JEA: Remember the words of Woodrow Wilson:
“Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men’s views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of somebody, are afraid of something.
“They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.”[1]
As Brother Nathanael Kapner shows in this article, Wilson was not kidding.
…by Nathanael Kapner
THE HOUSE OF ROTHSCHILD had lost a fierce battle with President Jackson with regard to keeping their Central Bank. For in 1834, Jackson removed all government deposits from the Rothschild’s “Second Bank of the United States.”
A new System of National Banks was established in 1862 eliminating the Khazarian-controlled Central Bank up through 1901. It was on September 6, 1901, that President William McKinley was assassinated through the intrigues of the Rothschilds and their hitmen.
With McKinley out of the way, the path to the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 was easily paved through the pawns of Khazarian agents of the House of Rothschild. Two such Rothschild agents were the powerful Khazarian bankers Jacob Schiff and Max Warburg.
President William McKinley was known as a “hard money” man. This was because he advocated a gold standard. Unlike his opponent, William Jennings Bryan, McKinley was against “easy money” with no backing — printed by Khazarian lenders at interest to the borrower – namely the US government. This was the essence of McKinley’s 1896 & 1900 successful campaign against William Jennings Bryan who advocated for “free and unlimited coinage of silver.”
BUT BY McKINLEY FIGHTING AGAINST “easy money,” (translate Khazarian-coined & printed-at-interest money) McKinley sealed his death warrant. A death warrant signed, sealed, and delivered by the powerful House Of Rothschild, criminals in bankers’ suits.
THE NEW YORK KHAZARIAN CROWD WANTED Theodore “Teddy” Roosevelt to be President. The Roosevelts were a wealthy group of NY socialites. Theodore Roosevelt Sr. (”Teddy” Roosevelt’s father) inherited the multi-million dollar family business, “Roosevelt & Son,” importers of plate glass.
Through his many Khazarian business connections, Theodore Roosevelt Sr. founded the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the American Museum of Natural History, and the New York Children’s Orthopedic Hospital. All of these institutions were and are Khazarian-intensive.
Theodore “Teddy” Roosevelt had been groomed by the powerful NY Khazarian political machine to be the Governor of NY and future President of the United States. In 1900, McKinley was forced by Republican partisans of the Khazarians to appoint “Teddy” Roosevelt as Vice President to get the “Khazarian vote.” McKinley’s appointment of Roosevelt soon turned out to be his demise.
ON SEPTEMBER 6, 1901, a 28-year-old Polish Jew, Leon Czolgosz, walked into the Pan-American Exposition in Buffalo NY where McKinley was speaking and shot McKinley twice in the abdomen at point-blank range. McKinley died a week later and “Teddy” Roosevelt was sworn in as President, much to the delight of the NY Khazarians.
Prior to the assassination, Leon Czolgosz had fallen in with Emma Goldman’s Khazarian anarchist crowd at Sach’s Cafe on Suffolk Street, their headquarters in New York City’s Lower East Side. (NYC’s Lower East Side was where Trotsky, owing to Jacob Schiff’s financial support, had recruited many communist Jews to travel with him to Russia to incite the October Revolution of 1917.)
Emma Goldman’s crowd had broken away from main-line socialists who were “under the eye of a paternal government.” Instead, Goldman’s crowd preached that social change could only be achieved through violence and assassinations. They preached that capitalists would never change on their own volition. Thus it was here at Sach’s Cafe that the assassination plot against President McKinley, a “capitalist,” was hatched.
One member of Emma Goldman’s group, Julius Edelson, was quoted by the NY police as saying to them:
— “No matter how much Czolgolz has been damned for his good work, we know that he was a great man. He was a true hero.” — See: “Anarchists Attack Police” Here
And not only this but the Jew, Emma Goldman, is extolled by Jewry as a “heroine” — even though she preached violence to attain her anarchist aims as recorded in The Jewish Women Archives:
— “Emma Goldman refused to condemn Czolgosz and other like-minded individuals who were driven to acts of violence against representatives of the capitalist system. Emma Goldman admired the sensitivity that led Czolgosz to this extreme.” —
Indeed – in Emma Goldman’s autobiography, Living My Life, when describing her arrest after McKinley’s assassination, she wrote, “My sympathies were with Czolgosz.” See: Emma Goldman’s Use Of Violence-Tragedy At Buffalo, October 6 1901, Here. (Click On “Full Image” & Scroll Down)
FOUR DAYS AFTER Czolgosz’ assassination of McKinley, on September 10 1901, Emma Goldman was arrested (but released!) in Chicago under suspicion of corroborating in President McKinley’s assassination. She was arrested many times prior to and after this arrest for “inciting to riot and violence.” Here
GOLDMAN’S LOVER WAS ANOTHER Khazarian communist-anarchist by the name of Alexander Berkman. Berkman was imprisoned in 1892 for his attempted assassination of the steel magnate, Henry Clay Frick.
