Russia Threatens to End Diplomatic Relations with US Over Biden’s Oral Diarrhea


ALERT:  Sourced from Russian State-Controlled Media – US President Joe Biden earlier called his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin “a war criminal” in the wake of Moscow’s military operation in Ukraine.

The Russian Foreign Ministry handed a note of protest to the US Ambassador John Sullivan on Monday over Joe Biden’s comments about Vladimir Putin – remarks that, according to Moscow, but the relations between the Kremlin and the White House on the verge of being severed.

The US president earlier called his Russian counterpart a “war criminal”. The ministry slammed the remark as “unacceptable” and “unworthy of a statesman of such high rank”, warning Washington that further unfriendly actions would receive a harsh and decisive response.

Additionally, the Foreign Ministry said that the issue of Russian diplomatic missions’ work in the US has been raised with the American ambassador.

“During the discussion of bilateral issues, the Ambassador was acutely confronted with the issue of ensuring normal working conditions for Russian diplomatic missions in the United States, including guarantees for their uninterrupted functioning”, the Russian Foreign Ministry said.

Biden called Putin a “war criminal” on Wednesday during his conversation with reporters at the White House. When a journalist asked whether the US president considered his Russian counterpart to be a war criminal, Biden initially responded negatively, but then clarified: “I think he is a war criminal”.

The remarks prompted a wave of skepticism even among those who largely shared Washington’s official position on the ongoing Ukrainian crisis. After being reached out to for clarification on Biden’s stance, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said the US president “was speaking from his heart and speaking from what he’s seen on television”.

The West, including the United States, has condemned Russia’s military operation in Ukraine and imposed harsh sanctions on Moscow, demanding that the Kremlin immediately stop the operation. Russia, in its turn, has underlined that the goal of the operation is to “demilitarise and de-Nazify” Ukraine and said that its troops do not pose any threat to civilians, as only Ukrainian military infrastructure is being targeted.

In early March, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said that it was “important” for Washington to preserve diplomatic relations with Russia, even in the wake of the US calling on Americans to promptly leave Russia and refrain from trips there as the US government’s opportunities to help them if necessary are limited.



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  1. JD !

    call the Iowa Caucus Chair @ Des Moine !

    Nevada Gov – i had my call yesterday…

    we simply need to get rid of all ! >> if RUssia Breaks… they will cut the gas supplies and halt grain shipments.. here in the states we shut down keystone BC it was a trump project.. its always about them !

    Nev Gov will take Texas !

  2. “…speaking from what he’s seen on television”. Jesus effing Christ, that sounds like something Trump would do. Biden still thinks he’s operating in a unipolar world, and his foreign policy people are looking like amateurs.

  3. We’re being pushed into another f-ing war for Zionism. This time it will be the BIG ONE. Televangelists like Pat Robertson say we should nuke Russia first. Putin, of course, is Gog and Russia is Magog. His Jesus will come riding in on an ICBM and US Christian Zionists will all be raptured up to Heaven. Meanwhile, the real powers that be just smile and shake their heads.

    • There are powerful forces working to push this into a full scale major war, for the same reasons they have always done so…to create more destruction and more opportunities to make money. This has been going on long enough to figure it out who is on the short end of the stick, but they are too lazy to face the reality so they just sit back and watch it happen. We have in front of us two people trying to play great war leaders, Zelensky and Biden. Neither has the street cred. Biden is the guy that bragged about bombing Belgrade, that it was ‘his idea’, which including the Chinese embassy. The video clip is going around. It’s an obvious grifter piece when you see it.

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