EU aims for zero dependence on Russian energy BY 2027!


First published 26 April 2022 on PressTV

The European Union (EU) is considering reducing its dependence on Russian oil and gas by two-thirds by the end of the year, in response to the Russian military offensive against Ukraine.

The 27- member bloc’s Economic Commissioner Paolo Gentiloni said in an interview on Tuesday that the EU aimed to reduce its dependence on Russian oil to zero by the end of 2027.

Gentiloni told Italian newspaper Il Messaggero that the bloc would also cut its own growth estimates for 2022 from a previous target of 4%.

Meanwhile, the member states are also looking at whether to impose a ceiling on what they would pay for Russian oil as a way to hit Moscow’s revenues.

“[The talks are about] finding the best way to deny [President Vladimir Putin] the revenue that he needs,” The Financial Times quoted one person familiar with the talks as saying.

An oil price cap is one of a number of proposals being discussed as European ambassadors prepare for talks in the coming days about more sanctions on Moscow over the Russian military campaign in Ukraine.

Any additional sanctions against Russia would be the sixth such package since Putin ordered the campaign two months ago.

EU member states, however, are divided over how aggressively to move against Russian energy, as it provides more than a quarter of EU crude oil imports. Talks to find ready alternatives to Russian fuel have also sparked a political divide in Europe over nuclear power.

Nuclear energy could help solve Europe’s dependence on Russia, but according to experts, it will not be a quick fix.

A quarter of all electricity in the EU comes from nuclear power produced in a dozen countries from an aging fleet that was mostly built in the 1980s.

France, with 56 reactors, produces more than half the total.

A police vessel parks near Greenpeace environmental activists as they stage action against the ship Ust Luga, which will reportedly unload Russian oil in the harbor of Aasgaardstrand, Norway, on April 25, 2022. (Photo by Reuters)


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  1. ….. and the uranium to power those reactors comes from……. wait for it… wait for it…. RUSSIA! To a large extent, so another supply bottleneck in that space as well. Buy a wood burning stove and a small forest if you can, or dig a deep enough bunker so you dont freeze over winer. Cheers to people of good will.

  2. Russia stopped gas supplies to Poland after refusing to pay in rubles.
    Russia has stopped gas supplies to Poland, the Onet portal reports. Before that, Warsaw refused to pay for Russian gas in rubles.
    “Russia has suspended gas supplies to Poland under the Yamal contract,” the portal reports.
    It is reported that a crisis group has gathered at the country’s Climate Ministry. At the same time, there was no official statement from Russia to Poland, the newspaper notes.
    Earlier, Poland refused to pay for Russian gas in rubles. Russia requires payment in this form from a number of states in accordance with the decree of President Vladimir Putin.

    • They should have done this months ago right after Poland announced military aid to Ukraine in late February.

      Russia also should have been pre-emptive and started shifting gas production to the Chinese market as early as a decade ago. The Maidan uprising in Ukraine was in 2013. I think they didn’t due to White solidarity. Many Russians are part Mongol, but still overall white, so they thought they could make friends with the west. Think again.

      Russia has failed to capitalize on events in every sense of the word. China is even more pathetic. They have a perfect time right now to take Taiwan. The U.S. currently has a senile president whose only concern is Milabs. They even have technical devices which cause Milab participants (high ranking politicians) to have blackouts until the next Milab trip.

      China has failed to capitalize on a swift takeover of Taiwan. They are laughing stock. I saw the same stupidity play out in WW2. If Germany and Japan had worked cohesively, they could have dismantled the USSR, and focused solely on the USA, but they didn’t. Russia was able to move all its Siberian forces and defeat Hitler.

      Russia is fighting literally 30 countries right now single handedly, and China (their supposed ally) has failed to coordinate any military strategy. China could instead be bowing to Biden’s masters as far as anyone can actually tell.

  3. The figure of $ 1 billion a day is often announced – this is how much Russia earns daily on oil and gas supplies. Germany already owes us about $36 billion.
    In general, this “Strange war” is beginning to bother us: we are already openly told in the West that they want to destroy my country and the president. And we’re like babysitters with them. A kind Russian soul.
    I understand that the country’s economy is closely interconnected, I understand that my country needs money. But as an exception, it would be nice to just cut down hydrocarbons for particularly aggressive countries. Great Britain, our existential enemy and Poland, the NATO paper pitbull, could well try to live for half a year without Russian gas, to begin with.
    Have you heard what the British Defense Minister said recently? His last name is Hippie (or sort of that) .
    I always thought hippies were pacifists. But this Brit crossed all the lines and revealed his true face.

  4. From what I gather, free energy exists and all nations should strive or be provided access to that technology. Or maybe Nations like people cannot be trusted with such things. It appears an entity exists that makes this an impossible dream. The survival of this unnamed unknowable Cabal guarantees, national, international and world dependence. I think Bob has said “we all gotta serve somebody”

    • That entity is human greed and stupidity….
      I constructed recently two “bitorroodal” transformers (AKA BiTT) that output six times more power than the input, as they run on reactive power, but output real power
      Simple, you take a standard three phase transformer and make “magnetic shunt bars: of laminate steel that extend from one secondary leg to the other, bypassing the central primary leg. A secondary B primary C secondary.
      Primary coil on B leg recieves the AC input, Secondary coils A and C wired in series for the AC output.
      Backemf from secondaries which normally reflect their backemf force into primary upon loading secondaries with resistance, instead is diverted into oppoisite secondary, reinforcing power made in secondaries, instead of raising the input draw to primary, as is normal for transformers.
      Its all laminate steel plates and copper wire. Nothing voodoo or nuclear about it.
      Right now everyone hates the idea. As imagine if this was put into a closed loop, and the excess energy used to power stuff.
      No more nuclear industry just for one thing, plus no need for gas or oil.
      China will start making them soon. Followed by Russia, Followed by Germany and all countries with a good supply of steel and copper. It will be the end of the nuclear era and wars over gas and oil as well.

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