Emma Goldman assisted Berkman in his attempted assassination of Frick by obtaining a pistol for him to use Here (1st paragraph) And: Here. But at the trial, Berkman refused to testify against his Khazarian-communist lover, Emma Goldman.
Goldman visited Berkman in prison where they talked about their future anarchist plans Here. Both Goldman and Berkman were associated with the “Haymarket Anarchists,” a group led by 8 Jewish communists who threw a bomb into a crowd that killed 7 police officers during their Chicago anarchist rally in 1886 Here.
Emma Goldman and Alexander Berkman, being communists, were most likely funded by the powerful communist-supporter, Jacob Schiff, the renowned Khazarian banker of Kuhn Loeb, who funded the burgeoning Bolshevik movement in Russia.
Through Emma Goldman’s association with Schiff, and other powerful Jews, she was never charged with her numerous crimes which included her role in the McKinley assassination as well as inciting violence against American police.
Eventually, Emma Goldman was finally deported to Russia where she joined the Bolsheviks and later assisted them in inciting the communist rebels against the Christian loyalists in the Spanish Civil War.
[1] Woodrow Wilson, The New Freedom: A Call for the Emancipation of the Generous Energies of a People (New York: Doubleday, 1913), 13.

Jonas E. Alexis has degrees in mathematics and philosophy. He studied education at the graduate level. His main interests include U.S. foreign policy, the history of the Israel/Palestine conflict, and the history of ideas. He is the author of the book, Kevin MacDonald’s Metaphysical Failure: A Philosophical, Historical, and Moral Critique of Evolutionary Psychology, Sociobiology, and Identity Politics. He teaches mathematics in South Korea.
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All were disproven by the John’s Hopkins study which is on SCRIBD. It was the first genome evaluation. What you have listed is crap.
“Marxist Bolshevik-Communism’ what I call; “The Jewish Plague”, that DISEASE of theirs, that they spread from St. Petersburg, Russia to Shanghai, China, resulted in the deaths of some 200 million Human Beings, in the 20th Century! That is the Real, ‘World HOLOCAUST’ done by the JEWS!
The original J*ews were from the African Continent. They spread upward to the Mediterranean Coast. They were a minority
Then in 66 AD The Romans put down a J*ewish uprising, destroyed a temple that was mostly used for animal sacrifices, and then the Romans completely destroyed all the J*ews, they crucified all the J*ews. Men, Women and Children! None escaped.
This is Roman History.
Fast Forward to the 7th Century Kazarian Russia
A bunch of Kazarian’s wanted an Exclusive Banking Guild.
They converted to a sort of Pseudo Sect and called themselves
And then Peter the Great kicked them all about for being parasites
“Destroyers of Nations”
This displaced Cult is no more J*ewish than any Slav!
The Real Semites are Sons of Abraham.
Ashkenazis are not even remotely related to the Semites.
The Ashkenazis are committing Genocide on the Semites.
………..and scientificially disproven by modern Genetic techniques …………..
Please , if you are kidding , tell us clearly .
Modern genetics for a racisme appliance ..! Hitler would have dreamed of it !!
We all know that if Hitler refused the proposal of an alliance with Zionism on August 7, 1933
( Histo / the Haavara, attempted by G. Landauer and Chaim Arlosoroff representing Zionism) it was not because of any divergence on his racist theory !
The slightest information on this circle of diplomatic banditry structurally linked to Israel is always a major event that only a few journalists of great acumen and courage provide us! Bravo and congratulations to these men, these VT journalists!
Moreover, the historical word “Khazarian” used to designate this Jewish banditry has opened the lock of information ‘s prohibition!
The lock which – before that – prevented any reference to this community of crime if we used the normal term designating their community .
I have written on these issues in the past. See for example this article:
Your comment is totally false. Suggest you take the Erin ElHaik ‘Jewish GEnome Challenge”
The work was done, the science published by Johns Hopkins, Jews are Eastern European with very very few exceptions.
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