The Human: Ragnarök III: Loki’s Revenge

Time has no power over the spirit and will of man

Illustration of flowing water under the Antarctic ice sheet. Blue dots indicate lakes, lines show rivers. Marie Byrd Land is part of the bulging "elbow" leading to the Antarctic Peninsula, left center. Credit: NSF/Zina Deretsky

Jack Heart & Orage

First published 6 September 2018

It is said in the Eddas that Loki has been restrained in an unknown cave somewhere in the Nine Worlds, bound to three rocks by the entrails of his own son. Above his face is secured a poisonous snake, drooling venom which is caught in a cup by Loki’s faithful wife Sigyn. Periodically, Sigyn must remove the cup shielding Loki’s face to empty it, when she does “the venom drops onto Loke’s face. Then he twists his body so violently that the whole earth shakes, and this you call earthquakes. There he will lie bound until Ragnarök.”75

“”I thought it was crazy,” she said.”I didn’t see how we could have that amount of heat and still have ice on top of it.””76 This was said by Hélène Seroussi in reference to the heat being generated below theWest Antarctic ice sheet. She is a climatologist specializing in ice research for Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL). NASA, in spite of their lofty Qabalistic pretentions and scientific theatrics, is nothing but the entertainment division of JPL.

JPL is looking for a plausible explanation as to why something gigantic beneath Marie Byrd Land in the Antarctic appears to be breathing, “forcing the ice surface thousands of feet above them to rise and fall by as much as 20 feet” 77

They believe this is caused by the rapid filling and draining of vast hypogeum lakes. In order for the volume of subterranean melting to occur that would cause the phenomenon at the magnitudes observed, the heat flux level would have to be at about “150 milliwatts per square meter. For comparison, in U.S. regions with no volcanic activity, the heat flux from Earth’s mantle is 40 to 60 milliwatts. Under Yellowstone National Park — a well-known geothermal hot spot — the heat from below is about 200 milliwatts per square meter…” 78

“There is the story –with overtones of a H. P. Lovecraft tale– about Buzz Aldrin. The Apollo 11 “Moon astronaut.” It’s being said that during his late 2016 trip to the Antarctic the aging entertainer extraordinaire “tweeted: “We are all in danger! It is evil itself!” Aldrin was then evacuated from the Antarctic and put in quarantine.” 79 

In the summer of 2017, President Donald Trump — one-time wrestler and reality television star himself— gave a speech promising to renew America’s exploration of space, as he signed legislation “reinstating the National Space Council.”80 Right behind him stood Aldrin, pantomiming incredulous faces for the press core. It was perhaps the most bizarre breach of political etiquette ever filmed. “As Trump prepared to sign the executive order, he turned to Aldrin and asked: ‘There’s a lot of room out there, right?’

‘To infinity, and beyond,’ Aldrin quipped as others laughed.

But it seemed like the joke referencing Buzz Lightyear’s catchphrase in Toy Story soared right over the president’s head…”81

Days after Trump’s surprise triumph in the 2016 U.S. presidential election, Secretary of State John Kerry hopped a military cargo plane to the Antarctic. Riding most of the way in the cockpit, Kerry became the highest-ranking U.S. government official to ever set foot there.

Earlier in 2016, head of the Russian Orthodox Church Patriarch Kirill following his historic meeting with the pope in Cuba after a thousand year estrangement, immediately made an inexplicable detour to Russia’s Bellingshausen Station in the Antarctic. The station on King George Island of the South Shetland Islands is connected by road to the Chilean Base Presidente Eduardo Frei Montalva, the Chinese Great Wall Station and the Uruguayan Artigas Base…

Patriarch Kirill is on record as having recently warned Vladimir Putin and the rest of the world that the Apocalypse is upon it.

Cover of first publication

At The Mountains of Madness is a 1931 H. P. Lovecraft novella that puts a face on the horror seemingly stalking the human race from the South Pole. After finding peculiar fossils “near the Queen Alexandra Range”82in the Antarctic, a team of investigating scientists plunge “deeper and deeper into that treacherous and sinister white immensity of tempests and unfathomed mysteries which stretched off some fifteen hundred miles to the half-known, half suspected coastline of Queen Mary and Knox Lands.” 83

After contact is lost with the planes from the first expedition, the narrator, a 54-year-old geologist named William Dyer, leads a second one in to find them. They find the planes and the massacred scientists on a vast and unknown mountain range, “silent pinnacles whose ranks shot up like a wall reaching the sky at the world’s rim.” In one of their last communications, the doomed first expeditions “theodolite observations had placed the height of the five tallest peaks at from thirty thousand to thirty-four thousand feet.” 84

