedented scale from neighboring Yemen.”
Maybe so.
But it appears they all woke up well.
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