Editor’s Note: This terrorist proxy rat line continues unabated with zero scandal inside NATO, due to Turkey being a member. We have seen no movement in the UN to have Turkey, or any other country supporting terrorism, sanctioned for the international game of proxy terrorist musical chairs.
Western media has been lax to cover the topic in-depth, seemingly not wanting to suffer more than they already are on their shrunken revenues since the age of social media and the tidal wave of online news platforms. Just surviving in that climate is considered a home run.
VT is considered in a similar but different category, in that we take the fakers and scammers wherever we can find them, and because the content side of VT is unfunded, our zero compensation cannot be threatened with removal.
One high-level US organization had estimated we were a $30 million a year budget international operation but had not been able to find any financials on us. That was because there were none. The webmaster had been left to take the ad loss on readership hits from the bans and blocks inflicted on VT.
But all that said, it’s always a good day for something like the US State Department to layout out Turkey’s misdeeds, officially putting Erdogan in the doghouse, with a twist that a terrorism supporter can still remain a NATO member in good standing, which someone like silly me would say that sets a bad precedent.
I would say the same for US Specials Ops personnel, active duty or retired, who have engaged in training and logistical support for terror proxies.
One would think there would be a law against that, but it seems there isn’t if they don’t train them inside the US, or don’t get caught doing it. This ends my cheery missive for today… Jim W. Dean
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First published … December 18, 2020
Turkey is a source and transit country for foreign terrorist fighters seeking to join the Islamic State (ISIS) and other terrorist groups fighting in Syria and Iraq, the U.S. State Department said in its annual terrorism report issued on Thursday.
The U.S. Treasury, in a report in January, said that the Islamic State (ISIS) continued to rely on “logistical hubs” inside Turkey for its finances. Since then, United States authorities have issued sanctions to target Turkey-based individuals in foreign terrorist organizations more than half a dozen times.
Turkey has a broad definition of terrorism, the report noted, which the government regularly uses to criminalize the exercise of freedom of expression and peaceful assembly.
Such a broad definition of terrorism includes “so-called crimes against the constitutional order and internal and external security of the state”, the report said. This has resulted in Turkey taking legal action “against more than 6,743 social media users whom it accused of propagandizing or promoting terror organizations.”
Referencing the Turkish Interior Ministry, the report said Turkey deported 8,143 people between 2015 and December this year for suspected ties to terrorism. The country’s list of persons barred from entry reportedly contained “around 100,000 names”.
The Turkish government started to classify followers of “self-exiled cleric and political figure Fethullah Gulen” as the Fethullahist Terrorist Organisation (FETÖ) in the aftermath of a failed coup attempt on July 15, 2016, the report said. It noted that the group “is not a designated terrorist organization in the United States”.
The department found that the Turkish government “continues to detain and arrest Turkish citizens as well as foreign citizens residing in Turkey – including locally employed staff at the U.S. Mission to Turkey – for alleged FETO or terrorism-related links, often on the basis of scant evidence and minimal due process”.
Responding to the report, the Turkish Foreign Ministry said Ankara’s anti-terrorism efforts “were not evaluated in a fair manner”, calling its approach “incomplete and biased”.
The ministry said Washington was “well aware” that its ally Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), a primarily Kurdish group in northern Syria, was “under the guidance of” the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK). As an armed group fighting for Kurdish autonomy in Turkey for four decades, PKK is designated a terrorist organization by both Turkey and the United States.
“In the report, it is observed that Türkiye’s just and legitimate fight against the heinous FETO terrorist organization is assessed with prejudice,” the ministry said.
Turkey expects the United States to “put an end to the presence and activities of FETO in the country, not to provide a haven for FETO members”, it added, concluding the statement by declaring:
“Türkiye maintains its expectations of a consistent, determined, and effective stance from the US and its allies in the fight against terrorism. Attitudes and rhetoric beyond this are incompatible with the efforts aimed at enhancing international cooperation in the fight against terrorism and the spirit of alliance relationship.”

David Boyajian’s main foreign policy focus is the Caucasus. His work can be found at Armeniapedia.org
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Well, Jim, McCain met with these moderate headchoppers and promised them aid. Funny how that never saw the light of MSM day (or a senate hearing), isn’t it? I doubt shining a light on these creatures will have any more effect that the outing of NATO in the first Operation Gladio. This WoT is just Gladio II and it’s all the same players, complete with scapegoats and frenimies. Gladio had the commie Russians as boogeymen and GladioII has Muslims. Yet it’s the west (NATO)that are the terrorists, again. The Sauds and other wealthy Arabs got in on the ground floor a hundred years ago, they’re just fulfilling their duty, scapegoat and money-wise that is. Unlike NATO members, they know their asses depend on it…all they have to do is look around at their neighbors.
We may not be able to stop ‘them’ from doing this, but what we can do is keep publicizing it to the world public that they are all threatened in that if this can be done now and the countries doing it get away scot free, the perpetrating countries will have no fear of expanding their intimidation target list as the judges will have all been cowered into staying out of it, not wanting to end up on a list themselves.
“We have seen no move in the UN to have Turkey, or any other country supporting terrorism, sanctioned”
Terrorism is integral to NATO, UN and all the rest.
Everyone that cares to know, knows it.
State department”s “admission” leaves out the real source of who it is that pays the headchoppers – the Saudis, and all the rich gulf states.
That is who it is that are the “hubs” that finance AlQueda and ISIS and ISIL now ISIA (A for Afghanistan)
Note the word “logistical” which means “they admit” its Turkish trucks, trains, boats, airplanes or Turkish-airline plane tickets that move the terrorist mercenaries after being trained and armed to teeth into Syria or Libya or Ukraine or Belarus or Afghanistan.
Seems like a signal to Saudis and gulf states that “its OK we will blame Erdogan” so keep on training and arming and paying good salaries with bonuses for confirmed kills and decapitations to the terrorist militias doing the dirty work for Israel and USA.
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