Upon the rescue planes approach to the camp of the annihilated first expedition in the foothills, Dyer describes the mountains beyond as arising “grimly into the western sky, allowing us to distinguish various bare, bleak, blackish summits” whose “stark nightmare spires marked the pylons of a frightful gateway into the forbidden spheres of dream, the complex gulfs of remote time, space, and ultra-dimensionality. I could not help feeling that they were evil things – mountains of madness whose further slopes looked out over some ultimate cursed abyss.” 85

Danforth and Dyer take a plane on an exploratory flight over a pass through the mountains of madness and come upon the long-dead city of the Old Ones frozen in time “at least five hundred thousand years, and in all probability even longer” 86 The interior halls of the cyclopean ruins are decorated with “omnipresent mural carvings” 87 which Danforth and Dyer use to deduce the history of an unimaginable epoch.

How the star-headed Old Ones “able to transverse the interstellar ether on their vast membranous wings” had come down into this world. “They had lived under the sea a good deal, building fantastic cities and fighting terrific battles with nameless adversaries by means of intricate devices employing unknown principles of energy.”88

The Old Ones had invented life under the sea, first for food but after they had annihilated their cosmic enemies, they manufactured “certain multicellular protoplasmic masses capable of molding their tissues into all sorts of temporary organs under hypnotic influence and thereby forming the ideal slaves to perform the heavy work of the community. These viscous masses were without a doubt what Abdul Alhazred whispered about as the “Shoggoths” in his frightful Necronomicon…” After enough Shoggoths had been bred the Old Ones “allowed other cell groups to develop into other forms of animal and vegetable life for sundry purposes, extirpating any whose presence became troublesome…” 89

The Shoggoth

The Shoggoth “were normally shapeless entities composed of viscous jelly which looked like an agglutination of bubbles, and each averaged about fifteen feet in diameter when a sphere. They had however, a constantly shifting shape and volume – throwing out temporary developments or forming apparent organs of sight, hearing, and speech in imitation of their masters, either spontaneously or according to suggestion.” 90

They initially became sullen and rebellious and about a hundred and fifty million years ago “a veritable war of resubjugation was waged upon them by the marine Old Ones.” Many of the Old Ones were killed in uniquely horrible ways by the shape-shifting bacterial agglutinations, but the old ones prevailed “using curious weapons of molecular and atomic disturbances against the rebel entities, and in the end had achieved a complete victory.” There was a long “period in which Shoggoths were tamed and broken by armed Old Ones as the wild horses of the American west were tamed by cowboys.” 91

The Old Ones were eventually driven from most of the land by the star-spawn of the interdimensional Cthulhu and after R’lyeh, the city of Cthulhu, sank beneath the ocean by a fungus based life form called the Mi-Go, the Tibetan word for Yeti. Just like the spawn of Cthulhu “the Mi-Go seem to have been composed of matter more widely different from that which we know than was the substance of the Old Ones. They were able to undergo transformations and reintegrations impossible for their adversaries and seem therefore to have originally come from even remoter gulfs of the cosmic space. The Old Ones, but for their abnormal toughness and their vital properties, were strictly material, and must have had their absolute origin within the known space time continuum…”91

The Mi-go forced the Old ones to retreat into the bottomless depths of the sea and pushed them back to their ancient Antarctic stronghold and the stygian sea beneath it. The Shoggoths built underwater megacities but were never allowed to adapt to land, although they had demonstrated the ability to do so during their rebellion. Due to their own tenuous hold on it, the Old Ones would have never been able to control the Shoggoth on land and they knew it. “The ultimate blow, of course, was the coming of the great cold which once held most of the earth in thrall, and which never departed from the ill-fated poles – the great cold that, at the worlds other extremity, put an end to the fabled lands of Lomar and Hyperborea.”92

Guided by the murals, Danforth and Dyer resolve to explore the entrance to the sunless sea beneath the frozen cadaver of the Old Ones great city. In the dark corridors, which lead to the unknown ocean, they are taken aback by the sudden decline in the artistic quality of the illustrations. They had already noticed the inferiority of the newer work. “But now, in this deep section beyond the cavern, there was a sudden difference wholly transcending explanation – a difference in the basic nature as well as in mere quality and involving so profound and calamitous degradation of skill that nothing in the hitherto observed rate of decline could have lead one to suspect it.” 93

Then they come upon squawking six-foot tall blind albino penguins and the corpses of the reanimated Old Ones who had slain their previous expedition. Aghast, they realize the Old Ones had tried to make it to the subterranean sea just like they were doing, in the hope that some of their kind survived. They had all been killed. Danforth and Dyer then flee through the hypogeum labyrinth stalked by an all but unseen menace. But as the all-pervasive mist momentarily lifts, they do manage to glimpse their pursuer.

