“Patience is running out”: Europeans outraged by the boorish behavior of Ukrainian refugees



by Anna Yeremeeva – March 30, 2022

More and more Europe is beginning to criticize the behavior of Ukrainian refugees. Europeans complain that Ukrainians “have brought them trouble,” the Chinese newspaper Global Times reported. People’s News reported on what lies behind the indignation of Europeans.

Social networks increasingly show the true attitude of Ukrainians to the hospitality of Western neighbors and inadequate behavior towards Russians living in EU countries. Everything Russian causes them resentment, so Ukrainians organize pogroms, engage in vandalism, and attack those who have something to do with or support Russia.

Newsfeeds were full of examples of the boorish behavior of Ukrainians in the West. For example, a Russian-speaking resident of Germany living in Munich reported that Ukrainians are not even afraid of law enforcement.

“It has reached such idiocy that Ukrainian refugees tear off the letter Z from police cars [from the Polizei inscription]. At the same time, the policemen themselves do not react in any way. A car with Ukrainian plates is parked, a car with German plates is parked, it takes two hours, and then you get a fine. The German car will definitely get a fine, and the Ukrainian car stands without a fine, nothing, “- said the man.

At the same time, the resident of Germany noted that he had purchased a winter suit with a large number of Russian symbols on it. Now the man prefers not to wear these clothes, fearing the inadequate reaction of refugees from Ukraine.

At the same time, broken cars with Russian license plates in Germany cannot be counted now. And Russian and Belarusian truckers are prevented from driving by their “colleagues” with Ukrainian flags, reports Channel 5.

A video of a resident of Moldova has also appeared in the network, in which she expressed her dissatisfaction with the unacceptable behavior of some Ukrainians, coming into the country. She had a big question about who the refugees are, to shout and argue with the staff because of the fact that they speak Russian to them.

She urged the refugees to behave decently or go back to their homeland. A video with the corresponding story was published on TikTok.

Another Moldovan resident wrote a huge “letter” of indignation after seeing the behavior of Ukrainians on the streets of his hometown.

“I have had enough. For the third day I was watching, today my patience burst. Dear citizens of Ukraine, riding on the roads of Chisinau. The fact that you are refugees doesn’t give you the right to violate traffic rules, fly around the city at a speed of about 100 km/h, cut off and park where and how you like. Every other car in the center (I have not seen in other places) with Ukrainian plates – is violating. Today, because of one of them I almost had an accident: a man cut me off in a curve on a crossover BMW X5, which was the last straw”, said the resident of Chisinau.

Among other things, a native Ukrainian who moved to Warsaw some time ago posted a video in which he apologized for the behavior of his countrymen in Poland.

According to him, some of the Ukrainian refugees absolutely do not appreciate the help they receive and behave inappropriately, refusing basic necessities in preference for alcohol.

“I drive people around Warsaw, I help them financially and buy them food, sometimes I come to the border, there I distribute sweets to children. And the refugees say, ‘Take us to the store, we want to eat. We go to the store – they take the beer. They are not happy with everything – no cars, no housing, no city. I offer to take them to Warsaw, but they say: take them to Berlin. People are trying to help you – appreciate it,” the man said to his fellow countrymen.

Other Polish residents also expressed their dissatisfaction with the behavior of refugees from Ukraine. Thus, in “VKontakte”, in the group “Typical Poznan” there was a large appeal to Ukrainians who arrived in the country.

“Dear volunteers, we really ask you to warn people that they are refugees, not clients of a travel agency, and they will not be taken to a five-star hotel. Poles are not obliged to provide them with super-conditions and services. Now there are a lot of complaints from Poles that Ukrainians come, turn their noses up, for example, that the kitchen is shared for two rooms, and leave. Can you imagine how the locals feel, who have tried to equip the premises free of charge for strangers, to fill the fridges with food, and they are told that it is not enough,” the Poles wrote.

Note that the total number of refugees from Ukraine has reached 3.2 million since the beginning of Russia’s military special operation. According to the UN, more than half of them are in Poland. Another 500,000 people were in Romania, 350,000 in Moldova, over 280,000 in Hungary, 230,000 in Slovakia, and almost 360,000 in Russia.


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  1. I file this under ‘just desserts’. Maybe they can get the Ukies to help pay for the US LPG they will be paying thru the nose for. I also find it more than humorous that the west likes payments only in dollars and the rest of the world has to submit to that, but when Russia demands rubles…I love it that ‘they won’t pay in rubles’. I guess they won’t be heating, cooking or working either. They can thank the US and their new boarders for that bit of screwing. As ye sow, so shall ye reap. HAHAHAHAHA.

  2. When Poland in practice expelled most of the remaining Polish Jews in the mid 1960ies (which war very popular amongst the Christian Catholic Polish population), some ended up in Sweden and in Norway with high demands and haughty arrogance. In Denmark, the policy on the Polish Jews was much stricter: THey were placed in camps providing them with basic shelter and necessities and only let out to settle elsewhere when they had found employment and could take care of themselves. They should learn to integrate and so they did. I believe one important factor in Denmark was that there were very many Danish Jews in the Danish refugee authorities: “It takes one to know one!”

  3. Unfortunately, we have been familiar with branded Ukrainian rudeness/boorish behavior for a long time. I have worked with welders from Ukraine in 2009. They have a very cunning mentality and a craving for theft. One welder from Ukraine, before going home after finishing work, stuffed his bags with rusty nails, nuts, tools and welding wire from CRC. When I asked him why he had to carry this shit in his luggage from Siberia, he told me: “Andrey, you have to pay money at home for this. Everything in the household will come in handy.”
    I didn’t say anything more to him. I understood everything then…

  4. Well, Europeans should show some gratitude, Ukrainians are saving them from Russian menace after all!

  5. You knew that you were getting in bed with Nazi so just suck it up. Remember to allow them to live in your home, give them your money and share your wife and daughters with the males, it’s the right thing to do since you asked for it!

  6. ***P E R F E C T***
    After you get to know Ukros…
    you gonna fall in love with your Arab, Afghan, Middle Eastern Refugees !!!

    • Hardly midle eastern will rull over Europe, they doesn´t work, accept the kind of job´s that most of us black´s accept here in Europe to be imported in huge numbers as black´s are just to replace their ageing population.

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