Biden is surrounded by a band of rogues who want to destroy Russia


DISCLOSURE: Sourced from Russian government funded media

Press TV: A former CIA officer has said that the administration of US President Joe Biden is surrounded “by a band of rogues” who plan to destroy Russia by calling President Vladimir Putin names.

Philip Giraldi made the remarks in an article, headlined Thinking Harder About False Flags and Other Fables, published on Tuesday.

“Apparently, the man whom President Joe Biden has called a ‘thug,’ ‘killer,’ and ‘war criminal’ is now also charged with carrying out a ‘genocide’ and, according to CIA Director William Burns, he may in ‘despair’ over his apparently stalled invasion, be contemplating the use of tactical nuclear weapons,” Giraldi wrote.

He added that “over at the Pentagon, positively aglow with the largest ‘defense’ budget since Vietnam, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Mark Milley is advising that the war started in Ukraine will require building still more US military bases in Europe to confront Putin.”

“It is unclear who exactly in the band of rogues surrounding Biden is most responsible for the rhetorical flourishes and hyperbole, though one might assume that it is in a fact a group effort by a chorus of mental midgets, most of whom were inherited from the beatified Barack Obama’s Administration,” he stated.

He warned that “Russia is a significant country possessing a ballistic and submarine launched nuclear missile capability that could destroy the United States.”

The analyst then reminded the Biden administration that “there will have to be some way to dialogue with the Kremlin after the Ukraine fiasco has ended.”

“Calling foreign heads of state criminals and mass murderers is not the best way to restore a satisfactory level of mutual respect that will permit discussion regarding issues of mutual concern, like war and peace,” he pointed out.

In a further ratcheting up of Washington’s offensive against Moscow over its military action against the Kiev government, Biden last week accused Putin of committing genocide in Ukraine.

The Biden administration has previously accused Putin of committing war crimes in Ukraine but has stopped short of accusing him of “genocide.”

Biden’s comments come after clashes escalated between Russian troops and Ukrainian forces over the control of the besieged port city of Mariupol.

Since the onset of the military campaign in Ukraine, Russia has been trying to connect the Crimean Peninsula with the breakaway regions of Donetsk and Lugansk in the Donbass, laying siege to the strategically-located city of Mariupol, once home to more than 400,000 people.

According to Western media reports, Russian missiles last week struck a train station in Ukraine, killing more than 50 people. And a week before images of civilian bodies in the streets emerged from the town of Bucha near Kiev.

Asked if the killings in Bucha constituted genocide, Biden replied: “No, I think it is a war crime.”

White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan also refused to call it genocide.


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  1. Biden suffers from hallucinations. He has a couple of months left! He sees the angels of death calling his sinful soul to the judgment of God!

  2. True but Bidan doesn’t need much of a push since he has his own corrupt interests in Ukraine thanks to Hunter.

  3. “It is unclear who exactly in the band of rogues surrounding Biden is most responsible for the rhetorical flourishes and hyperbole… “
    I personally believe the band of rogues surrounding Joe “I am a Zionist” Biden most responsible for the rhetorical flourishes and hyperbole are puppets of JudeoZionist Janet Yellen, the Zionist Occupied USA’s Treasury Secretary.
    I’d go as far as saying it was the Zionists who picked Biden and it was they who picked Yellen.
    The byline read “Incoming US Treasury Secretary Yellen Vows to Stay Tough on Russia Over Ukraine” She further stated that she would slap SANCTIONS on Russia. And sure enough after the Ukraine-Russia War started Biden followed her lead and began his barrage of sanctions on Russia. This was being criticized by [Z]Elensky and the war hawks that his sanctions weren’t enough…

  4. In actuality, Biden is surrounded by a band of rogues who want to destroy the USA. Always remember, Zionism is an apocalyptic death cult. Both US Ashkenazi neocons and 50 million so-called Christian Zionists see America as a “golden calf” that they will suck dry, chop up, and sell off piece by piece until there is nothing left but the world’s biggest welfare state that they will create and control. At least that’s how Netanyahu bragged about it back in 1990. Here we are today, $30 trillion in debt, dollar hegemony kaput, and there’s absolutely nothing we can do about it… except start WWIII.

  5. Isn’t Biden the head of the Executive Branch? Now, we want to blame his advisors for his pig-headed stupidity. Just like we gave the Great Fake Obama a free pass? Traitors, one and all.

    • Yes he is and so far he hasn’t ordered the kill of a top general or a scientist. As a matter of fact he has tried very hard to rejoin the JCPOA to clean after Trump who is 100% leveraged by Russian oligarchs hiding in Israel, there is no question about it.
      The question is this: now that Russia and Israel are divorced, and Israel is fighting Russia in Ukraine, if Trump was president, which one of the two countries would be yanking his chain ? Israel who financed his miserable campaign or Russia who has his loans ?

      Hey did you see yesterday Macron said to Le Pen at one point “you are talking to your Russian banker” not to the people. And Marine turned around and answered that’s because you bankers didn’t give me loan.

      Every politician is owned. But at least some of them put up a fight. Trump however took the orders and tried to deliver an insurrection. That’s a real traitor.

    • Biden doesn’t have a clue whats going on around him he is in la la land so its easy to run pass around him, but in his heyday he would be right in on this operation because Biden is nothing but an old company man.
      Biden has no problem getting billions to give military aid for The Ukraine but can’t raise a red cent to help struggling US citizens, Biden is a demented failure.

    • Yes, timing is everything. Why did Putin wait until Biden won the election before moving on Zelensky? We will never know exactly how this would have rolled if Trump had won. History is often a series of accidents.

    • Trump surrounded himself with the Likes of Bolton Pompeo and Gina Haspel, you don’t have to be a genius to know how imbecile Trump would have fumbled us into war.

  6. The provocation of Russia/Putin, just the latest Chapter by the ‘Demonic Powers that Be’ Foreign and DOMESTIC, who are behind the Greatest Crime EVER against the American People, the Controlled Demolition of the WTC. Towers #1, #2, #7, and the Murder of some 3000 innocent Collateral Victims, to avoid, postpone, deflect, ignore a Real Investigation into the ‘9/11’ Demonic Undertaking! For over 2 decades now, they have succeeded! It is such an immense CRIME, “False Flag” attack against America, that the Perpetrators are willing to start WWIII, to escape with the TRUTH!

    • Certainly, both Putin and Lavrov know who really did 9/11. Israel nuked us on that horrible day and got away with it. They must be smiling and shaking their heads every time Biden goes off about Russia’s war crimes.

    • When Assange is transported from Britain to the United States, it will be another triumph of injustice. And any of us can be next. Julian would have been better off sharing a room with Snowden…

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