“Formless protoplasm able to mock and reflect all forms and organs and processes – viscous agglutinations of bubbling cells – rubbery, fifteen-foot spheroids infinitely plastic and ductile – slaves of suggestion, builders of cities – more and more sullen, more and more intelligent, more and more amphibious, more and more imitative! Great God! What madness made even those blasphemous Old Ones willing to use and carve such things?

And now, when Danforth and I saw the freshly glistening and reflectively iridescent black slime which clung thickly to those headless bodies and stank obscenely with that new, unknown odor whose cause only a diseased fancy could envision…”94

The intrepid scientists do escape to their plane, flying back through the pass in the mountains of madness. Danforth, perhaps suddenly realizing, goes completely insane; shouting a strange mantra as Dyer takes control of the plane from him. “South Station Under – Washington Under – Park Street Under – Kendall – Central – Harvard …” 95

Dyer attributes Danforth’s permanent madness to the Shoggoths resemblance to a train filling a tunnel as it squeezed through the passages after them. “It was a terrible indescribable thing vaster than any subway train – a shapeless congeries of protoplasmic bubbles, faintly forming as pustules of greenish light over the tunnel filling front that bore down upon us, crushing the frantic penguins and slithering over the glistening floor that it and its kind had swept so evilly free of all litter. Still came the eldritch mocking cry – “Tekeli-li! Tekeli-li!” 96

As Dyer points out in the ensuing sentences, the Shoggoth are mimics. Everything they are, including their cry of Tekeli-li which they repeat like parrots is imitated from the Old Ones. What Dyer doesn’t point out but is implied by Lovecraft’s story is the truly unspeakable horror, perhaps the source of Danforth’s madness.

The Shoggoths were content to farm penguins for food until the expedition, as long as they were the dominant life forms, copying what they could of the lost civilization of the Old Ones and quarantined from the rest of the world by a seemingly impenetrable frozen wasteland. Now cognizant of the human race, the Shoggoth may soon enough be farming them and commuting to work on the subway, shopping at Walmart and sitting across the dinner table from someone whose loved one they have recently dined on and replaced. The Shoggoth are shapeshifters. They can become the duplicate of any organism they come into contact with.

The paranoiac premise is plainly articulated in iconic horror film director John Carpenters 1982 cinematic classic The Thing. In the movie, the shape-shifting entity is an alien from outer space marooned in the Antarctic for a hundred thousand years. When it’s thawed from a block of ice, the Thing wipes out a Norwegian and American base, impersonating and killing the hapless scientists one by one. Once its slime gets on the victim, it assimilates them, leaving an exact duplicate of the victim, including their personality and memories.

The duplicate can be a colleague or even a sled dog, indistinguishable from the original and easily infiltrating the remaining crew. Regardless of what organism it appears to be, the alien organism can turn into a grotesque arrangement of human body parts, snapping bear trap jaws and whipping tentacles in moments. In the end, the Thing is left marooned in the Antarctic, only in need of a ride to begin assimilating the entire human race.

Although Carpenters movie is a faithful adaption of the 1938 novella ‘Who Goes There?’ At The Mountains of Madness, a novella of the same genre had been first published in Amazing Stories just a couple of years earlier in thirty-six. To say Lovecraft is the most influential writer ever of his genre would be an understatement.

As if to ensure posterity would make no mistakes about where the “Madness” came from, Carpenter directed and scored the 1994 horror film In the Mouth of Madness. The title is a play on Lovecraft’s title At The Mountains of Madness. The story, a tribute to Lovecraft himself, features a phenomenally popular writer named Sutter Cane writing a series of books which, as they are read by the public, open a portal to let through the spawn of Cthulhu putting a nightmare ending to both his stories and the human race.

