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Should USA Cut All Foreign Aid by 5% Per Country to...

Saving Social Security: Compromise, all must chip in

On This Day in 1776, Thomas Paine publishes “Common Sense”

On January 9, 1776, writer Thomas Paine publishes his pamphlet “Common Sense,” setting forth his arguments in favor of American independence.  Although little used today, pamphlets...

US Speaker Kevin McCarthy Makes HUGE Negotiating Error on First Day

McCarthy's Deal with Extremist Wing Sticks Immediate Fork in Back of the Nation

VT RADIO: Jan. 6th 2nd Anniversary with VT’s Mark Dankof

Host Johnny Punish talks about the January 6th Insurrection at the U.S. Capitol and the future of democracy with VT's Mark Dankof

The assassination of President McKinley by the Khazarian Mafia

"Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of somebody, are afraid of something."

The Putin I Knew

Soon after his first term, Putin worked to hasten the reestablishment of unity within the Russian Church which had separated during the Revolution, with part in the Diaspora and the other part in Russia.

The Israelization of US Foreign Policy

According to foremost political analysts, the events of 9/11 allowed the preexisting ideological agenda of the neoconservatives to be “taken off the shelf and relabeled as the borderless War On Terror.”

A More Aggressive Israel Lobby Is Coming in 2022

Those Americans who dare to challenge the strangle-hold that Israel and its friends have over US foreign policy will likely find themselves targeted even more aggressively this year.

Ghislaine Maxwell Is Finally on Trial!

The suspicion that Epstein was working for Israel’s external intelligence agency Mossad or for its military intelligence counterpart is based on considerable evidence and that he was being “protected” has also seemingly been confirmed through both Israeli and American sources.

Always Remember Israel for the Bombing of the USS Liberty

The 67-minute attack would prove to be the bloodiest assault on a U.S. ship since World War II.

One Nation Under Greed

If there is an absolute maxim by which the American government seems to operate, it is that the taxpayer always gets ripped off.

FBI’s Mafia-Style Justice: To Fight Crime, FBI Sponsors 15 Crimes a...

"Over 30 pages relating to Saudi Arabia in the report were blacked out."

The elites want a world government they control

These elites want a world government they control in its entirety, with global surveillance, military coercion, economic blackmail, control of fiat currency, control of media, and subversion of nation-states and cultures the weapons used to achieve it,

Jews in Iran kick Netanyahu’s ass

What should we do with a guy who has a history of lying to much of the world?

What To Do About Israel?

"The rich and powerful have inevitably gone too far and have finally received their comeuppance. Perhaps the 'gone too far' moment has finally arrived."

Russia Calls for International Conference to End Biden’s Renewed War on...

In a press conference held today in Moscow via video conferencing, Klimov said, that the Syrian people have the right to protect their interests and decide their own fate.

Breaking, as Trump Flees: Pelosi implies Trump, Members of House and...

"Trump’s incitement of the violence makes him an accessory to the crimes committed during the riot," said Pelosi.

Luciferian Neocon Jonah Goldberg is at it again

“Every ten years or so, the United States needs to pick up some small crappy little country and throw it against the wall, just to show the world we mean business.”

Benjamin Netanyahu is almost certainly screwed

Netanyahu must be in a panic mode right now because this upcoming administration isn’t going to allow him to bomb men, women and children at will in Gaza and in the West Bank.

Are Israel and Trump behind the assassination of Iranian scientist?

Neither Israel nor the Trump administration can simply wash their hands and say that they are completely innocent in the killing of Mohsen Fakhrizadeh.

Reflections on the Deep State and the Khazarian Cabal

Trump continues to declare that the Iraq War was “stupid,” but Trump will not tell us that it was the Israelis and the Neocons in America who actually forced Bush to destroy Iraq.

600 Khazarian cults support Black Lives Matter

In 2018—yes, 2018—Israel passed “Jewish-only ‘national self-determination’” law

A Catastrophe or a Slow Disaster? Take Your Pick

Why didn’t he pick a person like Tulsi Gabbard, the very lady who actually went to the Iraq war and witnessed what America was doing to that country?

Words of Wisdom From President Jimmy Carter

Silence can be as deadly as violence

Pompeo’s Sinophobic Pressure Campaign Runs Amok at National Governor’s Association Convention

This insecure passive-aggressiveness shined with blinding intensity on February 8 during an annual National Governors' Association event which saw 44 American state governors come together from Feb. 7-10 in Washington, DC.

A Government of Scoundrels, Spies, Thieves, Ruffians, Rapists, Extortionists, and Bounty...

"There is nothing more dangerous than a government of the many controlled by the few."

Diplomat’s Wife Charged with Vehicular Homicide in UK a CIA officer

American woman at center of tragic death of Harry Dunn exposed as Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) officer.

The Link Between Bitcoin and Legal Cannabis   

The cannabis and cryptocurrency industries have both been getting more attention from many people in the last few years. The United States, in particular, is becoming a nation that’s accepting the use and selling of the cannabis plant more.

Censored: Second Amendment adventure in Virginia more than a hundred thousand

What a wonderful job the march organizers did keeping the demonstration peaceful. This was the worst possible scenario for Northam, not even a single fist fight. He needed violence and instead he got Woodstock with machine guns.

‘Light Loafered’ Lindsey Graham Voted Most Corrupt Politician in Washington

Head of Trump's Gay Mafia, our sources on "Pissgate" have it as more than just girls in the room, and VT directly interviewed an eye witness...someone who actually pissed on Trump.

How Washington is ‘Liberating’ Free Countries

There are obviously some serious linguistic issues and disagreements between the West and the rest of the world. Essential terms like “freedom”, “democracy”, “liberation”, even “terrorism”, are all mixed up and confused; they mean something absolutely different in New York, London, Berlin, and in the rest of the world.

Kamala Harris is almost certainly out—that would be good riddance

Presidential candidate Kamala Harris is almost certainly packing her bags and throwing in the towel and saying goodbye to her failed attempt to sit in the White House.

Religious Fanaticism Threatens the World: Introduction (part 1)

by Jack Mullen Introduction  Government in General Government is an organizational gang, self organizing over years into a collection of bad personality types and protected internally by...

How Much Does the Government Know About Your Online Activity

Is government looking at your all your data online?

Mark Dankof on Ultimate Goal of New World Order

My German-American forefathers living in the United States were subjected to both demonization and in some cases, illegitimate incarceration, during the two Zionist-inspired World Wars. The actions of Franklin Delano Roosevelt in placing Japanese-Americans in detention camps after Pearl Harbor 77 years ago, is also a matter of record.

Stagnation?  No! Societies are not stagnant and neither is ours

Countries, populations, and even mankind either progress toward civility or retrogress into wars and barbarism.

Arrests: Was San Antonio Church Shooting Government Staged?

Gordon Duff - When massacre's like this one are quickly forgotten, seemingly purposefully pushed out of the public's eye, we begin to ask ourselves what else in that day's news needed covering up?

The Ruling Cabal’s habitual use of government assets to oppress and...

Preston James - The Ruling Cabal uses USG law enforcement agencies, Intel agencies, and the many other agencies of the USG to oppress We The People and to oppress truth.

UAE Secrets, Global Press Terrified of “Friendly Government'”

Editor's note:  You are not going to see any of us reporting what we know of Dubai. I have worked there, served with the...