The Shoggoths ominous piping call of Tekeli-li Tekeli-li is a word borrowed from Edgar Allen Poe’s only novel The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket, which winds up in the Antarctic. Throughout his story Lovecraft hints “at queer notions about unsuspected and forbidden sources to which Poe may have had access when writing his Arthur Gordon Pym a century ago. It will be remembered that in that fantastic tale there is a word of unknown but terrible and prodigious significance connected with the antarctic and screamed eternally by the gigantic, spectrally snowy birds of that malign region’s core.” 97

Lovecraft also mentions the paintings of Nicholas Roerich about a half dozen times throughout the narrative. It is difficult to believe that Lovecraft is not talking about himself too when he mentions access tounsuspected and forbidden sources…’

He calls the mountains of madness and the even higher peaks beyond them the dreaded Plateau of Leng, a place he describes in his writings as where different realities converge. In George R. R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire, adapted for television as Game of Thrones, Leng is an isolated island inhabited by a culture dwelling in the subterranean ruins of an ancient civilization and worshiping the Old Ones.

In At the Mountains of Madness, the narrator prays no one else will ever again go to “their dreaded summits” in the heretofore unexplored eastern Antarctic. “There are protecting hills along the coast beyond them—Queen Mary and Kaiser Wilhelm Lands—and I thank heaven no one has been able to land and climb those hills…”98

Lovecraft is referring to the elevations now known as Bunger Hills on the coast of what used to be known as Wilkes Land. The mysterious interior of Wilkes Land was featured ominously in the 1998 movie The X-Files. In the movie, FBI Agent Fox Mulder must go to the Antarctic to save his partner Dana Scully. She is being held against her will in a lab beneath the surface of the ice. The lab is processing a sentient Black Oil which in reality is an alien entity that has survived underground in petroleum deposits since the Stone Age. It can take over an organism by entering it and with the assistance of a powerful cabal from the West, that have their own interest in creating a human slave race, it is seeking to colonize the earth and eventually the universe…

The hills had only been sighted in 1912 from a distance of forty-seven miles at the time Lovecraft was writing. In 1947 “Operation Highjump personnel were first to view and describe the Bunger Hills area ”from up close. What they saw and photographed from their airplanes was “a large ice free area” that was “dotted with multicolored lakes.” In 1948 the follow-up Operation Windmill would land helicopters at several points, establishing a base on “Thomas Island and making other scientific observations that supplement and confirm information derived from Operation High Jump.” 99

The area was actually called the Bunger Oases or Bunger Lakes after David Bunger the navy pilot who landed a Martin PBM Mariner seaplane on it. The event was filmed with snippets of that film still available on the internet. According to the narrator Bunger is flying over “rugged mountain ranges as far as the eye can see. Bunger leans forward in amazement. His eyes have caught a sudden and unbelievable change in scenery. The universal white has tuned to chocolate brown dotted with blue.” From the air they film “three hundred square miles of land without snow, land that might be in New Mexico or Arizona.” Upon landing the Bunger expedition “finds the water fresh and the temperature thirty eight degrees Fahrenheit. On the shores are vast deposits of coal and of minerals of the utmost importance to civilization…” 100

Since the Antarctic Treaty went into effect in 1961 with all its ensuing subsequent agreements, access there has been severely restricted. In absence of hard facts, speculation is rampant as to the true nature of the Antarctic. There is a persistent rumor that Operation Highjump was in reality a rebuffed military action against a Nazi stronghold beneath the ice.

There is an equally resilient rumor from the other side of the Antarctic that the Falkland Islands War was fought over the sentient Black Oil. The X Files movie was a heads up and the ‘Black Goo’ as it is now known in the alternative media has already been introduced into the general populace. What has only been dreamed from the pinnacle of Synarchism since its days began so long ago has now come to be, a true slave society that exists only to serve the whims of the elite has been achieved.

Looking at the West, where it has long since passed the point where the media manufactures consent and now actually manufactures the people to give their consent, this is not difficult to believe. Facts mean nothing in the face of the left-right paradigm, and the automatons kneel stupefied at the altar of their chosen cybernetic god ingesting lie after lie like they were taking Holy Communion.

Any and all attempts to rouse them from their zombie-like stupor will be ignored if not laughed at and met with threats of violence or actual violence, even as their world crumbles around them. War after war fought only in the name of environmental plunder and death-dealing oil. All the while a seemingly unlimited supply of life-giving fresh water sits frozen and untapped at the earth’s northern and southern extremes.

This empire of the living dead was not created by accident. The few left that are cognizant know this is the work of the covert intelligence operation MK Ultra. Unfortunately, very few of those tormented souls even know how to spell it. A proper reading of Admiral Stansfield Turner’s testimony shows the CIA gave only partial disclosure of one hundred and forty-nine MK Ultra “subprojects, many of which appear to have some connection with research into behavioral modification, drug acquisition and testing, or administering drugs surreptitiously.” There were thirty-three “additional sub-projects concerning certain intelligence activities previously funded under MKULTRA but which have nothing to do either with behavioral modifications, drugs or toxins, or any closely related matter.” 101

Outside of that statement by Turner those not at all coincidental thirty-three additional sub-projects were never mentioned again. But there are indelible clues as to what they were; one of them being the abrupt landing of the CIA’s lead bacteriologist onto the Seventh Avenue pavement in Manhattan, after a short flight from the thirteenth-floor hotel room above he was sharing with his boss. The CIA’s very public execution of Dr. Frank Olsen in front of Madison Square Garden at the end of 1953 is a signpost on a road that leads from WW II Germany and Dr. Kurt Blome into the gaping maw of a twenty-first century Zombie Empire peopled by bacterial agglutinations.

The primary organic substance in all organisms, including humans, is bacteria. Without the guiding hand of bacteria, Evolution is a farce. It is the Horizontal Gene Transfer of bacteria that allows organisms to respond within a few generations to changes in their environment and is the driving force of Evolution itself.Horizontal gene transfer is the transference of genes between organisms by means other than asexual and sexual reproduction.” 102

Dr. Kurt Blome was acquitted of all charges at his 1947 Nuremberg trial, even though he was perhaps the sum of all fears of the mad Nazi genius and his war crimes made the hangedHermann Goring look like Oskar Schindler. In fact, Wolfram Sievers, Reichsgeschäftsführer or managing director of the Ahnenerbe, was hung just for what he knew and from his diaries obviously didn’t like about Blome.

Two months after Blome’s miraculous acquittal “four representatives from Fort Detrick and the CIA’s biological warfare program showed up in Germany to interview him. What he told them about biological warfare no doubt made them swoon, but because of the statements he made to Alsos, he was “inadmissible for immigration” to America [Blome bragged about his prowess in bacteriological warfare to practically anyone who would listen]. Instead, after all legal wrangling failed; Blome was put to work in 1951 for the Army Chemical Corps as the lead doctor at Camp King.” 103

It was Dr. Frank Olsen’s role as a courier between Fort Detrick where he was based in America, to Porton Down in England and Camp King in Germany and what he witnessed Blome still doing to captured Soviets, whom Blome always hated, now with the blessing and assistance of the empires intelligence agencies that he never had from Hitler, that launched Olsen out that thirteenth floor window in fifty-three.

It’s known from an April 18, 1944 entry in Sievers diaries “that Blome was carrying out experiments in neutron radiation. An April 26, 1944 entry shows Blome was also contemplating human experimentation with bacterial pathogens although it doesn’t say what pathogens nor does it give any details as to exactly what Blome was doing with the neutron radiation.” It can be deduced however from the rest of the facts that Blome was mutating bacteria and it is known that “during his interview with the agents from Fort Detrick, Blome recommended the use of Serratia marcescens.” 104

S. marcescens through secretions has been shown to be able to hijack the bodily functions of even the most vigorous of other bacteria such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa, an organism that dines on crude oil and high explosives and use them toward its own ends. In another word, it uses other bacteria as its surrogate.

S. marcescens also produces an endonuclease that is an important tool of geneticists in gene splicing and its appetite for DNA is so ravenous that it is routinely added into weaponized bacteria as a “suicide gene by certain nefarious bacteriologists that would murder the world and call it a job. After a set period in time the gene will not only automatically obliterate the weaponized bacteria it’s been inserted in it will also destroy any recombinant DNA plasmids as well.” 105

Even before the war there had been experiments in America involving the mutation of bacteria for military purposes at the University Of Wisconsin (UW). It would carry over to Fort Detrick and Porton Down during the war, with UW in all likelihood supplying them both with a mysterious strain of Bacillus subtilis now called the “Mil-Spec” strain (ATCC 9372). ” Where it came from and what they did to it will never be known. The “original records describing in detail the maintenance of the strains during the period 1942–1955 were destroyed…” 106

The “‘military strain’ can only be distinguished from B. subtilis by its greasy black color, reminiscent of the sentient “oil” in the X Files…” B. subtilis or common grass bacillus is “found in the gastrointestinal tract of ruminants like cattle; an animal that in America for the last fifty years has been turning up with alarming frequency dead and surgically mutilated. Nobody has ever been caught doing it and the animals usually have their blood, various internal organs and their anuses removed…”107

“In September of 1950, a navy minesweeper drifted silently a couple of miles off the coast of San Francisco for six days. It sprayed clouds of Serratia marcescens into the city’s fabled fog, both mingled together and rolled inland to saturate its unsuspecting residents.” Operation Sea Spray as it was dubbed was not to go unprecedented. “Until 1966, America’s armed forces are known to have biologically and chemically attacked its own citizens at least 239 times in eight American cities” 108

“Not to be outdone by the antics of the colonies, Great Britain’s Ministry of Defense (MoD) had unleashed the madmen of Porton Down right into their own living room. One sixty page report alone issued at the turn of the twenty-first century lists a hundred such attacks – always euphemistically called experiments – by the MoD on British citizens.” 109

The American and British attacks on their own citizens were usually carried out using both S. marcescens and their special military strains of Bacillus…

S. marcescens on bread

Howard Phillip Lovecraft did not begin his career as America’s most influential author of fiction. His early work reads like a cheap imitation of Edgar Allen Poe and Lord Dunsany. Eventually, he would overshadow them both. In one of his early efforts; Fungi from Yuggoth he first mentions the Shoggoth, calling them a fungus but saying little else. In At the Mountains of Madness written over a decade later he calls the Mi-Go a fungus-based life form that unlike the Old Ones or the Shoggoth are from a world endlessly distant from here and not bound to Natures laws. Like the spawn of Cthulhu, they exist in the ethereal and are truly monsters, unlike the Old Ones whom Lovecraft calls Men, even though he describes them as walking vegetables.

In describing the Shoggoth, Lovecraft twice uses the word agglutination. Lovecraft was an avowed racist and anglophile, a true believer in the doctrine of racial hygiene. Student of science that he was he was no doubt acquainted with the work of Max von Gruber, one of the founding fathers of that doctrine. The brilliant German bacteriologist and his equally brilliant British student Herbert Durham had recently coined the word from the Latin; agglutinare to describe the clumping action of bacteria when exposed to a reactant…

It was Fabian Gottlieb von Bellingshausen, a Russian officer in the Imperial Russian Navy of Baltic German descent, who first sighted the Antarctic mainland on January 27, 1820. The station visited by Patriarch Kirill is named after him. Von Bellingshausen, along with a host of other intrepid men, most notably Charles Wilkes for America and James Clark Ross for Great Britain, would map the coast in the ensuing years, but no one penetrated into the vast and unknown interior.

After the doomed 1845 Franklin expedition to the Arctic in which both the celebrated British polar ships HMS Erebus and HMS Terror, the ships used by Ross in the Antarctic, were crushed by the ice with the loss of their entire crews, there was a lull in polar exploration. George von Neumayer, a German explorer, would lobby tirelessly for further exploration of the Antarctic for over thirty years but it was a lecture given by Dr. John Murray entitled “The Renewal of Antarctic Exploration” given to the Royal Geographical Society in London in late 1893 that would kick off what is now known as the Heroic Age of Antarctic exploration.

Murray’s assessment of what could be gained would launch in quick succession four major expeditions. The first being the Belgian Antarctic Expedition of 1897 to 1899, followed by the British Antarctic Expedition of 1898 to 1900 known to posterity as the Southern Cross Expedition and The British National Antarctic Expedition of 1901 to 1904 known as the Discovery Expedition.

Carsten Borchgrevink, an Anglo-Norwegian who led the Southern Cross Expedition, became the first man to penetrate the inland ice pushing a sled to 78O latitude south “to the vicinity of Enderby Land in 1898.”Borchgrevink was about fifteen hundred miles above Bunger Hills using Cartesian coordinates. Under the personal direction of Kaiser Wilhelm II and his imperial government, perhaps anticipating the coming half-century of internecine war between the Saxons, Germany’s Gauss Expedition would set sail for the foreboding east coast of Antarctica on “August 11, 1901.” 110

“The leader of the expedition, Erich Dagobert von Drygalski (1865-1949), was a geographer and had two successful Greenland expeditions”111early in the preceding decade. His ship the Gauss was named after Johann Carl Friedrich Gauss the great German mathematician and pioneer in the fields of Fourier Transforms, non-Euclidian Geometry and the mathematics that spawned the already growing German expertise in Electromagnetic Science…

The Gauss had been custom built for Drygalski and when sold to a Canadian company in 1904 as scrap could not be taken apart and had to be left out in the shipyard to rot. He would run it into the ice and freeze it solid for a year at the foot of the untamed beast that is the Antarctic’s east coast. They were about three hundred miles above Bunger Hills using Cartesian coordinates. “Thirty two participants were involved in the expedition.” 112

Forgoing what was quickly becoming the traditional long expedition over the ice claiming land that could only be inhabited by bacteria, fungus and penguins, the Gauss Expedition used balloons “and Drygalski was able to make the first aerial photographs in the Antarctic. On March 29, 1902, he saw a dark point, which he identified as ice-free land in the distance. Soon, a sled team reached this point which was 80 kilometers away from the ship. It was a 371 meter tall extinct volcano.” 113

“The volcano was called Gaussian Mountain and examined before the winter, and again in the spring.” Although overshadowed in the world’s press at the time by British theatrics the Gauss Expedition would end up publishing twenty volumes of serious scientific data on “geophysics, magnetism and meteorology” 114  at the South Pole.

The magnetic abnormalities in Wilkes Land are now well documented. Using Cartesian coordinates the true magnetic South Pole is estimated by compass or rather a compass failure to be about a thousand miles below Bunger Hills on what is now called the Adélie Coast. Extinct volcanoes like Arizona’s “Agassiz Peak, Freemont Peak and Doyle Peak in the Kachina Peaks Wilderness” 115and Australia’s “Mount Yengo” in the Blue Mountains are known for their exceptional anomalies since time itself began.

According to the Grímnismál, a poem in the Poetic Edda that predates any reliable history the “Yggdrasil has three main roots: one planted in Midgard, the world of mankind; one in Jotunheim”116 the land of the Frost Giants, a land of ice and cold that borders the known world.The other is in Hel, the “homeland of primordial darkness, cold, mist, and ice…”117

The Well of Mimir to which Odin sacrificed an eye to drink from and gain its wisdom is beneath the root of the Yggdrasil inJotunheim. Perhaps the Germans knew exactly what they were looking for and they made a mistake…

Penguins, seals, and seabirds live on the coast of the Antarctic continent but life in the interior is limited to bacteria, lichens, algae, and fungi. As an endospore bacterium is practically immortal, particularly Bacillus subtilis which is the world champion of Sporulation; the process by which endospores are produced. Recently professor Anatoli Brouchkov “head of the Geocryology Department at Moscow State University” injected himself with Bacillus that had been frozen in the Siberian permafrost for three and half million years. He is convinced that he has found a tonic of youth. In an interview with RT he is quoted as saying “If we can find how the bacteria stay alive we probably would be able to find a tool to extend our own lives…”118

Ecosystems are “based on what are known as ‘primary producers’: living things that turn inorganic chemicals and energy into living matter, or biomass. Most of the time this involves photosynthesis, using sunlight to convert atmospheric carbon into sugar.” Last year in Wilkes Land scientists found bacteria “that can survive on air alone without the sunlight or geothermal energy that powers all other known ecosystems. The discovery may change our ideas when pondering the forms extra-terrestrial life might take.”119

Academics estimate life to be four billion years old. For the first three billion, bacteria —a unicellular organism with no defined nucleus— was the dominant life form. Man need not look to the stars to ponder alien life forms. In a five and half foot tall, one hundred and fifty-four pound man there is approximately thirty-nine trillion bacterial cells. There are approximately thirty trillion human cells. In the 1938 novella, the surviving scientists wonder if they will even know when they are no longer men and have been assimilated by the Thing.

There is good reason to believe that gut bacteria already dictates behavior in its“human hosts that will more likely result in the bacteria getting its required nutrients.” 120 Bacteria communicates by using quorum sensing. Its methods work so well in orchestrating a communal intelligence they have been adapted to Robotics and Nanotechnology. Like Lovecraft’s Shoggoth, bacteria was in all likelihood the first “cell group.” A bacterium usually exists as a unicellular organism. But when conditions are right in order to increase feeding efficiency bacteria can also group to form larger multicellular structures like myxobacteria or slime bacteria…

Some 100,000 Myxococcus xanthus cells amassed

Illustrations & quotes for educational purposes. © Jack Heart 2018


75 – Sturleson, Snorre and Olaf Hvitaskald. “The Creation Of The World.” Prose Edda. Blackmask Online., 2001. Pp 46. Web.
76 –  Rasmussen, Carol. “Hot News from the Antarctic Underground.”NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory/California Institute of Technology, Web.
77 – Ibid.
78 – Ibid.
79 – Heart, Jack and Orage . “Titthakara.” The Human: Jack, Orage & friends. Jack Heart writings. (2018): Web.
80 – DAILYMAIL.COM REPORTER. “‘How did we do it without space?’ Hilarious moment astronaut Buzz Aldrin gives Trump a baffled look as the president gives credit to ‘space’ and not scientists for NASA missions.” DailyMail 2 Jul. 2017 Web.
81 – Ibid.
82 – H. P., Lovecraft. “At The Mountains of Madness.” The Transition of H P Lovecraft . Del Rey, 1996. Page 262. Print.
83 – Ibid, Page 265.
84 – Ibid, Page 267.
85 – Ibid, Page 281.
86 – Ibid, Page 301.
87 – Ibid, Page 303.
88 – Ibid, Page 309 – 310.
89 – Ibid.
90 – Ibid, Page 314.
91 – Ibid, Page 315.
92 – Ibid, Page 319.
93 – Ibid, Page 336.
94 – Ibid, Page 339.
95 – Ibid, Page 343.
96 – Ibid, Page 344.
97 – Ibid, Page 340.
98 – Ibid, Page 317 – 318.
99 – Alberts, Fred and Gardner Blodjett. “THE BUNGER HILLS AREA OF ANTARCTICA.” The Professional Geographer Volume 8, 1956 – Issue 3. (1956): Web.
100 – “Operation HIGH JUMP: Antarctica has Warm Inner Lakes in Bunger Hills Area!.” YouTube. 2012doomsdayhoax, 24 Sep 2009. Web.
101 – Heart, Jack and Orage . “MK Ultra – Cybernetic Mutation, Remote Controlled Slaves, Dragon Soldiers and a Zombie Empire; Paint it Blue….” Jack Heart is creating Esoteric Evolution; a primer for the New Gods…. Patreon, 13 Jan 2016 (VT). Web.
102 – Heart, Jack and Orage . “The Blood of Christ – Hemorrhagic Fever, Expendable Humans and Bacteria Gone BeZerk, Paint It Blue by Jack Heart & Orage.” Jack Heart is creating Esoteric Evolution; a primer for the New Gods…. Patreon, 13 Mar 2016(VT).. Web.
103 – “MK Ultra”
104 – Ibid.
105 – “The Blood of Christ”
106 – Gibbons, Henry. “Genomic Signatures of Strain Selection and Enhancement in Bacillus atrophaeus var. globigii, a Historical Biowarfare Simulant.” (25 Mar 2011): Results (Historical investigations of BG provenance). Web.
107 – “MK Ultra”
108 – Ibid.
109 – Ibid.
110 – “Kaiser Wilhelm II. land.” 2000. Web.
111 – Stange, Rolf. “ERICH VON DRYGALSKI: THE GAUSS EXPEDITION (1901-03).” Antarctic history 3: the heroic era. (2014): Web.
112 – Ibid.
113 – Ibid.
114 – Ibid.
115 – Heart, Jack and Orage. “LUCIFER in the Temple of the Dog I.” Jack Heart is creating Esoteric Evolution; a primer for the New Gods…. Patreon, 28 Oct 2016. Web.
116 – McCoy, Daniel. “Yggdrasil.” Norse Mythology for Smart People.Web.
117 – McCoy, Daniel. “NIFLHEIM.” Norse Mythology for Smart People.Web.
118 – “A Russian scientists injected himself with a 3.5 million year old ‘bacteria’ found in Siberia and the results are staggering.” Earth, We Are One. Web.
119 – Fleischfresser, Stephen. “Air-eating bacteria found in Antarctica.” Cosmos Magazine 7 Dec. 2017 Web.
120 – “MK Ultra”


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  1. Now I got it, You are talking about handjobs. After which I ask, do I love myself, do I hate myself or am I right, am I wrong, and the question was? Where is that highway going to, which is the answer. The question and the answer are the same thing, the Truth. CB, it seems to me that You are heading to NY and You know better what’s going on in LA. Three possibilities for that, You are the Big G, You have been in LA and want to get out of there or You are asking permission to go to NY.

    If You ask me, beer, porno magazines and pants off or tea and Quaran, I’d take the first one, but I fully respect those who choose differently.

  2. Well,

    Religion aside, Jack just told us what is going on with the manipulation of the microscopic world and how this life form is not really of this world and how it has turned humanity into a minipulated slave entity controlled by gut bacteria getting its needs met by minipulating its host as if this reality does not get you thinking about and disturbed about those around ?

    As Duff says they are just “to stupid to live” and are they even human anymore?

    Only an opinion….


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